Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Previous Episodes

May 30, 2019

EFR 189: Auto-Immune Disorders, Humility, Breaking Bad Habits, and More!

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Welcome to your May, 2019 Q&A! Feel free to send us your most burning questions around all things fitness, nutrition, and mindset directly to or connect with us on Instagram @everforwardradio

Today we talk about how to overcome auto-immune disorders through nutrition, becoming better at humility, breaking bad habits and how to improve our immediate environments, fat loss, and more!

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

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- The Power of Habit

- The Daily Stoic

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Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

Have you ever felt so busy yet so unproductive? Do you struggle with setting realistic and timely goals, or even are unsure where to begin to strategize about goal-setting? That all changes right here, right now - no more uncertainty around the priorities and actions you need to start and maintain to be more successful.

Welcome to the first (of many to come) "Master Class" episode with time management and productivity expert Geoff Woods, VP of The One Thing. Geoff's contributions to the corporate and entrepreneur worlds have set the standard for efficiency. Today, you get the same level coaching and mentoring that he brings to the table for multiple 7-figure earners and businesses. 

Get "The One Thing" audiobook for FREE from Audible, simply visit to get your free 30-day trial started today.

The book "The One Thing" is available here 

Follow Geoff @the1thingbook

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

Today's episode is made possible by our partners at BUBS NATURALS. Use code "EverForwardFor15" to for 15% off any of their amazing collagen and MCT oil products.

Washington Post best-selling author and motivational keynote speaker, Laura Gassner Otting, inspires people to push past the doubt and indecision that keep great ideas in limbo. She will challenge you to think bigger and accept greater challenges that reach beyond your limited scope of belief.

Laura delivers strategic thinking, well-honed wisdom, and perspective generated by decades of navigating change across the start-up, nonprofit, political, as well as philanthropic landscapes. She will dare your to not just find your voice but generate the confidence needed to tackle larger-than-life challenges. 

Get Laura's book "Limitless" here or anywhere books are sold!

Follow Laura @heylgo

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

May 20, 2019

EFR 186: 57,000% Growth from the Power of Perspective with Lisa Bilyeu

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The success of Quest Nutrition is of legend! Most of us have had their amazing products but co-founder Lisa Bilyeu has more to offer than protein bars. Her mission now, after becoming a billion dollar PLUS company, is to continue to make as much impact as possible. Her secret? Perspective. In her second appearance on the show, Lisa describes not only her perspective for success in business but also how others' perspectives influence so many areas of our lives.

Listen to Lisa's first interview on episode 96

Follow Lisa @lisabilyeu

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Follow Ledbury @ledburyshirts

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

CLICK HERE to get your free CBD user guide!

or, visit

May 16, 2019

EFR 185: Honoring Fallen Heroes Through Wellness with Bubs Naturals

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Visits and use code "EverForwardFor15" to save 15% off every purchase!

10% of every sale goes to the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation. This charity provides current and former special operations professionals the means necessary to transition and succeed in civilian life through educational scholarships and recreation.

Helping yourself and helping others goes hand in hand. That's how we see it at Ever Forward and that's certainly how Sean and TJ see it. Bubs Naturals wellness supplements, like their keto and paleo friendly and non-GMO MCT oil and collagen powder, are designed to make a better you, and YOU can help make someone else's life better in the process.

Follow Bubs Naturals @bubsnaturals

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Honoring former Navy Seal Glen Doherty, one of four Americans whom sacrificed their lives during the 2012 terrorist attack on the Beghazi, Libya embassy, Bubs is a story we are proud to share and a company we are even prouder to partner with.

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

May 15, 2019

EFR 184: Toxic Relationships with May Chewning

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The quality of our relationships is one of the highest contributing sources of our overall health and wellness. You wouldn't knowingly keep drinking poison or eating foods you are highly allergic to, so why treat the quality of the people we keep around us any differently? In this special monthly episode with Chase's wife May, the two dive deep into how to recognize when you are in a toxic relationship and how to effectively move out of it.

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Read the entire blog article at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

May 13, 2019

EFR 183: Everything You Need to Know About Hemp Oil and CBD with Joseph Sheehey

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CLICK HERE to get your free CBD user guide!

