Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Whether you’re struggling to lose weight, burn fat, gain muscle, or improve your health in any way, there’s one thing that’s almost guaranteed to be in your way… your mind.

Natalie Newhart is the Founder of Fit Addicted Nutrition, where she specializes in female-specific fat loss, as well as a mindset coach for those who want to master their mind and body. She believes that in order to master your body, you have to train your mind… but what does that mean and how do you start to train the mind?

Natalie and Chase talk about what it means to train the mind while breaking down the 4-phase training approach she uses to maintain her health and create the life she wants to live. Natalie shares her thoughts on why mindset is more important than diet and exercise and how your mental health and mindset could be preventing you from losing excess fat. 

Follow Natalie Newhart @natalie.newhart

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Natalie shares the meaning behind her motto/mindset: “Train your mind. Love your body. Become your best self.” and how she has used that to overcome disordered eating and exercise habits. 

  • The 4 phases of training Natalie uses are focus (training thoughts), emotions (training the nervous system), vision (painting a picture of the life you want to create), and intuition (bridging the gap from where you are to where you want to be). 

  • Most people struggle to take the first step of retraining the mind because of fear of uncertainty. You’ve got to have faith and trust that this process can work. Once Nat saw other people living a healthy, free life, she started to shift her focus from the version of herself she thought she had to be to the version of herself she wanted to be.

  • Ultimately, awareness is key in shifting thought and behavior patterns. The mind thinks there’s some type of benefit to overeating, restricting, or whatever action that’s not serving you. But when you become aware of that, you have the power to shift your thoughts and behaviors to healthier ones.

  • Natalie sheds light on her relationship with gratitude, how gratitude and stillness play a major role in her health and wellness journey, and what she does when gratitude doesn’t come easy to her.

  • Natalie also talks about how she discovered the impact of mental and emotional stress on the body, specifically women’s bodies, and the research she’s done on stress, health, and weight gain/loss.

Powerful Quotes by Natalie Newhart

There’s certain patterns that we have that are really strong and you can train yourself out of those emotional patterns and into patterns of peace, love, joy, trust, etc.

Acceptance and gratitude are my two bridges to get out of the fear that I’m gonna get fat or the anxiety around food or anxiety with my to-do list or anything like that. Acceptance and gratitude will center me and put me back on track.

Nothing worked for me until I started to train my mind.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Every ingredient is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

That means the ingredients and doses in each product are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

In other words, while everyone claims to have the best muscle building supplements on the market, we can actually back it up with real science and real numbers.

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Ever Forward Radio is also brought to you by Recharge by LMNT


LMNT is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks.






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Being a human means you’re going to experience difficult emotions, traumas, and hardships… but being a human also means that you have the ability to heal, connect with your Higher Self, and make an impact in the world. 

Meet Emily Duncan, CEO of Emily Duncan Fitness, a science-based and human-centric fitness coaching company. Emily is not only passionate about transforming bodies and minds through health and fitness, she’s also passionate about the impacts of spirituality, mindfulness, and psychedelics on the human experience.

Chase and Emily have a cozy conversation about psychedelics and microdosing, connecting with your Higher Self through Higher Self Behaviors, what it means to live on brand, and how she helps others find health and wholeness through fitness coaching.

Follow Emily Duncan @em_dunc and @edfcoaching

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Emily describes (for the first time publicly) her experience during a psychedelic trip that initiated healing from deeply rooted traumas. She speaks on the existential crisis that blossomed out of that experience, how she overcame that, and the lessons she learned along the way. 

  • Living on brand, having conviction in who you are now and how you might change tomorrow, is immensely powerful. “To really solidify who your people are, to become more aware of the growth you’ve had, just to really connect with other human beings in a totally different way happens so much more significantly when you can look at a person and it’s just like, you are fully fucking you,” Chase says. 

  • Can we experience life-changing realizations on our own volition, without psychedelics? Listen in as Emily and Chase share their candid thoughts on how to reach a psychedelic state of mind without taking psychedelics.

  • One of the biggest joys Emily has experienced in life is the opportunity to learn about herself and understanding why she has functioned the way she has. This is also what she helps her coaching clients do. We are not static creatures, so taking risks, believing in yourself, and trusting the Universe seems to be the root of all joy and growth.

  • Emily breaks down how she integrates behavior change, emotional awareness, and other teachings into her coaching practice.

