Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Fitness, particularly men’s fitness, is more than the weight you can lift or how fast you can build muscle. It’s about finding the physical activities you enjoy, being okay with failure, and getting creative. Furthermore, fitness is about connecting the mind with the body.

This week’s guest is a health and fitness educator who, throughout the pandemic, has gained some pretty powerful insights on fitness accessibility and the role of fitness in mental health.

Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS, is the Fitness Director at Men’s Health Magazine and the Head of Training Innovation at FlexIt Fitness, a virtual personal training app.

In this discussion, Ebenezer and Chase talk about the power of being the eternal beginner and how fitness can positively (and even negatively) impact mental health. He sheds light on his relationship with fitness and what he’s learned from the trends in physical activity he’s noticed over the past 2 years. Ebenezer also gives great advice for beginners in fitness on finding what fitness routine is best for you.

Follow Ebenezer Samuel @ebenezersamuel23

Follow FlexIt Fitness @flexit_fitness

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Although there will always be a level of challenge in it, fitness has never been more accessible and attainable than it is today. “I think we finally understand, in the fitness community, that just getting people moving is the most important thing… and let’s not make this about 100 burpees,” Ebenezer says. The primary goal now is to find the balance between accessibility and a healthy amount of challenge/difficulty.

  • As a health and fitness educator, Ebenezer sheds light on how he’s navigated the pandemic and what he’s learned from trends in fitness throughout the past two years. The primary thing he has realized is that educating the beginner is what’s most important and impactful.

  • We’re all beginners in fitness at some point. Most of us will be beginners multiple times, whether we try a new activity or we lose a skill/technique by not practicing it. Ebenezer details the 3 key things about being an eternal beginner: you have to be okay with the struggle of failure, asking questions when you don’t know something, and embracing discomfort when trying new things.

  • Ebenezer breaks down how to find the best fitness routine for you, regardless of your experience level. He also speaks on the role of creativity in fitness and how he gets creative in his fitness routine.

  • He shares his candid thoughts on the role of fitness professionals and fitness education in the digital age as the world of social media has expanded.

  • Chase and Ebenezer speak on the impact of fitness on mental health and emotional health and how the fitness industry has shifted to address mental health. “For some people, fitness can be a detriment to [their] mental health… it’s not so much the act of fitness as it is the pressure surrounding them,” Ebenezer says, “I think for a lot of us and I think for myself, during the pandemic, fitness was kind of a way to center myself and pass the time… having that control was very useful to my mental health and can be useful to anybody’s mental health.”

Powerful Quotes by Ebenezer Samuel

What I’ve realized over the last two years and what I’ve realized through my tenure in Men’s Health is that a lot of times, it’s about educating the beginner.

That exploration is something that those of us who are experienced in fitness can and must continue and it’s something that can help the new person, or the beginner, somebody who is on fire for fitness… to sort of find the best starting point for them because it doesn’t necessarily need to be strength training, it doesn’t need to be cardio, it doesn’t need to be yoga, it needs to be what’s going to keep you fitnessing over the long haul. That is the best version of fitness for you.

The key thing with adherence for fitness is that people are having fun and they’re enjoying it but they want to do it.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

The Build Muscle Stack is three supplements that increase muscle and strength gain, improve workout performance, and boost post-workout recovery. It includes three key supplements:

  1. Whey+

    Whey+ is a 100% natural whey isolate protein powder made with exceptionally high-quality milk from small, sustainable dairy farms in Ireland.

  2. Pulse

    Pulse is a 100% natural pre-workout drink that increases energy levels, improves mood, sharpens mental focus, boosts strength and endurance, and reduces fatigue.

  3. Recharge

    Recharge is a 100% natural post-workout drink that boosts muscle growth, improves recovery, and reduces soreness.

Save 20% with code EVERFORWARD

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Strong Coffee Company

Here at STRONG coffee, we want to make your daily coffee addiction a healthier one. We don’t make strong coffee, we make coffee that makes you STRONG.

