Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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May 13, 2021

EFR 475: Take Control of Your Breath, Take Control of Your Life with Niraj Naik

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Niraj Naik is a certified pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert, professional musician, serial entrepreneur, and one of the world’s most sought-after spiritual ceremony facilitators.

He is the CEO of SOMA Breath, which offers a series of workshops featuring a complete holistic system of Pranayama Breathing techniques with training centers in Europe, the USA, and Asia.

Known as “The Renegade Pharmacist”, Niraj educates people about the alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs that are available like breathwork, brainwave entrainment, Ayurveda, and natural supplements and medicines. 

Niraj shares how he got into breathwork “by accident” after being diagnosed with a chronic illness in 2010 called ulcerative colitis that left him unable to leave his own home for almost a year. Determined to heal, he discovered Pranayama (breath) and the simple, basic breathing techniques that led to instant physiological changes in his own body.

Listen in as Niraj explains how breathwork can “repattern the consciousness of the cells in your body” to distinguish stress and create a “thrive environment” within, bringing that reptilian part of your brain under your control.

Key Highlights

  • Breathwork is much more than meets the eye. Niraj explains why he has dedicated his life to it and the power that breathwork holds for all of us.

  • What exactly is going on when we shift from unconscious to conscious inhalation and exhalation? Niraj shows us the seemingly impossible by increasing his heart rate using breathwork alone.

  • How does alternating your breathing through each nostril create harmony in your nervous system?

Powerful Quotes by Niraj Naik

Something like an autoimmune condition is the result of your own immune cells attacking your healthy cells. You have to rewire your own innate intelligence. You have to reprogram the operating system of the unconscious mind, which deals with the immune system. There are different ways of doing that—through meditation and through breathing techniques to get into altered states. With breath itself, you can switch off the underlying fear response.

When you get back into balance and you change your mindset, you actually promote the growth of good bacteria and that improves your immune system and everything else.

Life is like a competition between two parts of the brain: the reptilian side and the conscious side.

If you don’t take conscious control over your breath, the reptilian wins and you’re going to breathe in a more stressed-out way or a more erratic way depending on your level of stress. Unless we find a way to consciously control that, you’re always going to be subjected to overbreathing, hyperventilation, and erratic breathing.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Cured Nutrition

CURED CBD-infused products are engineered to take your life to its ultimate potential. Whether you’re looking for an extra pep in your step, a relief for your everyday discomforts, or a reset button with your best night of sleep, we have the answers. Perform. Balance. Recover… And then, do it all again.

Save up to 40% during their Spring Sale, May 9-16, 2021 and get FREE SHIPPING with checkout code EVERFORWARD - after that save 15% with every purchase!

Listen in as Catharine Arnston gives a primer on algae as well as the difference between chlorella and spirulina and the massive health benefits of each. Catharine is the founder and CEO of ENERGYbits, an algae-based nutrition snack company catering to both athletes and everyday health-conscious individuals who are looking for plant-based whole foods to fuel their brain and body with maximum nutrition, minimal processing, and zero sugar.

She was driven to start the company after her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would help her heal. Catharine soon discovered the benefits of algae and, as it turns out, algae was the most alkaline, plant-based, nutrient-dense food in the world. (Her sister is also now cancer-free!)

Prior to founding ENERGYbits in 2009 (which initially spun out of her health coaching company, Bits of Health), Catharine was the founder and CEO of Hoteluxury Inc., an ecommerce solution for luxury hotels, and its sister company Hoteluxury Media.


Follow Catharine & Energy Bits @energybits

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Catharine goes in-depth into why algae is the most underappreciated superfood in the West.

  • Why is spirulina good for someone who is looking to improve their physical performance.

  • How does chlorella improve immune system health?

  • Catharine defines toxins, how they are produced, how they affect the body, and how to flush them out.

  • Catharine explains the benefits of chlorophyll and why she recommends blending it with red light therapy.


Powerful Quotes by Catharine Arnston

If anybody knows anything about algae, they think of it as pond scum or messing up your beach days, or cluttering up your swimming pool or aquarium. But I’m here to tell you that it’s the most super-powerful superfood in the universe. You just have to be sure that you’re consuming it from an agricultural source.

