Jun 11, 2018

EFR 084: The Carnivore Diet with Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D.

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Meat, meat, meat, and more meat! Dr. Shawn "The Carnivore" Baker, M.D. is here to share with us his experience about being on a carnivore diet for over three years. He is an orthopedic surgeon, Air Force veteran, semi-pro rugby player, triathlete, Highland Games Masters world champion, and so much more. The main takeaway I hope we all have is that our dietary approach should always be done with doing our research on the foods we put into our bodies, take note of how we feel (internally and externally), and create a sense of awareness of how our diet can positively or negatively alter our health and performance goals. Find more about Dr. Baker on IG @shawnbaker1967 or his Carnivore Training System site here: https://bit.ly/carnivorediet 

*Embrace the Suck 12-Week Challenge Celebration* Saturday, July 21 at Bare Performance Gym in Austin, TX. Details here: https://bit.ly/embracethesuck2018 

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EFR 084: The Carnivore Diet with Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D.

Meat, meat, meat, and more meat! Dr. Shawn "The Carnivore" Baker, M.D. is here to share with us his experience about being on a carnivore diet for over three years. He is an orthopedic surgeon, Air Force veteran, semi-pro rugby player, triathlete, Highland Games Masters world champion, and so much more. The main takeaway I hope we all have is that our dietary approach should always be done with doing our research on the foods we put into our bodies, take note of how we feel (internally and externally), and create a sense of awareness of how our diet can positively or negatively alter our health and performance goals. Find more about Dr. Baker on IG @shawnbaker1967 or his Carnivore Training System site here: https://bit.ly/carnivorediet 

*Embrace the Suck 12-Week Challenge Celebration* Saturday, July 21 at Bare Performance Gym in Austin, TX. Details here: https://bit.ly/embracethesuck2018 

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio - https://www.everforwardradio.com