Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Jeffrey Shaw is a small business consultant, sought-after speaker, and author of Lingo and The Self-Employed Life. 

From selling eggs door-to-door at fourteen to gaining a reputation as one of the most preeminent portrait photographers in the United States, Jeffrey has lived a varied and colorful life with only one thing in common: He’s never, ever worked for a boss other than himself! 

Listen in as Jeffrey explains why discovering “the intersection of meaning and marketability” is key to finding success as a self-employed professional. He breaks down the three-element “self-employed ecosystem” that he writes about in The Self-employed Life; namely, personal developmentbusiness strategies, and daily habits that create consistent mindsets

As every crisis deepens our humanity, Jeffrey believes there is a call for businesses to be more compassionate, empathetic, and inclusive, now more than ever. He shares how he sees companies redesigning the workforce to accommodate the value-shifts of the last year-and-a-half.


Follow Jeffrey @jeffreyshaw

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • What is the very first thing you need to know once you’ve decided to step into the self-employed life?

  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, which aspects of one’s personal development have become more crucial than ever to focus on?

  • What does the future of the workplace look like, not just physically, but from a cultural level as well?

  • There’s never been a better time in history to be a creative. Jeffrey shares how the self-employed creative can thrive in today’s market.

  • Jeffrey talks about the concept of “hug marketing” and what makes it so much more powerful than simply moving prospects through a sales funnel.

Powerful Quotes by Jeffrey Shaw

What drives you crazy? There’s a really good chance that what drives you crazy in life is what you would love to do to solve that problem.

Work-life balance is a fallacy. Your life is in balance if you’re empowered with the choice.

I truly believe you get the best of people if you give them autonomy.

Without a doubt, the biggest shift in business I’ve seen in 37 years is that people no longer hire you because you’re the best at what you do—they hire you because they feel like you get them.

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In 2012, Ken Cook, President of Environmental Working Group (EMG) presented a 22-minute talk called “10 Americans”. In it, he shares EMG’s research on ten individuals across the country to determine how dependent a person’s toxic load was on where they lived.

What they found was that these ten Americans had over 200 cancer-causing chemicals in them that could potentially lead to infertility, thyroid problems, and autoimmune conditions.

Other than the toxins themselves, there was only one commonality shared by every individual in this study:

All ten of these Americans were still in the womb.

A decade later, we’re being barraged by more harmful chemicals in our everyday lives than ever before. What can we do to start lowering our “toxic bucket” today?

Dr. Mindy Pelz is a holistic health and fasting expert. Her tips on fasting and alternative health can be found on her YouTube channel as well as the podcast she founded and hosts, The Resetter Podcast. Dr. Pelz is the author of three bestselling books The Menopause Reset, The Reset Factor, and The Reset Factor Kitchen.

Dr. Pelz is also the founder of Family Life Wellness (formerly Family Life Chiropractic), a biohacking center in the Bay Area focused on speeding up the healing process and maximizing performance.

Listen in as Dr. Pelz shares how to lower your toxic bucket in the modern world, how fasting can nip chronic disease in the bud, why experiencing symptoms such as fever or mucus buildup is actually your body’s innate healing mechanism in action, and why addressing immunocompromisation is far more important to ending the pandemic than vaccines and lockdowns.

Follow Dr. Pelz @dr.mindypelz

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Toxins are seeping into our environment and into our bodies, contributing to rising infertility. What exactly are the reasons for this alarming rise in infertility?

  • What is our “toxic bucket” and how do we keep it low as we live our day-to-day lives?

  • Dr. Pelz explains how fasting can overcome the toxins that barrage us daily and contribute to weight loss, mental energy, clarity, and sleep.

  • Dr. Pelz speaks on the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

  • What are the three primary factors that lead to immunocompromisation and how can addressing these factors bring the pandemic to an end?

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Mindy Pelz

We are actually living in the most toxic time in human history. [...] What the FDA has done is allow ingredients to go into our food that are considered “safe” but haven’t been proven guilty. They can be carcinogenic; they can cause hormonal disruption.

