Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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Previous Episodes
Oct 11, 2021
EFR 535: What is Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy and Using Ketamine to Treat Mental Health with Ronan Levy
Ronan Levy is a pioneer in the therapeutic psychedelics industry. He is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Field Trip Health. With centres opening across North America, Field Trip Health helps people to heal and heighten their engagement with the world via the healing modality of psychedelics.
“There’s doubt about it. We are in a psychedelic renaissance,” says Ronan, referring to the recent dramatic realignment of mainstream views around traditional medicine. Calling it “a massive change in the global zeitgeist”, this paradigm shift goes beyond health and wellness, reflecting a change in how we view emotions and even spirituality.
Contributing heavily to this revolution is the mental health crisis that had already been on the rise for years but was further aggravated by the pandemic for the past year-and-a-half.
Citing “significant humanitarian and economic implications”, Ronan says that “depression and anxiety disorders are going to become the leading global burden of disease, meaning they will cost the global economy more than any other disease out there, primarily from lost productivity.”
With these realities in mind, Ronan dives deep into the history, science, and psychological and pro-social benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy.
He speaks on the common, decades-long misconceptions surrounding this subject, and the groundbreaking research done on ketamine and psilocybin that, if rediscovered in the world of conventional medicine, may become a key factor in eradicating not just the current mental health crisis, but many of the social and environmental ills we face today as well.
Follow Field Trip Health @fieldtriphealth
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
What is the state of the psychedelics world in late-2021?
What exactly does science say about psychedelic-assisted therapy?
How can psilocybin potentially help someone experience love on a deeper level, and what are its other physiological and psychological benefits?
Could the embracing of psychedelics be just another passing trend?
Powerful Quotes by Ronan Levy
Psychedelics open people up to healing; but, the healing really comes from pairing [psychedelics] with therapy.
We are in a psychedelic renaissance. There’s no doubt about it.
There is wonder all around us. There is enough to keep your mind satisfied and engaged in the one-foot area surrounding you if you really open yourself up to it.
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Nina Mullen is the Co-Founder of Hilma. The brand was launched in 2019 with three products, each of which covers its own unique category: 1) An immune support blend; 2) An upset stomach relief for occasional heartburn, antacid, and digestion; and 3) A head tension relief.
With more and more research emerging around the long-term risks associated with traditional over-the-counter brands, says Nina, “we’re at a specific moment where mainstream consumers are more aware of the risks and just want to find holistic solutions.”
She adds that not only naturopathic doctors, but even conventional medical professionals are starting to take notice of these disconcerting trends associated with Big Pharma.
Natural, clean label products have taken center-stage in virtually every consumer category, from consumables, beauty, household cleaners, and personal care. However, the medicine cabinet continues to be stuck in the past with most being stocked with the usual OTC legacy brands like Airborne, Emergen-C, or Tums.
Hilma aims to disrupt this area by introducing preventative, long-term, and all-natural herbal options for everyday health needs to the mainstream consumer.
Follow Hilma @hilma_co
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Nina speaks on Hilma’s overarching goal to change mainstream consumer preferences when it comes to what goes into the typical medicine cabinet.
How is Hilma educating the public and providing natural remedies for immunity, digestive health, and head tension?
What exactly does “herbal” mean, what should consumers be aware of (and steer clear of) when searching for a good herbal product?
Nina reflects on the road to founding Hilma alongside her partners Lily and Hilary.
Powerful Quotes by Nina Mullen
We’re at a specific moment where mainstream consumers are more aware of the risks [of Big Pharma medications] and just want to find holistic solutions. And by “holistic” I mean solutions that obviously work in the moment, but really help set your body up for the future and actually get to the root issue rather than going with a band-aid fix.
Unfortunately, immune health is not one thing. There is not one silver bullet that is going to solve your immune system, boost your immune system. Your immune system is physically an integrated system that is a series of aspects of your body. It’s not one organ.
Herbal medicine is really ahead of its time in terms of its integrated approach to settling your stomach and dealing with gut health issues.
