Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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Previous Episodes
May 9, 2022
EFR 599: Phytonutrients and the SOLUTION to Illness, Gut Health, and Longevity with Dr. Dan Guble
Phytonutrient chemistry is a relatively new field of scientific study that’s been gaining momentum over the past 20-25 years.
Dr. Dan Gubler, Ph.D. a phytonutrient chemist, believes phytonutrients are a critical component of health and longevity that we need to be paying more attention to.
In this discussion, Dan and Chase talk about the power of phytonutrients and their ability to regulate the body’s processes to help us live a productive, happy, and fulfilled life. Dan speaks on which phytonutrients should be top of mind for you, the benefits of each color of fruit and vegetable, and how phytonutrients can help combat the harmful impacts of environmental pollution. He also teaches you how to use phytonutrients to optimize your health and heal from sickness, highlighting what he eats when he’s sick.
Follow Dan @drdangubler
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Plants contain macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are small organic compounds that plants produce to defend themselves, communicate with each other, and much more. It’s clear that phytonutrients are the medicinal components of plants.
Phytonutrients are responsible for regulating gene expression. They help to orchestrate the millions of chemical reactions the body performs every single second. You can have the ideal macronutrients and micronutrients in your diet, but if you don’t have phytonutrients, your body won’t perform optimally.
There are certain phytonutrients, like curcumin and rhodiola, that are “master regulators”, as Dan calls them, but we need to be consuming a variety of all phytonutrients.
The power is in the color. The more color you incorporate into your diet, the more phytonutrients you’re consuming. Specifically, be sure you eat purple, dark red, yellow, and green fruits and veggies!
Consider keeping a food journal for 7-10 days to get an idea of what you’re eating, how you physically feel day to day, and what colors you’re missing out on. Dr. Dan suggests supplementing if you’re consistently unable to incorporate a wide variety of fruits and veggies into your diet.
Powerful Quotes by Dr. Dan Gubler
60% of all pharma drugs are from these phytonutrients from plants.
If all we’re eating is a grass-fed ribeye and a couple of eggs and a papaya or something like that, and we’re not getting our greens, I worry the impact it’ll have on health, especially long-term.
Where I see things going is to have designer phytonutrient mixes… that are specifically curated to power different systems of the body.
Recommended Resources:
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Caldera + Lab
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So, you’ve gained a following on social media… now what? The answer isn’t always clear and direct. What we have come to realize is that Instagram and TikTok are no longer (or perhaps, never were) places where you had to appear perfect to gain a following or appeal to a large audience.
It’s easier than ever to create content and connect to people through social media, but not many people aren’t talking about how to handle the immense growth and exposure that comes with being an influencer.
Sam Gwaz is a health coach and fitness influencer who, since growing her Instagram platform by 200,000+ new followers in the last 3 years, has had to grow along with her social media presence in many ways.
In this discussion, Sam and Chase talk about her growth and evolution as a health and fitness content creator on social media. They speak on the power of vulnerability in building confidence, Sam’s current struggle as a content creator, and how to reevaluate your social media presence to ensure you’re creating authentic content that’s aligned with your audience. Then, Sam shares her hopes for the future of social media along with a few pieces of advice for aspiring content creators.
Follow Sam Gwaz @thesamplan
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
When you step into who you are as your authentic self, the doors open to new growth and opportunities.
Sam’s approach to social media is unfiltered. She doesn’t overanalyze the things she shares, she shares whatever she wants to share and it’s worked out really well for her!
You don’t have to have any qualifications to be a content creator on social media, you just have to be yourself.
Sam shares her candid thoughts on consuming social media content and the differences between how she consumes content on Instagram versus TikTok.
Powerful Quotes by Sam Gwaz
I really noticed a shift in my growth when I started just being vulnerable and authentic to myself.
Like journaling or talking with a therapist, once you say things out loud or you share them with other people, they start to have less power over you and so, in gaining confidence, a lot of that came from sharing and being vulnerable on social media.
