Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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When it comes to physicians that truly understand the whole picture - mindset, nutrition, and physical fitness - no one explains it better in our opinion than Dr. Jade Teta. Dr. Jade is a naturopathic physician, personal trainer, author, wellness expert and an all around kick-ass dude!
This week, we learn about his philosophy of how our mind, our metabolism and our muscles should best be approached for optimal performance. How EVERY BODY is different and should be treated as such. We are going to get out "HEC in check" (you'll learn what that means in the interview) and walk away with a profound new appreciation of just how incredible these things we called bodies truly are.
The growth of this podcast is not possible without partnering with products and services that also serve the greater good - helping others live a life ever forward! Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by the support of our AMAZING sponsors, we thank you!
*Save 20% off any Organifi product with code "everforward"*
*$40 off your first Freshly order with code "everforward"*
Climbing the highest mountains, rowing across the Atlantic Ocean, coming face-to-face with death and even losing several fingers to pursue his life's mission - STEP OUT, SHOVE OFF! Laval St. Germain shares with us what it is like to pursue adventure in a myriad of different ways and the obstacles that life (and Mother Nature) has in store during that process.
In this episode you will learn from an "expert at turning dreams into goals into reality, Laval St.Germain knows what it takes to unzip the tent door and step out from high camp on Everest for a cold, gasping, trip to the top or to shove off the dock to row alone across the North Atlantic Ocean.
Laval is the only Canadian to have climbed Mount Everest without the use of supplemental oxygen, the only person to have climbed and skied Iraq's highest peak, and the holder of the fastest ever crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean by solo ocean row boat from mainland North America to mainland Europe.
Laval has climbed the highest peak on 6 of the earth's 7 continents, and the highest peaks of more than a dozen nations. Uniquely blending extreme high risk outdoor adventure with the deliberate and strict adherence to procedures, checklists and risk management inherent in an airline pilot has kept Laval alive.
Laval is an acclaimed keynote speaker, with emotional and striking stories from up there above the clouds and out there beyond the ocean horizon."
The growth of this podcast is not possible without partnering with products and services that also serve the greater good - helping others live a life ever forward. Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by the support of our AMAZING sponsors, we thank you!
*Save 20% off any product with code "everforward"*
*$40 off your first www.Freshly.comorder with code "everforward"*
Christie Bailey is a one part entrepreneur, one part fitness cover model, and one part self-help junkie turned online business strategist. As the 2017 spokesmodel winner and IFBB pro competition, Christie knows a thing or two about the physical, nutritional and mental discipline it takes to dramatically change one's physique. But that wasn't what it was all cracked up to be, at least not for Christie.
In this interview, you will hear her journey about how she dove 100% in to this profession, how she quit her corporate job to pursue her true calling and how and why that dream shifted for her. Christie is now helping other fitness entrepreneurs apply purpose to passion and, as her mantra says, help them find their fearless!
The Audible book referenced in this podcast is Tim Ferriss' "The Four-Hour Workweek" and can be listed to FOR FREE simply by heading to - your free 30-day trial is waiting!
Organifi has been in my personal daily supplement rotation for years now and, as of late, has been a proud sponsor of the Ever Forward Radio podcast and mission. Please head over to and try any of their amazing products (we are partial to the new Red Juice) and enter "everforward" at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order.
Nov 20, 2017
EFR 043: From Eating Disorders to Professional Bikini Competitor with Emily Duncan
It is very rare when our guest can trace their trigger moment all the way back to early childhood. Emily Duncan's came at about age 8 when her dance instructor made a comment about her body type that sent her down a dark spiral of eating disorders, body dysmorphia and spent years trying to find a healthy balance and relationship with food again. Emily found an immense source of help and internal motivation once she started strength training. From there she became a professional bikini competitor, competing in over a dozen shows and even taking first place in her class in 2016 at the NPC Jr. USA National Championships.
This episode can be summarized by this amazing quote from Emily: "Don't rely on the energy of the outside world to fuel you. Find out what makes YOU strong and what makes YOU awesome, and run with it." Emily lives a life ever forward through TENACITY - in fact it is her apparel line - and you will find an abundance of it in this episode and in her story.
Emily is a, PESciecne and Gymshark athlete. Emily has an amazing and empowering podcast of her own, EmBody Radio, and can be found all over social media under "em_dunc".