[Spirulina and chlorella] work together beautifully—spirulina giving you the energy throughout the day for your sport; chlorella pulling out toxins, building your wellness, helping with your detox and repair.

Because [both spirulina and chlorella] have such high chlorophyll, chlorophyll blended with red light therapy generates ATP at the mitochondrial level, which is stunning. Red light therapy is finally getting recognized not only for its ability to remove inflammation and improve muscular repair and recovery and skin repair, but also for the ATP boost you get when you blend it with algae.

The nutrients of spirulina and chlorella are virtually the same as mother’s breast milk which we know to be the perfect food. Because algae was given to us by Mother Nature and it was the first life on Earth, I consider it Earth’s breast milk.


Episode resources:

ENERGYbits®Spirulina Algae

Spirulina algae tablets are a plant-based source of nutrition that will help keep you feeling your best. ENERGYbits® will stop your cravings, improve your focus, and give you a steady stream of energy throughout the day.

Better Food

At ENERGYbits, we want it to be fast and easy for you and your family to get the nutrients you need. Our algae tablets are “bits of whole food” that are safe, pure, and nutrient-dense. Nothing compares with the simple and safe nourishment you get from our algae. Just swallow and go.

Better You

We know you want to look and feel your best. We want that for you too. That’s why our tablets contain nothing but the best naturally grown, NON-GMO algae. No fillers or binders. Nothing added and nothing subtracted. Just pure, simple, safe nutrition from real food.

Better Earth

Our algae is grown sustainably with eco-friendly practices that respect and protect our Earth. Growing food that is good for the environment is one of our core principles. After all, Earth and algae were here billions of years before we were. We are honored to preserve their rich heritage.

Better Algae

We are algae experts. It’s all we do. Our focused expertise allows us to provide you with the very best algae products and insights. And as new discoveries in algae agriculture or algae medicine are made, we can’t wait to share them with you.

CLICK HERE to get yours and save 20% with code EVERFORWARD

The quality of our interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships highly depends on knowing our true selves. Coming to terms with your real self is the first and the main prerequisite to improve the quality of your interaction in human society.

In this episode, Adrian Ellison guides us on a healing process journey through captivating our experiences, beliefs, concepts, ideologies, and philosophies. It is through deep self-study and research that we can shed off our past that no longer resonates with our desired future.

Adrian is a Self Healing and Relationships coach whose passion and purpose is to help people heal from the past and optimize their potential to help others achieve a new paradise. Carefully and eloquently, Adrian narrates her real-life experiences, such as dysfunctional love relationships, bullying, lying, death of her father, financial constraints and punishments, and how she overcame them all, entering a new chapter, loving herself, and seeing the positivity of every day in life.

Adrian will help you heal your past and come to the truth with your life--who you really are.

Follow Adrian @adrianellison

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Adrian explains about the healing process_Shedding all things from the past and society nurture that you do not currently resonate with.

  • She puts emphasis on why knowing the truth about yourself is the key to improving and nurturing your personal relationship with others.

  • Adrian puts it clearly that the internal change of ideologies, beliefs, and concepts is the root that affects your external change.

  • Adrian narrates how she overcame grief and pain of her father’s death.

Powerful Quotes by Adrian Ellison

To get better with others, you need to first fix yourself

You better know who you are, and that is the difference between faith and belief.

The concept of right and wrong depends on your belief and integrity. Someone's right, maybe your wrong

Curiosity is the only way to get out of the shadows of your life.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Cured Nutrition

Save up to 40% during the Spring Sale at Cured Nutrition going on now, May 9-16, 2021!

Use checkout code EVERFORWARD for even more savings and to suppor the show!

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May 6, 2021

EFR 472: Repairing Food Relationships and Eating Disorder Recovery with Phoebe Davis

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Like most former overweight kids, Phoebe Davis was initially motivated to lose weight for the sake of looking better; but along the way in her fitness journey, Phoebe discovered her calling to combine her passion for health and wellness with her growing career as a social media marketer.

Her journey didn’t end after she successfully lost all that excess weight. Phoebe remembers how she became terrified of gaining back the fat that she had worked so hard to burn off. For some time, she suffered through self-imposed extreme diet restrictions that inevitably led to binging episodes.