For me, Ever Forward is this all-encompassing moving towards the greater end of your life, moving towards the best that is to come which is this present moment and then what’s the follow that.
Recommended Resources:
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May 2, 2022
EFR 597: The 5 Steps You Need to Take to Transform Your Life Through Self-Coaching with Jason Goldsmith
Did you know that it’s perfectly acceptable and possible to be your own life coach? In fact, self-coaching can change the trajectory of your career, your relationships, and your entire life.
That’s a lofty statement, yes, but it’s true and there’s a framework for how to do it.
Meet Jason Goldsmith, a globally recognized sports performance coach and co-author of Take Charge of You (with David Novak). Jason changed the trajectory of his life when he started shifting his mindset around his dyslexia diagnosis. Since then, he’s discovered the power of self-coaching and now helps others become the best versions of themselves.
In this discussion, Jason and Chase talk about personal leadership, how to be your own coach in five steps, and how self-coaching can transform your life and career. He also shares his personal experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia and how that inspired him to start a performance coaching business.
Follow Jason Goldsmith @CoachJasonGold
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Jason’s dyslexia diagnosis not only gave him clarity on how his brain worked differently, but it made him very curious about how people learn. This provoked his purposeful journey to helping people become the best versions of themselves.
Jason details his first experiences with shifting his mindset and perception of himself, especially relating to his dyslexia. He speaks on how he shifted his mindset around dyslexia from “it’s a disability” to “it’s my superpower”.
If you’re struggling with self-limiting beliefs, performance coaching can help you shift your mindset. In fact, you can be your own performance coach! The first step to self-coaching is getting to know yourself and figuring out the things that drive you. That’s what allows you to identify what brings you joy and what takes your joy away.
The next step to self-coaching is getting yourself in a solution-based coaching mindset. Like Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Then, uncover the transformational insights, reframe failures, identify your next steps toward success, and take insightful action. The last step is showing up consistently every day. If you take these steps to coach yourself, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your life and career.
Jason emphasizes the importance of taking care of yourself, as it’s often overlooked in our society. Developing rituals and habits to improve your body will also improve your mind (and vice versa), making it easier to take charge of your life.
Lastly, Jason sheds light on the ways he’s currently coaching himself through life.
Powerful Quotes by Jason Goldsmith
I had this self-limiting belief and had no idea that that belief had no basis in reality.
If you know what the things are that bring you joy, then why aren’t you doing more of those things? If you can’t define exactly what your purpose is, over time, as long as you’re doing those things, your purpose will start to unveil itself to you. But you have to cultivate a growth mindset around it. You have to be able to be present so that when your purpose does reveal itself… you’re in a mindset that you see it.
After you’ve gone down this path and you’ve figured out what your single biggest thing is and you’re pursuing this with the intensity of the passion and motivation that comes along with it, you need to share it with others.
Recommended Resources:
Visit his website
Buy his book, Take Charge of You
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Apr 27, 2022
EFR 596: The Key to Expanding Your Creativity and Developing an Adaptable Mindset with Robert Overweg
Are we living in an age where weapons of mass distraction are ruling the world?
The internet and all the apps on our devices are constantly fighting for our attention. Although our phones, tablets, and computers are some of the most powerful tools we have as humans, they’re also the most damaging. How can we appropriately navigate technology and actually expand our mind through these devices? Can we truly be creative with these weapons of mass distraction?
This week, we welcome Robert Overweg, an artist, innovation catalyst, and creator of The Adaptable Mindset Method which empowers people to develop an Adaptable Mindset. The goal of his work is to develop people who are free to create and free to change.
In this discussion, Robert and Chase talk about how to develop an adaptable mindset, find a fresh perspective, and create the mental space necessary to live a more exciting, meaningful life. He offers simple tips for getting into the flow state, reclaiming your power from your devices, and boosting your innate creativity. He shares his expertise on how to curate a creative environment, incorporate play into your daily life, and look at success and failure through the lens of creativity.