*NEW SPONSOR* We are SUPER excited to partner with Audible, our source of choice for audio books. For a FREE 30-day trial, head to and download your favorite book to listen to at any time (after listening to the latest EF Radio episode of course).
Organifi has been in my personal daily supplement rotation for years now and, as of late, has been a proud sponsor of the Ever Forward Radio podcast and mission. Please head over to and try any of their amazing products (we are partial to the Green Juice) and enter "everforward" at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order.
Also, if time is of the essence and you want to fuel your body with a high-quality, fresh never frozen meal then please try and use promo code "everforward" for $40 off your entire initial order! Freshly delivers delicious meals that are 100% gluten-free in 100% biodegradable and recyclable containers.
My second amazing guest from the proud country of Ireland! Today you can listen me interview Brian Keane and then go listen to his interview of me! Brian has the one of top-downloaded fitness podcasts in Ireland and I had the privilege of being a guest on his show "The Brian Keane Fitness Podcast". So make sure to listen here and then head over to Brian's podcast to have the tables turned and the host becomes the guest.
In this episode, Brian and I discuss his many obstacles that he had to overcome before creating this incredible lifestyle he has now as an online fitness coach, professional competitor, author, podcast host and father. Besides the training, besides the dieting... the EGO soon became Brian's biggest hurdle to jump, learning how he was getting in his own way. How his SELF was preventing his true success and happiness. We explore the concepts of ego both in and out of the gym and, most importantly, how to step outside of your ego and gain an objective view of your life, to see what is serving truly serving you and your mission and what simply needs to go.
Organifi's "Daily Turmeric" was highlighted in this episode, an incredible 4:1 supercritical extraction concentrate that combats free radicals, deeply detoxifies, and has powerful antioxidants to boost the immune system and promote a healthy lifestyle. Head over to and try "DAILY TURMERIC" or any of their amazing products for 20% off your entire order using code "everforward" at checkout.
Also, if time is of the essence and you want to fuel your body with a high-quality, fresh never frozen meal then please try and use promo code "everforward" for $40 off your entire initial order! Freshly delivers delicious meals that are 100% gluten-free in 100% biodegradable and recyclable containers.
Nov 6, 2017
EFR 041: Why Juicing Should Be Everyone's Daily Ritual with Organifi's Drew Canole
It is all about RITUAL, my friends! Establishing and honoring daily habits that will set us up for success for the rest of the day should be at the top of all of our priorities. But how do you know which are the best for you and, more importantly, how can you really tell if you are getting your money's worth? All questions we dive deep into this week with our special guest from one of our favorite supplements companies and proud sponsor.
Today's guest, Drew Canole, is the founder and CEO of Organifi and shares with us his incredible transformation story and how the power of juicing helped set him on his path. His incredible story of weight loss and self-discovery is one that I'm sure a lot of us can relate to. But interesting enough, Drew describes for us the NUMBER ONE daily habit that helped got him and keep him well - JUICING!
Organifi has been in my personal daily supplement rotation for years now and, as of late, has been a proud sponsor of the Ever Forward Radio podcast and mission. Please head over to and try any of their amazing products (we are partial to the Green Juice) and enter "everforward" at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order.
Also, if time is of the essence and you want to fuel your body with a high-quality, fresh never frozen meal then please try and use promo code "everforward" for $40 off your entire initial order! Freshly delivers delicious meals that are 100% gluten-free in 100% biodegradable and recyclable containers.
Are you an obliger? Upholder? Rebel? Or questioner? These are what Gretchen Rubin has categorized and written about in her most recent book, "The Four Tendencies". In this episode, Gretchen and I discuss these four ways in which human nature, in her opinion, shines through. Best practices for how to show up in every situation your day and your relationships demand of you. If you are seeking a deeper understanding of how to improve your communication skills, how to better comprehend the actions of others and overall take your sense of awareness to a whole new level then you have tuned in to the right podcast!
You may recognize Gretchen from such amazing other works as "The Happiness Project" and "Better Than Before", as well as her TED Talk (that I still reference on a regular basis) "Five Half-Truths About Happiness". For all of Gretchen's amazing content you can check her website at
Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by the support of our AMAZING sponsors, we thank you!
*Save 20% off any Organifi product with code "everforward"*
*Save $40 off your first Freshly order with code "everforward"*
Show up. Shut up. Two very clear and to the point messages that I took away from this episode with Mike Farr, a.k.a. Silent Mike as most of us know him online. After spending years of learning and training with the best at Mark Bell's "Super Training Gym" and co-host of the podcast with the same namesake. He became a student even though he was actively teaching others, something we should all strive to accomplish as we shed our layers of ego even more and more.
