“With the purpose of enhancing your life, enhance other people’s lives. Make people smile and happy.”

Josie Mai

Mar 16, 2020

EFR 295: Life Lessons After Backpacking Around the World with Josie Mai

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Do you have plans to travel the world someday? If yes, then what is holding you back from doing it? A limited budget may be your primary reason for not doing it now. Worry not because with proper planning and budgeting, your dreams of traveling may just come true.

In this episode, our guest Josie Mai shares with us a year in her life as a traveler. She gives us tried and tested techniques in going on a trip on a budget. She also talks about what aspiring travelers can do to maximize their experiences in the countries they will visit.

Listen to the podcast and learn how you can start planning for your future trip around the world!

Follow Josie @josievmai

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

  • Save 15% on WHOOP and get the activity tracker band for FREE when you sign up with a new membership with code CHASE at www.whoop.com 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. You will learn how to make your dream travel possible with planning tips and tricks from Josie.

  2. How can you maximize the time and budget you have while you travel across the world?

  3. Josie’s secrets to a successful trip around the world.

Episode resources

Episode Highlights

Why You Should Travel Young

  • Traveling in your 20s is way different than when you’re in your 50s or 60s.

  • When you’re young, you’re unlikely to be tied down by your responsibilities to your own family.

  • Travel to enjoy life.

Preparing for a Long Trip

  • Allot at least six months to prepare for the trip. During that time, learn about the countries you are planning to visit.

  • If you have a job, inform your superiors about your trip and ask how you can do your job online.

  • Make sure to accomplish the 8 recommended steps Josie discusses in the full episode before venturing to a long trip. 

Preparing Your Family and Friends for Your Trip

  • Some family members may be wary about your plans, so you need to assure them that you have thoroughly planned your trip.

  • Be patient in explaining your reasons to them.

  • Explain how travel can also help you grow and learn about life.

Preparing Yourself for Your Trip

  • Start by practicing minimalism.

  • Since you will be traveling across different countries, pack light. Five shirts, two tank tops, and two pairs of pants is a start.

  • Plan enough, but not too much.

  • Expect that nothing is set in stone and everything is subject to change.

How Traveling Changes Your Life

  • You will start to plan your days ahead to avoid wasting time looking for something to do.

  • You will learn to talk to your fellow travelers for recommendations for hostels or places to visit.

  • Also, you will learn how to relax and take time for yourself.

  • You will also learn how to make things last (e.g., money).

Budgeting While Traveling

  • Track your expenses to avoid overspending.

  • Visit free places or cheap ones if it costs money.

  • Look for budget-friendly accommodations (e.g., hostels or couch surfing).

  • Adjust your spending depending on your capacity.

Staying Fit While Traveling

  • Do not expect that there will be gyms in all the places you will visit.

  • A YouTube search for a quick yoga or fitness routine can be your exercise guide instead.

Things You Can Do When Traveling

  • Experience local by asking for a local’s advice on what to eat or visit in their country.

  • You can also experience local festivals and get to learn about their culture for free.

  • There are also a lot of volunteering opportunities that you can grab when you travel.

  • If you are short on money, you can look for remote job opportunities to support you.

Tracking Your Journey

  • To monitor your journey, you can do vlogs for YouTube or blog about the different places you visited.

  • You can also snap some pictures of these places to add to your blog or Instagram.

  • Always remember to live your life as it happens and not through the lens of your phone or camera.

Life After Traveling

  • You will be more thankful for your family and friends since you already know what it is like to go alone in life.

  • You will also learn how to live a purposeful life for yourself first, then for others.

  • Also, you will understand that the first step to achieving your goals is doing it.

Lessons Josie Learned from Her Travels

  • People around the world live very different lives, yet we all share the same desire to get through the day and go to bed feeling content.

  • Locals appreciate it when a traveler makes an effort to learn about their culture.

  • Making friends and making people smile every day are good habits.

  • Meeting friends along the way and keeping that friendship will help you whenever you revisit their countries.

  • Difference and diversity are what make an individual; therefore, we should be more forgiving of our flaws and imperfections.

  • More lessons on how you can enhance your life when traveling on the full episode. 

5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

  1. “Live intentionally every day.”

  2. “With the purpose of enhancing your life, enhance other people’s lives. Make people smile and happy.”

  3. “Learn your strengths and weaknesses, and then react and learn and build from that.”

  4. “If I want to travel and have an experience of a lifetime, I have to do it now.”

  5. “Do what you love to do.”

About the Guest

Josie V. Mai is a fitness and health enthusiast from Virginia, USA, who loves to eat and travel. In 2018, she took some time off her job for a one-year trip around the world. She also owns her own blog, where she shares fitness and health tips and her travel experiences across the globe.

To connect with Josie, you may reach her on Twitter or Instagram. Get inspired by her fitness and travel vlogs on her YouTube channel. You may also check out her blog for travel tips and tricks.

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Do you want to plan for your future trip around the world? Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners and expand upon this episode at https://www.facebook.com/everforwardradio.

Learn how to launch your own podcast! Learn more about starting your own podcast in Chase's “Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting” at OperationPodcast.com.

This podcast is available on Apple and Spotify. You may also connect with me through Instagram or my website. Thank you for listening!

EFR 295: Life Lessons After Backpacking Around the World with Josie Mai

Do you have plans to travel the world someday? If yes, then what is holding you back from doing it? A limited budget may be your primary reason for not doing it now. Worry not because with proper planning and budgeting, your dreams of traveling may just come true.

In this episode, our guest Josie Mai shares with us a year in her life as a traveler. She gives us tried and tested techniques in going on a trip on a budget. She also talks about what aspiring travelers can do to maximize their experiences in the countries they will visit.

Listen to the podcast and learn how you can start planning for your future trip around the world!

Follow Josie @josievmai

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

  • Save 15% on WHOOP and get the activity tracker band for FREE when you sign up with a new membership with code CHASE at www.whoop.com 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. You will learn how to make your dream travel possible with planning tips and tricks from Josie.

  2. How can you maximize the time and budget you have while you travel across the world?

  3. Josie’s secrets to a successful trip around the world.

Episode resources

Episode Highlights

Why You Should Travel Young

  • Traveling in your 20s is way different than when you’re in your 50s or 60s.

  • When you’re young, you’re unlikely to be tied down by your responsibilities to your own family.

  • Travel to enjoy life.

Preparing for a Long Trip

  • Allot at least six months to prepare for the trip. During that time, learn about the countries you are planning to visit.

  • If you have a job, inform your superiors about your trip and ask how you can do your job online.

  • Make sure to accomplish the 8 recommended steps Josie discusses in the full episode before venturing to a long trip. 

Preparing Your Family and Friends for Your Trip

  • Some family members may be wary about your plans, so you need to assure them that you have thoroughly planned your trip.

  • Be patient in explaining your reasons to them.

  • Explain how travel can also help you grow and learn about life.

Preparing Yourself for Your Trip

  • Start by practicing minimalism.

  • Since you will be traveling across different countries, pack light. Five shirts, two tank tops, and two pairs of pants is a start.

  • Plan enough, but not too much.

  • Expect that nothing is set in stone and everything is subject to change.

How Traveling Changes Your Life

  • You will start to plan your days ahead to avoid wasting time looking for something to do.

  • You will learn to talk to your fellow travelers for recommendations for hostels or places to visit.

  • Also, you will learn how to relax and take time for yourself.

  • You will also learn how to make things last (e.g., money).

Budgeting While Traveling

  • Track your expenses to avoid overspending.

  • Visit free places or cheap ones if it costs money.

  • Look for budget-friendly accommodations (e.g., hostels or couch surfing).

  • Adjust your spending depending on your capacity.

Staying Fit While Traveling

  • Do not expect that there will be gyms in all the places you will visit.

  • A YouTube search for a quick yoga or fitness routine can be your exercise guide instead.

Things You Can Do When Traveling

  • Experience local by asking for a local’s advice on what to eat or visit in their country.

  • You can also experience local festivals and get to learn about their culture for free.

  • There are also a lot of volunteering opportunities that you can grab when you travel.

  • If you are short on money, you can look for remote job opportunities to support you.

Tracking Your Journey

  • To monitor your journey, you can do vlogs for YouTube or blog about the different places you visited.

  • You can also snap some pictures of these places to add to your blog or Instagram.

  • Always remember to live your life as it happens and not through the lens of your phone or camera.

Life After Traveling

  • You will be more thankful for your family and friends since you already know what it is like to go alone in life.

  • You will also learn how to live a purposeful life for yourself first, then for others.

  • Also, you will understand that the first step to achieving your goals is doing it.

Lessons Josie Learned from Her Travels

  • People around the world live very different lives, yet we all share the same desire to get through the day and go to bed feeling content.

  • Locals appreciate it when a traveler makes an effort to learn about their culture.

  • Making friends and making people smile every day are good habits.

  • Meeting friends along the way and keeping that friendship will help you whenever you revisit their countries.

  • Difference and diversity are what make an individual; therefore, we should be more forgiving of our flaws and imperfections.

  • More lessons on how you can enhance your life when traveling on the full episode. 

5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

  1. “Live intentionally every day.”

  2. “With the purpose of enhancing your life, enhance other people’s lives. Make people smile and happy.”

  3. “Learn your strengths and weaknesses, and then react and learn and build from that.”

  4. “If I want to travel and have an experience of a lifetime, I have to do it now.”

  5. “Do what you love to do.”

About the Guest

Josie V. Mai is a fitness and health enthusiast from Virginia, USA, who loves to eat and travel. In 2018, she took some time off her job for a one-year trip around the world. She also owns her own blog, where she shares fitness and health tips and her travel experiences across the globe.

To connect with Josie, you may reach her on Twitter or Instagram. Get inspired by her fitness and travel vlogs on her YouTube channel. You may also check out her blog for travel tips and tricks.

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If it’s a resounding yes, feel free to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast.

Think we’re a 5-star podcast? If you do, we'd love to see your review. Help us reach more people and cater to our audience better.

Do you want to plan for your future trip around the world? Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners and expand upon this episode at https://www.facebook.com/everforwardradio.

Learn how to launch your own podcast! Learn more about starting your own podcast in Chase's “Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting” at OperationPodcast.com.

This podcast is available on Apple and Spotify. You may also connect with me through Instagram or my website. Thank you for listening!