Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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Have you, or someone you know, ever struggled with finding the right diet? Has it evolved into disordered eating or even an eating disorder (yes, there is a difference)? This week's guest, Josie Mai, has experienced this same struggle and is here to tell you her story and that there is hope.
In today's world, we cannot scroll through our Instagram feed without seeing some sort of "#fitspo" or "#iifym", or watch a workout video on YouTube without their My Fitness Pal account popping up showing us exactly how much they have eaten in each macronutrient category. The problem is that this information is relative to THAT person only, and any people fall victim to applying the same or similar approaches to diet and exercise without first doing our due diligence on our own bodies. Every BODY is different, literally.
For those of you with whom this episode resonates or if you have any questions I encourage you to reach out to Josie. Her story can be seen on YouTube at Josie V Mai and on Instagram at Josie V Mai.
Mar 27, 2017
EFR 010: Movement Patterns & Treatment Techniques for Low-Back Pain with Dr. Justin Bryant of AIRROSTI
Being a health coach, I cross paths with some amazing and incredibly smart professionals who also help others live their best life. In this case with AIRROSTI rehab provider Dr. Justin Bryant, I share walls! He is a doctor of chiropractic by trade but has spent the last several years working exclusively on weekend warriors, Crossfit junkies, stay-at-home moms and even professional athletes. His technique now? Myofascial release.
Here, AIRROSTI explains what exactly they do: "The reason we’re able to get the remarkable and consistent results we do is because of our emphasis on finding all the components of your injury and delivering a very specific treatment to the soft tissues. These are the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue throughout the body and around the joints. When our bodies experience repetitive stress or trauma, this tissue is often injured. This leads to pain, numbness, weakness, and restricted range of motion. Our focus at Airrosti is fixing the connective tissue and manually repairing it to its normal state. By doing so, we are able to very effectively increase strength, function and range of motion, while dramatically decreasing pain and allowing our patients to return to normal activity — whether that means running a marathon, doing CrossFit, gardening, playing with the kids, or simply being more productive and pain free at work."
AIRROSTI providers near you can be found online at, or please contact Dr. Bryant directly if you are in the DC/Northern Virginia area by phone at 1-800-404-6050.
Mar 20, 2017
EFR 009: How Limiting Beliefs Hold Us Back From Our True Potential with Yedda
This is, to date, my longest and perhaps most hard-hitting interview on improving the SELF. In this episode, we discuss how our own limiting beliefs are usually the root of our limitations. How the ego masks itself in various ways that form unwanted habits, how to bring awareness into your life to allow these to surface and the action required to improve upon them so we can truly step into our own greatness.
I had the privilege of sitting down with one of my fellow VCU alum and colleague Yedda (yes, it's just YEDDA). Her wealth of experience in entrepreneurship, wellness, coaching and self-help have always left a lasting impression with me. Yedda currently resides in Richmond, VA and serves her community in a variety of ways; health coaching, personal training, executive coaching and all things wellness. She can be found at
Jake Ducey is a guy following his heart's calling by living the life he makes for himself. He has traveled the world, faced near-death, acted upon (seemingly) outlandish goals that have set him for success and life of true happiness - all by the age of 25!
Drawing on some of his most recent works, we discuss his book The Purpose Principles and how we can learn to draw more meaning into our life. Early in this book I was hit hard with hid words of "The first place to focus our attention is vision: knowing what you want." We may not always know what we want, but knowing what we DO NOT want can be just as important. In this interview, Jake walks us through what it was that set him on his path of enlightenment, success and healthy habits and how we can do the same.
Aika is many things; an entrepreneur, a designer, a mentor and a phenomenal hostess to an out-of-towner like myself! I had the privilege of being escorted around the VIP tents and watching shows backstage all thanks to Aika and her amazing team of empowered women during Austin City Limits in 2016.
After getting to know her and learn of her start from a battered women's shelter to self-made woman, designer and operator of her own company knew I had to get more of her story on record! Aika's story shows us that sometimes beautiful things can come out of tragic events or surroundings. And if they don't, simply design them yourself! Learn how to design the life you love from her impacting story.
Feb 26, 2017
EFR 006: How and When to Combine Passion and Purpose with Shawn Stevenson
I had the privilege if attending Shawn's live recording of his podcast "The Model Health Show" here in DC last month. He opened up the floor to questions from the audience and I jumped at the opportunity to connect with this wellness and entrepreneurship mastermind!
I encourage you all to first listen to episode three, "The Power of Taking Action", and then revisiting this episode. Just as important as it is to pursue your dreams it is equally vital to know how and when to do so.
Shawn and his co-host Jade provided me with some excellent insight from their journey. I go back and listen to his words of wisdom multiple times a week! I hope you all get some sort of takeaway from his advice for your own endeavors and daily living.
Amanda shares with us how sometimes the best laid plans do not wind up being the end result. I spent the majority of the day with her training at Venice Beach Gold's Gym, grabbing some lunch and a beer and of course she took me to her favorite local donut shop.
I have had the pleasure of training and hanging out with Ms. Bucci several times since this interview and am proud to call her a friend. She is taking the world on with a tour de force! Be sure to follow her on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram and don't miss HER interview of ME on her podcast, Bucci Radio.
After spending a long weekend with these guys I can honestly say I have made some friends for life. I connected with Nick nearly a year ago through his YouTube channel. He served as an active duty officer in the United States Army and I was an active duty noncommissioned officer so we immediately connected over our time in the service. These guys are changing the supplement game for sure, on top of opening up a top-notch warehouse gym in the outskirts of Austin, TX.
If you are like me, you sometimes table ideas and projects out of uncertainty or even fear of failing. But why? Why are we so afraid to put ourselves out there and not give ourselves the opportunity to succeed? The opportunity to fail and learn from it?
In this episode I talk about my own hesitations to take action and why and how I am no longer letting the fear of the unknown or failure stopping me from putting myself out there. I hope you can do the same and TAKE ACTION!
If you follow YouTube fitness channels at all then you are most likely no stranger to this young man, Christian Guzman. Founder of Alphalete athletic apparel and gym in Houston, TX, Christian has grown to become one of the biggest names in the social media fitness industry.
After spending the weekend with Christian here in DC, I had the chance to sit down and learn about his origin story and all of the hard work it took him to reach such an incredible level of success at such an early age.
This is EverForward Radio! Welcome everyone to episode one of my podcast venture. I am your host Chase Chewning, and I am a certified health coach with my BS in Exercise Science and MS in Health Promotion Management. I am an Army veteran currently living in our nation's capital of Washington, DC with my wife, May, and our dog, Nella.
My goal is to be a platform to hear first-hand stories from health and wellness professionals, social media personalities, philanthropists, entrepreneurs or any mover and shaker in their industry. The weeks will alternate between an interview and a solo podcast from myself.
Thank you for tuning in and I hope that each episode is a lesson you can apply to your own life that propels it forward, ever forward.