Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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A childhood fraught with daily violence, neighbors with gunshot wounds, street riots and so many other traumatic events, Rosie Acosta quickly became immune to her toxic environment. She knew nothing else, this was her norm. However, one day through the power of taking pause, taking a breath and instilling mindfulness into her present she was able to radically change the course of her existence. Rosie chose to set herself on a path to become a yoga practitioner to help others live a life full of health, wellness and overall adopting a "radically loved" paradigm.
In this episode, Rosie shares with us exactly HOW and WHY we all should shift our focus to the power of NOW. How to bring a greater sense of awareness into our lives to better process everything from common daily stressors (work, relationships, fatigue, etc.) to working through significant traumatic events (as she does with Afghanistan war veterans suffering from PTSD). In one word - MINDFULNESS.
Currently on the road all across America for Yoga Journal's "LIVE BE YOGA" tour, Rosie is bringing mindfulness to the masses. She hosts and incredible podcast called "Radically Loved" where you can actually hear her interview me, available the same time as this episode of EF Radio can be heard.
Rosie's amazing accomplishments include being 500 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance, graduate of New York’s IIN School, a Health Coach Training Program, and is Nutrition and Wellness Certified through AFPA (accredited by the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board) She is able to guide her clients through a nutritive way to help with weight management and enhancing overall health through fitness performance and holistic foods.
This week we dive into important protocols that we all should be mindful of, whether we are trying for a new PR in the gym or playing with our kids. The goal in everything we do in this life is to do it well, do it repeatedly and do it pain-free. Myodetox, a Canada-based myofascial-release and rehabilitative specialty center, is focused on helping individuals live pain free and move at their full potential.
A few months ago I stumbled across Dr. Jacob Harden's Instagram account while looking for posts on mobility. I quickly started following him and even scrolling through most of his previous posts, nearly everything he put out was applicable to me personally or I could use for clients of my own. The man knew his stuff! You can visit Dr. Harden in the current US-only location in Orlando, FL or catch his daily content creation on his Instagram account. A doctor of chiropractor by trade, USAPL powerlifter and all-around student of life this guy helps others live a life ever forward... literally.
Are you feeling hungry? Well you will be after taking one look at this week's guest's Instagram page or cookbook! Zach Rocheleau, a.k.a "theflexibledietinglifestyle" guru on social media, has a low-calorie recipe for just about every food group and "cheat meal" you can think of.
But after spending just a few minutes talking with Zach I could tell that his WHY was burning through more than any tempting protein cinnamon roll he could whip up. His origin story of having to endure a basketball career-ending injury and how that helped reevaluate his approach to eating and fitness truly molded his intent, and I think that is something that shines through in all of his posts. He is doing this to not just make his own journey more enjoyable (and delicious) but to show others that they can have their cake and eat it too. He just probably has a higher protein, lower calorie version of it to share with you!
And speaking of sharing - stay tuned until the very end! Zach has an amazing offer to listeners of EverForward Radio that you will definitely not want to miss out on! Zach can be found on mostly on his booming Instagram account The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle or learn more about what he has to offer on his website Flexible Dieting Lifestyle.
Are you working a job but not in the career you want? Do you have more passion in your side hustles than your 9-5? This week's guest, JB Glossinger, shares with us his journey of doing just that and gives us guidance on how and when to take the leap. More importantly, how and why to change our perspective so that we can change our life.
JB has authored multiple books and is a well sought-after speaker as well as longtime podcaster on Morning Coach. All of his great content and resources can be found on his personal website.
If you already know how talented this guest is then please click on over and leave EverForward Radio a 5-star rating and review!
It really doesn't get much better than this week's guest when it comes to applying a vision to filming. I am speaking of course of cinematographer (yes, he is a YouTuber but I feel to label him just as that would be to significantly diminish his craft) Zack Kravits.
I have been following Zack online for a few months now and I honestly get hooked on every piece of content he creates. He. Is. Just. That. Good. In this interview I discuss just why he is so damn skilled (though he claims he doesn't know), what it takes to have an idea of something in your head and bring it to life on film. He creates short films, mini-series, vlogs, camera and equipment how-to's and so much more.
When I say keep an eye on this guy for the future Best Picture, I mean it. Do yourself a favor after you finish this episode and check out his YouTube channel and see for yourself! He can also be found here on his recently revamped Instagram page.
May 30, 2017
EFR 018: Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships with May Yazdi Chewning
This episode is especially insightful because come from my own experiences getting to know and grow with my wife, May (a.k.a. Boo Thang). May continues to be a cornerstone in my life for a myriad of reasons, outside of finally finding my Jasmine (I was obsessed with Aladdin as a kid). This Persian Princess and I have been through the grinder when it comes to the ups and downs of dating and romance, but we always come back to our commitment to each other, our friendship and our relationship now as husband and wife.
We answer several questions from a Q&A post I did on my Instagram as well as spin off into specific areas of work that have best served our relationship. We highly value our individualism while at the same time make damn sure we are each other's biggest advocates. I think this episode will not only give you all more insight into our lives and what makes us tick but also some ways to help improve any relationship you may currently be in our for future reference.
May is currently growing her social media presence and can be found on Instagram and Twitter.
