Jul 29, 2019

EFR 208: Staying Honest and Staying Strong as an Athlete Influencer with Kelly Lenahan

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Kelly Lenahan is a Certified Personal Trainer and power lifting coach based out of San Diego, CA. She helps make others strong in the gym and in their moral standard by upholding personal integrity as important as hitting that next PR. Her Christian belief system may not always align with others but her respect for her peers does not falter. In this episode Kelly talks about how she has been able to uphold her faith and ethics on a platform that does not always play nice.

Follow Kelly @kelly.lenahan

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD please email us at info@everforwardcoach.com or DM Chase directly on Instagram for all things fitness, nutrition, and mindset.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

EFR 208: Staying Honest and Staying Strong as an Athlete Influencer with Kelly Lenahan

*Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition w/ code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout at https://www.bpnsupps.com*

Kelly Lenahan is a Certified Personal Trainer and power lifting coach based out of San Diego, CA. She helps make others strong in the gym and in their moral standard by upholding personal integrity as important as hitting that next PR. Her Christian belief system may not always align with others but her respect for her peers does not falter. In this episode Kelly talks about how she has been able to uphold her faith and ethics on a platform that does not always play nice.

Follow Kelly @kelly.lenahan

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD please email us at info@everforwardcoach.com or DM Chase directly on Instagram for all things fitness, nutrition, and mindset.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!