Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Chris Mirabile is the Founder and CEO of NOVOS, the first and only company that addresses human aging by targeting the nine hallmarks of aging. Alongside the world’s top experts in the aging field, NOVOS has developed a line of supplements that promote longevity.

Chris explains that our chronological age is entirely distinct from our biological age. Determining our biological age, he says, can tell us how well our body is functioning. As we age biologically, we increase the likelihood of developing diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, glaucoma, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and most forms of cancer.

He discusses how we can track our own biological age and offers actionable advice on extending our lifespan by leveraging synergistic effects of the nine hallmarks of aging.

Follow Chris @slowyouraging

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Chris speaks on measuring our biological age with an epigenetic clock.

  • How do we reduce our biological age?

  • Chris explains the impact of fasting on the aging process and best practices for fasting.

  • What are the top three factors that influence the aging process?

  • Chris describes the nine hallmarks of aging.

Powerful Quotes by Chris Mirabile

Studies have found that people, on average, are seven years older biologically than chronologically when they are chain smokers. [...] We can pollute this planet or we can take care of it. It’s no different for the ecosystem of our bodies.

There are three things that [greatly influence our biological age]: The first one is sleep. The second one is over-stressing our bodies. And the third is over-stressing our minds through things like negative news.

If you focus on the moment and don’t get carried away with the future or the past—if you have a vision for the future but don’t live in it—then you have the potential to actually realize those dreams.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Caldera Lab

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The past two years have presented a ton of challenges that have put a dent in a lot of people’s health and wellness goals.

Fitness entrepreneur and Fit Body Bootcamp CEO Bryce Henson says that very few people are exempt from having to overcome setbacks in their fitness journey. For Bryce, the big problem he had to solve was how to keep his business afloat while navigating ever-changing mandates in California.

Listen in as Bryce shares how he was able to navigate the lockdowns since they were first enforced at the beginning of 2020. He also offers his advice to all budding and aspiring fitness entrepreneurs looking to grow as leaders and scale their business in the new normal.

Follow Bryce @realbrycehenson

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • After almost two years of navigating a public health crisis, what should we be most focused on when it comes to our health and wellness?

  • As a fitness entrepreneur, how did Bryce adjust or pivot when the lockdowns were first announced?

  • Bryce describes his approach to leadership, particularly as the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp

  • Bryce gives his best advice to all fitness entrepreneurs looking to grow their business as well as their leadership capacity.

  • What daily practices can anyone incorporate in order to strengthen their dominion over their own lives?

Powerful Quotes by Bryce Henson

I have nothing against vaccines. I’m vaccinated, so I have no issue with it. But, just because you get a vaccine does not mean you are healthy. That’s baseline preventative care. What are you doing for the vast majority of your time?

Leadership is this aura, this essence. It’s something that you’re always striving to get better at. It starts with consistency; it starts with moral authority—basically walking the talk—and that dovetails into strong communication.

My best recommendation for young trainers and coaches is: Leverage technology. Make sure that technology is your friend because it’s the wave of the future. But, don’t lose sight of the human element, because people love doing business with people.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics supplements will help you increase muscle and gain strength, improve workout performance, and boost post-workout recovery.

Every ingredient is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

So, if you want to gain muscle and strength faster, enjoy more focus, energy, and endurance in your workouts, and recover better from your training . . . you want to buy Legion Athletics today.

CLICK HERE and save 20% on your entire first purchase with code EVERFORWARD 

“I didn’t give up sugar by virtue; I gave it up by necessity.”

When it comes to nutrition, nobody doubts that sugar is the bad guy. But for too many, that doesn’t make it any easier to avoid giving in to their sweet tooth.

Today’s guest, Molly Carmel, knows that feeling, and has dedicated her life to helping others break up with sugar and improve their relationship with food overall. She encourages anybody to reach out if they’re finding it a challenge to stay consistent with a healthy nutritional lifestyle.

“If you’re struggling in your relationship with food,” says Molly, “you deserve help.”

Molly Carmel is an eating disorder and addiction therapist who helps her clients break free of food addiction, emotional eating, binge eating, and destructive dieting. She is the founder and treatment developer of Beacon by MC, which features signature programs that offer individual and group solutions to help improve one’s relationship with food.

Follow Molly @mollycarmel

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Is sugar really the “bad guy” we make it out to be?

  • Molly explains why our relationship with food directly affects our relationship with ourselves?

  • Why is it such a slippery slope once you start consuming sugar? What keeps us coming back for more and what exactly happens over time the more we consume?

  • What triggers addiction and eating disorders?