STRONG Coffee gives you a dose of caffeine to boost energy just like your regular cup of joe, but we don’t stop there. Check out the ingredients to learn more:

  • Instant, Organic Coffee

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If you struggle finding the motivation to get up in the morning, you’re not doing your best at work, or you battle with an inner monologue that’s telling you what you need to do, but you just CAN’T get yourself together to execute and be productive…

You might be experiencing burnout.

Whitney Eckis is a serial entrepreneur and marketing guru whose mission is to inspire and empower entrepreneurship, influence, and empowering women in the business industry. Whitney believes that whether or not you’re taking a break, starting something new, or advancing in your career, you are continuing to move forward and evolve.

In this discussion, Whitney and Chase talk about all things BURNOUT. She sheds light on what it was like to be diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder and depression, the tools and practices she uses to improve and maintain her mental health, and why she’s grateful for experiencing burnout. Plus, she talks about how she’s using radical transparency to prevent burnout and build trust within her company’s team.

Follow Whitney Eckis @whitneyeckis

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Our intense desire to be productive is often driven by a fear of failure or not being good enough. Sitting with yourself and realizing the voice inside your head is protecting you, while also acknowledging when you need a break, is very impactful.

  • To avoid burnout as an entrepreneur, Whitney looks at the flow of her work ethic and where she wants to be. If she’s not able to rest and pause, the quality of her work and leadership will be compromised. So, she makes sure to balance her time, integrate rest into her life, and get honest about when she needs a break.

  • It’s important to have people to hold space for you and hold you accountable, especially as an entrepreneur. Therapy and a business coach are two key tools Whitney uses to shift her mindset, boost internal confidence, and understand herself better so she can do business better.

  • Whitney uses radical transparency and honesty to build trust amongst her company’s team, ensure her work is the highest quality possible, prevent burnout, and empower her team to take care of themselves. If she needs to cancel a meeting because she needs a mental health day, she’s honest and transparent about it.

  • Feelings of doubt, fear, and scarcity are likely to come up throughout your life, but recognizing and becoming aware of them gives you the power to shift your mindset and create a new perspective moving forward.

Powerful Quotes by Whitney Eckis

What you’re doing and how you’re serving your consumer or how you’re serving your team… is going to show up energetically in your work.

We get to see the light at the end of the tunnel and see how awesome life can really be if we choose to really educate ourselves and become aware of our mental health.

It really showed me how much I was walking through business in fear and walking through a scarcity mindset.

Ultimately, if we’re feeling like “I’m a fraud, I don’t have enough experience, XYZ…” it’s either A) I’m feeling challenged and I’m scared of this challenge or B) It’s not aligned and it’s not really going to serve me.

Recommended Resources:

Welcome to your ketone supplementation and metabolic biohacking, and athletic performance optimization masterclass!

You’ve probably heard of the ketogenic diet by now… but have you heard of a daily ketone supplement? 

Michael Brandt and HVMN have discovered one that helps support mental clarity, athletic performance, and metabolic health. He is one of the masterminds behind this product and is here to chat about all things metabolic health, biohacking, performance optimization, and daily wellness.

Michael Brandt is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health Via Modern Nutrition (HVMN), a company that creates and sells a ketone ester drink called Ketone-IQ™ as well as nootropic supplements and other products than support a ketogenic diet. Beyond his passion for health and entrepreneurship, Michael loves running.

In this discussion, Michael and Chase talk about metabolic health, personal biohacking optimization, and ways to connect your active, physical life to your professional life. Michael sheds light on his approach to business, research, and product development as well as the tools and practices he uses to support his health, wellness, and performance as an entrepreneur and athlete.

Follow Michael Brandt @bdm_runner

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Michael breaks down the science behind the ketogenic diet and the nutritional value of ketone supplements. He speaks on the ways you can naturally elevate your ketone levels as well as the role that ketone supplementation can play in your overall health and wellness.

  • What does it feel like to supplement with ketones? Michael contrasts ketone supplementation with consumption of other substances, like nicotine and caffeine. It’s not like any other substance, it’s truly its own experience with its own benefits.

  • Two major threads in Michael’s life are running and business. Listen in as he describes the connection between being a runner and being an entrepreneur along with the importance of consistency in effort, pacing yourself, and taking time to rest. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

  • The health and wellness industry has been leaving behind the dogma that you need one specific diet or workout routine to be healthy and perform your best. One health trend Michael really likes right now are wearables and health hardware because it’s taking the guessing out of your health variables, leaving you with actionable insights about your specific body.

  • How do you combine qualitative health data with quantitative health data? Michael shares what he’s learned from high performing athletes, emphasizing the value of letting how you feel override the quantitative KPIs. This was exemplified by Simone Biles, an Olympian athlete who recently retired from sports because her mental health was suffering.

  • Michael’s hacks for performance optimization include intermittent fasting with an 8-hour eating window, sometimes eating only one meal a day. He also follows a rule of doing something active every single day, even if it’s just going for a walk.

Powerful Quotes by Michael Brandt

It’s pretty cool to be able to just drink and feel a runner’s high. 

If every meeting, if every surface area of your brand, you’re trying to reinvent it or you’re not sure what your values are and you’re not sure what the reason is you even exist, then you’re gonna end up with this weird, wonky brand… because you’re indecisive as a leader. 

A beautiful life is one where you’re taking who you are and you’re putting it out into the world and you should always be making forward progress to that.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Blokes

Better focus, strength, recovery so you can feel like you again.

After about age 30, men will see a natural decline in testosterone levels due to aging. However, you can’t write off these symptoms as “aging” or just getting old. Many times, when younger men experience hypogonadism, there are other things at play that can be causing testosterone levels to decline, including both physical and environmental causes. Injury, obesity, stress, illness, and disease can all contribute to lower testosterone in men


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How to get better sleep is a question we all have probably asked ourselves. Or what about poor sleepers, how can they sleep better?

Ariel Garten is the Founder of InteraXon, makers of Muse, the brain sensing headband. Ariel is a neuroscientist and sleep expert that’s passionate about prioritizing sleep and brain health.

The reality is that when you honor your sleep, you honor every other part of your life. Simply put, sleep impacts your quality of life, so it’s extremely important to prioritize your sleep routine and sleep hygiene. 

In this discussion, Ariel and Chase talk about neuroscience through the lens of sleep so we can better understand what’s going on inside the brain and leverage that information to get the best quality sleep possible. Tune in to learn Ariel’s expert insights about the wild world of sleep, from the effects of caffeine to napping and everything in between!

Follow Ariel @ariels_musings

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • When it comes to sleep, we should care more about the quality of our sleep than the quantity. Poor sleep affects us cognitively, physiologically, and emotionally. 

  • If you’re struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep, you wake up multiple times per night, and you’re unclear how many hours of sleep you actually get, it’ll be super helpful to track your sleep and make a plan to improve it. 

  • During the pandemic, many people have improved their sleep, but for many people, the anxiety of covid-19 has made sleep miserable. For Ariel, a proactive approach to regularly calming her nervous system was key for managing her anxiety and her sleep hygiene.

  • Not only do stress, anxiety, worry, and fear inhibit sleep, but the fear of not sleeping and the busyness of the mind also impacts your sleep. Ariel recommends meditation and relaxation activities. If you can’t sleep, just continue laying there and trying to relax. Eventually, you’ll fall asleep. If you have common thoughts that keep you up, take time while you’re awake to truly process those thoughts and cognitively reframe them.

  • There are two main mechanisms that put your brain to sleep, one is circadian rhythm governed by melatonin, the other is sleep pressure and that’s governed by adenosine. 

  • Caffeine strongly impacts the brain, often making it difficult to sleep by blocking your body’s ability to make you sleepy. For optimal sleep, you should stop caffeine intake by 12pm.

  • Exercise, sunlight, and napping can impact your circadian rhythm and your quality of sleep, but only at the proper time and amount.

