Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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Marc Champagne is dedicated to helping people level up their mental fitness and the host of the top 50 ranked podcast Behind The Human and co-founder of the journaling app (KYO) which reached 86.9 million people without any paid advertising. He is the author of Personal Socrates: Questions That Will Upgrade Your Life from Legends & World-Class Performers.
As a “mental fitness strategist”, Marc has consulted with and spoken for many Fortune 500 companies on streamlining their systems and processes for increased employee happiness and organizational efficiency.
Marc defines “mental fitness” as an umbrella term for anything you can do to train your mind—whether to boost your mental health, mental resilience, mental performance, etc.
Listen in as Marc shares how anyone can build mental fortitude by asking themselves the right questions at every stage of life. Continuous growth, according to Marc, lies in pondering over these two basic questions to start with:
“Who am I now?” and “Who am I optimizing to become?”
Follow Marc @behindthehuman
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
How do you know if you’re asking yourself the right questions? Marc gives us some of his go-to prompts which he writes about in Personal Socrates.
After closing down his first business, Marc once again had to ask himself the question, “What will give me purpose?” He explains how asking it felt the second time around after achieving massive success once.
Marc talks about how anyone can start a mental fitness practice today for just a few minutes a day.
Marc shares the daily habits he follows which maximize his creativity.
One of the biggest impediments to growth is our tendency to rest on our laurels. Marc shares how we can ensure we don’t get stuck on “maintenance mode” in our life and career.
Episode resources:
Save 20% on The Good multifunction face serum at
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Powerful Quotes
A good question gives us the luxury of a pause. Asked at the right time, a question can literally change our life.
Everything starts and stops with the mind.
As long as we can keep our curiosity alive, we will always err on the side of progress.
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Aug 17, 2022
EFR 629: Surviving Burnout in Your Relationship and 4 Ways to Support Your Partner with May Yazdi Chewning
Listen in to this month’s chat with May Yazdi, Chase’s wife, as the pair talks about burnout and relationships.
In this discussion, Chase and May talk about how to manage burnout through nurturing your relationship with yourself and how to support your partner while they experience burnout. They share simple, yet powerful communication techniques for partners navigating burnout together along with tips and advice on gaining back your energy and inspiration after burning out.
Follow May @mayyazdi
Listen to May's podcast May's Anatomy
Learn more about Field Trip Health
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and send a screenshot to or DM @chase_chewning for a FREE order of LMNT!
Key Highlights
Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance, or feelings of negativism or cynicism. Does any of this resonate with you? If so, you’re likely burnt out!
May sheds light on how burnout caused her to feel uninspired and unmotivated in her career and how burnout impacted her physical, mental, and emotional health.
How do you effectively manage stress? May shares an analogy to illustrate the idea that when you react to and process your stress, the stress is able to be broken down and released without being stored in the body.
If your partner is experiencing burnout, or if you’re both experiencing burnout, how can you get through it? May and Chase speak on the importance of acknowledging the space that each of you are in, sharing about your work day at a time that feels right for you, and allowing yourself the time to fully process your stress before involving your partner. Always be willing to listen, ask your partner what they need/want, and be willing to give them space.
When your partner doesn’t want to talk about their day, be accepting of that and don’t take it personally.
Managing and recovering from burnout is a non-linear process. There may be waves of emotions and feelings, some days might be better than others, but there’s always a way to overcome it.
Powerful Quotes by May
What I’m kind of grappling with is being okay with not being validated for overachieving.
When I’m really burnt out, I need time alone. I need to be introspective, I need to gain new perspective, I need to become reinspired… Inspiration, for me, comes from within myself.
All we need, as humans, and all we want is to feel seen and heard.
Episode resources:
Get a free variety pack with any purchase of Recharge electrolyte drink mix
Listen to The Alignment Show
Learn more about Field Trip Health
What is a radically neutral approach to nutrition and health? It’s an approach rooted in compassion and intuition and it’s changing thousands of people’s lives.
Meet Michelle Shapiro, a Holistic Registered Dietician and Certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner who helps people use functional nutrition to heal gut issues, reverse anxiety, and approach weight lovingly. At the root of her practice is, you guessed it, compassion and intuition.