  • Where does spirituality come into play when it comes to our relationship with food?

Powerful Quotes by Molly Carmel

The really crazy thing about food and diet culture is that your relationship with food is ever-evolving—and diet culture doesn’t support that.

Evolve or die; and if better science comes out, then I’m going to go with better science. Save your ass, not your face.

There’s the nature of the person, the nature of the environment, and the nature of the substance. When those three things come together, a lot of the time you get the pathology.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Sugarbreak

Stabilize by Sugarbreak

  • Blocks Carb & Sugar Absorption

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Joe DiStefano is a global authority on how to optimize wellness and longevity on the path to improving fitness and sports performance. After over 17 years of professional experience in the fitness industry, Joe has had the opportunity to coach some of the world's top athletes, instructed over 100 live events in 15+ countries, and spoken on the TED stage.

In today’s multifaceted discussion, Joe gives his thoughts on crossing the threshold between a life of survival and a life of thriving, as he explores the emotions that come with survival (ex. shame, fear, guilt, etc.) and those virtues that allow one to thrive (ex. Love, humility, selflessness, etc.).

In particular, Joe addresses the true nature of shame and how its destructive effects manifest themselves even before we engage in the thing that we perceive will bring us shame. “Whatever we think,” he says, “we basically receive.”

He shares his personal rituals that have helped him break out of and steer clear of the trap of negativity, including ice baths and stream-of-consciousness writing. By rubbing up against the threshold of discomfort, says Joe, the mind and body develops a higher tolerance for pain.

Finally, Joe explains why it’s more important today than ever before to surround yourself with circles of influence and constellations of support.


Follow Joe @coachjoedi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • At what point does a desire to control your environment cross over into a coping mechanism to run from your problems?

  • How does Joe navigate and overcome feelings of shame?

  • Joe talks about the importance of creating constellations of support around every major part of your life (ex. marriage, career, etc.)

  • Joe gives practical, day-to-day examples of how men (and women) can maintain a healthy balance between their King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover archetypes.

Powerful Quotes by Joe DiStefano

When I used to have people run through really challenging events—throw a spear, climb up a mountain, whatever—it was so outside their comfort zone that when they crossed the finish line, they decided this job wasn’t for them anymore. They decided, “I do have more than I thought within me.”

We shy away from stuff that we know, in our heart of hearts, is important, and we over-index on the things that are least important.

Guilt is your guiding emotion.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Hero Loan

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Dr. Sara Gottfried, MD is the Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University. Her work in precision medicine involves tracking data flows via wearables for her patients, who range from corporate executives to professional athletes.

Initially developed as a medical model for cancer research, precision medicine is now being used more broadly, beyond oncology, as a highly personalized approach to treating patients.

The data streams that Dr. Gottfried pools include biomarkers such as blood, urine, hormones, and cellular micronutrients. She also relies on genomic testing, an important factor when it comes to performance, recovery, and determining risk of injury. Another reference is data sets from wearables themselves (ex. WHOOP, Apple Watch, Garmin, Oura Ring, etc.).

“Precision medicine,” says Dr. Gottfried, “is pulling together all those data streams so that we can personalize what is true for you.”

Listen in as Dr. Gottfried explains how athletes and other top-performers looking to maximize their longevity can benefit from working with a specialist in precision medicine.


Follow Sara @saragottfriedmd

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • How can the average athlete benefit from working with a specialist in precision medicine?

  • What biomarkers should we be keeping an eye on when training for peak performance?

  • Dr. Gottfried singles out cortisol levels as one of the most important biomarkers to track throughout the day, particularly to achieve and maintain hormonal homeostasis.

  • Dr. Gottfried shares her best practices for load management—an especially important consideration for athletes.

  • What is the “secret sauce'' of the most elite professional athletes who are obligated to perform almost daily?

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Sara Gottfried

If you outsource your health to your physician and you wait for your annual visit—if you take all of those measures of health and you let someone else deal with it—you’re missing this tremendous opportunity to get the gains that you want and peak performance that you’re after.

Metabolic health is your engine.

The ideal is to get feedback every morning and let it guide you for how hard you go that day. [...] Starting with heart rate variability [...] to see where you are with your autonomic nervous system is so helpful in terms of performance.

The way that I practice precision medicine, there’s nothing that I measure that you can’t do something about. [...] You can change the arc of your life just by starting with medicine."

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by WHOOP

Get real-time feedback on your Sleep, Training, Recovery, and Health, plus in-app coaching features to help you optimize performance. 😴 💪 🧠 ✅

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In this discussion, Chase and Rachel Gregory Chase dive into her research on the ketogenic diet, the best ways to improve your physical performance, and why it’s important to shed light on metabolic flexibility.