CBD. Three letters that you are probably seeing all over social media and the internet these days. CBD is arguably pne of the most trending and curious movements in the health and wellness world right now.

But what is CBD? Are marijuana and CBD the same thing? What is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil? Will CBD make me fail a urinalysis? Does CBD get you high? Are these safe and effective natural remedies for anxiety? These questions and so many more are answered by guest Joseph Sheehey, CEO and co-founder of Cured Nutrition.

Listen to my interview on the Cured Collective podcast in episode 15.

Follow Joe @josephsheehey

Follow Cured Nutrition @curednutrition

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

May 9, 2019

EFR 182: Preventing, Treating, and Reversing Diabetes with Dr. Kent Sasse, MD

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If you are interested in learning more about how the certified health and fitness professionals at Ever Forward Coach can help you, please contact us today! Visit or email us at - live a life EVER FORWARD!

Diabetes, particularly type II, is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases plaguing our country. Many suffer due to genetic predisposition, others are diagnosed due to long-term inactivity and poor nutrition habits. But here is the good news - Dr. Kent Sasse is here to not only educate us about the disease but even how to reverse it!

Dr. Sasse, MD, MPH, FACS, FACRS has extensive experience serving as a mediocolegal consultant and expert witness in legal matters involving weight loss medications, weight loss surgery, hernia repair, mesh, gastric leak, colorectal surgery, complications of surgery, and allegations of medical malpractice.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

May 6, 2019

EFR 181: Building a Career on Social Media Out of What You Love with Jaci Marie Smith

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In this day and age, the pursuit of a large social media following and building a business out of it is a common goal in our culture. Very few of us are able to do out of a true passion, however. Meet Jaci Marie Smith, a talented young photographer who left college after only a matter of days to build her Instagram empire.

With a passion for connecting with people all over the world through her art, Jaci now has a following of over 400,000 on Instagram alone and a growing YouTube channel.

She is a wife, travel blogger, owner of the Getaway a-frame cabins, YouTuber, and the co-host on the "What We Said" podcast Jaci now travels the world with her husband Leif and can be seen exploring the most Insta-worthy spots in Southern California with their adorable mini red poodle Lady.

Follow Jaci @jacimariesmith

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

May 2, 2019

EFR 180: Keeping Business, Family, and Masculinity in Harmony with Tyler Jack Harris

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Success typically comes dressed in nice suits, or designer bags, or the jet-set life. But what about family success? What about success as a provider? What about being a decent human being, a successful modern man? What does that even look or feel like? All things that Tyler Jack Harris dives deep on and shares with us his philosophy of keeping masculinity and success in harmony. 

Follow Tyler @tylerjackharris

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

Apr 29, 2019

EFR 179: Defeating Death and Finding Purpose in Tragedy with Angela Nichole

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Join me Saturday, May 4 at the Fit Bar Superfood Cafe wellness event! Click here for details or visit @fitbarcafe on Instagram.

Angela Nichole is living proof that mind can overcome matter.  In 2002, she was a victim of a head-on collision and was pronounced dead at the scene, only to survive and then be confronted with the possibility of never walking again. After enduring countless surgeries and metal plates screwed into her body and becoming riddled with arthritis, she took matters into her own hands and began her fitness journey. Sixteen years later, she is in the best shape of her life.

Angela is co-owner of Orcas Athletics & CrossFit and a Level 2 CrossFit Coach with certificates in CF Gymnastics, CF Weightlifting, CF Scaling and Yoga. She is respected for leading teams of all ages and experiences in getting and staying healthy in mind, body and spirit. 

Follow Angela @angelanicholefitness

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts at 

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

Apr 25, 2019

EFR 178: Developing Mental Toughness with Chase Chewning

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Your end of the month episode is looking a little different for April! Host Chase Chewning shares a recent interview he was a part of as a guest on the Heart Healthy Hustle podcast with host Jonathan Frederick. In this interview, you hear from the "other side of the mic" about Chase's upbringing, the physical and mental toughness he had to endure in the military, and how he relies on those teachings and failures to fuel his work now as an entrepreneur.

Follow Jonathan @hearthealthyhustle 

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!