  • What does a day in the life of your Higher Self look like? What is your Higher Self’s brand? When you break down your Higher Self Behaviors (HSBs), especially the small details and moments, pick one of the easiest things you can start doing right now. Then, continue doing that and see how your life and mindset shift. Emily believes you’ll start seeing that you’re not as far away from who you want to be as you might think…

Powerful Quotes by Emily Duncan

What is more human than seeing another human’s soul and loving it?

We can’t just continue to trauma bond or suffer bond or only see realness and relatability in people’s pain. We have to see realness and relatability in each other’s joy and in each other’s success because that’s the only way we elevate everyone’s frequency together.

The more you try and cut yourself off and numb yourself to the stuff that hurts, the more you cut yourself off to the best feelings you could ever experience.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by BetterHelp

It's Professional. All therapists are licensed, accredited professionals. BetterHelp allows you to connect with them in a safe and private online environment. Anything you share is confidential.

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You’ve heard people speak about the power of community in healing, making change, and even living longer, but did you know that community has been the single driving force of many leaders’ and companies’ success? 

Revolutionary tech founders, presidents, and world-renowned artists have one thing in common… they know how to build and leverage communal thinking and collaboration.

Today’s guest, Jeff Rosenthal, is no different. Jeff is a Co-Founder of Summit, a forward-thinking organization founded on building relationships, connecting with people, and fostering generosity to build successful and fulfilling businesses. Through a series of invitation-only events, Summit fosters a global community of entrepreneurs, academics, athletes, artists, astronauts, authors, chefs, engineers, explorers, philanthropists, spiritual leaders, scientists, and beyond.

In this discussion, Chase and Jeff talk about the beauty and challenges of launching, growing, and scaling a start-up and building community in the entrepreneurship space. He shares his biggest revelation since starting Summit, the self-care practices that keep him at his peak, and why it’s so important to bet on your friends. He also describes the purpose and process behind his new book, Make No Small Plans: Lessons on Thinking Big, Cashing Dreams, and Building Community.

Follow Jeff Rosenthal @reffjosenthal

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Jeff sheds light on the creation and development of Summit, detailing how he and his team worked through failure and defined their meaning of success as a new, growing social impact start-up.

  • Is it healthy to hustle and grind as an entrepreneur? You’ll hear Jeff speak on his belief that the core of entrepreneurship is being afflicted by your ambition to create, along with why you need to believe in yourself irrationally.

  • There’s immense power in community, collaboration, and the exchanging of wisdom between business and thought leaders. You don’t need to have an existing community to build community. You just need to find a passion so that when you meet people who share that passion and hold a deeper knowledge of it, you get to exchange wisdom and therefore, build community.

  • Sometimes, as a business leader, it can feel like people are only building a relationship with you to capitalize on it. Listen in as Jeff shares his best advice for not being a capitalist in your community.

  • Jeff highlights his opinion on one of the biggest economic and environmental movements of our lifetime, the decarbonization of our economy, and why that’s so exciting to him.

  • Is it possible to create, develop, and build trust virtually? How can you transition from a virtual community to an in-person community post-pandemic? Tune in to hear Jeff’s answers!

Powerful Quotes by Jeff Rosenthal

Today, it’s not about overpromising and overdelivering, it’s about being sighted and scoped and thoughtful and wise in our moves.

Summit wouldn’t have made any sense in 1990, but I think that today it’s pretty invaluable. It’s like the breaking of those silos creates the opportunity for these overlapping wisdoms in these different spaces to connect and then create something exponential.

This is gardening not architecture. There’s an energy there and we’re pruning, we’re guiding, but we’re not prescriptive as to where it’s going to go… We didn’t intend to buy a mountain to build a community… but by the time we made that decision, we were on the hunt because we believe that communities that stand the test of time require roots.

There’s always a next piece of wisdom that you can unlock.

Recommended Resources:

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As the world of health, wellness, and longevity continues to evolve, Eastern and Western philosophies continue to inform and integrate with one another. This means we have a more holistic approach to health, wellness, and longevity than we’ve ever had before.

Let us introduce you to Andy Chan, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Master Trainer, and educator who blends Traditional Chinese Medicine with his training philosophy to help clients build a more dynamic and balanced body.

His training philosophy was founded on the concept that harmony between all aspects of life is a prerequisite to optimal health and human performance.