  • No matter your age or sleep history, it’s never too late to improve your cognitive function. Even one good night’s sleep will help restore your cognitive function and help your brain and body repair and regenerate.

Powerful Quotes by Ariel Garten

What you measure, you can then improve and change.

One of the greatest things to improve your brain health and your sleep simultaneously is exercise.

Great sleep actually starts in the morning, so you want to get up in the morning at a time that’s comfortable for you.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Mellö by Ned

Mellö is a powerful daily full spectrum magnesium supplement to propel memory, mood, brain function, stress response, sleep, energy, and nerve and muscle health.

Mellö nourishes every inch of your body with a proprietary superblend of 3 forms of chelated magnesium, L-theanine, GABA, and over 70 trace minerals, specially formulated for whole-body—and brain — absorption.

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May and Chase kick things off reflecting on their recent out-of-town trips to catch up with family and friends—May in happening Miami for a bachelorette party, Chase in small-town Virginia for a high school reunion.

May shares that she’s been feeling a “gap” of sorts growing between her and a number of her old family and friends, especially over these past two, life-changing years. She says that the more she has become comfortable with her innate spirituality, the more she feels “pulled away” from certain past relationships.

Growth is not a journey to become a different version of yourself. Rather, it’s a journey to discovering the version of you that was always there—your truest self.

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • May reads Chase’s high school yearbook bio. After nine years together, she admits that she only knew one out of the couple dozen facts written on it.

  • It’s always painful to realize that you’ve outgrown certain relationships, but Chase and May see it as indicative of having personally changed for the better—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

  • Chase and May look back on their personal and professional growth since their move out West, saying that California was the environment that has allowed who they have been all along to finally shine.

Powerful Quotes

  • I’m starting to feel somewhat of a gap where I’m pulled away from certain relationships from my life. Not that I want them out of my life, but I can’t relate anymore. I think what’s happening is, we are really evolving as people. This last year for us has been extremely transformative on a very personal and spiritual level. ~May

  • When your relationship with yourself has changed and evolved, it’s a reminder that the distance that you think is there now between yourself and other people is really the distance you have within yourself that has expanded so much. ~Chase

  • When people say, “You’ve changed,” I say, “Thank God!” I’m glad I’ve changed. I’d be worried if I stayed the same. ~May

  • You’re not becoming a different version of you. You’re just getting closer to the version of you that’s always been there—your truest self. ~Chase

Episode resources:

When something doesn’t feel right within you, what do you do? Look to Dr. Google, sweep it under the rug, or try all the trendy health hacks until you’re sick and tired of nothing working? Maybe it’s time to try a different approach.

Krista Berlincourt has traveled the world in search of optimizing one thing: her health. Now, she’s the CEO & co-founder of Kenshō Health, a company that makes holistic health easy with a provider network and platform backed by science. As a Certified Health Coach, Krista and her team of experts have supported thousands of people, from new parents to biohackers and busy professionals, get clear on their goals, shift habits, and stick to a plan for lasting change. 

In this discussion, Krista and Chase talk about how to holistically identify imbalances in your health so you can live a more optimized life. She shares her approach to evaluating core contributors to health and wellness, the value of seeing a naturopath and health coach in addition to a traditional doctor, and the story behind why she decided to build a health coaching company. You’ll gain insight into Krista’s own health journey and the challenges she’s encountered along the way.

Follow Krista Berlincourt @kristaofkensho

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • So often, our medical data might show that we’re fine, but when something inside of you doesn’t feel good, it takes exploration to get clear on what’s out of balance.

  • Krista began experiencing a rate of change in her career so rapid that she was no longer conscious of how much energy she was putting out. What was first diagnosed as chronic adrenal fatigue was actually her body’s way of saying it’s tired.

  • When evaluating her core contributors to health on a scale of 1-10, Krista found that every aspect of her health, besides her job and her relationship, was a 2 because she was so hyper-focused on keeping her relationship and her career alive. 