She explains how she was able to change her unhealthy relationship with food, to stop obsessing over macros, and to embrace moderation and a lifestyle where she could allow herself to indulge in her favorite foods while maintaining her health and fitness.

Phoebe is a fitness influencer, the CMO at Ideal Physiques LLC, and the owner of Flexing Phoebs Marketing LLC.

Follow Phoebe @flexingphoebs

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Phoebe explains how she was able to change her unhealthy relationship with food after becoming terrified of regaining all the weight she had worked so hard to burn off.

  • How can you stay healthy and maintain your fitness while “enjoying life” with friends and family?

  • Phoebe shares how she learned to be more resilient as a model.

  • Phoebe talks about her role models and how she has applied their example to her own life.

Powerful Quotes by Phoebe Davis

The best part about this season of life is that it’s just a season. It’s not forever. I’m choosing to put myself through this because I have long-term goals. Remember your why. Stay close to that, and you’ll never have that scarcity mindset of, “I’ll never get to drink again. I’ll never get to have fun.”

For me, [fitness] is a form of worship because of how terrible my relationship with my body was when I was overweight. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become. I wouldn’t be here without having God as my rock. I get to feel sexy and feel beautiful and work with other people in this industry and get to creatively express myself—and I get to use my body for that? Thank you, God. That’s amazing!

I feel like I’ve always had a calling to serve other people, and the best way I know how is through storytelling.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics is the #1 brand of all-natural sports supplements in the world. They sell supplements based on sound science that are 100% transparent, 100% naturally sweetened and flavored, and contain no artificial food dyes or other unwanted chemicals.

Scientifically-Backed Doses and Ingredients

  • Every ingredient in our supplements is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

  • That means the ingredients and doses in our supplements are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

100% Formula Transparency

  • All our supplements are 100% transparent, meaning you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

  • We disclose the exact amount and form of each ingredient in all our supplements and never use proprietary blends.

100% Money-Back Guarantee and Free Shipping

  • Customers either love our stuff or they get their money back. Period. No forms to fill out or hoops to jump through. That’s just how confident we are in our products.

  • Free shipping within the USA and free shipping internationally on orders over $99

Click here to save 20% off your first purchase with code EVERFORWARD!

Barton Scott is a chemical engineer and nutritionist. In 2025, he founded Upgraded Formulas, a company offering a line of supplements “that are 100% bioavailable and are absorbed better by the body than any other brand on the market today.”

Our bodies, Barton claims, only “absorb about 25% or less” of most supplements on the market. This fact, he says, is less telling of what is and isn’t in most of today’s supplements and more of a reflection of how inefficient our bodies are at absorbing the nutrients in them.

In fact, this inefficiency is only going to get worse for many as certain trends of modern living continue to wreak havoc on their gut health. From bad diets to excess drinking to living stressful lives, a variety of factors that too many people today are familiar with contribute to gut dysfunction.

“Because of that,” continues Barton, “I knew that trying to heal the gut was not going to be enough.”

Listen in as Barton reflects on the personal experiences which would lead to the founding of Upgraded Formulas. He also shares some hard-to-swallow pills regarding mineral deficiency and what we all need to focus on to fill common nutrient gaps.

Follow Barton @askbarton

Follow Upgraded Formulas @upgradedformulas

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Barton shares why he used to feel that he was nutritionally lacking in spite of him living what he considered at the time to be a healthy and active lifestyle.

  • Which popular supplements are totally unnecessary to take?

  • Which nutrients should we be most focused on getting enough of, and in what quantities?

Powerful Quotes by Barton Scott

When you take a normal supplement, you absorb about 25% or less of that supplement and that’s because our bodies are not perfectly efficient and they’re not going to be. In fact, with the world as polluted as it is, [our bodies’ ability to absorb nutrients is] probably going to get worse and worse.

The world right now is a thousand times more toxic than at any other time in recorded history.

If a woman who is iodine deficient gives birth to a child, that child will have, on average, an IQ that is 20 points lower than their mother’s.

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by LMNT

LMNT Recharge is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks.

