Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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One foot in front of the other. One rep more. One intentional meal. These small things may not seem like much in the moment they compound into monumental changes in our healthy behaviors. But how can we realistically measure progress along the way? How can we know what success looks and feels like? It is not always the number on the scale or the weight on the barbell, and that is what strength and conditioning expert Josh Cuthbert drives home to his clients whether they are stay-at-home parents, CEO's, or professional athletes.

Connect w/ Josh @jcuthbert_training

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 25% at Top Notch Nutrition <-- during the entire month of January 2020 by clicking this link. You can always enter checkout code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$.

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Jan 22, 2020

EFR 272: How to Make Exercise a Healthy Part of Your Relationship

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What happens when you are in a relationship and your ritual of going to the gym doesn't make sense to the other person? How can we effectively communicate to our significant other what is important to us and why? Compromise in relationships are a must, but should you have to sacrifice your own health and fitness just because it is not as important to the other person? All these questions and more we explore in the January 2020 relationship health episode.

Connect w/ May @mayyazdi

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

  • Save 15% on WHOOP and get the activity tracker band for FREE when you sign up with a new membership with code "CHASE" at 

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

It's 2020, and while in many ways life has become easier it has also become polluted with distractions from our true purpose. Whether it is as grand as working our way to the top of the corporate ladder or simply trying to focus on the one small task in front of us as part of our daily living. Nir Eyal, author of Indistractable, writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Sir shares with us realistic ways to overcome some of life's biggest distractions so we can work towards the life we truly want and deserve.

Connect w/ Nir @neyal99

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

Ever Forward Resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching services at EF Coach, podcasting consulting and production services, EF Radio guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your podcast please email him directly at

We all can agree that, when it comes to improving our health and fitness we have to put in the reps. Usually that means in the gym. But... what about our spiritual health? How can we go deeper on the parts of our progress in the gym and in life that we can't quite put a finger on as to why things are working so well (or not)? Sal Di Stefano and Adam Schafer of Mind Pump and Josiah Novak of True Transformation and I begin discussing what we believe it means to be authentic and our interpretation of masculinity but quickly find ourselves talking about religion, spirituality and even the "woo".

Connect w/ Adam @mindpumpadam

Connect w/ Sal @mindpumpsal

Connect w/ Josiah @josiahfitness

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 10% at BPN Supps and help Australia <-- during the entire month of January 2020 the commissions made from your BPN purchase will be donated to help the Australian wildfire relief by clicking this link. You can also enter checkout code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$.

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Jan 15, 2020

EFR 269: Four Steps to Creating a Successful Podcast

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Over one million downloads and hundreds of episodes later, I finally feel like I know what I'm doing! Successfully launching a podcast can feel overwhelming; which microphone to use, what to talk about, how to edit, how to post it online, growing an audience, and even how to monetize your podcast. The guys at Mind Pump put out an incredible episode covering four key concepts that I expand upon here; be an expert and provide value, be authentic and vulnerable, be consistent, and encourage community.

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 25% at Top Notch Nutrition <-- during the entire month of January 2020 by clicking this link. You can always enter checkout code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$.

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

The word toxic may have been popularized by Britney Spears or System of a Down but its science has been broken down by Dr. Ann Shippy! In today's episode, we discuss the seemingly safe everyday items in our home that may be making us sick, causing poor sleep, creating hormone imbalances, causing headaches or simply keeping us from our optimal wellness. But here is the most powerful takeaway - we can radically change this for the better by simply choosing where and how we spend our money. The concept of voting with your dollars applies especially to what you put into your body, where you rest your head, and how you can let leading industries know that you demand better from them.

Dr. Shippy is a board certified in internal medicine, certified in functional medicine whose life purpose is working with science, clinical data, and research to provide you with the knowledge and tools to achieve optimal health. The science and research that directly relates our environment and nutrition to health prompted Dr. Shippy to found two health-based foundations. Her hope is to contribute to and inspire a positive movement towards solving some of the more complex health challenges we face today – and to help create a world where everyone has the opportunity for wellness.

Connect w/ Dr. Ann Shippy @annshippymd

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Jan 9, 2020

EFR 267: How Listening to Your Body Can Help You Overcome a Health Crisis with Sam Davis

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As said many times on the show before, there is no greater coach than our own bodies - IF we take pause and actually listen to it. Sam Davis was forced to radically overhaul her life, her training and nutrition once she began to pay attention to the cries for help her body was giving her. Narrowing down to severe adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems and overall hormonal imbalance Sam put the barbell down in order to take back her health, a process that took her the better part of a year. Through the exquisite care of a medical provider that opened her eyes to the world of natural supplements and careful nutritional changes Sam has reclaimed her wellness and identity.

Connect w/ Sam @samdavis19

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Jan 8, 2020

EFR 266: Losing Over 100 Pounds Through the Power of Mindset with Laura Micetich

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"Where the mind goes the body will follow" is a phrase often said around here, but probably no guest to date has embodied it as much as Laura Micetich. Over 300 pounds at one point in her life, Laura realized that she wanted more out of her existence because she realized she was just merely existing. She was settling on someone else's definition of what was possible, so she picked up some weights and hasn't looked back since.

Connect w/ Laura @theirongiantess

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 20% on Strong Coffee <-- try their amazing coffee or match for a strong body and strong mind! 15g collagen, 5g MCTs and sustained release caffeine for a pick me up without the crash or jitters! Code "CHASE" for 20% off!

Podcast resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

The average human life span does not, unfortunately, correlate to the average health span. Living a life full of wellness and fulfillment is totally possible but it takes time and awareness about what we eat, how we move, our sleep, the quality of our relationships and other key biohacks that Zach Mobius highlights in this valuable episode. Zach shares tangible steps to increase productivity in your daily life and your business.

After literally dying and coming back to life as a child, Zach has made it his life's mission to squeeze every ounce of possibility of today and prepare for a better tomorrow. He believes that "You can do anything through hard work, intelligent strategy, and perfect practice!"

Connect w/ Zach @zach_mobius_performance

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 25% at Top Notch Nutrition <-- during the entire month of January 2020 by clicking this link. You can always enter checkout code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$.

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Jan 2, 2020

EFR 264: Uncovering Ancient Health Benefits from the World of Bees with Carly Stein

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Prepare to be blown away and astounded by the raw power and health benefits from one of nature's oldest sources - bees! Carly Stein is the founder and CEO of Beekeeper's Naturals, a company that came into existence almost out of accident as Carly sought answers to health issues that were plaguing her for too long. Through personal experience and dedication to becoming an expert (she is a certified Master Beekeeper!), Carly has been able to harness the incredible wellness benefits of honey, propolis, royal jelly and everything else bees have to offer us.

Connect w/ Beekeeper's Naturals @beekeepers_naturals

Connect w/ Carly @stein.carly

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

Pivot your perspective and change your life. Many of us run on an endless string of vague goals, should-haves, and "tomorrows", with true, empowering change always just out of reach. Many of us feel stuck in a pattern or are unknowingly trapped in our day-to-day routine, without the proper tools to break the mold and live our best lives every single day. David Nurse, a renowned optimization and life coach of more than 100 NBA players and CEOs, knows it doesn't have to be that way, and a powerful shift in perspective is the answer.

Connect w/ David @davidnurse5

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

  • Save 20% on Comrad whether you're sitting all day in the office, catching a flight, or heading into a killer workout, Comrad Companion socks are the ultimate sock for everyday, athletic wear, and special occasions 

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at

2019 has shown me many things that have broadened my belief systems and even my supplements. Things that have dramatically improved my sleep, productivity, focus, training, recovery and so much more. This end-of-the-year special episode highlights many of those practices and supplements that have contributed exponentially to helping me live a life EVER FORWARD!

Connect w/ me on Instagram @chase_chewning

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at