You came preprogrammed with a healing mechanism inside every cell within you. The problem is, you are never taught that. You’re taught, from the moment you come out, that if you have a symptom, you need to put something from the outside-in to fix that symptom. But symptoms are your body’s way of healing.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Sugarbreak

When it comes to your blood sugar, there's no time for mystery. That's why Sugarbreak products are scientifically formulated at the optimal saturation levels, quantities and combinations. Our ingredients have been researched and tested in over 20 clinical studies, taking the guesswork out of natural.

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Aug 5, 2021

EFR 509: Why Everyone Can Benefit From Taking Collagen with Charlie Bailes

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What makes collagen such a unique protein and why should you care?

For starters, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, making up about a third of your body’s protein composition.

It’s known as the “glue” that holds everything together, and once you hit 25, your body’s ability to create collagen begins to weaken; hence the “aches and pains” of old age. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Today’s guest, Charlie Bailes, says that he is in better shape at 34 than he was at 24, mainly thanks to incorporating more collagen into his diet.

But what really opened his eyes to the power of collagen was its healing effect on his daughter Vivian, who at 1-and-a-half years old, routinely became sick. After introducing collagen into her diet (alongside other healthy lifestyle choices such as cutting out gluten, vegetable oils, and sugar), Vivian, who was told by multiple pulmonologists that she would be on an inhaler for the rest of her life, now only uses her inhaler about two times a year.

Collagen had changed the lives of Charlie and his family, and he wanted to pay it forward. In 2018, Charlie started CB Supplements, founded on the three pillars of premium producteducation, and customer appreciation.


Follow Charlie @cebailes and @cbsupplements

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • In what ways has collagen helped Charlie feel and perform better at 34 years old compared to 24?

  • What makes collagen unique when it comes to our gut health?

  • Charlie explains what to look for in a great collagen supplement.

  • What is the difference between topical and ingested collagen products and why is the latter more effective for your long-term health?

  • Collagen is not the silver bullet. Charlie shares some of the other factors to consider for maximum health and wellness.

Powerful Quotes by Charlie Bailes

Our bodies are really good at creating collagen until we get to about 25 or 30 years old and then we call that “aging”. We just decrease by 1% every year. But it doesn’t really have to be that way. If you make collagen a part of your diet and a part of your daily life, you can thrive well into what we now call “old age”.

I’d rather you go buy better food and invest in bone broth and buy certain organ meats before you go buy a supplement, because a supplement is just that: it’s supposed to supplement your diet. But you can get everything you need from food.

My message to every entrepreneur out there is: If you have an idea, it’s going to die with you unless you do something about it.

I’m the guy who created CB Supplements, and I will tell you: Collagen is not the silver bullet. It is part of the pie of health. It is one of the eight pieces of health. As a company, we want to talk to you about the other seven pieces.


Episode resources:

Aug 4, 2021

EFR 508: Creating a Foundation of Healthy Habits for Long-Term Wellness with Eric Champ

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“It all begins with creating a foundation of healthy habits which can lead to long-term wellness.”

Eric Champ is a Marine Corps veteran who currently owns and operates Champ City Holistic Fitness and a 14-by-7 mobile gym. He is living his passion, but it didn’t come overnight. In fact, there was a point in his life when Eric didn’t even know if he would live to see the day he turned 40 years old.

While in the Marine Corps, holistic health and wellness was the last thing on Eric’s list of priorities. He partied almost every night, loved his drink, and eventually ballooned up to over 250 pounds. He knew deep inside that something was horribly wrong with his lifestyle, but he never could never admit it just because he was too afraid to face himself.

But the day inevitably came when Eric had to come to terms with what was happening, when he had to engage in “that showdown with myself”. He made a fateful decision, while gazing at his deteriorating body in front of the mirror, that he would turn his life around. That decision, coupled with his wife Katie’s determination to keep him accountable, drove Eric to keep his eyes firmly rooted on his new path.

The next morning, Eric grabbed his shorts, headed to the YMCA down the road, and walked a mile on the treadmill. And so began a journey that would later inspire him to launch a fitness platform that would quickly grow into a thriving worldwide business.

