Mar 22, 2018
EFR 064: The Art and Science of Muscle-Building Nutrition with Miguel Blacutt
EFR 064: The Art and Science of Muscle-Building Nutrition with Miguel Blacutt
Flexible dieting? If it fits your macros (IIFYM)? Paleo? Keto? So many diets and ways of eating exist today, but how do you know which one to pick? How do you know which form of nutrition is best for you and health and wellness goals? Today's guest is here to help explain the science and practicality behind the best ways to maximize performance and protein synthesis as well as create your best approach to healthy eating habits.
Miguel Blacutt is a Canadian and contributing writer at BioLayne LLC (Layne Norton, PhD's organization), chief science officer and coach at Physique Development, and most recently the newest team member to Jeff Nippard.
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