Proper hydration is critical for optimizing mental and physical performance.

Hydration is not just about drinking enough water - to stay properly hydrated you need to consume adequate electrolytes. They help your nerve impulses fire, regulate fluid balance, help produce energy, and support strong bones.

When you’re physically active and sweat, replacing lost sodium is essential to feel and perform your best. But tons of folks forget about sodium and drink more water when they feel dehydrated - the more common problem here is drinking too much water, not too little. Overwatering dilutes blood sodium levels, causing a dangerous condition called hyponatremia - which can lead to headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue.

The takeaway is this: drink to thirst - and don’t forget to replace electrolytes. It’s always one of the first things I stress to a new client. Not only will this help eliminate dehydration symptoms like headaches and muscle cramps, it’s essential for keeping our brain, muscles, and organs functioning properly.

Click here to get your FREE variety sample pack of LMNT for only the cost of shipping (US only)

Samantha Wallace is a health and fitness coach who first broke into the industry as a competitor in the NPC bikini division at the age of 19. For a few years following her first show, she had a successful amateur career that saw her winning two overall titles in the bikini division with six first place finishes.

Her literal life-altering turning point came in the middle of her bodybuilding career when she was hospitalized and underwent an emergency appendectomy, uterine bowl separation, and removal of endometrial tissue with a diagnosis of endometriosis. She survived by a miracle, and was inspired to serve as a guide to others who, just like herself, lived with chronic health issues.

After her harrowing experience, Sam became a certified personal trainer, corrective rehabilitation specialist, and nutrition certified with ISSA and is currently expanding her certifications and knowledge with NASM and Precision Nutrition Level 1.

Today, Sam specializes in helping men and women transform their lifestyles through the Sam Wallace Fit Method, a hybrid training model that focuses on meeting you where you are at right now, allowing you to seamlessly integrate fitness into your life and honor yourself daily through movement and mindfulness.

Listen in as Samantha shares how she has been able to develop a health and fitness brand based on authenticity, explaining how the power of organic marketing allows coaches to attract clients without having to “sell” them on their services.


Follow Sam @samwallacefit

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Sam talks about her past struggles with “toxic positivity”.

  • How do you find people (clients and team members) that you love to work with through organic marketing?

  • The best coaches strive to build an authentic relationship with their clients without falling into the trap of becoming a friend-for-hire. Sam shares the keys to becoming a better coach today.

  • Sam reflects on how a brush with death led her to dedicate her life to health and fitness.


Powerful Quotes by Samantha Wallace

When you run your own business, it’s very easy to get thrown into work, work, work and you don’t really stop to smell the roses and really take in what’s happening.

A lot of people cling onto motivation as their driving factor. Motivation is never linear with our goals; it’s an emotional response to the things that we want and need to do.

When you stop searching for those ideas of what you think your friendships or relationships are supposed to be like, the best ones fall into your lap because you’re authentically attracting the people that you’re meant to be around. You’re a product of your environment. If you’re putting off toxic energy, you’re going to attract toxic people.

The best way to help your clientele grow is by challenging them to think and challenging yourself to think.

People don’t care about workout videos. People don’t care about nutrition tips. The person who wants to work with you doesn’t engage with your posts. They don’t comment on your stuff. They’re hidden and watching in the back.


Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics is the #1 brand of all-natural sports supplements in the world. They sell supplements based on sound science that are 100% transparent, 100% naturally sweetened and flavored, and contain no artificial food dyes or other unwanted chemicals.

Scientifically-Backed Doses and Ingredients

  • Every ingredient in our supplements is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

  • That means the ingredients and doses in our supplements are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

100% Formula Transparency

  • All our supplements are 100% transparent, meaning you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

  • We disclose the exact amount and form of each ingredient in all our supplements and never use proprietary blends.

100% Money-Back Guarantee and Free Shipping

  • Customers either love our stuff or they get their money back. Period. No forms to fill out or hoops to jump through. That’s just how confident we are in our products.

  • Free shipping within the USA and free shipping internationally on orders over $99

Click here to save 20% off your first purchase with code EVERFORWARD!