Rachel Gregory is a Board-Certified Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, host of the MetFlex and Chill podcast, and Founder of MetFlex Life.

Rachel has found passion and meaning in educating others about the power of nutrition, fitness, and long-term mental well-being.

With her work published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine, she continues to inspire men, women, and people of all kinds to be open to change, experiment with their bodies, and continuously learn and grow to find what habits best serves them.

Follow Rachel @rachelgregory.cns

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • The mindset shift and accountability that’s required to adapt to life’s changes and maintain your exercise and self-care routines.

  • Rachel speaks on her nutrition and academic journey, giving insight into the first-ever human clinical trial looking at the effects of the Ketogenic Diet in non-elite CrossFit athletes.

  • How the metabolic flexibility of humans has changed over time.

  • Rachel breaks down muscle science for women and what it means to be a high-performing female trainer during the different seasons of your cycle.

  • Biometrics, like sleep and mood, you can track and prioritize to improve your health, wellness, and performance.

  • Is it possible and realistic to train for performance, aesthetics, and longevity?

Powerful Quotes by Rachel Gregory

If you’re not making mistakes and changing your views and adapting and growing, then you’re really just stagnant and not learning.

Your hormones are a reflection of what you’re doing on a daily basis.

The biggest thing for me is always continuing to put myself in situations where I can get a little bit uncomfortable and learn from that… being okay with changing your mind on different things, especially when it comes to nutrition and training and being okay with saying, “Yeah, I was wrong about that.” If you’re doing that, you’re always growing.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Sugarbreak

Stabilize by Sugarbreak

  • Blocks Carb & Sugar Absorption

  • Helps Minimize Post-Meal Glucose Spikes

  • Supports Healthy Insulin Sensitivity & Production

  • all as part of a healthy lifestyle!

CLICK HERE to get yours for 15% off with checkout code CHASE

In today’s conversation, John Wolf shares a journey that saw him emerge from the depths of grief and loss to undergo a holistic transformation that ultimately led him to be the Chief Fitness Officer at Onnit.

Having lost many of the people closest to him early in his life, John quickly found himself descending down a path of drug addiction. He talks about the years of inner work that he did (and continues to do) to maintain his self-worth, as well as the outer work he underwent to rebuild his body and indirectly build stronger belief systems as a result.

John rediscovered his passion for fitness and martial arts down the road. Trading one “addiction” for another, John saw exercise as a way to continually reforge and optimize not only his body, but his entire being.

In training his clients at Onnit, John uses an approach he calls “conscious coaching” that leads them into a state of flow “where skill and effort intersect.”

To John, “ever forward” is a matter of maintaining this flow, of staying laser-focused on your purpose while staying receptive to continuous learning and growth.


Follow John @coachjohnwolf

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • John speaks on his downward spiral into apathy and drug addiction, and how a few small nudges from the people he loves gave him the strength to climb out of that hole.

  • What drew John to the world of fitness and how did strengthening his body lead to his holistic transformation?

  • John shares an example of a modality that he and his team use at Onnit to empower his clients to face their perceived weaknesses and break through barriers.

Powerful Quotes by John Wolf

Negative emotion poured into what we perceive as a positive outlet is still going to catch up to you at some point. We’re still feeding that attachment to our negative energy source. We’re still fueling the cycle.

Our coaching cues are not meant to drive you harder. It’s meant to drive more awareness and change your inner dialogue. Through that, you can decide to push further; but, there are a lot of qualifying perspectives we want you to be empowered with so that you don’t just do what many of us have done, which is to run away faster from the things that we need to face.

What if your goal is represented by that front door? I just want you to commit to move towards what that door represents, no matter what happens. [...] Then I stand in front of [you]. Why are you worried about me? I’m inconsequential if your only purpose is to get to the door.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics supplements will help you increase muscle and gain strength, improve workout performance, and boost post-workout recovery.

Every ingredient is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

So, if you want to gain muscle and strength faster, enjoy more focus, energy, and endurance in your workouts, and recover better from your training . . . you want to buy Legion Athletics today.

CLICK HERE and save 20% on your entire first purchase with code EVERFORWARD 

In this solo episode, Chase answers your questions from a recent Instagram Q&A. He discusses which is best to prioritize for fat lass; sleep, diet, or exercise? How can you increase your satiety to feel fuller longer? And what happens to males after the age of 30 regarding their metabolism and testosterone levels?

Tune in for detailed insight into managing your sleep, diet, exercise, and nutrition!

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

How would you rank these in order of priority for Fat Loss: Sleep, Diet, Exercise?

In any case, sleep comes first. Then comes diet, followed by exercise.

  • Sleep - This is when your body is essentially recovering -- you are mending and creating new muscles, and your body undergoes a detoxifying cleanse of your bodily systems. Also, all your excess weight is exhaled out of your body in the form of CO2. So if you don't get complete restorative sleep, you would not be able to go through the sleep cycles that allow the rest of your body to pause and aid in the required inhalation and exhalation.

  • Diet - Before you begin any diet, it's important to ensure you're not under consuming calories. Consuming fewer calories makes it difficult to lose weight in the short run and has the potential to cause long-term metabolic damage. To avoid this, you could keep a food log to keep track of your calorie consumption.

  • Exercise - Exercise is an essential step in your weight loss journey. The afterburner effect of hitting the gym ensures your body and muscles are not done burning calories even after you're done exercising. Exercise also helps reduce stress levels in people.

“Chemically, when we are burning energy burning calories, burning fat, in particular, molecularly, what happens is it all breaks down and that excess weight technically, we exhale through the form of excess CO2. And if you're not getting a good quantity of sleep, imagine all of that exhalation that you're missing out on.”

What can you do or take to satisfy your hunger?

Ensure you're adequately hydrated and have the amount of fibre your body needs. If it doesn't work still, you might have to include more protein, change your macronutrient ratio, and incorporate more fats to help adjust the overall calories. Moreover, mindfulness is essential. You need to keep a check with your body and understand if it really is hungry or calorie-deficient. 

"Beyond everything I just shared, I would encourage you to insert a pause, insert a moment of stillness in asking yourself, 'Am I full? Am I still hungry?'"

How does your metabolism change with age?

Post 30, some of our hormones begin to slow down. Also, because of the increased stress, a heightened cortisol level is triggered, and that causes our body to create and hold onto more fat. Increased strength and resistance training could help combat this. It would also help to keep your sleep cycle in check.

"Quite a few of our hormones begin to just slow down [in our 30s and beyond]. The production level [of hormones] slows down, particularly testosterone, between our 30s and 40s."

Key Highlights

  • When you sleep, most bodily processes other than inhalation and exhalation are on pause. Since your body exhales excess calories in the form of CO2, sleep is an essential element in your weight loss journey.

  • Under consumption of calories does more damage than good, even when it comes to losing weight.

  • "If you're under consuming, the body thinks that we're in a little bit of starvation." Under consuming calories in the long term also means your body will hold on to and create more fat or enlarge the fat cells that you already have.

  • The body often mistakes dehydration for hunger. So if you feel hungry more often, it might help to check your water intake.

  • Increased mental stress can lead to heightened cortisol levels in the body, which causes your body to hold on to or create more fat.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Caldera + Lab

The Deep is a detoxifying facial mask crafted from five types of clay that work together to purify and detoxify pores.

This product is a 100% vegan, plant-based, and non-GMO skincare product. No parabens, no toxic chemicals!

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Studies show that, when performing any given task, we’re giving our attention to that task only half the time. Yet, as our guest explains, this is by design.

Because we are overwhelmed with information (i.e. senses) every time we make a decision, our brains pay attention to be able to home in on the most important information we need at that particular moment.

Listen in as Dr. Amisha Jha does a deep dive into the nature of attention and the three factors that contribute to (and deplete) our “attentional gas tank”. She explains how to cultivate a peak mind through mindfulness practices, and even shares the 12-minute daily exercise anybody can do to embody the same state of mindfulness as that of special operators in the military.

Dr. Amishi Jha is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami and the author of Peak Mind. She serves as the Director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, which she co-founded in 2010. Her TED Talk, “How to Tame Your Wandering Mind”, has garnered over five million views.

Follow Dr. Jha @amishipjha

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • How do our brains select the right information when sifting through the overabundance of data that comes to us every time we make a decision?

  • Dr. Jha describes the three factors that influence our attention.

  • Dr. Jha explains why mood can be both a positive and a negative contributor to your “attentional gas tank”.

  • How does mindfulness meditation improve attention and even extend our lifespan?

  • How does cultivating our own peak mind help others cultivate theirs?

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Amishi Jha

Drowning out [the noise around us] is literally the opposite of enhancing.

There’s nobody else’s mind that we can control [but our own]. If you’re able to embody an okay-ness with whatever else is occurring—somebody else’s distress; somebody else’s pain or anger—if you are the mountain that is there to witness it and to hold it, that is going to have a ripple in the world.