In this discussion, Chase and Andy talk about his book, Dynamic Balance, and what it means to be a dynamic human being both in the gym and in life. They discuss the interconnectedness of diet, emotion, and fascia as well as how you can apply the principles of traditional Eastern medicine to strength training and conditioning. This is a fascinating “East meets West” conversation that unveils simple, yet practical strategies for intuitive eating, training, and living.

Follow Andy Chan @tszchiuandy

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Andy breaks down his understanding of the mind body connection and the philosophical aspect of movement, strength, and resilience. He describes the poetry of the human body along with how you can begin to understand the poetry of your own body.

  • He details the Eastern approach to health and wellness, including the relationship between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the fluidity of the human experience.

  • What does it mean to have an imbalance in the body? Andy explains how to find imbalances in your body and mind as well as some key imbalances that are important to address. He also breaks down the yin yang philosophy and relates that to imbalances you may experience in the gym.

  • Andy and Chase talk about why breathing (yes, breathing) is a vital health and wellness practice. He touches on the role of breath in decreasing stress, regulating the fight or flight response, and even decreasing the rigidity of your muscles. Plus, they explain why right before and after eating is a perfect time to practice breath work.

  • Embrace the yin. Embrace the rest and recharge period. “We are born to sleep and we are born to recover,” Andy says. Rest and recovery is essential if we want to reach the health outcomes we’re working towards.

  • The #1 concept Andy says you can apply to your life today: Live according to how you should be living, meaning eating and living intuitively.

  • Plus, Andy divulges the strategy he uses with clients for practicing intuitive living and training.

Powerful Quotes by Andy Chan

We need to recover. In fact, we need just as much time to recover as we work out because our training outcome is greatly determined by our body’s ability to tolerate, to recover from, and to adapt to a certain stress. If the stress is so big, we’re never going to recover from it and you’re not going to get stronger. You’re not going to get the outcome that you want.

Listen to your body today and listen to the signals. Don’t just mask your feelings with three cups of coffee. If you are feeling a bit down today, it’s fine, we’re not motivated every single day.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to by Legion Athletics

Every ingredient is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

That means the ingredients and doses in each product are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

In other words, while everyone claims to have the best muscle building supplements on the market, we can actually back it up with real science and real numbers.

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Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by WHOOP

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What do heart health and erectile dysfunction have in common? A tiny molecule called Nitric Oxide (NO)… but we’ll let the “Father of Viagra” explain that.

Today’s guest, Dr. Louis Ignarro, PhD is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology at UCLA and has been a research scientist for over 40 years. Dr. Ignarro is known for his discovery of Nitric Oxide and its many life-critical biological actions in the human body, a discovery that led to winning a Nobel Prize and Viagra.

In this discussion, Chase and Dr. Ignarro talk about his Nobel Prize-winning discovery and how Nitric Oxide plays a critical role in improving cardiovascular health, longevity, and even your sex life. He also shares a few simple and actionable insights on what you can do to naturally boost your heart health and prevent disease. This is truly a discussion you won’t want to miss!

Follow Dr. Louis Ignarro @dr.louisignarro

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Dr. Ignarro first breaks down what the free radical Nitric Oxide is and how it affects the human body, particularly in terms of cardiovascular health. Our body produces tiny amounts of NO which has been found to lower blood pressure and prevent harmful blood clots, thus supporting heart health and preventing strokes.

  • Why is the discovery of Nitric Oxide so important for the human race? Simply put, this enabled the scientific community to discover how we can naturally boost NO in the body to improve heart health: through nutrition and physical activity. 

  • Dr. Ignarro highlights the role of nutrition in NO production and how a quality, balanced diet contributes to heart health. “If you don’t eat enough protein, you’re not going to make enough NO,” he says. Plus, Louis emphasizes the crucial role of antioxidants in heart health and what fruits and vegetables have the highest amounts of antioxidants.

  • One of the keys to increasing longevity (and quality of life) is increasing cardiovascular health and mental health.

  • Dr. Ignarro shares his thoughts on the obesity epidemic, the harmful relationship between Nitric Oxide and body fat, and how that’s impacting the severity of cardiovascular disease in America.

  • Why is Dr. Ignarro known as the “Father of Viagra”? How does NO impact erectile dysfunction? Listen in as he shares the story behind his discovery that made the development of Viagra possible.

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Louis Ignarro

The more you work out, the more NO you make, physiologically, to improve blood flow to the working skeletal muscle. BUT… that same Nitric Oxide is the Nitric Oxide that keeps your blood pressure normal, prevents stroke, prevents heart attack. Therefore, exercise is good for your health. For 5,000 years, people have said exercise is good for your health but nobody knew why. Now we know that at least one answer is Nitric Oxide production.

If you can keep your Nitric Oxide production and action at least at a normal level, you will prevent the onset and development of those conditions and diseases that shorten longevity.

You have only one life to live and you should really take good care of your life and do whatever it takes to improve your life.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by JoyMode

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True healing begins with your mindset. Health, wellness, and healing goes beyond the physical experience. There’s an esoteric, or spiritual, branch of medicine that’s little talked about but majorly impactful. Let’s unpack that concept and explore how spirituality might help you heal.

Dr. Trish Ferrer, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor by trade and a Healer by purpose. She is also a speaker, writer, activist and coach that combines healthcare, feminine energetics, and spirituality to sustain your health. Ultimately, she “specializes in people, who they are and the complexity of their humanity”.

In this discussion, Chase and Trish discuss the interconnections between modern medicine and esoteric medicine, how to develop the healing mindset, and the powerful relationship between physical, spiritual, and emotional health. She also shares her top advice on men’s health, divine intimacy and sexuality, and the benefits of embracing your masculine and feminine energies.

Follow Dr. Trish Ferrer @dr.trishferrer

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Dr. Trish sheds light on how our physical health is connected to our spiritual and emotional health and wellness. So often, people come to Trish struggling with chronic conditions or health issues, having seen several doctors with no success or diagnosis. Trish helps treat their physical ailment, but also helps them look at other areas of their life, like childhood or relationships, to find the root cause of their issue. Once they do that, physical health will be restored.

  • Trish breaks down her meaning behind spirituality and esoteric medicine and talks about how to develop the mindset that’s needed to heal. 

  • Empowerment and education are critical in the healthcare system and medicinal space. The philosophy of healing is really about being present in the moment. Once we are aware, informed, and empowered, we’re able to tackle the obstacles to health and wellness. Listen in to hear Trish describe the role of empowerment and education in her naturopathy practice and how this impacts her patients’ outcomes.

  • Trish shares her #1 tip for men’s health (and smashing the patriarchy): Let go of “what a man should be”. Embrace your masculine AND feminine energies. Connect with your vulnerabilities and sensitivities because those are also your strengths. 

  • Chase and Trish break down the role of “kingship” and “queenship”, or the divine masculine and feminine, in sexual health. Plus, Trish shares how you can be strong AND tender at the same time as well as how to make your partner (or potential partner) feel safe around you.

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Trish Ferrer

Health and healing needs to expand beyond what we think medicine is.

If you’re building a house, it doesn’t make sense to construct the rooms. It makes more sense to start from the ground up, let’s lay the foundation down. So, healing mindset starts at the bottom of the triangle and basically, that’s just awareness and being able to cultivate enough awareness so that you can figure out what your obstacles to cure is. Once we get to the root cause of what the obstacles are, we get to open that door of awareness and then it just builds upon itself.

Healing has become really trendy in terms of there’s always something to sell when it comes to healing. But when we come back to the bigger concept and the philosophy of healing, it’s really just about being in the present moment.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Cured Nutrition

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Have you ever considered trying a trendy diet? Not sure if it’s right for you? Are you turned off by the controversy surrounding it? What is the best diet for bodybuilding and transforming your body?

Robert Sikes is a natural competitive bodybuilder and entrepreneur who attributes much of his health and wellness to adopting the ketogenic lifestyle. Although this diet isn’t for everyone, Robert gives us a valuable perspective on how diet and lifestyle can create a ripple effect of benefits in one’s life if done with intention, care, and commitment.

In this discussion, Robert and Chase talk about how the ketogenic diet has transformed Robert’s life in many ways, from bodybuilding to his relationships to entrepreneurship and more. He shares his candid thoughts on the controversy around the ketogenic diet, the psychology of eating and dieting, and important things you should know if you’re considering adopting a keto diet and lifestyle. Robert also talks about his new book, “Ketogenic Bodybuilding”, and where he thinks we have room to grow in the health and fitness industry.