Follow Robert @RobertOverweg
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
We need fresh perspectives to reframe our failures and solve the issues we’re facing in the world. The adaptable mindset creates a cognitive reset, creating mental space to carve your own path in life and live with more meaning.
You can find beauty online, but in reality, that only happens during a small percentage of your time spent online. This makes it a challenge to create your own mental space for relaxation and creating new ideas and solutions.
In a playful way, we need to expose ourselves, our souls, and our emotions to ambiguity and uncertainty because that’s where creativity comes from.
Creative downtime and play yields change and mindset shifts. Getting creative requires being inspired, getting connected with things that resonate with you, and intentionally making space in your brain for awareness.
If you go within, you know what gives you energy and what fosters your creativity.
Have awareness of the things you want to be different, give yourself permission and the grace to act upon them, create the environment you want and need to explore them, and then stay consistent with your exploration and reflection.
Powerful Quotes by Robert Overweg
The adaptable mindset program is a program that creates a cognitive reset.
Everything can give you creativity if you just have that perspective.
If you are directly focused on a goal, you use a different part of the brain. You use a more limited part of the brain. If you are just experimenting, just flowing, just even walking… [you] let your subconscious process it… You need to be able to have mental space, maybe even boredom.
It’s really important to build your own formula for success, your own structure that supports you.
If you can find something that the world needs and that energizes you, then you’re, in a sense, set for life.
Episode resources:
Save on the Adaptable Mindset Method online program with code EVER-FORWARD, good for 20% off on the personal journey and on the organizational program
Get your free Rise nootropic and Zen sleep aid sample packs from using this exclusive link
Apr 25, 2022
EFR 595: Relationships, TRT, New PR's, Self-Care Routines, and More with Maxx Chewning
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Maxx Chewning joins Chase to discuss everything from Maxx’s new relationship status, to Chase’s testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) journey, to why Chase doesn’t do social media first thing in the morning (while Maxx is all about it).
Chase kicks things off by congratulating Maxx on finding romance once again. Finally leaving the single life behind after almost eight years, the younger Chewning shares how things are going in his blossoming relationship.
The brothers also give updates regarding their fitness goals: Maxx proudly shares a couple new PRs at the gym and how he’s been recovering since a recent back injury, while Chase talks about his recent decision to get on TRT.
Chase and Maxx spend the latter half of the conversation answering a series of questions, from their take on social media etiquette, go-to-snacks, self-care rituals, and morning routines, among other things.
Follow Maxx @maxxchewning
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Blokes
Testosterone is what makes a man a man. It’s what builds muscle, puts hair on his body, and is the primary driver behind his sex drive.
After about age 30, men will see a natural decline in testosterone levels due to aging. However, you can’t write off these symptoms as “aging” or just getting old. Many times, when younger men experience hypogonadism, there are other things at play that can be causing testosterone levels to decline, including both physical and environmental causes. Injury, obesity, stress, illness, and disease can all contribute to lower testosterone in men.
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What makes a healthy, meaningful relationship? At which point should your significant other step in if you’re faced with catcalling, a rude comment, or a derogatory slur in public? What does that infamous Oscars slap say about Will and Jada’s relationship?
Listen in as Chase and May unpack these questions and more in today’s episode!
Follow May @mayyazdi
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
The Chewnings explore the pitfalls of purely transactional relationships through a recent DM May received from an older man offering to be her sugar daddy.
Don’t be that guy. Chase and May talk about catcalling, and May reminds herself that she shouldn’t blame herself when it happens.
When should a woman’s significant other step in to call out a cat-caller?
Chase and May share why they think Will Smith was wrong to slap Chris Rock, and what that incident reveals about Will and Jada’s relationship.