In this discussion, Chase and Michelle break down a few controversial health topics along with what we can do to empower ourselves to have greater health. Michelle shares her thoughts on the effects of diet culture and anti-diet culture, fasting, intuitive eating, and functional nutrition practices that actually work for human beings. She also speaks on the relationship between body positivity, body image, physical health, and mental health.
This is a very insightful episode you certainly won’t want to skip over!
Follow Michelle Shapiro @michelleshapirord
Visit her website
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Key Highlights
Michelle sheds light on the role of “new-ancient” health and wellness modalities and the rising anti-diet culture movement. “Overtime, as we’ve seen, chronic illness rates in America have consistently gone up, regardless of the fact that we’re putting more and more [modern Western medicine] interventions into place,” she says.
How do you separate yourself from the noise of diet culture and find information that serves you and your needs? Michelle emphasizes the power of intuition and intuitive eating in developing your ideal diet, lifestyle, and wellness practices.
Ask yourself questions, especially when making changes to your diet or lifestyle.
“The way that I describe the body positivity movement is that it is an extreme knee jerk reaction to a tremendous amount of very real trauma after a really long time,” Michelle says. She then details the principles of compassion and coddling she uses with her clients to make health changes as well as with her opinions on HAES (Health at Every Size).
Michelle shares her unique opinion on the individualization of fasting, highlighting the types of people that would benefit or would not benefit from fasting. Is fasting right for you? Tune in to learn more!
Powerful Quotes by Michelle Shapiro
There’s no one in the world that knows our bodies better than we do.
The human body cannot be fixed. It’s all about achieving balance without force.
Functional nutritionists view things from a root cause perspective. So, if a client comes to me with anxiety or gut issues, I’m not looking to manage those issues, I’m looking to help them reverse at the root of those conditions.
We can’t accept chronic illness that’s preventable… if it’s preventable it’s unacceptable.
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STEP 2: Complete Testing
We’ll collect inputs through an intake questionnaire, bloodwork, genetic biomarkers, wearable data & more.
STEP 3: Review Health Plan
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STEP 4: Receive Ongoing Care
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Aug 10, 2022
EFR 627: How to Better Tell Your Story and Why It Matters with Ivana de Maria
Ivana De Maria is a producer, actress, activist, and tech entrepreneur. She is the founder of Storyplace, an empathy-driven digital platform where you can write and read stories from people all around the world.
Tying all of Ivana’s varied passions is the same mission: to promote empathy through the most basic and powerful form of education, storytelling.
Listen in as Ivana breaks down the magic of stories in their power to learn more about not just other human beings, but ourselves as well. It was thanks to her strong belief in the ability of storytelling to unite people of disparate background and beliefs that she was inspired to create the Storyplace platform.
In the latter half of our conversation, Ivana reflects on her experience with psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, as well as her very first Ayahuasca ceremony, and how these sessions caused her to wake up to a truer version of herself for the first time in her life.
Asked what story she is currently writing now that she is in her third decade of life, Ivana tells Chase:
“I feel like I was just born again. I realized I had never, in 30 years, asked myself, ‘What do I want?’”
Follow Ivana @ivanamaria
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
If you open yourself up to hearing the stories of everyone around you, you level up your own life. It all starts by slowing down and truly listening to the other person. Going further embrace empathy by consciously separating listening from agreeing.
Ivana shares what inspired her to establish her unique platform built to bring people’s stories together.
Addressing the all-too-common reply of, “I don’t have a story,” Ivana explains that, instead of saying to someone, “Tell me your story,” it’s so much more powerful to say, “Tell me a story about…”
Ivana talks about how her psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy experiences made her feel like she had “woken up from a 29-year-nap”.
Powerful Quotes
You learn about life through other people’s experiences. Once you realize that, how can you not become addicted to hearing everyone’s stories and trying to learn from every single person around you?
The best way to learn a language is to learn how to live in that language.
We all have stories. We’re all made up of a million-and-one stories. Every day, every second, is a story.
We tell ourselves stories to justify the lives we live.
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Every veteran and first responder deserves healing, peace, and a thriving life. Unfortunately, too many veterans are struggling with mental illnesses like PTSD and struggle to live the lives they want and get the help they deserve. But there are silver linings!
Meet Kelsi Sheren, a veteran, author, mother, wellness and mental health advocate, CEO & Founder of Brass & Unity, and Host of The Brass & Unity Podcast. Kelsi is an incredible force in the veteran community as she has dedicated her post-military life to helping her fellow soldiers get a second chance at life.
