Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Previous Episodes

Feb 26, 2018

EFR 058: Turn Your Word Upside Down with LJ "The Inversion Addict" Loach

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Today's interview turns our world upside down - literally. LJ Loach is a "self-taught hand balancer by day" that has found her true calling one hand stand, one inverted act at a time. You can connect with LJ the most on her incredible and beautiful Instagram page @theinversionaddict.

Ever Forward Radio is powered by the incredible lineup of Four Sigmatic products, particularly the reishi mushroom elixir as highlighted in this episode. For 15% off every purchase remember to use code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout or visit

EFR 024 with Dr. Michael Brues, "The Power of When" book reference from this episode's iTunes review.

Feb 21, 2018

EFR 057: Travel, Ever Forward LIVE and Taking Inventory of Our Relationships

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This episode is brought to you by Bare Performance Nutrition, your trusted source for supplements to meet your health and performance goals. Use code "EVERFORWARD" for 10% off your purchase every time you shop at

Ever Forward Radio is hitting the road! We are STOKED to meet so many of you in the upcoming events at The Arnold in Columbus, OH and The Fitness Business Summit in San Diego, CA. Also, the first-ever EF event will be announced soon! Keep mid-April open on the calendar for a live event here in our nation's capital.

To join the EF Lifestyle membership program simply click here (if applicable) or go to from your smartphone or browser.

Feb 19, 2018

EFR 056: Achieving True Transformation in Fitness, Family, and Business with Josiah Novak

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This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. HIQ uses science & data to secure lower rates on life insurance for health conscious people including runners, cyclists, strength trainers, vegans, and more. In fact, 56% of HIQ customers save between 4-33% on their life insurance.

Like saving money on your car insurance for being a good driver, Health IQ saves you money on your life insurance for living a health conscious lifestyle. Learn more by learning your personal Health IQ quiz and get a free quote at

Fitness, family and business - the three are such a delicate balance (which we discuss as being a myth in and of itself). Our very special guest today is Josiah Novak of The True Transformation and The Fit Man Project podcast. Josiah is a husband, father, personal trainer, online coach and so much more in this thing we call "fitness" today. In this episode, Josiah and I discuss the obstacles and successes of creasing your own brand, staying true to your passion, leading by example to our friends and family and how to operate your own business all at the same time!

Feb 14, 2018

EFR 055: How to Create Successful Multiple Revenue Streams with Matt Miller

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EF Radio is made possible due to our amazing sponsors, please check them out for yourself and we hope you find as much value in them as we do!

Four Sigmatic - coffees, elixirs, hot cocoas and more! Get 15% off your entire order w/ code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout -

Let's talk SIDE-HUSTLE! Today's special guest, Matt Miller, is a former Air Force military man turned entrepreneur. He is going to walk us through what it takes to create successful, multiple streams of revenue that doesn't require hundreds of thousands of followers of social media!

Matt's company. School Spirit Vending, is a nationwide vending machine and fundraising franchise that has helped Matt and his family live their best life - and he is going to share with you how you can do the same.

Feb 12, 2018

EFR 054: Dissolving Fear and Writing Our Life's Story with Rob Harsh

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Traveling around the world and summiting some of the world's toughest terrains is a feat in and of itself. Try doing it while battling stage four cancer! Today's amazing guest, Rob Harsh, leaned into this adversity and fought his illness head on and in his own way.

Rob shares with us his incredible life story of being an adventurer and serves as a prime example of how powerful the human spirit to live truly is. Also, in this episode we learn: how Rob lead a blind man through the toughest adventure race in the world, the role meditation and mindfulness played in transforming his life, how being of service and empowering others helped Rob find his purpose in life, and so much more!

Connect with Rob more directly at as he shares some exclusive content and offerings with the audience.

EF Radio is made possible due to our amazing sponsors, please seek them out for yourself below and we hope you find as much value in them as we do!

BPN - get 10% off all of your sports performance supplements (pre-workout, BCAA's, creatine, whey protein, thermo/focus and pump-enhancing products and an incredible super greens powder) from Bare Performance Nutrition with code "EVERFORWARD" at

Feb 7, 2018

EFR 053: Functional Fitness, Meditation, Sleep Health, Fitness Funk & Training Weak Points

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Welcome to the first (of many) Q&A episodes on the podcast! In efforts to continue to bring you all more content we are expanding to twice a week broadcasts. And to share a bit more of my own background and insight, I wanted to offer more stand-alone episodes with me, your host Chase Chewning.

If after listening you wish to expand even more on your health and wellness goals, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for coaching. I am the founder and head coach at Ever Forward Coach, where we specialize in integrating technology thorough the use of our custom app to meet you where you are and get you to where you want to be.

Email coaching inquiries to

Ever Forward Coach app can be downloaded for free on iOS and Android devices

This podcast is brought to you by Bare Performance Nutrition. BPN has the best-tasting and best-performing supplements I have personally come across in my years in the fitness industry. They offer a complete lineup of proprietary blend free products for your performance goals in and out of the gym. 

Use code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout at to receive 10% off each and every order!

Feb 5, 2018

EFR 052: How to Become Your Own CFO and Secure Your Financial Health with Doug McCormick

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We all know that eating better and staying active are necessary components to living well. But what about the other areas of our life that often spill over into our diets and exercise? Things that cause us added stress or even fear such as when we are having trouble with our finances?

Today's guest Doug McCormick is going to be our financial personal trainer, teaching us the simplest and most effective tools to use to bring up our economic wellness. Make sure to check out his website here for some amazing financial planning tools and resources to put you on your path to becoming your very own Family Chief Financial Officer. Also, Doug's book Family Inc. can be found here on Amazon.