Powerful Quotes by Chase and May
As a man, as a spouse, as a partner, lead by example. If you were to ever see another man disrespect a woman, say something, if it’s necessary. ~May
Communicate with your partner and talk about when you need them to step in and when you need them to fall back so that I can stand up for myself. I just don’t think there’s a right way or a wrong way. To each their own. ~May
If I love someone and respect them—whether it’s a platonic relationship or a romantic relationship—if somebody hurts someone I love, then they did do something to me. ~May
We don’t have to always agree with our partner, and we don’t always have to fall in line with what they’re doing, saying, acting, and believing; but, it is our responsibility, if we’re choosing to be in that relationship, to make time and space to understand them. ~Chase
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Apr 18, 2022
EFR 593: Losing 100 Pounds, Getting Sober, and Why Happy People Are Annoying with Josh Peck
When going through a physical transformation, like gaining or losing weight, what many people don’t recognize is that while the body is radically different, the mind stays the same.
After losing 100+ pounds and getting sober, Josh Peck eventually learned how to have a good life as a result of good living. He’s realized that life isn’t so much about adding on, but about letting go.
In this discussion, Josh dives deep into his weight loss journey, getting sober, and what he’s learned from living most of his life in the public eye. He also reflects on growing up without his father and how he felt when his dad passed away. Plus, Josh and Chase highlight the incredible advice Ryan Holiday gave him when writing his newly published book, Happy People Are Annoying.
Follow Josh Peck @shuapeck
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
For Josh, being overweight as a teenager was a manifestation of difficult things that were going on in his life. He was deeply uncomfortable, insecure, and started eating to numb his feelings. As a result of these struggles, he developed defense mechanisms to keep the world at bay.
As Josh started to lose weight, he also lost his coping mechanisms and still had to deal with his mental struggles. When drugs and alcohol came into the mix, his whole life became “numb and run”.
People don’t just turn to drug use because it’s the cool, popular thing to do, it’s because they have unresolved emotional and mental issues that they don’t know how to solve in healthy ways. Having a support system is a crucial part of recovering from addiction and maintaining healthy, happy life.
We don’t always need more, or to add onto our lives, to feel content. Sometimes, we need to let go.
Powerful Quotes by Josh Peck
It has been a slow shedding process. I’ve found, more so than not, most of my life, growth happens by letting go of, not adding on.
I would just walk the streets of New York and put my head phones in and just dream of what my life was going to be.
The attempt is the miracle, not the outcome.
Recommended Resources:
Get Josh's book Happy People Are Annoying
Listen to Josh's podcast Male Models
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by LMNT
LMNT Recharge is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks.
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In our culture, aging is a fear of many. We’re so avoidant of the inevitable, but if we actually embrace the inevitable aging process, we might actually age more resiliently. Research shows that ageism and negative beliefs about age can have a real impact on our health and longevity. This begs the question… Can shifting our beliefs around aging improve our health and increase our lifespan?
Here to answer that question is Dr. Becca Levy, PhD a researcher and faculty member at Yale School of Public Health and the author of Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long and Well You Live.
In this discussion, Becca and Chase break down the psychology around aging, the harmful effects ageism has on our society, and practical ways you can begin to fully accept your age and the aging process. You’ll learn how to reduce ageism and age resiliently by reversing the negative beliefs and messages about age you encounter in your everyday life.
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Today, 68% of people experience ageism and according to Becca’s research, the age beliefs that exist in our culture can have a real impact on our health and longevity. She also found that we can shift age beliefs and gain control of them to bring about improvements in our health and wellness.
Ageism is discrimination against people solely based on their age. The WHO recently stated that ageism is perhaps one of the most widespread and socially accepted forms of discrimination that exists today.
Many health problems formally considered to be entirely due to the aging process, like memory loss, hearing decline, and cardiovascular events, are instead influenced by the negative age beliefs we have around the aging process. Listen in to hear Becca dive deeper into this concept, highlighting her research findings on Japanese culture and the relationship between cultural beliefs and health.
To reduce ageism and reverse your negative age beliefs, Becca says increasing your awareness is the best place to start. In her book, she presents 15 evidence-based tools to reduce negative age beliefs and in this episode, she shares a few of them, including an age belief journaling practice.
Understanding the science behind aging and looking up to older role models and their strengths are powerful ways to be more accepting of your age. It may be helpful to also come up with a positive idea or image of your older self so you can look up to them as well.
