Apr 30, 2018

EFR 071: GOING ALL IN - The Billion Person Vision with Jason Phillips

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  • Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to help you relax, live well, and support productivity.

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We are more than excited to share with you this very special conversation with our good friend Jason Phillips. Jason is a neighbor to us here in the DC/Northern Virginia area and welcomed Ever Forward Radio into his home for this very candid interview. We learn about his "Thanksgiving miracle" where he went from being overdrawn in his account to how he is now a multiple seven-figure business owner, his battle with anorexia and how transformed his body and mind to become a professional athlete and sought after source on all things nutrition and fitness.

Jason Phillips has been everywhere and done everything. From cover model to professional athlete, to founder of iN³ Nutrition. Jason has written for several publications including Men’s Fitness and his own book, Macros Explained. Jason has completely revolutionized nutrition coaching. His approach is rooted in the foundation that a proper prescription is based on each unique individual, not a template of information based on physical statistics. he has created an unprecedented level of access within the nutrition coaching relationship, whether your goal is performance based, improving aesthetics, or simply a healthier lifestyle.

EFR 071: GOING ALL IN - The Billion Person Vision with Jason Phillips

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

  • Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to help you relax, live well, and support productivity.

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts. 

We are more than excited to share with you this very special conversation with our good friend Jason Phillips. Jason is a neighbor to us here in the DC/Northern Virginia area and welcomed Ever Forward Radio into his home for this very candid interview. We learn about his "Thanksgiving miracle" where he went from being overdrawn in his account to how he is now a multiple seven-figure business owner, his battle with anorexia and how transformed his body and mind to become a professional athlete and sought after source on all things nutrition and fitness.

Jason Phillips has been everywhere and done everything. From cover model to professional athlete, to founder of iN³ Nutrition. Jason has written for several publications including Men’s Fitness and his own book, Macros Explained. Jason has completely revolutionized nutrition coaching. His approach is rooted in the foundation that a proper prescription is based on each unique individual, not a template of information based on physical statistics. he has created an unprecedented level of access within the nutrition coaching relationship, whether your goal is performance based, improving aesthetics, or simply a healthier lifestyle.