There’s nothing extraordinary about a mindful state. It’s the most fundamentally ordinary aspect of our existence. [...] And the fact that it’s so ordinary and not mystical is its power.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Cured Nutrition

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In this solo episode, Chase gives his thoughts on ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and his own life-changing sessions as Field Trip Health.

It was through the various studies conducted through Field Trip Health that Chase was truly exposed to the world of ketamine and its enhancing benefits to the psychotherapeutic process.

What was especially impactful for him was learning about the almost curative effects of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy on servicemembers suffering from PTSD, severe anxiety, and depression.

After sifting through the research as well as hearing from the actual healthcare professionals working at Field Trip Health, Chase came to the conclusion that psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is the future of healthcare as a whole, considering the trajectory of your life is largely downstream from your mental health.

Listen in as Chase offers his advice to those who, like himself, are exploring the world of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and why he believes so strongly in leaning into what feels right on your unique wellness journey.

He reflects back on his two, incredibly profound ketamine sessions at Field Trip Health, and how those two sessions gave Chase “years of [therapy] work in about an hour.”

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • What are the potential positive impacts of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy on your mental health?

  • Chase explains why he believes psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is the future of healthcare.

  • Chase says a final goodbye to his father during his two ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions at Field Trip Health.

Powerful Quotes by Chase

The Department of Veterans Affairs [talk] about how they are seeing such incredible results from soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, servicemembers—getting their lives back in such an incredible way by undergoing psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, [...] near-curing PTSD, severe anxiety, depression—things that are literally giving people their quality of life back.

Going into deep work on your mental and emotional health, you have to have a level of trust. Because if you don’t, consciously and subconsciously you’re going to go in with your guard up in a big, big way, and that kind of defeats the purpose, so to speak.

This type of work—psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy—in my opinion, is the tip of the spear. It is the future of mental health and, in a big way, the future of healthcare in general.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Somavedic

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Somavedic is a device that can reliably mitigate unwanted influences of 5G, EMF, and WiFi. It also structures water and changes it (in)to a mountain spring quality water that is natural to our bodies and cells.

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Do you ever wonder why we exist here on planet Earth?

With all the pressure and messaging from society and religion to be a certain way, have nice things, make more money, and reach a certain status, it’s often hard for us to realize the essence of being human, which is that our worth and power lie within us. 

Best-selling author of Holy Sh!t We're Alive: Now What? Doug Cartwright has learned that “if you’re using something external to solve an internal problem, you’re never going to get fulfilled.” 

The truth is, you’re worthy of infinite love, peace, and joy just because you’re alive. Your worth is not dependent on anything but your existence. That’s kind of a relief, isn’t it? Though getting to a place where you’re living a deep, rich, meaningful life isn’t an easy journey, it’s a journey worth embarking on.

So… Holy Shit, We’re Alive… Now What?

Follow Doug @doug_cartwright

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Doug gives insight into his spiritual journey, including his Ayahuasca experience. 

  • What it’s like to grow up as a Mormon, the time Doug broke the rules, and how he felt after he left Mormonism.

  • Chase and Doug’s similar experiences with death, grief, gratitude, and losing their fathers.

  • Doug speaks on his relationship with wealth, social status, and self-worth, along with his overwhelming exploration into plant medicine and psychedelics.

Powerful Quotes by Doug Cartwright

I’m trying to foster a sense of gratitude and depth of the human experience so that we can move into kind of a deeper appreciation for our lives and being on the planet.

Our lives are all based on stories we tell ourselves.

The whole spectrum of feeling your emotions is what really makes being human so special.

Episode resouces:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

The Optimal Performance Stack is three supplements that boost mental and physical health and performance and reduce the risk of disease and dysfunction.

It contains three supplements that help you enjoy a healthier, hardier body with more energy, immunity, and libido, and less stress, sickness, and sluggishness . . .

  1. Triumph

    Triumph is a sport multivitamin that enhances overall health and performance and alleviates stress, fatigue, and overtraining.

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    Genesis is a 100% natural greens supplement that enhances energy levels, immunity, heart and circulatory health, libido, and mood.

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Behind the curtain, our gut is responsible for putting our body into working order. As it breaks down the foods we eat, our gut absorbs nutrients that support our body’s functions — from energy production to hormone balance, skin health to mental health, and even toxin and waste elimination.

The vast majority of our immune system is made up in our gut, so shouldn't' we be treating it better? Dr. Michael Haley, DC of Haley Nutrition is a gut health expert here today to give you some surprisingly simple ways to improve your gut microbiome, boost your immune system, and even how to remedy other chronic illnesses and disease through superfoods such as aloe vera.

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

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