Follow Eric @champcityatx

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Where did the idea for Champ City and the mobile “Fit To Me” concept come from?

  • When did the former Marine realize that it wasn’t too late for him to change, even as he was approaching his late-30s?

  • Eric walks us through some of the destructive habits he fell into while in the military without realizing the damage he was doing to his body in the long run.

  • Eric explains the simple movements he always falls back on to stay in shape and why more doesn’t mean better.

  • Eric shares some of the toughest mistakes he had to forgive himself for.

Powerful Quotes by Eric Champ

Addition, not restriction.

Change is hard. Have those honest conversations with yourself, because only you know. You could fake it; but, you’re going to continue to be in despair because you know you’re faking it.

The power of a total transformation, internally and externally, has no equal.

If you want to change your lifestyle, you’re not going to have success in a week, in a month, in a year. Don’t go out sprinting. It’s tiny, incremental changes over time that will lead to a meaningful impact.

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The cost of pet healthcare has been rising in recent years and there seems to be no end in sight. What’s more, the best technology and the best care have mostly been available only to those who can afford them.

Marc Atiyeh is the Founder and CEO of Pawp, “the digital clinic for pets” that gives dog and cat owners unlimited 24/7 access to licensed vets and a $3,000-a-year pet emergency fund.

Pawp’s mission is to make pet healthcare much more affordable and accessible to the vast majority of Americans. By extension, the company’s mission translates into the financial wellbeing of the human beings who serve as pet parents.

“Let Pawp be the first line of defense,” says Marc. “Let’s put in the hands of most Americans some of the best and most advanced pet care experts in the country.”

Listen in as Marc describes the spark that led to the founding of Pawp and how he hopes the business can serve as a model that will lead to much-needed structural changes in the pet healthcare industry.

He also talks all things pet health and how your dog or cat’s wellbeing has a direct influence on your own wellbeing.


Follow Pawp @pawp

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • What is it about our pets that directly contributes to our own wellbeing?

  • How exactly is Pawp making pet health more affordable and accessible?

  • Beyond its immediate goal of granting access to quality healthcare for a fraction of the cost, how is Pawp helping families to improve their mental and financial health?

  • What is Pawp doing to spread the value of having a pet to Americans of all cultural backgrounds?

  • Marc gives his thoughts on why disrupting or revolutionizing the pet healthcare industry doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. In fact, he explains why he hopes that Pawp will cause all ships to rise.


Powerful Quotes by Marc Atiyeh

We didn’t invent telemedicine. I don’t even think we invented televet. But we made pet care affordable and accessible by giving 24/7 access to licensed pet care experts. We also understand that most Americans don’t have $2000 readily available if their dog or their cat were to go through an emergency—this is where I think Pawp shines.

There is no such thing as a bad dog breed; but, there is such thing as a bad pet parent.

A lot of people struggle with personal finances. Having a pet should not add to it. People get pets for a reason, but it’s never to add more stress. We don’t need more stress in our lives.

My mom always told me: “Be careful of people who don’t like animals.”

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Cured Nutrition

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The fitness world was dramatically shaken up during the past year-and-a-half—and with it our own goals. With gyms and other fitness establishments finally opening up, how do we get back on track and move forward in an industry that has transformed in so many ways?

Krysta is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who is the founder of The Fitness FYX brand and the FYX Studio platform. She is the host of THE FYX podcast, a show which covers “all things fitness, nutrition, love, loss, personal and professional relationships, entrepreneurship, being a damn millennial, and embracing that stereotype.”

Listen in as Krysta gives us her thoughts on getting unstuck and taking proactive steps toward your health and fitness goals in the new normal.

She explains the double-edged sword that is the ease of becoming certified as a coach nowadays. She says that this means personal accountability has become one of the biggest keys to breaking through the noise as a trainer—especially boutique ones like herself. Krysta says that trainers now have the responsibility to perform a self-audit to ensure continuous improvement in their specialties.

For both trainers and trainees, she reminds us that more training doesn’t necessarily equal better training and to not become distracted by the increasing complexity and the bells and whistles of the modern fitness industry.