Dr. Kristen Willeumier is a neuroscientist with research expertise in neurobiology and neuroimaging. As an independent researcher, she is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Tate Technology, LLC, a Los Angeles-based sports safety and technology licensing company, and serves as a Scientific Advisor to the Addiction Medicine Institute in Newport Beach, CA, and the Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Wellness Clinic Center for Neuroscience in Bangkok, Thailand.

Dr. Willeumier is a leading advocate for brain health and wellness and has been featured on top media outlets across the U.S., from shows such as Good Morning America and Coast-to-Coast radio, to magazines like PopSugar and Psychology Today.

Her research has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals including The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Translational Psychiatry, The Journal of Neuroscience, and The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. She is the author of the new book Biohack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power.

Listen in as Dr. Willeumier shares tangible things that we can do every day to take care of our brain health as well as common signs and symptoms of brain-related issues.

She also explains how adhering to the Mediterranean or DASH diet not only helps people lose weight, but can reverse brain age by four-and-a-half years.

Finally, she talks about what everybody can do today to strengthen the three biggest pillars of brain health: exercise, hydration, and sleep quality.


Follow Kristen @kwilleumier

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Dr. Willeumier shares how a study on what happens to the brain of a professional football player on the field led to her writing Biohack Your Brain.

  • What are some signs and symptoms of a brain that isn’t functioning as well as it should be?

  • How big a part does nutrition play in brain health?

  • Why is sleep so important for our brain health?

  • What are the best supplements and other factors to consider for improved brain health?


Powerful Quotes by Dr. Kristen Willeumier

The three biggest ways that we can modulate our brain health is through exercise, the foods that we eat, and hydration.

If you did nothing but just work out every day, you’re already helping to support your long-term brain health because you’re supporting your vasculature. By supporting your vasculature, you’re bringing oxygen and nutrients to the brain, clearing waste from the brain, and growing brain volume.

What I’ve learned in the clinical setting is that good choices, practiced daily, can reap extraordinary rewards.


Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radis is brought to you by Strong Coffee Company

With clinically proven ingredients to increase brain health and reduce cortisol, this balanced bodied, BLACK Coffee is designed for you to instantly rise to the sun and get things done.

  • Single-origin and Non-GMO verified Columbian coffee: a medium roast that is freshly brewed and freeze-dried for maximum aroma and taste.

  • MCT's: C8-C10 aka brain super fuel delivers energy and increases mental sharpness. MCT's naturally antibacterial and antifungal properties also help support gut health.

  • L-Theanine: his powerhouse amino acid will help counteract the jittery effects of caffeine AND boost concentration, memory, and increased focus. The result is a laser-focused energy boost that helps you kick ass in a zen kind of way.

  • Organic Neurofactor: 100 mg of this scientifically proven ingredient is extracted from organic coffeeberry (*where coffee comes from) and increases BDNF by 143%. BDNF helps support neuron growth and repair, learning, mood and wellbeing, and metabolic health. In other words, it's kind of like “Miracle-Gro” for your brain.

  • Ashwagandha: an adaptogen, has primarily been used as a supplement to support healthy stress levels. Using KSM 66 A full spectrum variation of Ashwagandha that has been clinically studied for 14 years has also shown to promote physical performance, as well as support memory and cognitive function. As it has nearly a 3x higher potency per serving of traditional Ashwagandha.

Click here to get BLACK by Strong Coffee Company and save 15% with code CHASE!

Ben Smith, Army veteran and coach at the legendary Deuce Gym in Los Angeles, encourages anyone going through a life-changing transition period—service members in particular—to actively seek guidance, whether through workshops, support groups, or connecting with a mentor who has been in their shoes and successfully crossed the bridge.

In today’s conversation, Ben sheds some light on his mental health struggles before and after his time in the military, including an eating disorder that plagued his days in the Army due to an overwhelming feeling that he had no control over his own life. He also shares two moments in particular when he was gripped by thoughts of suicide and what allowed him to soldier on down a path of healing.

Tune in to learn some of Ben's favorite practices for improving your own mental health today and how to live an others-centered life.


Follow Ben @benveesmith

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Ben talks about how and why mental health struggles among veterans increase, or even peak, during those first few weeks and months of transitioning back to civilian life.