  • A bumpy wheel can’t role. If you’re unbalanced and you find that your body feels great but you feel unwell, look to the other aspects of your health. Are other areas of your life unbalanced, like your finances, spirituality, or fun? 

  • Seeing a naturopath and going the functional medicine route has unique benefits compared to traditional Western medicine. Listen in to hear Krista detail the benefits she experienced from seeing a naturopathic doctor and why she has naturopathic doctors on her team.

  • Krista follows a three-pronged approach to health: Notice the signals your body is producing (and don’t suppress or judge them), then test to find out what the diagnosis is (either lab tests or practical mental health tests with professionals), then treat (implement solutions). 

Powerful Quotes by Krista Berlincourt

Health is so much more than biomarkers and bloodwork, it’s the answer to one question, which is: How do you feel, really?

In the way that you can have infidelity in a relationship, you can have infidelity in a soul. You can cheat on yourself. You can do things that are consciously diverting away from the promise that each of us has to ourselves to remain healthy and happy and whole.

You are your first patient.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by JoyMode

The Sexual Performance Booster is like a pre-workout, but for sex!

Want to spice things up in the bedroom and boost your sexual performance? And do it naturally without nasty prescription drugs? We have a special offer for the Ever Forward audience!

  • JOYMODE makes NATURAL and SCIENCE-BACKED sexual wellness products for men

  • Designed to support erection quality and firmness, and sex drive. It contains clinically supported doses of L-Citrulline, Arginine, Yohimbine and Vitamin-C. It was created with best-in-class scientists and biochemistry PhDs.

  • After taking the Sexual Performance Booster, blood levels of arginine and yohimbine will increase, which will directly promote nitric oxide production, penile tissue relaxation, and increased drive. Meanwhile, the antioxidant action of vitamin C will protect nitric oxide from oxidative degradation, which enhances the blood flow promoting activity of nitric oxide. Collectively, these effects enhance sex drive and blood flow to the penis, resulting in better performance.

  • JOYMODE was created because the products on the market are terrible and they knew they could do better. Prescriptions come with all sorts of side effects and the over-the-counter gas station pills are sketchy and fraudulent; but lots of guys take both because they don’t have a better option.

  • How to take it & what to expect: simply tear open the sachet and mix with 6-8 ounces of water, just like your favorite electrolyte packet. For best use, consume anywhere from 45 minutes to 4 hours prior to sexual activity. You’ll notice better blood flow, better erection quality and firmness, and increased sexual energy and drive.

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May 13, 2022

EFR 601: How to Up-Level Your Money Mindset with Chris Harder

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How are your current money patterns limiting your success? This bonus episode is in collaboration with past guest Ashley Stahl and her podcast You Turn. Ever Forward Radio is excited to share this conversation with Chris Harder, an entrepreneur and the founder of the For the Love of Money brand and podcast.

Join them to bust through your limiting beliefs with money so you can change your financial future as Chris and Ashley discuss two key factors to write your ticket anywhere, indicators of your current money mindset, patterns with money and how you can use money and goals to improve and inspire relationships.

Walk down the path to take responsibility for your financial and life goals! Like so many people, Chris hit rock bottom during the recession but he did something many didn’t. Discover how he used this financial hardship to rebuild his views and mindset on money, relationships, and life.


Follow Ashley @ashleystahl

Follow Chris @chriswharder

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Strong Coffee Company


Here at STRONG Coffee, we make more than just coffee.

By using the perfect blend of organic, fair-trade instant coffee, real food ingredients, and adaptogens, STRONG Coffee is guaranteed to kickstart your morning.

Our coffee is made with the highest quality ingredients because we believe what you put in your body matters. By starting your morning with a STRONG latte we guarantee that the first thing you put in your body is nutritious AND delicious.

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This episode happened to be recorded on International Women’s Day and it’s very fitting because these two women are killing it as entrepreneurs in the fashion industry. Thus, they absolutely deserve to have the spotlight shown on them, their partnership, and their fast-growing brand.