Follow Krysta @thekrystahuber

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Krysta breaks down the difference between results-oriented training and training for general health purposes.

  • Are you just moving, or are you there to get results? Krysta touches on how much of the responsibility in setting performance expectations lies with the trainee and how much lies with the trainer.

  • How effective is community-centered training compared to individual sessions with regard to hitting your personal health and fitness goals?

  • What can someone ask their trainer to get an answer that’s going to put them on the path to getting real results instead of just going through the motions?

  • Krysta explains why too much variety in your workouts can be a limiting factor in seeing results.

Powerful Quotes by Krysta Huber

The client should do the research on what they’re signing up for; but, at the same time, I don’t know that we’ve done a good enough job at educating to be able to teach somebody how to discern, “Is this the right workout for me?”

It’s not “should’ve”, “would’ve”, or “could’ve”. It’s, what can you literally do right in this moment, today?

Be okay with the fact that change is the one thing that is always guaranteed and that you’ve just got to roll with it even if it doesn’t go exactly how you want it to.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Paleovalley

Paleovalley 100% Grass Fed Beef Sticks are the only beef sticks in the USA made from 100% grass fed/grass finished beef and organic spices that are naturally fermented.

Our 100% Grass Fed Beef Sticks are unlike anything else on the market. In fact, they were recently voted in Paleo Magazine as one of the top snacks of the year.

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One of the great attributes of masculine energy is that it pushes us forward—it drives us to advance in a positive direction. But without self-esteem backing up that masculine energy, we may still be able to move forward, but in a negative direction.

In today’s episode, Angelo Sisco of Alpha Hippie talks all things manhood and the oftentimes elusive road to unlocking the professional man within you.

So many of us are obsessed with blazing a trail that, when we look back, we realize we’ve forgotten our heart. On the other hand, there are those of us who live in our hearts and their thoughts without ever taking action.

Listen in as Angelo explains why the first step to embracing your masculinity is actually in nurturing your feminine energy (or what he calls “grace”). He tells us that the lack of understanding and, by extension, the inadequate integration of one’s masculine and feminine energies is the cause for many of the issues we face in the world today.

Follow Angelo @angelo_ sisco

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Self-esteem is the key to manhood and attaining it opens the gate to every other aspect of self-improvement. Angelo shares how to develop your own self-esteem.

  • Angelo explains why self-esteem begins with nurturing your feminine energy, or “grace”, and how your mother’s grace greatly differs, but is no less important than that of your significant other.

  • Masculine energy is the embodiment of action, inspired by self-esteem, anchored by integrity. Angelo walks through the steps to becoming a

    professional man.

  • What are some tangible things you can do to live proactively instead of reactively, and how will the dynamics of all of your relationships change as a result?

  • Angelo speaks on why he believes the world would be better off without toxic femininity than toxic masculinity.

Powerful Quotes by Angelo Sisco

Self-esteem is the reputation you keep for yourself. It’s how you hold yourself and believe who you are in this world. [...] When you lack self-esteem, the world beats you up, because the world is your projection.

The ultimate expression of masculine energy is that we take action.

I’m not in charge of your experience. This is my experience. Take ownership of yours so you don’t have to knock down mine.

Respect is an integration of three things: love, admiration, and just a little fear.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Caldera + Lab

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“You can transition from just being aware of your chaotic and toxic thoughts to being empowered to catch these thoughts in their early stages, manage them. From there, you can improve your overall peace and wellbeing.”

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist who for almost 40 years has been doing research into the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory.

Dr. Leaf is the host of the podcast Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess and the author of the book Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Toxic Thinking (a recent selection for the Ever Forward Book Club!). We talk in-depth about the book in today’s conversation.

Her overall message? You are not your brain. Your mind, in fact, controls your neurophysiology. When you understand your mind, you can begin to drive change in your brain and in your body. It’s all under your control.

She says that, contrary to popular belief, emotional and even physiological symptoms that result from stress are not the result of an irreversibly “broken” brain. Rather, it’s a question of your paradigms or the narrative lens that you see the world through.