In this discussion, Chase speaks with Kelsi about her efforts in raising mental health awareness for veteran communities. The pair talk about everything from psychedelic therapy and accountability to holistic tactics for healing yourself and others.
Follow Kelsi Sheren @kelsie_sheren
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Is there a safe way for people to do ketamine-assisted psychotherapy at home? As an enthusiastic user of and advocate for psychedelics and cannabis, Kelsi shares her honest answer to this question, emphasizing the importance of having a guide in the right set and setting.
As veterans, how do we push past the fear of getting mental health support and treatment? Kelsi and Chase talk about how veterans can become more aware of their mental health and how they can cultivate a sense of safety in their lives.
Integration and accountability are the keys to improving and sustaining your mental health. No one is going to come and save you or do your healing for you. “We have to take responsibility for our own healing,” Kelsi says, “When it comes to starting the process, go up the chain if you have to, go to a civilian if necessary… there are so many resources now in the veteran community that you can call and reach out to that are not within the system that can really, truly help advise you.”
Kelsi sheds light on the powerful benefits received from veteran healing/mental health programs like Heroic Hearts Project, Defenders of Freedom, and VETS, which she herself has utilized to heal.
Powerful Quotes by Kelsi Sheren
The VA is not going to solve this problem for us… we have to solve it from within the community.
There is a time for pharmaceutical intervention, but it’s not every time, but it’s being used every time.
Get uncomfortable. When you learn to be comfortable in the uncomfortable, you are going to thrive in ways that you did not know were possible.
Recommended Resources:
Shop Brass & Unity and use code EVERFORWARD35 for 35% off!
Listen to The Brass & Unity Podcast
If you’re struggling, reach out to Kelsi at
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What is health hacking? Can you really hack your way to better nutrition, fitness, and mental health? Let’s dive in and find out!
Sean McDevitt, the Co-Founder of DLDNation nutrition and fitness coaching, is back on Ever Forward Radio to talk about his incredible new book, Hack Your Health.
In this discussion, Chase and Sean explore the worlds of health hacking and psychedelic medicine, shedding light on the practices and mindsets that can help you improve all aspects of your health. Sean shares all the hacks you can use to make gains in your health, fitness, mindset, and nutrition starting right now.
Follow Sean McDevitt @fitnessshaman
Buy his book, Hack Your Health
Visit DLDNation
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Sean shares the story behind his book, Hack Your Health, highlighting the pandemic’s effect on his coaching business, DLDNation.
The word “hack” often makes us believe that we need to adjust because we’re doing something wrong or shameful… but this isn’t true! Hacks are in place to help us make small adjustments that lead to big gains.
When trying to hack your health, Sean emphasizes the power of the pause. Essentially, create a stillness practice in your life through meditation, breathwork, journaling, time for rest, etc.
A huge part of hacking time is planning ahead.
Sean talks about how he uses a “Journal of Truth” to better manage life’s challenges and break through the mental blocks he experiences throughout the week.
He breaks down the historical origin of the placebo effect and how he uses the placebo effect to shift into different mindsets and perspectives.
Integration is the key to receiving benefits from psychedelics, self-help books, coaching, etc. If you’re not consistently integrating what you’ve learned into your daily life, how do you expect to gain anything or achieve the outcome you’re looking for?
Powerful Quotes by Sean McDevitt
If we look at our lives critically… and it does take practice, this isn’t gonna happen overnight, but we can start to sort of pause the emotion and allow ourselves the move forward.
When I shift into a different perspective that serves me, even if it’s BS and I’m just telling myself a story, based on what I know about the facts of the placebo effect that’s been scientifically studied, I am 100% buying into that because I’m just going to placebo effect myself.
Recommended Resources:
Watch Fantastic Fungi
Watch How to Change Your Mind
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David de las Morenas is Boston-based personal trainer, certified strength coach, bestselling author, and the personality behind the widely popular How to Beast YouTube channel, which now boasts over 1.1 million subscribers. David’s content is focused primarily around fitness and dating advice.
Today’s conversation centers on David’s success as an internet personality and business owner, as well as his advice to those who are looking to create content and start their own online brand in our influencer-saturated world.