May 22, 2017
EFR 017: Burn Fat and Reverse Hypothyroidism with The Primal Blueprint with Elle Russ
Are you one of the millions affected by hypothyroidism? Have you ever been diagnosed or misdiagnosed? Do you experience the myriad of symptoms related such as fatigue, brain fog, excess and uncontrollable weight-gain, cracking skin, etc.? In this week's episode, we talk with Elle Russ from The Primal Blueprint and Mark's Daily Apple (Mark Sisson, the founder of the paleo Primal Blueprint diet, lifestyle and other products and services).
After suffering for years under the above symptoms and diagnoses, Elle took control of her own life by becoming the health expert she needed. In her book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution, she dives deep into not only what the symptoms look and feel like, but what she did and demanded of her health care professionals to ensure she stayed empowered over her own body. If you or anyone you know has suffered from or is potentially hypothyroid, YOU NEED THIS BOOK! Everything is explained in ways that are very easy to understand so that you can find the foods you need, take the labs your doctor needs to see, and other dietary and lifestyle habits to better suit your wellness.
Elle is also the host of Mark Sisson's The Primal Blueprint Podcast and more of her information can be found on her website here - Elle Russ
And if you have not done so already, please be sure to leave the podcast some love via a five star rating and/or review!
May 8, 2017
EFR 016: Turning Weaknesses Into Strengths One Bite at a Time with Travis S
Rich homies unite! Travis S is one of the hungriest (literally) guys in the game when it comes to YouTube personalities. An accountant by day and avid weight lifter by night... and food challenger extraordinaire everywhere in between.
But Travis' story unfolded more as how he was able to take his fear of public speaking and being a natural introvert to a natural in front of the camera and putting himself out there to the world. On top of that, Travis lost his mother to cancer during college. Losing this foundational person in his life was hands-down his most trying time, but he came out even stronger on the other side and shows us how he lives a life ever forward in her honor.
We learn here how to best apply new platforms to our lives that not only help us grow professionally but also show us ways we in which we can get over our own shortcomings. You can watch Travis S on his YouTube channel lifting weights, eating insane amounts of food and conquering his fears of public speaking on a regular basis.
Drug addict. Alcoholic. Powerlifter. Entrepreneur. And doughnut connoisseur! Krissy Mae Cagney has overcome nearly a decade of alcohol and substance abuse by diving head first into her own form of recovery that involves more barbells than a twelve step program. She has accomplished so much in such a short period of time all the while battling her own addiction demons. Living clean, sober and strong is her forte these days with her husband and dogs either in the gym or the great outdoors.
"I do not know wha the future will hold, but I am passionate about all my endeavors" is a quote from Krissy's bio on her website, Krissy Mae Cagney. This is such a powerful connection to the ever forward life, in that while we may not know what certainties we have in life we do know the power in our application of our passion.
Please follow Krissy on all social media platforms @krissymaecagney or if you find yourself in Reno, NV be sure to stop by her Black Iron Gym and join the "misfits"!
How do we account for success in life? In the gym we measure it by adding weights to the barbell or increasing our speed on the treadmill, but life doesn't always make it that easy elsewhere. Pushing past our perceived limitations and pursuing our dreams, our true passions to stand confidently on the other side is what so many of us strive for. Or at least want to.
Accountant by day, bodybuilder by night - enter Brian DeCosta! He is someone who has taken a passion of pushing past physical limitations in the gym and put himself on one of the world's largest fitness platforms. This excelled him further than he ever imagined. This week we learn how Brian took his training, mentality and entire life to the next level through the 2017 spokesmodel search. Taking second place has helped push Brian's online fitness personna to new levels and is continuing to do BIG things alongside his female fitness counterpart and girlfriend Amanda Bucci.
Joining me this week are two of the co-founders of Nudge Health Tracker and Nudge Coach, the smartphone app and online health coaching platform changing the way healthcare professionals interact with their clients. By having users track, actively or passively, their activity, diet, sleep, etc. their coaches are able to monitor the data and better guide them along their wellness journey. "Our mobile app empowers clients to stay mindful of their health, accountable to their plan, and connected to your brand", as stated on their website.
The Nudge Health Tracker app is a great tool for those looking to learn more about their daily habits, with or without it connected to a coach. The Nudge Coach platform allows coaches to pool one or one hundred of their clients' data points to help them make more or less of certain behaviors. Integrating with other great tools such as Jawbone, Fitbit and basic smartphone health trackers (steps, distance) Nudge really is a streamlined process, a one-stop shop for data collection and analysis for healthcare professionals, coaches and trainers alike.
Find Nudge Health Tracker in the iTunes App Store, Google Play and Nudge Coach online at Also, Phil and Mac's "Scale Well" podcast is in iTunes and Google Play Music.
NWB IN THE HOUSE!!! I had the pleasure of reconnecting with my old friend, Nick Wright. Nick has lived, eaten and breathed YouTube fitness over the past five plus years. His story is one that always comes to my mind when I think of someone truly applying passion to purpose. A native Rhode Islander, I had the privilege of getting to know Nick for his year in Richmond, VA. We crushed countless workouts and even more Chipotle meals together with my younger brother (Maxx Chewning, whom Nick references in the interview) and our other gym rat friends.
Being one of the firsts in the industry, he has had the unique perspective of watching his profession grow exponentially while helping usher in a new era of content creators. He always stays true to himself and has an admirable "no bullshit" policy when it comes to conveying his story through his videos, whether in the gym, smoking his favorite cigar or spending quality time with his longtime girlfriend Arianna.
Nick's YouTube channel can be found here (no, we won't kidding about Scondore) at and on Instagram and Twitter @nickwrightnwb.