“Because our brain is neuroplastic and we make a million new cells every second, we have a lot of power to influence and change” the stories we tell ourselves.

Listen in and learn how you can become empowered to manage your “messy mind” so that you can then give the podium to the “wise mind”.


Follow Caroline @drcarolineleaf

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Why do we have a tendency to glance over the things that we know, in the back of our mind, we need to work on?

  • How does our mental wellbeing directly influence our physiological state and even our telomeres?

  • Dr. Leaf shares how to build a foundation of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing to help us weather the turbulence of life.

  • How can you identify your own “mental mess” and take steps to start cleaning it up?

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Caroline Leaf

If we’re going to make a mess, it’s totally okay. It’s a repair process; it’s a growth process. The thing is not to stay in the mess. The thing is to own it, recognize it, repair it, and grow from it.

Even saying, “I can’t” is a decision. Let’s break that down. Maybe “I can’t do as much, but what can I do?” That kind of thinking starts the shift to empowerment.

Accept the hot mess because that’s the first step to tapping into the wise mind. Messy mind; wise mind.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Organifi

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This nootropic-like brain blend contains clinically studied ingredients to support positive improvements in overall brain health.

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Being grateful for the cards you were dealt from birth—whether you label them as “good” or “bad”—is the key to thriving in life despite the challenges (whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.) unique to you.

That gratitude allows you to contribute some good to the world because you’re pouring from an overflowing reservoir. But if your perspective is that of lack and resentfulness, your reservoir is depleted; and then your chances of contributing any good to the world are nil.

Today’s guest, Courtney Turner, believes that everyone has the ability to shape their destiny, and it starts with discovering that potential in you.

“A lot of the time,” says Courtenay, “when people are filled with despair or depression or anxiety, it's a lack of hope. And lack of hope stems from feeling like you have no control over your future. But the truth is, we don’t know what the future holds.”

By remembering the things that we have overcome or succeeded at in the past, we can pinpoint our strengths, be grateful for them, and then use those gifts to chart a brighter path going forward.

Courtenay Turner is the Founder of WIM: What is Movement!, the Co-Founder of, and the host of The Courtenay Turner Podcast.

Follow Courtenay @kineticcourtz

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Courtenay talks about the bullying and ostracization she experienced as an adolescent and how it built the warrior spirit that led to her success in multiple fields as an adult.

  • Being grateful and willing to persevere in spite of adversity is the secret sauce to success in life. How was Courtenay able to create an identity and feel comfortable around her limitations, and even feel immense gratitude for the cards she was dealt?

  • Courtenay shares her tips, tricks, modalities, and hacks to consistently feel and perform at her best.

Powerful Quotes by Courtenay Turner

All human beings are designed to move. The ways in which we do are our unique creative expressions. I think it’s a metaphor for life.

I always come from a place of gratitude. I know that I am so lucky to be here. I feel very strongly that my soul or my spirit was determined to be here. I wanted to be alive.

[Confidence] comes from having done something before and knowing that you can repeat it.

Everybody is looking for that secret sauce: “What’s the magic workout plan?” “What’s the magic diet?” The truth is, the magic is listening to your body.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Strong Coffee Company


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Jul 21, 2021

EFR 502: Love, Heal, and Inspire - The SunLife Organics Story with Khalil Rafati

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With a childhood defined by an almost endless barrage of abuse from the people closest to him, and an early adulthood filled with all manner of destructive coping mechanisms in response to those tragic early years, Khalil Rafati had a long road ahead of him to rewire his mind and direct his energy toward the good.

From a life of family trauma, homelessness, substance abuse, and at one point being a convicted felon, Khalil has completely transformed his life.

Today, Khalil is still addicted—only he has switched out the drugs and alcohol for superfoods and juices.

His passion for health led him to found SunLife Organics, a rapidly growing chain of health food cafés with locations in California, Texas, and Arizona. He shares his unique approach to service, which includes allowing his staff to offer items on the house if the customer has recently fallen on hard times.

“A lot of people come into SunLife not just for the human connection,” says Khalil. “A lot of people come into SunLife as a lighthouse in the storm.”

