EFR 034: Beating Cancer and Transforming Lives with Greg Cheek
Get ready for one of the most enthusiastic guests yet! Greg Cheek, retired Major and former non-commissioned officer of the United States military, has made it his life's mission to motivate and inspire others. He has survived homelessness as a teenager, a twenty year military career, BEAT CANCER! These days Greg travels the world speaking to active duty personnel, prior-service members and civilians alike to help motivate and inspire them about overcoming life's adversities.
Greg shares his life's adversities and successes that resonate with anyone today seeking to better themselves through a philosophy built around optimism, visualization and action. He presents on an array of motivational topics including key note presentations, overcoming adversity and achieving your dreams, goal setting, dealing with cancer and illness, resiliency, collegiate faculty communication, healthcare communication between patient and provider, presentation training and overcoming speaker apprehension, leadership communication, breaking down communication walls, athlete and team confidence through effective communication.
Greg can be found all over social media and on his website here, and make sure to pick up his book Three Points of Contact here on Amazon or anywhere books are sold!