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Oct 6, 2021
EFR 533: How to Make Your Inner Health Match Your Outer Health with Dr. Avanti Kumar Singh, MD
Our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world, and optimal health is all about adopting the right habits that support those two worlds. It all starts with the self-awareness and openness to change embodied in Ayurvedic medicine.
It’s a healing system which teaches us that change is an intrinsic quality in nature, and so why shouldn’t we see that reality of continuous change in ourselves? In other words, Ayurveda teaches us to turn to nature for wisdom on how we, as human beings, should discern what’s best for our life.
When we experience symptoms of any kind, whether internally or externally, it is an indicator that we are not in harmony with the world around us, or with ourselves. From how we’ve been eating and sleeping to how we’ve been managing our relationships and career—all of these things either support or weaken our health.
Listen in and learn how we can adopt the principles of Ayurveda to take full control over our life and achieve optimal health.
Dr. Avanti is an internationally recognized speaker and thought leader in Ayurveda. She works with women (and men) who are ready to take back their health and replenish their mental, physical, and emotional energy so they can live a vibrant life filled with more joy, meaning and purpose.
Follow Dr. Singh @avantikumarsingh
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Dr. Singh explains how our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world.
It’s easy enough to notice our own physical or external issues, but not as much when it comes to the internal. What signs should we be looking out for to help us recognize that our inner world is not in optimal alignment?
How can Ayurvedic medicine better help us understand and become proactive with what’s happening inside of us?
What are some of the most common seemingly small daily habits that are, in fact, detrimental to our health?
Powerful Quotes by Dr. Avanti Kumar Singh
Self-awareness is the first step when it comes to health, wellness, and healing.
Ayurveda comes down to the central idea of staying in harmony with nature. When we are in harmony with nature, we will have optimal health and a vibrant life.
Like increases like and opposites reduce.
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Sugarbreak
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Trevor Blattner is the founder of Redefining the Top 1%. He promotes the concept of Shepherd Leadership—a modern form of leadership that encourages leaders of all sorts to guide, support, and uplift their people.
Shepherd Leadership is an enlightened approach that Trevor developed over 20 years of research, coaching, and expertise. It is a model that breaks free of the antiquated and regressive top-down style of leadership that has been seen for years as the only standard of leadership worth adopting.
From leading in the corporate and military world to leading in our day-to-day lives, Trevor does a deep dive into the qualities that exemplify the best leaders in the modern world.
These qualities include embracing radical responsibility, recognizing and optimizing your higher self, managing your ego and embracing authentic humility, strategically designing your reality, committing to mastery, being still and know, and adopting a growth mindset.
Key Highlights
Why do newer generations no longer respond to traditional top-down leadership—and what can we replace it with?
Is leadership innate, and do we each have a “limit” on our potential leadership capacity?
Trever describes the leader versus follower dynamic and why we still have a responsibility to lead even if we’re not being assigned the title “leader”.
Trevor explains why humility is the most important quality for leaders to embody.
Powerful Quotes by Trevor Blattner
Humility, self-awareness, and the ability to have compassion for those people in your team are some of the most important parts of being a leader in the modern era.
Even if we are a “follower” in our given role, I don’t know that we’re off-the-hook in terms of our responsibility to still lead because leading ourselves is where the rubber meets the road anyway.
One of, if not the most, important skill as a leader is to recognize your own weaknesses and fill those gaps.
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Dr. Jonathan Leary, DC is the Founder and CEO of Remedy Place, the world’s first social wellness club dedicated to bringing guests back into balance through social self-care.
Having opened in January of 2020, two months before the world temporarily shut down, Jonathan and Remedy Place have had to adapt to the changes and healthcare skepticism that came along with the pandemic.
As the first and only Concierge Wellness Doctor, Jonathan has a refreshing perspective on healthcare… What if we were open to trying new things and trusting ourselves when it came to our health and wellness? After all, our body does have an innate ability to heal itself!
Listen in for an eye-opening discussion on the power of social self-care, what that even means, and how Remedy Place is catalyzing cutting-edge innovation in the healthcare industry.
