Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Previous Episodes

Sep 18, 2019

EFR 225: Bouncing Back from Rock Bottom with May Chewning

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Welcome to your monthly bonus episode with Chase and his wife May! They share their ups and downs (and more downs) from their first full year living in California. Remember - sometimes even the best-laid plans can fail, what you do in that time at rock bottom separates you from people who chose to accept that fate and those whom decide to accept the challenge and bounce back!

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


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Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Today's show is brought to you by our new friends at CALDERA + LAB and their incredible multi-function men's face serum. Save 20% on your first order of The Good with code "EVERFORWARD" or visit

Michael Isom has dedicated his life to empowering conversations around production and protection. He passionately believes that we are living during the most extraordinary time in human history.Entrepreneurs are going to create more wealth for themselves and society over the next decade than we did during the entire 20th century.

Michael built the financial firm Vault AIS for you to understand and leverage the principles underlying these economic forces at play. Co-Author of What Would The Rockefellers Do, Michael speaks across the country inspiring business owners and professionals on The AIS Triangle. A unique system to pay less in tax, safeguard money, access that money along the way, earn interest versus paying it, ensuring money survives from one generation to the other and simplifying personal finance.

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

  • 20% off of "The Good" by CALDERA + LAB their incredible multi-function men's face serum, named "#1 by GQ magazine" - save 20% on your first order of The Good with code "EVERFORWARD" or visit

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Sep 12, 2019

EFR 223: How Changing Your Body Can Change Your Mind with Felicia Broccolo

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Becoming more active is one thing, but to take your fitness goals to more extremes with a physique competition is an entirely new level. But that is what Felicia Broccolo decided to do, and not only did she succeed on stage but left that experience with a completely transformed outlook on life.

Her philosophy of "abs are made in the mind" is an incredible mindset to have towards your fitness and nutrition goals no doubt, but proof that once we focus on improving our perspective on our problems become achievable in ways never thought possible.

Follow Felicia @absaremadeinthemind

Follow Chase @chae_chewning

Chase's YouTube channel


Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Sep 9, 2019

EFR 222: Coming Face to Face with Our Diet Demons with Frankie Gonyea

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For many of us, we began dieting at a young age and perhaps were not even fully aware of it. That was the case for Frankie Gonyea at the age of only 8 years old. Extreme training and dieting methods were the norm due to his chosen path as an athlete, but those habits stayed with him long after the season ended. Unable to even look at himself in the mirror, Frankie spiraled into a depression and a myriad of other unhealthy habits before finally coming face to face with those diet demons.

Follow Frankie @coach_fast_hands_4u

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

Matt Louis is one of the nation’s leading experts in career transition for veterans and public service professionals. In this powerful episode, Matt explains why so many of us struggle with life's transitions - military or civilian - and how we can best prepare for them ahead of time, what to look for during major life transitions to make the experience more bearable, and how to even establish your own support system.

Matt coaches individuals on their transition efforts and advises employers on hiring programs designed to successfully assimilate these valuable talent pools. He is the author of the forthcoming HarperCollins book "Mission Transition", a practical guide for veterans in transition and their employers.

Follow Matt on Facebook @MatthewJLouis

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD, specifically Chase's mentorship program through EF Coach or podcasting consulting and production services, please email him at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Sep 4, 2019

EFR 220: Effective Relationship Building Tactics in the Digital Age with Josiah Novak

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Save 10% with code "CHASE" here:

Starting any new endeavor these days can be met with a lot of learning curves, especially platforms such as podcasting and other social media outlets. Fellow entrepreneur Josiah Novak, friend of the show and host of the True Transformation Podcast, shares his experiences in launching and sustaining a podcast as well as perennial relationship-building tactics that he and host Chase have found useful for personal and professional growth.

Follow Josiah @josiahfitness

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Coffee Talk is made possible by our friends at STRONG COFFEE COMPANY Enjoy a cup of coffee that helps you not only wake the F up, but empowers your body and mind to do something bold while serving a greater cause.

Sep 3, 2019

EFR 219: The Path to Self-Love with Josh Trent

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*Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition's amazing mint chocolate chip ice cream whey protein powder with code "EVERFORWARD" at 

Join us in welcoming back fellow podcaster and wellness expert Josh Trent to the EF Radio airwaves! Host of the top-ranked Wellness Force Radio podcast and fitness and nutrition expert, Josh has shifted his attention over the years to a path of self-discovery and self-love.

