Sep 11, 2017

EFR 033: Building a Sustainable Life from Your Passion with Sophie Aris

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Have you ever stumbled across something that you immediately became obsessed with, needing to know everything about it and how to implement it into your daily life? Well that was the case with building a healthy mind, body and soul for Sophie Aris. After watching her first ever physique competition she was hooked, competing in multiple shows over the course of the next year or so.

But through this process of competing, Sophie also began to grow her passion for content creation and applying similar principles from the gym to her every day life and social media presence. Being semi-forced out of her 9-5 job as a public school teacher, Sophie went full-force into her entrepreneur mode; blogging, growing her Instagram, becoming a sponsored athlete by huge brands such as Nocco, Gymshark and Ghost, and creating as much content as possible to further enrich the lives of those people who follow her journey online.

Sophie's blog hosts amazing recipes and wellness insights, and her Instagram page is updated daily showing her giant smile or current workout routine (or both!).

EFR 033: Building a Sustainable Life from Your Passion with Sophie Aris

Have you ever stumbled across something that you immediately became obsessed with, needing to know everything about it and how to implement it into your daily life? Well that was the case with building a healthy mind, body and soul for Sophie Aris. After watching her first ever physique competition she was hooked, competing in multiple shows over the course of the next year or so.

But through this process of competing, Sophie also began to grow her passion for content creation and applying similar principles from the gym to her every day life and social media presence. Being semi-forced out of her 9-5 job as a public school teacher, Sophie went full-force into her entrepreneur mode; blogging, growing her Instagram, becoming a sponsored athlete by huge brands such as Nocco, Gymshark and Ghost, and creating as much content as possible to further enrich the lives of those people who follow her journey online.

Sophie's blog hosts amazing recipes and wellness insights, and her Instagram page is updated daily showing her giant smile or current workout routine (or both!).