A fan of Marcus Aurelius, he stays true to the philosophy of stoicism in both his personal and professional life. In fact, David attributes much of his success to his determination to stay grounded, collected, and introspective as challenges and opportunities continue to come his way.
Finally, David shares his thoughts on the dating world and how things have changed for himself since getting engaged. He also talks about what he has done to keep his relationship with himself healthy now that he is committed to sharing life with his partner.
Follow David @howtobeast
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
David reflects on what Marcus Aurelius and the stoic philosophy in general means to him and how he applies it in his day-to-day life.
David shares how his biggest insecurity growing up caused him to struggle in the dating world.
Once you have a romantic partner, how do you keep your relationship with yourself healthy and flourishing at the same time?
David talks about how it feels to be a modern-day influencer and creative entrepreneur.
In today’s social media and content-saturated world, Chase and David agree that it’s best for any creative to lean into the things that they are most passionate about.
Episode resources:
Save 20% on men's skin care with code EVERFORWARD at
Watch David on Don't Be Sour with Maxx Chewning
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Louisa Nicola is a neurophysiologist, brain coach to elite athletes, and Founder of Neuro Athletics, a full-service neuroscience diagnostic testing company.
Back in episode #436, Louisa Nicola gave us an introduction to the brain and nervous system, setting the foundation for us to understand how neuroscience can help us get more out of life. This week, Louisa is back to dive deeper into the science behind brain performance.
In this discussion, Chase and Louisa talk about the three domains of peak brain performance: nutrition, physical exercise, and neurophysiology. Louisa breaks down how to utilize nutrients, exercise, and sleep, so you can better optimize your brain health. The pair also talk about keeping the blood-brain barrier strong, the benefits of using exogenous ketones, and why you need to be more mindful of maintaining your dopamine levels.
Plus… Can our brain cells regenerate or are the connections just getting stronger? Stick around until the end to hear Louisa’s shocking answer!
Follow Louisa Nicola @louisanicola_
Learn more about NeuroAthletics
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Sleep: “Sleep is probably the most underrated high performance tool we have,” Louisa says. If you’re an athlete who doesn’t get enough quality sleep, it affects almost every aspect of your performance and increases risk for injury. Louisa goes on to describe the impacts of sleep on brain health, brain disorders, and brain aging.
Nutrition: “When it comes to the brain, there are certain things that the brain favors, especially as it relates to nutrition and supplementation,” Louisa says. Listen in to learn how stress, inflammation, and supplementation of key nutrients, like EPA and DHA, can play a role in longevity and cognitive performance. Plus, Louisa explains the benefits of going on a high fat diet immediately after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion).
Hydration is a key indicator of brain functioning. If we are 2% dehydrated, we can have a decrease in our cognitive performance by 30%.
Exercise: “You can grow the gray matter of your brain by physical activity alone,” Louisa says. She then recaps various research studies that show the relationship between exercise, particularly resistance training, and cognitive performance as well as how exercise can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Your brain loves quality time with other humans, loving relationships, social interactions, and of course, self-love.
How will you know these practices are actually improving your brain health? Tune in to find out!
Powerful Quotes by Louisa Nicola
When you search any PubNet article and you really dig deep into the literature, nothing really seems to align until you have sleep down first.
Suppression of inflammation may be the very key to longevity and cognitive performance.
We need to be feeding our brain what it functions on.
Recommended Resources:
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Wild Health
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STEP 3: Review Health Plan
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Jul 27, 2022
EFR 623: Conscious Consumerism, At-Home Farming, and Putting the Wonder Back in Food with Jacob Pechenik
Imagine a world where growing your own food is as nutritious and cost-effective as grocery shopping at your favorite store. Jacob Pechenik, the Founder and CEO of Lettuce Grow, is on a mission to make this happen now. Referring to the company as the answer to industrialized big agriculture, Jacob’s mission through Lettuce Grow (and its parent company The Farm Project) is to “democratize the growing of food for all” by “providing families access to clean, unprocessed food, [...] decreasing transportation emissions, drastically reducing water usage, and recycling ocean-bound plastics from places that lack recycling initiatives.”
Having always had a passion for sustainable farming, Jacob began with a dream to transform the wasteful industrial food system. He started with the question, “How do I get more people to the farm?”, but later on began to ask, “How do I get the farm to more people?”