  • Ben shares his two favorite organizations that are making a real difference in contributing dollars toward veteran mental health resources.

  • What are some of the best practices you can do to start improving your own mental health today?


Powerful Quotes by Ben Smith

Seeking out a therapist that you jive with is the single most important thing that I’ve done for my personal development.

You can say all day that you don’t care how anybody thinks of you. That’s bullshit. You care about what people think and you should because, ultimately, you get to impact people. You should care, and you should do right by those people by being the best version of yourself.

I would never, ever, ever tell you to do any sort of substance or supplement before getting your ducks in a row.

There is no thing that is more important than you staying on this Earth and developing yourself on this Earth.


Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics is the #1 brand of all-natural sports supplements in the world. We sell supplements based on sound science that are 100% transparent, 100% naturally sweetened and flavored, and contain no artificial food dyes or other unwanted chemicals.

Scientifically-Backed Doses and Ingredients

  • Every ingredient in our supplements is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

  • That means the ingredients and doses in our supplements are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

100% Formula Transparency

  • All our supplements are 100% transparent, meaning you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

  • We disclose the exact amount and form of each ingredient in all our supplements and never use proprietary blends.

100% Money-Back Guarantee and Free Shipping

  • Customers either love our stuff or they get their money back. Period. No forms to fill out or hoops to jump through. That’s just how confident we are in our products.

  • Free shipping within the USA and free shipping internationally on orders over $99

Click here to save 20% off your first purchase with code EVERFORWARD!

Dr. Mary Pardee is a naturopathic and functional medicine doctor specializing in mental health and gut health and, by extension, the gut-brain connection. She has a special interest in trauma and how it affects physical health.

She is the founder of Modrn Med, a wellness consulting company that aims to enhance clients' cognitive function, gut health, and energy levels. Through Modrn Med, Dr. Pardee offers at-home lab testing and virtual consults to clients around the world.

Dr. Pardee is also the co-founder of Authentic Self, “a method, program, and experience to create your most desirable life.” Her approach to cultivating health and wellness is in maximizing the “distribution of your most finite psychic resources; time, energy and attention” with the aim of achieving congruence “with all aspects of the ‘self’—biological, psychological, and energetic or spiritual”.

Listen in as Dr. Pardee shares what drew her to study the gut microbiome and explains the crucial link between gut health and mental health, also known as the gut-brain axis (GBA). She gives some key factors to pay attention to when doing a mental or gut health “scan” on yourself and how to fill in your gaps via lifestyle and nutrition tweaks.

Finally, she explains what she is most looking forward to in the realm of holistic health and wellness in the new normal and her suggestions for how other naturopathic specialists can reach more people at a time when they are most needed.

Follow Mary @dr.marypardee

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Dr. Pardee shares what she finds so appealing about the study of the gut microbiome.

  • What are some key areas to focus on when doing a mental health or gut health “scan” on yourself?

  • Do adaptogens and functional mushrooms aid in our gut health in addition to brain health?

  • What is Dr. Pardee most excited about right now in terms of holistic health and wellness?

Powerful Quotes by Dr. Mary Pardee

A lot of what we do as doctors is rapport building. You can tell how much better a patient is going to get based on the rapport the doctor has with the patient.

How much joy do you have in your life? If you don’t feel like there’s a reason you’re waking up in the morning—you don’t have a purpose or strong relationships—then your gut is not going to function because you’re going to be in a place of fight or flight.

99% of chronic issues have some sort of mental-emotional component to them.


Episode resources:

Harvey Martin and Matt Arends of the MindStrong Project speak on the modalities used at the MindStrong Project, particularly heat and cold therapy, as tools that “bring you back to yourself faster”, that help anybody recover and reach a refreshed state of consciousness in the most natural way possible. Their work, ultimately, is around helping a person, through their own physiology, take control.

The MindStrong Project believes in “respecting the animal” in our humanity while exercising the power that puts us at the top of the food chain, namely “advancing our cognition”.

As Harvey and Matt explain, advancing our cognition tends to be prioritized at the expense of respecting the animal. Their team uses the modalities that they do in response to the environmental stressors of the modern world in an effort to prepare and allow the body to recover from those stressors.