Follow Robert Sikes @ketosavage

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Robert sheds light on his history with dieting and disordered eating and how that has affected his mental health and OCD. He also shares about his discovery of the ketogenic diet and how that had positive effects on his mental and physical health, productivity, and his relationship with food.

  • Since there’s immense controversy surrounding the keto diet, Robert talks about the various uses of the keto diet and how that has evolved over the years. “I think in 2017-2018 is when it really spiked… and since then, there’s been a massive influx of products and just marketing around the ketogenic diet, paling it as this miracle weight loss diet. There’s some truth to some of that marketing but a lot of it has been overly hyped for sure,” Robert says.

  • Robert details his improvements in various health markers after going keto, as well as the power of combining research on diets and health trends with personal experimentation to come to your own conclusion.

  • Want to test out the keto diet for yourself? Robert gives you this advice: Get some baseline panels done, take initial progress photos and measurements, get a composition scan done, and then try the keto diet for 3-6 months before making any conclusions. He also highlights the importance of tracking your progress and details how he maintains the keto lifestyle year-round.

  • When you find a diet/lifestyle that makes you feel great mentally and physically (and is sustainable), you’re going to see tremendous changes in other areas of your life, like work/business and family life. 

Powerful Quotes by Robert Sikes

I’ve always been passionate about the ketogenic diet because it helped me get my life back.

I’m a huge advocate for learning the studies, diving into the research, seeing what science shows, but then also taking things with a grain of salt and realizing that how you feel and how you’re performing and what your markers are is super important. 

Bodybuilding, for me, is like a perfect illustration of leveraging this adversity, leveraging this hardship, to become better for it in the end.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by LMNT

LMNT is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks.

Proper hydration is critical for optimizing mental and physical performance.

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Protein, according to Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, is the key to preventing disease and promoting longevity. The common conception is that obesity is the root cause of most diseases. The reality is we don’t have a body fat problem, we’re just under-muscled… That’s the concept that drives the work of this week’s guest. 

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, DO is a physician who founded the concept and the Institute of Muscle Centric Medicine®. 

In this discussion, Chase and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon have a transparent conversation about the history of food and nutritional science, the power of Muscle Centric Medicine®, and the non-negotiable science behind controversial health topics, including protein and RDAs. This is an info-packed episode that will either leave you speechless or running to share the news with your loved ones!

Follow Dr. Gabrielle Lyon @drgabriellelyon

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Dr. Gabrielle Lyon defines Muscle Centric Medicine® as the concept that muscle is the organ of longevity that determines everything about how we age. 

  • “If we are muscle centric, we can change the trajectory of how we age,” Dr. Gabrielle says. 

  • The primary drivers of disease are insulin resistance and skeletal muscle. Listen in as Dr. Gabrielle breaks down the definition of insulin resistance and explains the role of glucose, blood sugar, and skeletal muscle in maintaining health and longevity. 

  • Humans’ relationship with and understanding of food is rooted in religion and emotion, not just science. Many things have influenced what we eat and the way we eat it. Dr. Gabrielle details the history of food and nutritional science over the last 100+ years and what that means for us today.

  • She shares the hard science you need to know behind controversial topics in nutrition including protein and the quality of protein, recommended dietary allowances (RDAs), and longevity.

  • Should I go plant-based? What’s the difference between animal protein and plant protein? How many grams of protein should I be eating in a meal/day? What supplements should I take as a vegetarian/vegan? Tune in to hear Dr. Gabrielle’s science-backed answers!

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

When we think about glucose regulation, we have to think about muscle.

If you are an aging individual… you must protect skeletal muscle and the way in which you do that is, yes, you do resistance training – however, mechanistically, you need to hit that leucine threshold which is 2.5g.

I was vegetarian for many years, so this is not about me being against vegetarianism or veganism, it’s about having a transparent conversation of what truly is healthy and what are the end points that we’re measuring. 

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Paleovalley

  • Our 100% grass fed beef comes from regenerative, small-scale, American farms free from pesticides and herbicide

  • Naturally fermented - unlike other beef sticks, we do NOT use encapsulated citric acid which contains GMOs and poor quality oils

  • Paleo certified - we only use the highest quality ingredients that are paleo friendly. That means no grains, no gluten, no soy and no junk.

  • Keto certified - 0g of carbs and nothing but clean protein make this the perfect keto snack for on-the-go.