Mary Ralph Lawson and Kennedy Crichlow are best friends and Co-Founders of Daily Drills, an apparel company designed by and for women who find adventure in every day. The pair decided to launch Daily Drills less than two years ago and have already seen sell-out after sell-out. Not to mention, they’re only in their mid-twenties and have never gone to fashion school… so how did they do it?

In this discussion, Mary, Kennedy, and Chase talk about owning and scaling a business with your best friend, overcoming the fear and uncertainty you face after graduating from college, and how to move forward out of failure. Plus, they share an amazing story of how a business crisis turned into a key learning opportunity for them.

Follow Mary Ralph Lawson @maryralph

Follow Kennedy Crichlow @kennedycrichlow

Follow Daily Drills @dailydrills

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Even though Daily Drills was launched during the pandemic, Mary and Kennedy have seen immense growth and evolution in their brand. Listen in as they describe why their products have evolved from activewear to loungewear, how they come up with ideas for new apparel designs, and how they’ve grown and scaled their company so fast.

  • Would you have executed this business idea if you didn’t already have a social media following? Mary and Kennedy share their candid thoughts on how a strong social media presence increases your confidence in starting a business and lowers your risk of business failure. Even though it’s not necessary, it’s helpful!

  • What keeps Daily Drills thriving and their social media presence so strong is the engagement of their followers. The duo explains the importance of focusing on engagement, rather than follower count, and creating a sense of closeness/friendship between them and their followers.

  • What is the right time to scale? How do you know when to outsource help and hire interns or full-time employees? “It creates burnout if you’re not delegating. It’s definitely something we talk about frequently because our end goal is to grow and sell so we do also have to empower people to help us because we’re not going to get there alone.”

  • Mary and Kennedy speak on the role of trusting their own and each other’s intuition to guide them towards entrepreneurial success. They also speak on the trials and tribulations of being women in business and whether or not they want to have a completely women-run company.

Powerful Quotes by Mary and Kennedy

If we’re instinctual and in tune with pushing the boundaries forward, then it’s going to be fine because Daily Drills is who we are at the end of the day… it really exudes our personalities, spontaneity, and positivity and that translates in our clothes… As long as we have that core messaging and that core focal point of what are we excited by and what are we dressing in and what are we looking for in the market, it’ll be aligned with us.

I did not go to school for fashion, I wish I had looking back on it but you don’t have to go to school for it to do it, even at 25.

If we didn’t have followings, I feel like we would have been joined with somebody else that had a following because we know, especially in today’s market, just how advantageous that is. We haven’t spent any money on influencer marketing and it’s because of the network and our own platforms. 

So much greatness comes out of chaos.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Paleovalley

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Phytonutrient chemistry is a relatively new field of scientific study that’s been gaining momentum over the past 20-25 years. 

Dr. Dan Gubler, Ph.D. a phytonutrient chemist, believes phytonutrients are a critical component of health and longevity that we need to be paying more attention to.

In this discussion, Dan and Chase talk about the power of phytonutrients and their ability to regulate the body’s processes to help us live a productive, happy, and fulfilled life. Dan speaks on which phytonutrients should be top of mind for you, the benefits of each color of fruit and vegetable, and how phytonutrients can help combat the harmful impacts of environmental pollution. He also teaches you how to use phytonutrients to optimize your health and heal from sickness, highlighting what he eats when he’s sick.

Follow Dan @drdangubler

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Plants contain macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are small organic compounds that plants produce to defend themselves, communicate with each other, and much more. It’s clear that phytonutrients are the medicinal components of plants.

  • Phytonutrients are responsible for regulating gene expression. They help to orchestrate the millions of chemical reactions the body performs every single second. You can have the ideal macronutrients and micronutrients in your diet, but if you don’t have phytonutrients, your body won’t perform optimally. 

  • There are certain phytonutrients, like curcumin and rhodiola, that are “master regulators”, as Dan calls them, but we need to be consuming a variety of all phytonutrients. 

  • The power is in the color. The more color you incorporate into your diet, the more phytonutrients you’re consuming. Specifically, be sure you eat purple, dark red, yellow, and green fruits and veggies!