The MindStrong Project was founded in 2017 to shape the world of human performance by improving the physical, mental, and emotional capacities of top performers through tried-and-tested natural breath, movement, and mindset protocols. Their team of five combines foundational nature-based training with industry leading strength, movement, conditioning, and nutrition programs.


Follow MindStrong @themindstrongproject

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Harvey and Matt explain why the modalities that the MindStrong Project specializes in (ex. breathwork, heat and cold therapy, etc.) are catching on with the general public.

  • What’s so special about heat and cold therapy?

  • Harvey and Matt share their most transformational experiences after starting the MindStrong Project

Powerful Quotes by Harvey Martin and Matt Arends

A lot of the work we do is around how to help a person, through their own physiology, actually take control. ~Matt

The gift of humanity is our ability to solve problems. That’s what makes us do things very efficiently. We’re able to respect the animal in us physiologically but we’re also able to advance our cognition psychologically. That’s what puts us at the top of the food chain. ~Harvey

People want to feel like they have control, and I think training in nature does that for you. ~Harvey

Episode resources:


Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by LMNT

LMNT Recharge is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks.

The time is ripe to make a splash. Introducing Watermelon Salt, the newest way to stay salty.

When you’re physically active and sweat, replacing lost sodium is essential to feel and perform your best. But tons of folks forget about sodium and drink more water when they feel dehydrated - the more common problem here is drinking too much water, not too little. Overwatering dilutes blood sodium levels, causing a dangerous condition called hyponatremia - which can lead to headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue.

The takeaway is this: drink to thirst - and don’t forget to replace electrolytes. It’s always one of the first things I stress to a new client. Not only will this help eliminate dehydration symptoms like headaches and muscle cramps, it’s essential for keeping our brain, muscles, and organs functioning properly.

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Do you struggle to find the right gift for that special someone in your life? Does throwing a birthday party or even booking a dinner reservation stress you out to the point of panicking and waiting to the last minute? Being a good gift-giver is an innate skill for some but a source of anxiety for the rest of us! But don't worry, there is a sure fire way to honor your significant other, friend, or family member without breaking a mental sweat in order to do so.

In this episode, Chase and his wife May discuss their recent weekend celebrating May's birthday and how Chase was able to make 100% sure that his efforts and gifts well received with the same intention behind them; love. In fact, they break down how to craft the perfect gift or experience based on understanding the other person's love language.


Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Paleovalley

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The secret to mindfulness, according to Yedda Stancil, is understanding that “beliefs are not who we are.” She stresses the importance of self-awareness to be able to catch the thoughts that feed into our belief system, because our truths define neither us nor the people around us.

Chase and Yedda look back on the evolution of their respective careers. They reflect on the various opportunities they’ve faced and the many challenges to their beliefs over time, and how these experiences gradually shaped their purpose and their truth—what Yedda calls “the awakening of my narrative.”

Yedda goes on to share how she works with clients looking to experience change by helping them bring to the surface those things that are already inside them—to help them realize that they are enough.

Yedda is a consciousness coach and highly sought-after consultant for both individuals and organizations. She is the founder of Fantastically Fit! Inc. as well as Mindfulness Bar in Richmond, Virginia.

She is the author of Shut Up and Sit: Finding Silence and All the Life-Changing Magic that Comes with It and the host of the Shut Up & Sit Podcast.


Follow Yedda @yeddastancil

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Yedda explains how we can identify our current limiting beliefs and avoid becoming a slave to them.

  • Chase and Yedda share how their own personal experiences led them to realize that the road to change starts and ends with self-awareness of what’s already inside us.

  • Yedda explains her approach to integrative development through the lens of the acronym “IBEAM”.

Powerful Quotes by Yedda Stancil

Mindfulness allows you to stop long enough to ask, “What am I thinking?”

It’s okay for us to believe in different things. Our beliefs are not who we are.

The whole secret around mindfulness is: I’m not on one spectrum or the other. I’m able to be in the middle and hold two truths at one time.

Everything I’m attacking other people for is how I’m working out my own stuff.

Once I possess the belief system, I don’t have to talk about it anymore because I already am it.

Your external world is a complete and total manifestation of your internal world.


Episode resources:

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