Is there an influence of ageism in how our country is run? Becca has spoken about the impacts of ageism to the Supreme Court and details her thoughts on the importance of bringing age discrimination to the forefront of policymakers and Supreme Court decision makers.
Can the damage of negative age beliefs and subconscious ageism be reversed? Tune in to find out!
Powerful Quotes by Dr. Becca Levy
We’re in a public health crisis when it comes to ageism.
We are somewhat products of our cultures and the messages, but I think a big part of what I’ve found is that what’s really important is how we take in those messages, how we evaluate them, how much we allow them to become part of how we think of ourselves.
There is ageism that operates at a government level… and even though we do have laws against age discrimination, unfortunately they are not put into place in many ways or a lot of ageism operates without our awareness… It would be great if it became a topic that was at the forefront of policymakers and Supreme Court decision makers.
Recommended Resources:
Buy Dr. Becca Levy’s book, Breaking the Age Code
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What am I doing with my life?! How do all these successful people do it? Those are two questions most of us have asked ourselves at some point in our life, right? Maybe you’re even asking yourself that right now…
So, how do we move forward from that stagnancy? What do you do when your current life is actually sucking the life out of you? Perhaps, today’s guest can give you a new perspective.
Alex Banayan is an international best-selling author of The Third Door and the youngest best-selling business author in America. At 18, he decided to write the book he dreamed of reading… except he didn’t have the money to fund it. As a struggling college student with loads of debt, he quickly found himself hacking The Price is Right, winning a sailboat, selling it, and using the money to fund his quest to learn from the world's most successful people.
In this rich discussion, Alex and Chase talk about the two reasons why a rejection is crippling you, the mindset shift needed to persevere through rejection and fear of failure, and what it truly means to be yourself. Alex shares his candid thoughts on why you need to follow your enthusiasm, his 3-step framework for overcoming rejection, and the biggest realization he’s had after studying the mindset of success for 10 years.
Follow Alex Banayan @alexbanayan
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
The question “What if…?” is a seed for change. If you’re wondering what you’re doing with your life, like most of us have, you might feel your gut wrenching or a tension that’s very uncomfortable. Those moments of tension are actually very healthy and helpful because they are the start of a brand new journey. Asking yourself “What if…?” can be a pivotal part of changing your life.
When you find yourself procrastinating and doing something else, that something else might actually be your passion and your purpose. So, what fills you with enthusiasm? Alex believes that when you follow your enthusiasm, things begin to open up for you.
“Bite off more than you can chew, then chew later.” Alex shares his interpretation of the quote and how he acted on it.
It’s so easy to assume that the top executives, actors, athletes, or entrepreneurs were just born that way, but that’s not the truth. We all start out having no experience and idea what we’re doing, even Bill Gates.
If people you love are questioning your decisions or trying to stop you from pursuing something, do it anyway. Don’t let fear or ego keep its grip on you. Choose love because love liberates.
After studying the mindset of success for 10 years, one of the biggest realizations Alex has had is that rejection is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey. When starting something new, embrace the rejection! Alex divulges the 3-step framework he uses, called Rejection Inspection, to overcome rejection in life.
When you pay attention to the gifts that others already receive from you, the work gets easier.
Powerful Quotes by Alex Banayan
It’s almost as if somebody tied a rope around my gut and was slowly pulling it in a direction.
It wasn’t that I was lying on my dorm room bed feeling pulled to write a book. No, I was on the dorm room bed confused and in pain and it was actually the pain that got me to the library and it was the pain that got me reading all these books. It was the pain that got me started… When you’re on the right journey, eventually, you find yourself being pulled.
The people we look up to are still human beings that struggle with their fears, their own insecurities, their own feelings of not being enough.
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Cured Nutrition
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Let’s be real… Your time on Earth is limited, so if you’re conflicted or confused about your career, there’s no better time to take action than right now. So, how do you take the leap to further your career or completely switch career paths amidst all the confusion and overwhelm?