  • Consider keeping a food journal for 7-10 days to get an idea of what you’re eating, how you physically feel day to day, and what colors you’re missing out on. Dr. Dan suggests supplementing if you’re consistently unable to incorporate a wide variety of fruits and veggies into your diet.

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Dan Gubler

60% of all pharma drugs are from these phytonutrients from plants.

If all we’re eating is a grass-fed ribeye and a couple of eggs and a papaya or something like that, and we’re not getting our greens, I worry the impact it’ll have on health, especially long-term.

Where I see things going is to have designer phytonutrient mixes… that are specifically curated to power different systems of the body.

Recommended Resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Caldera + Lab

The is a clinically-proven, multi-functional, non-toxic formula of 27 active botanicals meticulously infused over 4 weeks in an ECOCERT COSMOS-certified facility. Using only wild-harvested, non-GMO and organic ingredients, Caldera + Lab is proudly certified by both MADE SAFE® and ECOCERT.

CLICK HERE to save 20% with code EVERFORWARD

So, you’ve gained a following on social media… now what? The answer isn’t always clear and direct. What we have come to realize is that Instagram and TikTok are no longer (or perhaps, never were) places where you had to appear perfect to gain a following or appeal to a large audience.

It’s easier than ever to create content and connect to people through social media, but not many people aren’t talking about how to handle the immense growth and exposure that comes with being an influencer.

Sam Gwaz is a health coach and fitness influencer who, since growing her Instagram platform by 200,000+ new followers in the last 3 years, has had to grow along with her social media presence in many ways.

In this discussion, Sam and Chase talk about her growth and evolution as a health and fitness content creator on social media. They speak on the power of vulnerability in building confidence, Sam’s current struggle as a content creator, and how to reevaluate your social media presence to ensure you’re creating authentic content that’s aligned with your audience. Then, Sam shares her hopes for the future of social media along with a few pieces of advice for aspiring content creators.

Follow Sam Gwaz @thesamplan

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • When you step into who you are as your authentic self, the doors open to new growth and opportunities.

  • Sam’s approach to social media is unfiltered. She doesn’t overanalyze the things she shares, she shares whatever she wants to share and it’s worked out really well for her!

  • You don’t have to have any qualifications to be a content creator on social media, you just have to be yourself.

  • Sam shares her candid thoughts on consuming social media content and the differences between how she consumes content on Instagram versus TikTok.

Powerful Quotes by Sam Gwaz

I really noticed a shift in my growth when I started just being vulnerable and authentic to myself.

Like journaling or talking with a therapist, once you say things out loud or you share them with other people, they start to have less power over you and so, in gaining confidence, a lot of that came from sharing and being vulnerable on social media.

For me, Ever Forward is this all-encompassing moving towards the greater end of your life, moving towards the best that is to come which is this present moment and then what’s the follow that.

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Did you know that it’s perfectly acceptable and possible to be your own life coach? In fact, self-coaching can change the trajectory of your career, your relationships, and your entire life.

That’s a lofty statement, yes, but it’s true and there’s a framework for how to do it.

Meet Jason Goldsmith, a globally recognized sports performance coach and co-author of Take Charge of You (with David Novak). Jason changed the trajectory of his life when he started shifting his mindset around his dyslexia diagnosis. Since then, he’s discovered the power of self-coaching and now helps others become the best versions of themselves.

In this discussion, Jason and Chase talk about personal leadership, how to be your own coach in five steps, and how self-coaching can transform your life and career. He also shares his personal experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia and how that inspired him to start a performance coaching business.

Follow Jason Goldsmith @CoachJasonGold

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • Jason’s dyslexia diagnosis not only gave him clarity on how his brain worked differently, but it made him very curious about how people learn. This provoked his purposeful journey to helping people become the best versions of themselves. 

  • Jason details his first experiences with shifting his mindset and perception of himself, especially relating to his dyslexia. He speaks on how he shifted his mindset around dyslexia from “it’s a disability” to “it’s my superpower”. 