Beyond the smoothies, Khalil believes that SunLife’s customers come in to be loved, and his ultimate job is to shower them with the lovehealing, and inspiration they crave.

Follow Khalil @khalilrafati

Follow SunLife Organics @sunlifeorganics

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Khalil looks back on an incredibly dark upbringing, the destructive coping mechanisms that resulted from those experiences, and how he ultimately overcame them.

  • Khalil shares why he believes that his addiction is his superpower.

  • From living under a bridge to having nightly conversations with Elizabeth Taylor to owning a multimillion-dollar mansion in Texas, Khalil takes us through his roller coaster of a journey in finding, and then fulfilling, his purpose.

  • One doesn’t have to be flawless, much less a saint, in order to make a positive impact on society. Aside from repurposing his addiction into a force for good, Khalil explains how embracing his whole self—warts and all—led to his immense success.

Powerful Quotes by Khalil Rafati

A lot of times, if you really get to know someone who is suffering from addiction and watch and be a part of their recovery, you find out that they are some of the most amazing human beings on the planet. They truly are.

I view my own addiction as a superpower.

The truth is the truth is the truth. Even if the truth is spoken by a liar, it’s still the truth.

A lot of people come into SunLife not just for the human connection. A lot of people come into SunLife as a lighthouse in the storm.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Organifi

Get nature’s most hydrating adaptogens all in one place with Glow from Organifi!

Years of sun exposure, stress, dehydration, and toxins can damage the natural glow of our skin. That’s why this nourishing blend contains clinically studied ingredients to boost the health and strength of your skin cells.

Glow is a refreshing raspberry lemonade designed to support your skin’s natural collagen-building processes. It’s a delicious way to moisturize, maintain elasticity, and strengthen skin.


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Jul 19, 2021

EFR 501: How Your Mindset May Be Keeping You From Your Weightloss Goal with Lauren Hubert

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“Let’s put less emphasis on losing 10, 20, 30 pounds and more on what hothealthy, and confident mean to you.”

This is the motto that Lauren Hubert decided to embody as 2021 rolled out. But getting to the point where she could proclaim and live out this mindset for herself was a journey plagued with doubt and insecurity.

After gaining nearly 20 pounds as a freshman at Florida State University, Lauren was determined to shed the weight and regain her self-confidence. Unfortunately, she ended up going down a destructive path defined by hours of running, an extreme calorie deficit, and closing herself off from all social events for fear of getting tempted to eat the “wrong” foods.

It took a couple of years studying to become a registered dietician before Lauren realized just how toxic her mindset toward health and wellness was up till then. In 2019, with a renewed purpose, Lauren established The Sorority Nutritionist.

Listen in as Lauren touches on the value of patience and setting expectations as we create our fitness goals; how to manage failure, avoid burnout, and maintain our positivity as we strive for these goals; not letting yourself be defined by your failures and weaknesses; and how to overcome the two biggest struggles with health and wellness that most people go through today.

Follow Lauren @sorority.nutritionist

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • In the past, formal curriculums never taught us about the power of mindset as being fundamental to behavior change and, by extension, making nutritional changes. Lauren explains why the tide is finally turning.

  • How exactly do you set “realistic expectations” and undergo lifestyle changes with the proper mindset?

  • How can coaches be radically honest with clients if they aren’t hitting the success markers set for them?

  • Lauren describes the value of qualitative data in terms of how you’re feeling about your growth in any area.

  • One powerful way to experience healing while inspiring others is by putting your stories of failure or hardship out there on social media once you’ve successfully distilled those stories right down to their lessons or morals, and ceased to define yourself by those stories. Lauren shares her approach to doing just that.

Powerful Quotes by Lauren Hubert

Mindset is really this piece that brings health, nutrition, and body composition all together. I don’t think you can truly make a behavior change and truly change your body and lifestyle without having a strong mindset.

The diet isn’t going to save you. Nothing is going to save you. You are going to save your damn self. You need to show up for yourself. You need to start taking responsibility.

You don’t get a gold star for tracking your calories. You get a gold star for seeing results.

When you feel good, you do good, and you can show up the best way.

More about Lauren:

Lauren Hubert MS, RD is the Registered Dietitian and Weight Loss Expert behind The Sorority Nutritionist. After gaining nearly 20 pounds as a freshman at Florida State University, Lauren was left struggling with her self-confidence and insecure about the way she looked. Determined to lose the weight, Lauren began her weight loss journey sparking an intense interest in food and exercise. Like many young women, to shed the weight she began running for hours every day and cutting out calories from her diet, leading her to being super restrictive with her food choices and scared to go out to drink with her sorority sisters. It wasn’t until she began studying nutrition and changed her degree to Dietetics at Florida State when she totally realized the self destructive dieting path she was going down.

Now as a Registered Dietitian, Lauren is not only passionate about teaching you to fuel your body for lasting and balanced weight loss… but she wants you to become the hottest and most successful version of you! Most importantly, she wants you to do it in a FUN way.

The Sorority Nutritionist and Lauren's proven 3-step weight loss method evolved from her own experiences dieting as a college sorority girl and her early work with young women who would come to her for her Dietitian expertise. She then realized pairing calorie counting to build awareness around food choices paired with mindful eating and a realistic approach towards including all foods was exactly what young women needed to achieve their dream body and actually improve their relationship to food. Lauren holds a Bachelor's degree in Dietetics from Florida State University and a Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition from Boston University. Lauren also completed her one-year dietetic internship at University of Massachusetts Medical Center. She is an accredited Registered Dietitian who specializes in weight loss, body composition change and improving your relationship to food.

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Statistics show that the majority of Americans are now obese, in spite of the fact the fitness industry is bigger today than at any other point in time.

Sal Di Stefano of Mind Pump Media dives deep into this alarming disconnect and goes through the laundry list of issues that emerge as a result of poor health both on an individual level and on a society level.

In 2021, Sal published the book The Resistance Training Revolution, which details his observations and lessons learned after over 20 years in the fitness world. Frustrated at how the industry has failed to adequately address an obesity crisis that only continues to get worse, Sal wrote the book to tackle some of the common myths and misconceptions around health and fitness

In particular, he hopes to change the mainstream paradigm regarding resistance training, which he believes is “the best form of exercise to burn fat, boost metabolism, and achieve health benefits you cannot obtain from other forms of exercise.”

“I made the book to specifically focus on trying to get people to adopt a form of exercise that has now been proven through study, but also one that I’ve seen through experience to be the most effective form of exercise for all of the health problems that we tend to run into in modern society—everything from obesity to diabetes to dementia to Alzheimer’s to loss of mobility to hormone issues. I’m trying to change the stigma that surrounds this form of exercise.”

Sal goes on to explain why cardio and tracking calories burned during exercise are two of the worst things to focus on when trying to lose weight. He then gives his thoughts on the dangers of the “self love” trend and why you should never conflate “self image” with “body image”.

Follow Sal @mindpumpsal

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • The majority of Americans are now obese. Sal goes into the countless issues surrounding obesity, including the surprising fact that poor health can effectively bankrupt society.

  • What needs to happen for the fitness industry to change for the better and reverse the current obesity epidemic?

  • Sal explains why looking at calories burned during exercise is worthless and what to focus on instead.

  • Sal talks about the dark side of the buzzword “self-love”, particularly when it comes to body image. He also goes into the difference between “body image” and “self image”.

  • How can readers measure success as they apply the lessons and protocols in Sal’s book?

Powerful Quotes by Sal Di Stefano

It’s a big deal to be healthy. People who have improved their health and made lifelong changes—they tell you that it changes everything.

We don’t have a “weight loss” problem; we have a “keep weight off” problem.

It makes zero evolutionary sense for our bodies to burn 6000 calories a day when we’re hunter-gatherers and food is scarce. If that were the case, we would have gone extinct a long time ago.

Over the last decade or so, studies have been coming out showing that resistance training not only is an effective way to improve your health and longevity, but is actually the superior way to improve your health and longevity.

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