Nov 25, 2019
EFR 252: Participate in Your Own Rescue by Mastering Your Time and Energy with Johnny Wimbrey
EFR 252: Participate in Your Own Rescue by Mastering Your Time and Energy with Johnny Wimbrey
"What can stop me? TIME and ENERGY!... the worst thing that you can do is lie to YOU!" Powerful words from today's guest Johnny Wimbrey, author and motivational speaker. Johnny and I briefly discussed the recent loss of his father, his hero, and how the commonality in our story has helped solidify our character and our purpose. We then dive deep into how we can "participate in our own rescue" by mastering our time and energy to finally set realistic goals, stick to them and find the right community along the way.
Connect w/ Johnny @wimbrey
Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning
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Johnny's book From the Hood to Doing Good
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