That question led to his mission to create a million farmers throughout the country and by extension empower consumers to choose healthier, locally-produced alternatives. In the process, he hopes more people can reclaim that age-old sense of pride that comes with preparing one’s own meal.
Follow Lettuce Grow @lettucegrow
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
People have become so disconnected from how their food is sourced, grown, and prepared. The fact that ever-changing fad diets exist makes this obvious. Jacob explains how conscious consumerism aims to help us rediscover our food heritage.
Industrial food distribution typically wastes 52% of the plant before it gets to the consumer. Jacob breaks down The Farm Project’s innovative “distributed farming” model, which ensures maximum freshness throughout the whole process.
Jacob shares his journey to becoming empowered in choosing the healthiest food he could for his children.
How much of an impact does Jacob hope Lettuce Grow and The Farm Project will have on the food distribution industry?
Powerful Quotes
Could we rethink fresh food distribution so that we never kill the plant, so that it’s always alive until you’re ready to eat? If we do that, we can eliminate that 50% waste which would cut the price of fresh produce in half.
Farmers are the caretakers of the Earth.
I focus solely on the consumer and their mindset. If I can wake up a bunch of consumers and get them engaged, they’re going to demand all of the big companies to adapt to consumer demand.
Episode resources:
Learn more about Lettuce Grow
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Jul 25, 2022
EFR 622: Overcoming Food Allergies for True Internal and External Health with Sonia Hunt
Food is what’s killing us in this country. Did you know that living in the United States for 10 years increases your risk of developing food allergies? That’s pretty nutty, but not as nutty as our guest, whom we have dubbed “Certified Nut Job,” Sonia Hunt.
Sonia Hunt is a Tedx Speaker, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and #1 Best-Selling Author of “NUT JOB: How I Crushed My Food Allergies to Thrive”. Sonia is known for her journey of, after almost dying four times, becoming food allergy-free from 32+ foods. Horrific experiences with anaphylaxis led her to optimize her life and share the lessons she learned with the world and with you!
In this discussion, Chase and Sonia talk about all things allergies – what’s in our foods that may or may not be causing internal and external havoc and, more importantly, what to do about your food allergies. She details her holistic approach to finding the root cause of her severe food allergies and the mind-blowing realizations she had along the way.
Follow Sonia @soniahunt
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Sonia dissected every area of her life and worked with a variety of medical practitioners to get to the root cause of her suffering. A decade later, in 2020, she found out that she had eliminated all her food allergies and is still in remission today. How did she do it? Listen in to find out!
“The very first step to change is changing your mindset,” Sonia says. She didn’t love herself and she had been living on autopilot based on how society was telling her to live. This realization was her catalyst to start pivoting her mindset, taking back her power, and healing her health issues.
Sonia sheds light on how she manages the inner critic and the fear of “relapsing” and reacting to former allergens again.
Gut health was a major part of what Sonia and her doctors investigated and worked to improve. More research is coming out showing the correlation between Leaky Gut Syndrome, which Sonia has, and food allergies. Exercise, Ayurveda, supplementation, and eliminating environmental toxins in the home also helped her eliminate her allergies.
Sonia shares what she’s excited for in the future, highlighting her recent health coach certification, Three to Be™ program, and the role of technology and the metaverse in improving our physical self holistically.
Powerful Quotes by Sonia Hunt
What I didn’t realize and was starting to realize then was the mental, spiritual, and emotional toll that I also had sitting on me in addition to the physical toll because every single day of my life, I can’t put a piece of food into my mouth unless I think about it because I could die.
Visualizing that future healthy self just also really started to fill my heart with a lot of hope and joy and love.
When your health and well-being is off… it seeps into everything. So, when you really prioritize that above all… that’s when you can really have big breakthroughs.
Recommended Resources:
Watch Sonia Hunt - TEDx Talk – Stay Safe, Live Healthy, & Eat Well with Food Allergies
Watch: Reimagining our Foodways in the Metaverse – Sonia Hunt
Learn more about Sonia’s Three to Be™ program
Visit her website
Buy her book, NUT JOB
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Wild Health
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STEP 3: Review Health Plan
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Maybe you have seen the new Netflix documentary "How to Change Your Mind" with Michael Pollen? Maybe you are becoming interested in learning more about psychedelic healing? May Yazdi, Chase’s wife and psychedelic assisted psychotherapy Family Nurse Practitioner, is back for a summertime chat and recap of a very special trip they took to the desert of Southern California – one that involved lots of love, connection, grounding, and psilocybin.