Follow Jonathan @drjonathanleary
Follow Remedy Place @remedyplace
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Jonathan details how he’s cultivating an aesthetic of wellness and fostering healing through fundamental behavior change and social self-care.
Challenges and opportunities in navigating the pandemic as a new business built on social wellness.
Jonathan shares valuable insights he and society has gained from living through the covid-19 pandemic.
Science is hypotheses: The controversy around medical and health research & How Jonathan makes wellness decisions.
The holistic services at Remedy Place and their powerful benefits.
The power of being open to a first experience (A message for the skeptics)
Powerful Quotes by Dr. Jonathan Leary
I like to get inspired by people’s word and try not to get influenced by people’s words.
No one can tell you your truth.
Do something that you love, work really hard for it, have right intentions, be a good person, and good shit’s gonna happen.
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Today’s conversation is a sobering deep dive into the highly controversial but crucial subject that is the COVID-19 vaccine, featuring Jonathan Baktari MD.
Dr. Baktari is the CEO of e7 Health, a Las Vegas-based company focused on preventative health and wellness. He kicks off the conversation with a high-level explanation of exactly what a vaccine is. The goal of a vaccine, he says, is to take advantage of the immune system’s strengths by “tricking” the body.
The body is injected with a portion of a germ, whether that germ is a virus or bacteria. The dose is small enough to get the body to detect the germ, thereby training the immune system to become efficient at fighting it while minimizing the damage it could have done to the body if the germ were “whole”.
Dr. Baktari and Chase go on to unpack the trickiest questions the world is now faced with as in navigating the ever-evolving COVID-19 crisis—from how to interpret official data, to the issue of personal freedom versus the common good, to the under-addressed and overlooked public health issue that is a lack of education on prevention.
Follow Dr. Baktari @baktarimd
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Dr. Baktari explains why he believes that vaccines are “the ultimate holistic medication”.
Chase and Dr. Baktari discuss correlation versus causation vis-à-vis official data published by public health agencies.
Why is it so hard for the majority of the population to embrace a culture of prevention via the promotion of healthy habits?
Dr. Baktari gives his thoughts on how fear or other strong emotions toward a drug impact its effects when taken.
Powerful Quotes by Dr. Jonathan Baktari
I’m always amazed by people who say, “I only believe in holistic medicine. I never want to take a drug.” Those people should be running to get a vaccine because it is the ultimate holistic medication.
One of the things that I learned early on in medicine is that the plural of a lot of anecdotes is not data.
We’ve gotten really good at creating drugs. But prevention is probably a lot easier and a lot cheaper.
Episode resources:
Sep 23, 2021
EFR 529: The Genius Within - Breaking Down Barriers to Change & Using Obstacles as Fuel with Mike Zeller
Doing better and being better requires a mindset shift and a lifestyle shift. Not only that, but it requires failure.
When we look at challenges, failure and loss as gifts, we will inevitably experience immense growth and revolution because what stands before you becomes the path to your zone of genius.
Business Architect, Mike Zeller, says, “I’m going to take the gifts of the obstacles and use them as fuel, use them as my nitro fuel, to grow and catalyze.”
After experiencing gut-wrenching failure, loss, and debt as a high-level entrepreneur, Mike knows what rock bottom feels like… but that didn’t stop him from learning and trying again. Now, his business has done over $300 million in sales and he helps others get unstuck, find their zone of genius, and fuel momentum that will launch their business to new heights.
Follow Mike @themikezeller
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Mike speaks on the power that lies in getting out of your usual environment and how changing your mindset and lifestyle stimulates growth.
The biggest external and internal barriers to change and how to overcome them.
How affective is optimism? Do you believe in ‘faking it ‘til you make it’?
Mike details the story of losing a business while giving insight into the struggles that entrepreneurs have with identity and failure.
Embracing grief and loss, specifically in your career and as a business owner.
Powerful Quotes by Mike Zeller
Even if you go down the path and you fail, it’s not really failure if you’re learning and getting better. One of my quests is to be relentlessly obsessed with getting better.
I’m very intentional to utilize all the suffering I can for good.
I’m deep in my purpose and I wouldn’t be that way without the failures in the past.