Let’s dive right into it with this week’s guest, Jason Tartick!
Popularly known for his time on The Bachelorette, Jason Tartick is the host of the Trading Secrets podcast, author of The Restart Roadmap, and founder of Restart, a consulting company dedicated to helping people with career navigation and financial literacy. If there’s anyone who knows the value of networking, taking risks, and being genuine to who you are, it’s Jason.
In this discussion, Jason and Chase talk about leaving the lucrative corporate life to answer your life’s calling and explore new avenues in your professional life. He shares his candid thoughts on how to take control of your life path when anxiety overwhelms you, the power of paying attention to your intuition, and how to make a meaningful first impression on someone. Then, he shares a few unique ways to leverage your network to further your career.
Follow Jason @jason_tartick
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Follow Chase on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
The path you’re about to embark on is rarely the path you’ll be on for the rest of your life. Processing a realization that your next chapter of life is merely just a stepping stone can be overwhelming, but also very empowering and freeing. Until you deeply evaluate yourself and who you are down to the core, you will be a puppet to everyone around you.
When we experience anxiety and panic attacks, or other physical symptoms of overwhelm, it can be easy to cover them up with medication… but what’s really at the core of these issues? Oftentimes, it’s because the body can’t keep up with the stress of constant productivity and performance. Jason shares his experience with this struggle and offers powerful words of advice for those going through the same thing.
Pay attention to your body’s whispers before they turn into screams.
Your time on Earth is limited, so if you’re conflicted or confused about your career, there’s no better time to take action than right now. You can do it!
Networking can be THE key to the next step in your career. Getting feedback from your friends, family, and the closest people in your network will give you insight into how aligned you are in your career and the potential you have for something greater. (Hint: Get on LinkedIn! It’s the #1 place to network, find talent, and find a new job!)
Jason divulges the thought behind his first night impression on The Bachelorette and shares his thoughts on the importance of making a great, authentic first impression.
Powerful Quotes by Jason Tartick
So many people go their entire lives without realizing that they never took control of what they want to do. I think once you drop into your authentic self, when those opportunities come your way, it becomes so much easier to be like ‘that’s what I want to do for me and for my path’… and it becomes so much more clear that the decisions you make, who knows what they’ll turn into, but you’re doing them for yourself and no one else.
On average, we live (in the United States) … on average, to like 79. So, take out the first 18 years that you’re becoming an adult… You have 62 years to do something, to make it more than what you’re doing today, to make an impact greater than our lifetime.
You’ve got to stop caring about the fear of what other people think and just do it.
Benchmark yourself against yourself and only yourself.
Recommended Resources:
Get your free sample pack of Recharge electrolyte drink mix at LMNT
Save 20% on The Good face serum with code EVERFORWARD at Caldera + Lab
Listen to Jason's podcast Trading Secrets
Get Jason's book The Restart Roadmap
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In this solo episode, Chase reflects on his seasons of training, unpacking the things that have kept him motivated—and continue to keep him motivated—in and out of the gym.
After over 17 years of purposefully and intentionally leading an active lifestyle, one of the most fundamental lessons Chase has learned is the cumulative power of consistency. You could say that just stepping foot in the gym when it’s the last thing you feel like doing, is already half the battle.
Many times, it really comes down to doing whatever it takes to simply show up, even if that means relying on external motivation to push you forward. Going through your personal seasons of fitness means that there will be weeks, months, or even a few years when that internal motivation that first got you going to the gym is no longer enough.
As you “mature” on your fitness journey, you will need to find ways to reinvigorate your passion for training. Chase finds more purpose and excitement in his training today in large part because he found an amazing community of like-minded athletes. He also recently began testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), an ongoing experience which he speaks about at length in this episode.
All that said, Chase reminds us to not neglect our mental and emotional health for the sake of our fitness goals. In his words, sometimes “motivation deserves a sit-down” so that we have the opportunity to check in with ourselves in a holistic sense.
Chase is also a staunch advocate for tracking your training, because if you can’t visually see your progress down to all of those minute wins that add up, it becomes so easy to lose motivation.