This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. HIQ uses science & data to secure lower rates on life insurance for health conscious people including runners, cyclists, strength trainers, vegans, and more. In fact, 56% of HIQ customers save between 4-33% on their life insurance.

Like saving money on your car insurance for being a good driver, Health IQ saves you money on your life insurance for living a health conscious lifestyle. Learn more and get a free quote at

Jan 29, 2018

EFR 051: How to Coach Yourself to Find Your Life's Calling with Brian Patacca

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If this episode doesn't have you feeling some feels or yelling out "YES!" then I don't know if we can be friends! Be ready with a notepad our able to take some mental notes because there are so many "AHA" moments and valuable calls-to-action in this episode.

This week's very special guest is Brian Patacca, former actor turned coach who lives every day to serve his clients and his community in Los Angeles. Brian helps people shift their energy in their relationships, focus their goals, amp up their leadership, attract the right type of attention to their endeavors and dollars to their pockets.

WE MADE IT! 500 and growing 5-star ratings on iTunes! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who left the love for the podcast, your support is received and appreciated. Keeping up my end of the bargain, we are doing a Bare Performance Nutrition supplements giveaway in THIS episode! The lucky winner is announced in the iTunes review of the week so pay close attention on how to claim your winnings! 

Bare Performance Nutrition - get 10% off all of your sports performance supplements (pre-workout, BCAA's, creatine, whey protein, thermo/focus and pump-enhancing products and an incredible super greens powder) from Bare Performance Nutrition with code "EVERFORWARD" at

Jan 24, 2018

EFR 050: Be Vulnerable, Take a Risk and Embrace Adventure with Andrew Weber

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EPISODE 50! One year later, hard to believe and this episode is going be a very special edition of the podcast. We connect with one of YOU! We sought out to connect with an audience member, a listener of the podcast and member of the Ever Forward community. Enter Andrew Weber.

Andrew's mission with Article Twenty One, his multi-media platform and brand, is to highlight exceptional people. His goal is to live a life of adventure and share those with whom he crosses paths, to bring their passions to life through incredible video and photo storytelling. Andrew says it best here - "Sometimes, we lose sight of ourselves. It’s scary to drop everything you have and go after a daydream. But the meaning of life isn’t always straightforward. It’s about taking that first step to the rest of your life. It’s about fulfillment and uncertainty."

EF Radio is made possible due to our amazing sponsors, please seek them out for yourself below and we hope you find as much value in them as we do!

BPN - get 10% off all of your sports performance supplements (pre-workout, BCAA's, creatine, whey protein, thermo/focus and pump-enhancing products and an incredible super greens powder) from Bare Performance Nutrition with code "EVERFORWARD" at

Jan 22, 2018

EFR 049: Fit2Fat2Fit with Drew Manning

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Have you ever gained a few pounds from falling out of routine with your diet or workouts? Been out of the gym due to an injury? Well what about intentionally gaining 75 pounds?! This week, we speak with Drew Manning, a.k.a. the Fit2Fat2Fit guy you may have seen on your TV or YouTube feed for the last few years.

Drew walks us through why he set this goal, why he wanted to gain such an excessive amount of weight as a personal trainer and what it taught him (more than just how hard it became to walk up a few flights of stairs). He shares with us his WHY, his belief system that was shaken to the core and how he came out on the other side not only a better trainer but a more empathetic human being. Make sure to catch his incredible new season of 'Fit to Fat to Fit" on A&E!

Four Sigmatic - coffees, elixirs, hot cacaos and more! Get 15% off your entire order w/ code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout -

Jan 15, 2018

EFR 048: How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t with Andrea Owen

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Today, we are talking all about emotional shit! Now, as the well-informed audience that I know you are, we can all agree that how we feel emotionally will eventually show up in how we feel physically. Our emotions drive our thoughts, our thoughts manifest as feelings, these feelings translate into behaviors and, ultimately, our behaviors create our lifestyle. And who wants a shitty lifestyle?!

Our guest is Andrea Owen; author, coach, host of the "Your Kick-Ass Life"podcast and all-around kick-ass woman. She is going to be connecting with one of YOU as a special giveaway! All you need to do is leave Ever Forward Radio a 5-star rating and review letting us know how this episode resonated with you, one lucky winner will receive a complimentary copy of her book "How to Stop Feeling Like Shit" and access to her four week book club - a journey through this amazing writing with Andrea herself! Details in the episode. 

EF Radio is made possible due to our amazing sponsors, please seek them out for yourself below and we hope you find as much value in them as we do!

Four Sigmatic - coffees, elixirs, hot cacaos and more! Get 15% off your entire order w/ code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout -

Dec 18, 2017

EFR 047: Insuring Success with Raymond "The Online Coach" Querido

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Raymond "The Online Coach" Querido is many things: a husband, a father, a coach, and an entrepreneur to just name a few. He has helped hundreds if not thousands of people transform their bodies and their minds to become the strongest, most incredible version of themselves.

In this interview, we talk about how Raymond started his side-hustle and how that quickly become his passion, his life's work. From insurance salesman to THE ONLINE COACH, we learn about the struggles it took to jump all-in to his passion and how he is going to continue to revolutionize the fitness industry.

*Ever Forward Radio is made possible in part by our amazing sponsors.

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Receive 20% off your entire purchase of amazing health supplements from and use code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout.

Receive $40 off you entire initial order from meal delivery service Freshly by using code "EVERFORWARD" at