May 28, 2020

EFR 327: What Darkness and Light Do to Our Sleep Health with Dayne Barkley

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Memory issue, mood changes, weakened immune system, poor concentration, bodyweight, stress... all things that can be made worse by sleep deprivation, all things that can be significantly improved by getting more quality sleep. Sleep health and eye health are wellness cornerstones for Dayne Barkley, holistic health coach and founder of Barkley Eyewear. In this episode, we discuss what proper amounts of natural light can do for our wellness, what artificial light does to work against our circadian rhythm, and a myriad of other eye health and sleep health hacks!

Connect with Dayne @daynebarkley

Connect with Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

Episode resources:

EFR 327: What Darkness and Light Do to Our Sleep Health with Dayne Barkley

Memory issue, mood changes, weakened immune system, poor concentration, bodyweight, stress... all things that can be made worse by sleep deprivation, all things that can be significantly improved by getting more quality sleep. Sleep health and eye health are wellness cornerstones for Dayne Barkley, holistic health coach and founder of Barkley Eyewear. In this episode, we discuss what proper amounts of natural light can do for our wellness, what artificial light does to work against our circadian rhythm, and a myriad of other eye health and sleep health hacks!

Connect with Dayne @daynebarkley

Connect with Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

Episode resources: