Aug 1, 2019

EFR 209: Flipping the Switch on Weight Loss with David Zappasodi

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The people that come to work with David Zappasodi are those who feel like they’ve tried everything out there, and nothing has ever worked. And when they’ve become sick and tired of all the common methods he shows them the one approach they haven’t tried.

A health professional for over 22 years, author of the #1 International Bestseller Immovable Heart Unstoppable Mind, which hit number one on Amazon in 5 different countries in it’s first year of publication. David is the creator of the Brain Flip Weight Loss program, which helps people to drastically and completely transform their lives. 

Follow David @davidmzappasodi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

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EFR 209: Flipping the Switch on Weight Loss with David Zappasodi

*Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs at*

The people that come to work with David Zappasodi are those who feel like they’ve tried everything out there, and nothing has ever worked. And when they’ve become sick and tired of all the common methods he shows them the one approach they haven’t tried.

A health professional for over 22 years, author of the #1 International Bestseller Immovable Heart Unstoppable Mind, which hit number one on Amazon in 5 different countries in it’s first year of publication. David is the creator of the Brain Flip Weight Loss program, which helps people to drastically and completely transform their lives. 

Follow David @davidmzappasodi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

To learn more about how we can help you live a life ever forward, email us at

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!