In this candid discussion, Chase and May talk about the incredibly healing power of downtime as well as intentional alternative medicine therapies such as psilocybin and ketamine assisted psychotherapy. Chase dives deep into what his recent six gram psilocybin experience was like and May reflects on what it’s like to be a professional “trip sitter”. Then, the duo sheds light on how to choose your trip sitter along with tips for holding space for someone in altered states of consciousness.
Follow May @mayyazdi
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Chase reflects on his decision to have a very high dose (6 grams) psilocybin experience and what he gained from the trip.
May shares her experience as a professional “trip sitter”, as well as her experience being present during Chase’s big trip. She speaks on her strategy for holding space for people taking psychedelics and why it can be harmful to trip sit somebody when you’re not trained.
Next time you travel, when you get to your destination, try grounding yourself for a few minutes. Take your socks and shoes off, go to an area where you can stand on earth (if possible), and just soak in the presence. It’s the first thing May does anytime she travels! Listen in as she describes the first time she ever did this.
Set and Setting: May explains why it’s so important to create a safe space and to be a neutral, unbiased trip sitter during someone else’s psychedelic journey. Remember the phrase “your feelings are valid.”
Choosing your trip sitter is a very important, intentional decision and there are many benefits to working with a trained Psychotherapist. May also shares why your best friend, partner, or family member might not be the best person to trip sit for you.
Chase addresses his recent decision to revisit his mental and emotional health through at-home Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy.
Powerful Quotes by May and Chase
Take from this what you want and leave whatever you feel doesn’t serve you.
My favorite thing to do is guide people through that fear so that they’re not afraid anymore.
The most important things you can do if you’re holding space for someone during a journey, #1 is always safety, but #2 is being unbiased.
Judgement is the antithesis to psychedelics. It’s so detrimental.
Recommended Resources:
Listen to May's podcast May's Anatomy
Learn more about Field Trip Health
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She shares how she came to discover her natural talent for weightlifting which, combined with an insatiable work ethic and trust and belief in herself, led her down an unexpected path that would challenge everything she knew about health and wellness. After a series of gut-related issues reared their heads at the beginning of her fitness career, it all came to a head when the motility in her gut completely halted.
After being told that the only solution to her condition was the removal of her entire large intestine (an option she seriously considered for a while), Rachel eventually decided that there had to be another way. She threw herself into studying as much as she could about the gut, leading her to discover the power of the microbiome and a pathway to healing she never realized existed.
She talks about how to identify and eliminate the stressors that contribute to gut-related problems—whether they be dietary, emotional, or environmental stressors. “Our body has an innate ability to heal,” says Rachel, “once we can get out of our own way.”
Rachel reflects on the final piece of the puzzle she had to solve on her healing journey: addressing unresolved trauma. She shares how she forced herself to practice brutally honesty in order to evaluate the stories she told about herself and rewrite the ones that didn’t serve her.
Needless to say, Rachel’s progress has completely surpassed all of her doctors’ expectations. To her, healing and growth ultimately comes down to embracing our truth and choosing what brings joy and love into our lives.
Follow Rachel @rachelscheer
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Rachel never grew up expecting to be the most talented person in the room. However, what has served her well in life is her trust and faith in her potential coupled with a lot of discipline to fully unlock that potential.
The rock-bottom moment for Rachel was when she was told that the only solution to her condition was the removal of her entire large intestine. She talks about how she dealt with the weight of this life-altering decision and how it all led her to pursue functional medicine.
Rachel breaks down the three main stressors that lead to disease (i.e. dis-ease) in the body: emotional stressors, dietary stressors, and environmental stressors.
The less obvious healing work that Rachel had to do was address unresolved trauma to rekindle the link between her gut, her head, and her heart. She explains how she was able to do this, starting with forcing herself to embrace radical honesty.
Powerful Quotes
At the end of the day, hard work is going to beat talent ten times over.
My interest is in mimicking ecology as best as I can. I don’t think we’ll ever really be able to do it quite like our planet does, but I find it a really interesting challenge to imitate different environments that exist in the wild.
The whole person must heal for the gut to function optimally.
Episode resources:
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