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Jun 15, 2022

EFR 611: May Yazdi Chewning on Perception, Connection, and Reflection in Your Relationship

Rewind 10 SecondsPlayFast Forward



Welcome to your June 2022 relationship health episode with Chase and his wife, May! Today, the two discuss the importance of perception, connection, and reflection. In particular, they draw cards from the game We're Not Really Strangers, a deck that offers engaging conversation starters for couples to strengthen your relationship, romance, trust and openness.


Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources:


Did you know that men are 25% less likely to see a physician? When it comes to health and wellness, men are often told to “man up”… but at the cost of what? Our cognition, sex drive, strength, stamina, the list goes on. That’s why this week, we’re focusing on all things men’s health. 

Today, we speak with Dr. Jacey Folkers, Doctor of Functional Medicine and Owner of Rise to Wellness, along with Josh Whalen, Founder and CEO of Blokes, a modern men’s healthcare company. These guys are making huge strides in the field of men’s health and they’re here to share their wealth of knowledge and experience on everything from electrolytes to hormones.

In this discussion, they address the myths and misconceptions about male hormones and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the do’s and don’ts of TRT, and the role of peptides in men’s health. They also speak not only on the physical aspects of hormone replacement and support therapies, but also the emotional and mental aspects of it which are just as important. 

Follow Josh Whalen @whalen_joshua

Follow Blokes @getblokes

Connect with Dr. Jacey Folkers via Rise to Wellness

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Dr. Jacey and Josh highlight the research-backed contributors to lowered testosterone levels and factors that affect hormone levels. They also touch on what men can do to keep their hormones balanced.

  • Feelings of depression, lack of motivation, and low sex drive can be signs of low testosterone levels. Once you enter your 30s or 40s, getting your hormone levels checked can give you great insight into why you’re not feeling your best and how you can begin to optimize your hormonal health.

  • The trio shares their candid thoughts on what it feels like to optimize your health and lifestyle with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

  • What can you expect with TRT? Dr. Jacey breaks down the impacts of low testosterone, like low libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), and mood swings, along with the benefits of TRT, such as greater strength, sex drive, and more frequent morning erections.

  • Dr. Jacey talks about how to do TRT safely and effectively, the importance of getting your blood tested regularly, and why men should not bottom out their estrogen levels.

  • What is the relationship between peptides, hormones, and health optimization? Can I use peptides to get off my medication?

  • If I start TRT, do I have to be on TRT for the rest of my life? Tune in to find out!

Powerful Quotes by Josh Whalen and Dr. Jacey Folkers

One of the barriers that we have as a company is getting beyond the misperception or bad perceptions of testosterone. What we’re doing is replacing what we think should be there for your age… what helps you be better day-to-day. – Josh Whalen

Being in a more optimal testosterone level is gonna make you more of who you are. – Dr. Jacey Folkers

We’re gonna help you get to that finish line a little bit quicker, but you’re still doing the dirty work. You still have to make the lifestyle adjustments, you still have to lift weights, you still have to have an active lifestyle, you’ve got to be committed. – Josh Whalen

Aging doesn’t have to be a difficult process. – Josh Whalen

Episode resources:

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You talk to yourself every single day. When you’re processing information and experiences, making decisions, and preparing for the unknown ahead, you always talk yourself through it in your mind, right?

The interesting part of this phenomenon that we all experience is that the conversations we have with ourselves impact our health, performance, decisions, and relationships. In fact, they might just be the most important conversations we can have in our lifetime… and this week’s special guest studies just that.

Ethan Kross is a scientist, award-winning professor, best-selling author of Chatter, and one of the world’s leading experts on controlling the conscious mind. 

In this discussion, Ethan and Chase talk about how to harness, understand, and apply the voice in your head to your real life. Ethan speaks on the power of mental chatter and rumination, practical ways to navigate your thoughts and solve problems, and the research he’s done on internal conversation, introspection, and language.

Follow Ethan Kross @ethankross

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Ethan shares the inspiration behind his research on internal conversations, highlighting the value of introspection and working through problems with language.

  • He speaks on the human ability to mentally time travel, the problems that can arise from mental time travel, and why it might benefit us to not “be in the moment” all the time. These insights drove Ethan to write the book, Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It.

  • Do we choose to ruminate on the past or is it part of our biology? Ethan shares his thoughts and advice as well as the science behind rumination, worry, and mental chatter.