Finally, throughout your seasons of training, always remember to embrace radical honesty not just to ensure you’re really on the right path to growth, but also to assess whether you still have the same passion and excitement for the training modalities you’re currently engaged in.
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
Key Highlights
After over 17 years on his fitness journey, it’s gradually become more difficult for Chase to maintain that early, internal motivation to hit the gym. At the same time, what’s manifested in place of his initial drive is a newfound passion for fitness. He explains what he does differently today to keep him excited to go to the gym consistently.
No matter how disciplined and consistent you are, if you aren’t doing the best for your body, your progress will stall and, eventually, you’ll start to go backwards. Know your biology and make sure that your biology is working for you instead of against you.
Prioritizing your physical health at the expense of your mental and emotional health will only do more harm than good in the long run.
Track your training. Life gets busy and it’s human nature to fall behind every once in a while. But if you track your progress, you’ll be better able to troubleshoot your strategy and look for opportunities to fill those gaps.
Powerful Quotes by Chase
If you can get to the right place at the right time in the right uniform, then you’re pretty much done. That’s the majority of the battle. And I think that’s so true for training.
If you’re feeling unmotivated, if you’re feeling like the results aren’t quite there, pay attention to the vessel that you’re training. Biology can sometimes be working against you, and you might be doing all the “right things” and you might be really disciplined and consistent, but there might be something off.
Change is very important when it comes to resiliency and adherence, especially in training.
Episode resources:
Mar 30, 2022
EFR 588: Build a Better Brain and Healthier Body For Life with Max Lugavere
Contrary to popular belief, the key to longevity and vitality isn’t packaged up in a magical superfood elixir or workout routine… There are many intricate factors to living a long, thriving life and they’re nuanced for each and every one of us.
Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, health and science journalist, podcast host, and best-selling author of Genius Foods and Genius Kitchen who believes that living a life Ever Forward means doing a little bit better today than yesterday.
How can we eat better, move better, and live better starting today?
In this discussion, Max and Chase talk about how to make your brain healthier and your body stronger through incorporating “Genius Foods” and healthy rituals into your daily life. Max shares his candid thoughts on what foods to eat for longevity, misconceptions and myths around the “Blue Zones”, and the power of both medicinal and culinary mushrooms. Plus, he shares what his Genius Kitchen restaurant would be like if he had one and what he would serve, along with some tips for eating more mindfully.
Follow Max @maxlugavere
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
After witnessing his mother develop Dementia and cancer, Max began to explore the power of food in fighting disease and boosting health and vitality. He wrote Genius Foods and created his cookbook and wellness guide, Genius Kitchen, using highly accessible, low-cost, nutrient-dense foods that can support and protect optimal brain health and function.
Chase gives a quick break down of his daily diet and Max gives his candid opinions on how “genius” Chase’s health rituals are.
American kitchens have the most room for growth in areas such as cooking and eating meals at home instead of eating out, reducing highly processed foods, and incorporating more whole foods, spices, and herbs into your diet.
Your robustness as an organism determines so many things. Protein and resistance training are crucially important for longevity and robustness, as well as community involvement and elimination of toxins (like smoking and drinking).
Every human is different, so you need to learn how to listen to your own body and ultimately figure out your own identity before latching onto a diet.
Integrating a variety of mushrooms into your diet will create a solid nutritional foundation.
Powerful Quotes by Max Lugavere
Being strong and resilient and robust is part in parcel for aging well.
Yeah, I write about nutrition, but there are still so many more unanswered questions than there are answered questions… The idea of personalized nutrition doesn’t even exist yet, for the most part.
Knowledge isn’t power in and of itself, it only becomes power once you act on that knowledge. Knowledge is useless without it actually changing your behaviors.
Episode resources:
Listen to Max's first appearance on Ever Forward Radio in episode 067
Listen to Max's podcast The Genius Life
Get Max's books Genius Foods, Genius Life, and his newest addition Genius Kitchen
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