Episode resources:
Save 20% on your entire first purchase from Legion Athletics with code EVERFORWARD
Stay tuned for the launch of his upcoming book The Genius Within
Get the 6 Steps to Finding Your Genius by texting GeniusU to 474747
Sep 22, 2021
EFR 528: Choose Possibility - How to Take Risks and Thrive Even When You Fail with Sukhinder Singh Cassidy
Have you ever felt like you’ve made the wrong career choice? Are you waiting for the right time or the best opportunity to come along so you can take the leap towards your dream life?
Author, entrepreneur, and CEO, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, has a unique perspective to share with those of you who are afraid of making the wrong career choice or have an unhealthy relationship with risk.
She says that “even when we think we have a failure from which we’ll never recover, there’s still another move, there’s still five more choices to be made.”
Your potential for receiving life’s rewards isn’t limited. Don’t get caught up in the one thing that might make you successful in life. Get committed to the process. Put progress over perfection and turn risks into opportunities. This is your time to choose possibility.
Follow Sukhinder @sukhindersingh
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Risk-taking myths that cause fear and hinder us from achieving greatness.
Sukhinder gives you a peek into her experience with failure, success, and taking risks as a CEO and entrepreneur.
Is it healthy to make decisions and take risks, especially in your career, based on a specific timeline?
Sukhinder shares her thoughts on how to thrive through ownership & How to have a proactive relationship with risk management.
The power of surrounding yourself with the right people to foster appropriate risk-taking and thrive in life and at work.
Powerful Quotes by Sukhinder Singh Cassidy
Create your own timeline for discovery instead of reacting to everyone else’s schedule.
You have to live in uncertainty in order to uncover all the opportunities… and that’s okay.
It is impossible to thrive over the long-term without feeling like an owner.
Episode resources:
Sep 20, 2021
EFR 527: Radical Sexual Empowerment, Spiritual Fluidity, and Waiting Until Marriage for Sex with Kat Harris
Science shows us that sex and intimacy are some of the most bonding human experiences of our lives. So… what happens when religion gets thrown into the mix?
Kat Harris is here to have an eye-opening discussion about boundaries, consent, monogamy, infidelity, shame, and most prominently, waiting until marriage to have sex.
After growing up in the south as a Christian in the peak of the purity movement, Kat moved to New York City and noticed that her thoughts about sex and singleness began to change. She began to question the word of God and why she’d been waiting until marriage to have sex.
As more and more women of faith become burdened with sexual shame, feeling unequipped to confidently explore both the dating world and the world of singleness, Kat is on a mission to free them of their shackles and help them discover their own sexual freedom.
Listen in to gain insight into her journey with dating, desire, and sex, and to learn if (after all her research and inquisition) she’s still waiting until marriage.
Follow Kat @therefinedwoman
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Kat shares her experience with burnout and prioritizing rest after her book tour.
How her southern Christian upbringing impacted her adulthood and inspired a spiritual and sexual exploration, later manifesting into her book, Sexless in the City.
The most profound moments of Kat’s research: What she discovered when researching the Bible’s stories about sex, relationships, and desire.
What happens when we start to question belief systems, the interpretation of the word of God, and the way we’re brought up.
The fascinating science behind the power of sex, intimacy, and human connection.
Powerful Quotes by Kat Harris
As humans, we’re created holistically. So, perhaps just as my work isn’t my identity, my sexuality isn’t who I am but it’s an integrated part of who I am that doesn’t need to be shut off until ‘one day when’.
We end up worshipping the Bible and we lose sight of who God is.
Whatever your boundary is or isn’t, you are right. You have that permission.
Episode resources:
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Sugarbreak
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Sep 19, 2021
EFR 526: Perfecting Your Sleep Hygiene and Growing a Business With or Without Shark Tank with Susana Saeliu
How we organize our day, the tasks we do at night, our bedtime routine, and our bedding all impact the quality of our sleep.
We all know a person (or two or three) who brag about being able to run on 3-4 hours of sleep… but why? For Susana Saeliu, sleep is the foundation of her day… and for good reasons! “If I get a good night’s sleep, I perform best the next day and I want to be the best version of myself every day,” she says. Do you agree?