You can connect with Mike on his YouTube channel, full of great like-minded guests, tips and insight on how to progress in the gym. He is also a co-coach at Kizen Training and regularly posts on his Instagram.
And a HUGE shoutout and thanks to Organifi and Freshly for not only providing us amazing products but also with incredible deals to pass along to our audience. Use code "everforward" at for 20% off your entire initial purchase and at for $40 off your entire first meal delivery!
*FULL DISCLOSURE* This episode contains higher than usual usage of adult language but by no means does it make the message any less significant, in my opinion.
The gentlemen over at Mind Pump (Mind Pump Radio, Mind Pump Media, etc.) sat down with me to share their combined 40+ years in the fitness industry as trainers, coaches, and students themselves. We dove deep into topics that many of us have come to learn to be slight fabrications and even blatant lies about human physiology, nutrition and the health and fitness profession as a whole. We explore the evolution of an industry and how they found what works best for them, their clients and their audience in general.
We LOVE our sponsors! Thanks to Organifi and Freshly for partnering with Ever Forward Radio to provide incredible deals on quality products to our audience, not to mention helping the ongoing production of this podcast.
* and use "everforward" for 20% your entire order*
* and use "everforward" for $40 off your entire order*
When creating new habits in efforts to build a healthier lifestyle for ourselves and our loved ones, we often shift attention to our diet. We all have to eat, right? But how many of us have tried diet after diet after diet? How do we truly know how we are supposed to be eating, for our body type, or even what the human race has evolved to be better suited for?
This week’s guest, Mark Sisson, has spent decades seeking the ideal way of eating for his own optimum performance and has created a library of invaluable content for the rest of us in the process. During these self-experimentations and studies of human physiology, Mark has shared his discoveries through his world-renowned blog “Mark’s Daily Apple” and his organization “The Primal Blueprint” providing recipes, books, other products and supplements helped to fuel the paleo, gluten-free and ketogenic lifestyle.
Mark’s latest work, “The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever”, we learn not only about the latest science behind what it takes to get our bodies into ketosis for optimum fat-burning but some amazing recipes and dietary tips along the way. Over 100 delicious low-carb, high-fat ketogenic recipes to be exact!
Previous episode with Elle Russ - "EFR 017: Burn Fat and Reverse Hypothyroidism with The Primal Blueprint Diet"
*WE LOVE OUR SPONSORS!* Thanks to these key partnerships, Ever Forward Radio is able to continue to grow and bring you the best content available to help you live a life ever forward.
Organifi "Super Greens" powder - use "everforward" for 20% off!!! meal delivery service - use "everforward" for $30 off your entire first order!!!
Do. Whatever. It. Takes. That is the message you will learn from this episode's guest, Rob Lipsett. Rob is the epitome of optimism and positive vibes! This was one of the most fun and hilarious interviews to date, and an even more special experience catching up with him during my recent travels in Dublin, Ireland.
You will undoubtedly laugh your way through this interview, but don't miss the incredible value Rob brings to the table when sharing his story. The quote "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" could not be more applicable after hearing about his obstacles and tenacity when facing them, helping him get to where he is today.
Connect with Rob on his YouTube channel, Twitter or Instagram.
And a HUGE thanks to our EF Radio sponsors! The growth of this podcast is not possible without partnering with products and services that also serve the greater good; helping others live a life ever forward.
Organifi "Green Juice" - use code "everforward" for 20% off your order at meal delivery service - use code "everforward" for $30 off your order at
Sep 25, 2017
EFR 035: Change Your Mind, Your Choices and Your Life Through Conscious Communications with Mary Shores
Mother by the age of 19, CEO in her 20's and now published author and national speaker Mary Shores is here to share with you how to "cleanse or clog" nearly every aspect of your life. If you are currently going through a dark valley, Mary's story will help you climb you to your pinnacle. if you are seeking ways to scale your already-successful business through improving your client, coworker and peer communication Mary's book and message will help you fine-tune the needed communication skills.
Mary's book Conscious Communications provides a "step-by-step guide to harness the power of your words to change your mind, your choices, and your life". Currently out on tour promoting her first book, she can also be found here on her personal website or on her social media accounts via Linked In, Facebook or Instagram.