  • If you’re struggling with self-limiting beliefs, performance coaching can help you shift your mindset. In fact, you can be your own performance coach! The first step to self-coaching is getting to know yourself and figuring out the things that drive you. That’s what allows you to identify what brings you joy and what takes your joy away.

  • The next step to self-coaching is getting yourself in a solution-based coaching mindset. Like Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” 

  • Then, uncover the transformational insights, reframe failures, identify your next steps toward success, and take insightful action. The last step is showing up consistently every day. If you take these steps to coach yourself, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your life and career.

  • Jason emphasizes the importance of taking care of yourself, as it’s often overlooked in our society. Developing rituals and habits to improve your body will also improve your mind (and vice versa), making it easier to take charge of your life.

  • Lastly, Jason sheds light on the ways he’s currently coaching himself through life. 

Powerful Quotes by Jason Goldsmith

I had this self-limiting belief and had no idea that that belief had no basis in reality. 

If you know what the things are that bring you joy, then why aren’t you doing more of those things? If you can’t define exactly what your purpose is, over time, as long as you’re doing those things, your purpose will start to unveil itself to you. But you have to cultivate a growth mindset around it. You have to be able to be present so that when your purpose does reveal itself… you’re in a mindset that you see it.

After you’ve gone down this path and you’ve figured out what your single biggest thing is and you’re pursuing this with the intensity of the passion and motivation that comes along with it, you need to share it with others.

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Are we living in an age where weapons of mass distraction are ruling the world?

The internet and all the apps on our devices are constantly fighting for our attention. Although our phones, tablets, and computers are some of the most powerful tools we have as humans, they’re also the most damaging. How can we appropriately navigate technology and actually expand our mind through these devices? Can we truly be creative with these weapons of mass distraction?

This week, we welcome Robert Overweg, an artist, innovation catalyst, and creator of The Adaptable Mindset Method which empowers people to develop an Adaptable Mindset. The goal of his work is to develop people who are free to create and free to change.

In this discussion, Robert and Chase talk about how to develop an adaptable mindset, find a fresh perspective, and create the mental space necessary to live a more exciting, meaningful life. He offers simple tips for getting into the flow state, reclaiming your power from your devices, and boosting your innate creativity. He shares his expertise on how to curate a creative environment, incorporate play into your daily life, and look at success and failure through the lens of creativity.

Follow Robert @RobertOverweg

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • We need fresh perspectives to reframe our failures and solve the issues we’re facing in the world. The adaptable mindset creates a cognitive reset, creating mental space to carve your own path in life and live with more meaning.

  • You can find beauty online, but in reality, that only happens during a small percentage of your time spent online. This makes it a challenge to create your own mental space for relaxation and creating new ideas and solutions. 

  • In a playful way, we need to expose ourselves, our souls, and our emotions to ambiguity and uncertainty because that’s where creativity comes from.

  • Creative downtime and play yields change and mindset shifts. Getting creative requires being inspired, getting connected with things that resonate with you, and intentionally making space in your brain for awareness. 

  • If you go within, you know what gives you energy and what fosters your creativity.

  • Have awareness of the things you want to be different, give yourself permission and the grace to act upon them, create the environment you want and need to explore them, and then stay consistent with your exploration and reflection.

Powerful Quotes by Robert Overweg

The adaptable mindset program is a program that creates a cognitive reset.

Everything can give you creativity if you just have that perspective.

If you are directly focused on a goal, you use a different part of the brain. You use a more limited part of the brain. If you are just experimenting, just flowing, just even walking… [you] let your subconscious process it… You need to be able to have mental space, maybe even boredom.

It’s really important to build your own formula for success, your own structure that supports you.

If you can find something that the world needs and that energizes you, then you’re, in a sense, set for life.

Episode resources:

  • Save on the Adaptable Mindset Method online program with code EVER-FORWARD, good for 20% off on the personal journey and on the organizational program

  • Get your free Rise nootropic and Zen sleep aid sample packs from using this exclusive link