Susana is an adrenaline junkie, but she also values rest and relaxation. As an entrepreneur, car racing enthusiast, and EDM fan, she’s no stranger to a fast-paced life of excitement. Though, to be able to keep up with such a demanding life, you need high-quality sleep and bedding that’s perfect for you.
Thus, Pluto Pillow, the first and only custom sleep pillow that’s crafted to your body stats, how you sleep, and what you like, was born.
Follow Pluto @plutopillow
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Susana sheds light on why sleep is so important for health and well-being while sharing the story behind why she developed the Pluto Pillow.
There’s variety in sleep preference: What may work for someone else may not work for you.
Susana shares her nighttime routine and the sleep hacks and strategies she uses to improve her sleep at night.
Shocking discoveries from sleep research and Pluto customer feedback & How to know it’s time to get new pillows.
What it was like to be on Shark Tank as a growing entrepreneur and how it impacted Pluto during the pandemic.
Powerful Quotes by Susana Saeliu
There are times when I try to cram as much as I can in before bedtime because I feel that if I knock these things out, I will have a good night’s sleep without worrying, but because I’m rushing into all these tasks… I find myself then having a hard time falling asleep.
I know exactly what my North Star is and… sometimes I’m zigging and zagging… but I’m working towards that.
Episode resources:
ChiliSleep Systems (Chase uses the Ooler)
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Sep 15, 2021
EFR 525: Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy for Improving Mental Health with May Yazdi Chewning
You may be feeling lonely, disconnected, or lost - all of which can be signs of depression or past trauma. No matter what you are going through, we believe in every person’s intrinsic ability to heal. At times, a catalyst is needed to access your healing or breakthrough in your journey. Field Trip’s combination of medically administered psychedelic medicine with integrative therapy may be the catalyst you need.
Experience yourself in a new way.
Psychedelic assisted psychotherapies are immersive therapies that combine the latest science with the wisdom of psychedelic medicine to support your healing journey. - Field Trip Health
Follow May @mayyazdi
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Episode resources:
Save 15% with code CHASE on Resist from Sugarbreak and curb sugar cravings naturally!
Save 30% on your first Brami Snacks order with code EVERFORWARD30
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Resist from Sugarbreak
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CLICK HERE and use code CHASE at checkout to save 15%
Sep 13, 2021
EFR 524: Surviving the Darkness of Mental Health, Physical Illness, and Hopelessness with Jesse Bradley
Every child has a dream of what they’ll be when they grow up. For Jesse Bradley, his dream was to be a professional athlete. His dream came to fruition, but at a price he never imagined he’d have to pay.
During his time traveling the world, he landed in Zimbabwe playing professional men’s soccer. Though, medication meant to protect him from malaria brought on a brutal bout of illness, ending his dream career. “… and yet, it was the greatest growth period of my life,” he says, “I was fighting for my life for one year, it took 10 years to fully recover.”
When it seems like your life is falling apart, what do you rely on? For many, it’s hope, yet half of Americans experience hopelessness.
The good news is there are simple steps you can take to overcome hopelessness and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Jesse Bradley is here to share what he’s learned from his inspiring journey of illness, recovery, forgiveness, and resilience.
Follow Jesse @jessejbradley
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
Jesse sheds light on how vulnerability helped him learn to grieve and still have hope, despite the pain and loss he was experiencing.
Surviving the darkness of mental health and suicidal thoughts.
Jesse shares his thoughts on his relationship with hope and how his definition of hope has changed since becoming ill.
The impact of forgiveness, relationships, and gratitude on your quality of life.
Jesse gives insight into how to overcome hopelessness and start a forgiveness practice.
Powerful Quotes by Jesse Bradley
When you feel like everything’s stripped away, you know, you wrestle with that question “Well, who am I and what am I all about? Where am I going? What are my options?” … and I think that’s where you grow the most.
When that, in the deepest part of my being, is there, that connection, that love from God, that seemed to rescue me from those options of anything I could do to harm myself.
Hope is much more of a foundation than a feeling.