  • We all experience mental chatter and rumination, but the trick is to shorten the amount of time we spend in that space and there are many ways to do that!

  • Does talking about your problems actually make you feel better? Ethan highlights the role that other people play in regulating our emotions, scientific research on the consequences of venting, and the ultimate solution for overwhelming mental chatter.

  • Once you know about the tools that enable you to navigate mental chatter, you then have the opportunity to be deliberate in solving problems. Ethan explains how to use his primary personal strategy for navigating mental chatter, called distanced self-talk, as an efficient tool for gaining some distance on your problems. 

  • Do we all have an inner voice? Yes! Though, there’s great variability in how each individual experiences their inner voice. Listen in to learn how second or third languages impact our learning, perception, and understanding of emotions. 

Powerful Quotes by Ethan Kross

On one end, we have this remarkable tool, this ability to use language to solve problems, innovate, create, but this tool often gets us in deep trouble… Why is that and when it gets us in trouble, what can we do to right the ship? I ended up going to graduate school to figure out how to use science to answer those questions.

One of the reasons why other people can be so incredibly helpful when it comes to our chatter is they have some distance and objectivity when it comes to the situation… They’re not involved, they can weigh in soundly, and to be clear, that doesn’t mean that they’re always providing you with lovey dovey support.

I think we’re living through the chatter event of the last hundred years. The hits just keep coming. 

I don’t get down on myself when I experience a blip of negativity because I know that that’s part of life and actually, the small blips of negativity are usually doing something good for us. Negative emotions in small doses are really helpful, but I don’t try to bathe in them, either. 

Recommended Resources:

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This week’s guest is living, thriving proof that to live the life of your dreams, you need to know yourself, be courageous, and act in alignment with your intelligence. Let’s explore what that means and how you can start doing that right now.

We all know that personal and entrepreneurial growth and development isn’t a walk in the park. It requires you to lean into discomfort, listen to your intuition, and make really hard choices… but the payoff can be life-changing!

Anne Mahlum is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, athlete, and the Founder of [solidcore], a fast-growing boutique fitness company she founded in 2013 and quickly scaled to more than 80 locations in 27 states. She’s also the Founder of Back on My Feet, a national non-profit organization that’s using running as a vehicle to help those experiencing homelessness change the way they see themselves so they can change the direction of their lives.

In this discussion, Anne and Chase delve into Anne’s impressive entrepreneurial journey, her candid opinions on personal growth and development, and why the self-care movement needs a major rebrand. Plus, Anne shines light on how she’s curating and creating branded experiences through authenticity.

Follow Anne Mahlum @annemahlum

Follow @solidcore

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Anne shares the strategic process behind her massive business growth over the past eight years, highlighting why she sourced private funding to grow and scale her business as well as why she decided to step down as CEO of [solidcore] and Back on My Feet.

  • The success of [solidcore] and Back on My Feet can be attributed most to Anne’s willingness to break the organizations’ ties to her as the founder. She realized that the more systems she has in place that allow her to step back, the more her companies can grow, expand, and help others.

  • Anne candidly shares her hot take on self-care culture and the ever-present “you deserve it” language. Is it actually healthy?

  • Anne speaks on the power of knowing yourself and acting in alignment with your intuition and intelligence. How do we get to where we have the clarity and courage to say “hell yes” or “hell no” to something? How do you decide to act against something that you’ve already decided you’ll do, especially when you know that decision to say no will propel you forward? 

  • Meaningful change is uncomfortable and often painful. When we’re in that painful discomfort, it can be easy to want to give anything for it to go away, but when we’re on the other side of it, we’re often very grateful for the growth we experienced. 

Powerful Quotes by Anne Mahlum

I know what I’m trying to do right now and I know what my goals are and I’m laser focused on getting that done. So, I won’t look for the excuse, I won’t look for the Friday, I won’t look for the “I deserve to” because I’m gonna get off my path right now and I’m not gonna put myself in that position.

The only time people make any real change in their life is when they’re so sick and tired of the way things are going... No one makes extraordinary change in their life when things are just fine.

It’s that pause and reflection of how you’re spending your time, the habits that you’ve created – Are they serving you? Are they serving the people close to you? Can you be doing things differently? – and also celebrating the things that you’re doing correctly.

Recommended Resources:

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