In this dual-interview, he and Chase openly discuss their biggest past traumas, limiting beliefs, and the work they both continue to go through to better understand their true self, improve their personal and professional relationships, as well achieve their most optimal form of wellness possible.

Josh first appeared on Ever Forward Radio in episode 27, "How to Shed Weight and Find Intrinsic Motivation"

Follow Josh @trent_sd

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD, specifically Chase's mentorship program through EF Coach or podcasting consulting and production services, please email him at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

*Learn from Chase on how to start your very own podcast! Enroll in the FREE "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" now at and launch your show.*

Back pain, particularly thoracic spine pain, is something countless humans endure on a daily basis. But more often than not it expresses itself in other ways; shoulder pain, neck pain, or various other forms of upper body discomfort. Dr. Justin Bryant, DC, an AIRROSTI provider and good friend of the show, is back to help us all better understand the function of, simple at-home ways to test it, and even simple exercises to treat thoracic spine pain.

Get your FREE "Thoracic Spine Companion" PDF, or email us directly at 

Follow Dr. Bryant @dr.justin_bryant

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Most people think mental toughness when they imagine a Navy SEAL. What they don’t expect is the thoughtful, yoga-innovating, joking and laughing, professor of leadership named Mark Divine.

Grown up in upstate New York, a degree in economics and an MBA from NYU. He’d prepared for life as a high powered CPA… and then left his high paying finance career for the adventurous life of a Navy SEAL officer. Now he’s once again sought after by those same corporations and institutions, as a trainer of the mental toughness and the whole person training that shaped, and healed him.

Through Mark’s teaching, entrepreneurial endeavors and travel to foreign countries, he noticed the power of mental toughness, emotional resilience, intuitive leadership and a healthy spirit for anyone wanting breakthrough performance. They weren’t solely for combat or restricted to the business world or one culture. He’d watch them transform lives in people from every background, nation and belief system. So he wrote and self-published his first book, Unbeatable Mind, in 2011 and launched its at-home study program, followed by The Way of the Seal.

Follow Mark @theunbeatablemind

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Chase's YT channel

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching services at EF Coach, podcasting consulting and production services, EF Radio guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your podcast please email him directly at

*Learn from Chase on how to start your very own podcast! Enroll in the FREE "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" now at and launch your show while connecting with other podcasters!

Host of the wildly successful Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast and serial entrepreneur, John Lee Dumas has earned his stripes when it comes to devoting your life to a higher purpose and the willingness to show up each and every day. After serving as an active duty Army Officer for four years,  he tried Law School (first semester dropout), corporate finance and even commercial real estate. He then took to podcasting and pioneered the daily show for over seven years now, over 20,000 guests, and millions upon millions of downloads. JLD shares his key tactics on what to do and what not to do in order to be a successful entrepreneur.

Follow JLD @johnleedumas

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD, specifically Chase's mentorship program through EF Coach or podcasting consulting and production services, please email him at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Aug 19, 2019

EFR 215 : The Dichotomy of Social Media with Jazmine Garcia

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Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, & elixirs to promote relaxation, live well, & enhance cognitive function at - code "EVERFORWARD"

Hit record. Snap a pic. It sounds so simple, right? Building and sharing your life on social media is no simple task, not if you want to make it through unscathed and free of backlash. Jazmine Garcia, YouTube star and social media influencer, shares her honest feelings about publicizing mental health issues, how to maintain your sanity while putting your entire life online, and how she has been able to scale her business to new heights.

Jazmine's YouTube channel

Follow Jazmine @jazminegarcia

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD, specifically Chase's mentorship program through EF Coach or podcasting consulting and production services, please email him at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Aug 15, 2019

EFR 214: Trusting the Process to Get Better Today with Russel Orhii

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The world's greatest podcast brings you the world's champion powerlifter, Russel Orhii! A.k.a. "russwole" may surprise you with the things that matter most in his life and the processes he uses to honor his craft. Whether he is talking about developing his relationships with family, spending hours in the gym, or slinging his latest merch he will no doubt help you "get better today" and teach you how to trust the process.

Follow Russel @russwole

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD, specifically Chase's mentorship program through EF Coach, please email him at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts at