"If you're not growing, you're dying. [...] No matter what your past was and how lucky you think you are or deserving, you have to keep moving."

Maria Ayne

Success doesn't come easy. Most successful people have had their share of challenges and tragedies that helped them find their passion. Overcoming these setbacks is a long process, but it is worth it.

In this episode, I, along with Brad Jensen, and Maria Ayne, share our journeys to overcoming our biggest setbacks. We talk about how we transformed our dark pasts into a grateful experience. If you're at a difficult point in your life, this episode is for you. Listen to this podcast and discover valuable insights on powering through life's challenges.

Connect w/ Maria @nutritionistmaria

Connect w/ Brad @thesoberbodybuilder

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Brad, Maria, and I will share our tragedies and how we turned our lives around.

  2. Discover the value of taking little steps in rebuilding your identity.

  3. Learn how we confronted our biggest fears and transformed them into positive emotions.


Episode Highlights

Here's Our Story

  • Aside from his physical injuries, I struggled to cope with the loss of my father. It took me a decade to figure out my life.

  • Brad had to battle years of drug addiction. At 28 years old, he had nothing.

  • Maria grappled with an eating disorder and an unhealthy relationship with food. She went through a series of thought processing before she finally decided to confront her issues.

Taking Little Steps

  • Brad tried not to use drugs for a day. He then decided not to use drugs for a month. After a series of little steps, he now has a life beyond his wildest dreams. 

  • Imagine a tree that you have to cut. Make little chips on the tree every day until you reach your goal.

  • The little steps may seem meaningless, but when you look back, everything will be different.

The Importance of Perspective

  • Maria's turning point was when she decided that she was deserving of a mission.

  • It is essential to look at things from a perspective of knowing they actually happened for you.

  • The Dao/Tao principle teaches us that our sufferings today may become our greatest blessings tomorrow.

  • Maria incorporates the Chakra System in her practice. Transform your adversity into something that contributes to your collective consciousness.

Take Your Time

  • People cope with challenges at different paces.

  • It took me 10 years from my father's passing until I finally decided to turn my life around.

  • Maria's health transformation was a 20-year journey.

  • It took Brad 12 years to get to a place where he is finally grateful.

  • Our experiences and setbacks are things that don’t completely go away. We just learn how to deal with them better.

Breaking Free from Shame

  • We have to process and release our emotions to transform them.

  • The emotions we suppress live inside us.

  • Instead of being ashamed, be proud that you go through these experiences and overcome them.

  • Without the release of emotion, we will not be able to break free from our paradigm.

A Holistic Approach to Nutrition Coaching

  • Everything is connected. You cannot deal with one problem without looking at all aspects of your life.

  • The body is a visual representation of what is happening in the mind.

  • In changing your mindset, your body will have a different expression as well.

  • Listen to the full episode to know more about how we used our own experiences on nutrition coaching to live a more holistic life. 

How Do You Know Your Passion?

  • Brad, Maria, and I all had to go through a massive struggle before we found our passion.

  • However, for some people, they instantly know their passion.

  • Our biggest traumas will yield the biggest change in our lives. “The greater the pain, the greater the awakening.”

  • Ask yourself, "Why am I this person?"

Change: A Pleasurable Experience

  • When something becomes routine, there is no reward for it anymore.

  • You cannot just stay still in life and be content, especially when you're exposed to quick successions.

  • To keep moving, you have to go through a lot of undoings. You might have to undo your belief systems and thought processes.

Be Your Own Creator

  • Sometimes, we need to stop asking ourselves, "Who am I?"

  • Instead of constantly trying to find the right version of yourself, you can just create it.

  • Listen to your inner calling. Don't let other people tell you who you're supposed to be. 


5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

  1. "You don't have to lose everything to build a successful business. Most people don't go that route, but that was my story." (Brad Jensen)

  2. "It was listening to stories of people who are really authentic and shared that they had a darker past and overcame things that made me realize that where I came from did not determine where I was going unless I let it." (Maria Ayne)

  3. "It's those little chips, those little steps at a time, that seem so meaningless. We don't realize how much they compound." (Chase Chewning)

  4. "If you're not growing, you're dying. [...] No matter what your past was and how lucky you think you are or deserving, you have to keep moving." (Maria Ayne)

  5. "If you don't know who that person is you're looking for, just build that person." (Chase Chewning)

About the Guests

Brad Jensen is the owner and CEO of Key Nutrition. He is an online nutrition coach and host of The Key Nutrition Podcast. Connect with Brad on Instagram or at Key Nutrition's website.

Maria Ayne is an author, nutritionist, and behavior specialist. She is committed to helping food addicts, compulsive eaters, and binge eaters. Know more from Maria through her LinkedIn and Instagram.


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If it's a resounding yes, feel free to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast.

Think we're a 5-star podcast? If you do, we'd love to see your review. Help us reach more people and cater to our audience better.

Do you want to share how you power through setbacks? Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners and expand upon this episode at https://www.facebook.com/everforwardradio.

Learn how to podcast! Learn more about starting your own podcast in Chase's "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at OperationPodcast.com.

This podcast is available on Apple and Spotify. You may also connect with me through Instagram or my website. Thank you for listening!

EFR 297: How to Overcome Your Biggest Setbacks and Turn Your Life Around with Maria Ayne and Brad Jensen

Success doesn't come easy. Most successful people have had their share of challenges and tragedies that helped them find their passion. Overcoming these setbacks is a long process, but it is worth it.

In this episode, I, along with Brad Jensen, and Maria Ayne, share our journeys to overcoming our biggest setbacks. We talk about how we transformed our dark pasts into a grateful experience. If you're at a difficult point in your life, this episode is for you. Listen to this podcast and discover valuable insights on powering through life's challenges.

Connect w/ Maria @nutritionistmaria

Connect w/ Brad @thesoberbodybuilder

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Brad, Maria, and I will share our tragedies and how we turned our lives around.

  2. Discover the value of taking little steps in rebuilding your identity.

  3. Learn how we confronted our biggest fears and transformed them into positive emotions.


Episode Highlights

Here's Our Story

  • Aside from his physical injuries, I struggled to cope with the loss of my father. It took me a decade to figure out my life.

  • Brad had to battle years of drug addiction. At 28 years old, he had nothing.

  • Maria grappled with an eating disorder and an unhealthy relationship with food. She went through a series of thought processing before she finally decided to confront her issues.

Taking Little Steps

  • Brad tried not to use drugs for a day. He then decided not to use drugs for a month. After a series of little steps, he now has a life beyond his wildest dreams. 

  • Imagine a tree that you have to cut. Make little chips on the tree every day until you reach your goal.

  • The little steps may seem meaningless, but when you look back, everything will be different.

The Importance of Perspective

  • Maria's turning point was when she decided that she was deserving of a mission.

  • It is essential to look at things from a perspective of knowing they actually happened for you.

  • The Dao/Tao principle teaches us that our sufferings today may become our greatest blessings tomorrow.

  • Maria incorporates the Chakra System in her practice. Transform your adversity into something that contributes to your collective consciousness.

Take Your Time

  • People cope with challenges at different paces.

  • It took me 10 years from my father's passing until I finally decided to turn my life around.

  • Maria's health transformation was a 20-year journey.

  • It took Brad 12 years to get to a place where he is finally grateful.

  • Our experiences and setbacks are things that don’t completely go away. We just learn how to deal with them better.

Breaking Free from Shame

  • We have to process and release our emotions to transform them.

  • The emotions we suppress live inside us.

  • Instead of being ashamed, be proud that you go through these experiences and overcome them.

  • Without the release of emotion, we will not be able to break free from our paradigm.

A Holistic Approach to Nutrition Coaching

  • Everything is connected. You cannot deal with one problem without looking at all aspects of your life.

  • The body is a visual representation of what is happening in the mind.

  • In changing your mindset, your body will have a different expression as well.

  • Listen to the full episode to know more about how we used our own experiences on nutrition coaching to live a more holistic life. 

How Do You Know Your Passion?

  • Brad, Maria, and I all had to go through a massive struggle before we found our passion.

  • However, for some people, they instantly know their passion.

  • Our biggest traumas will yield the biggest change in our lives. “The greater the pain, the greater the awakening.”

  • Ask yourself, "Why am I this person?"

Change: A Pleasurable Experience

  • When something becomes routine, there is no reward for it anymore.

  • You cannot just stay still in life and be content, especially when you're exposed to quick successions.

  • To keep moving, you have to go through a lot of undoings. You might have to undo your belief systems and thought processes.

Be Your Own Creator

  • Sometimes, we need to stop asking ourselves, "Who am I?"

  • Instead of constantly trying to find the right version of yourself, you can just create it.

  • Listen to your inner calling. Don't let other people tell you who you're supposed to be. 


5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

  1. "You don't have to lose everything to build a successful business. Most people don't go that route, but that was my story." (Brad Jensen)

  2. "It was listening to stories of people who are really authentic and shared that they had a darker past and overcame things that made me realize that where I came from did not determine where I was going unless I let it." (Maria Ayne)

  3. "It's those little chips, those little steps at a time, that seem so meaningless. We don't realize how much they compound." (Chase Chewning)

  4. "If you're not growing, you're dying. [...] No matter what your past was and how lucky you think you are or deserving, you have to keep moving." (Maria Ayne)

  5. "If you don't know who that person is you're looking for, just build that person." (Chase Chewning)

About the Guests

Brad Jensen is the owner and CEO of Key Nutrition. He is an online nutrition coach and host of The Key Nutrition Podcast. Connect with Brad on Instagram or at Key Nutrition's website.

Maria Ayne is an author, nutritionist, and behavior specialist. She is committed to helping food addicts, compulsive eaters, and binge eaters. Know more from Maria through her LinkedIn and Instagram.


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If it's a resounding yes, feel free to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast.

Think we're a 5-star podcast? If you do, we'd love to see your review. Help us reach more people and cater to our audience better.

Do you want to share how you power through setbacks? Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners and expand upon this episode at https://www.facebook.com/everforwardradio.

Learn how to podcast! Learn more about starting your own podcast in Chase's "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at OperationPodcast.com.

This podcast is available on Apple and Spotify. You may also connect with me through Instagram or my website. Thank you for listening!