Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.

Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.

Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC

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Previous Episodes

Jun 7, 2018

EFR 082: The Human Evolution Experience of Social Media with Marie Wold

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Professional fitness competitor. Social media influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers. All by the age of 23. Oh, and she battles multiple auto-immune disorders and KICKS ASS! Today we learn from Marie Wold, on Instagram @marieewold, and how she chose her own path and identity despite multiple health adversities growing up. More importantly, Marie shares with us her evolution in the social media and online fitness space and how she has managed to stay human and true to herself. Like she always says, "GRIND AND BE GRATEFUL" despite the adversities that life puts before you, these are our greatest teachers!

*Marie's matcha of choice is here from Four Sigmatic, BTW - (save 15% with code EVERFORWARD)

And make sure to subscribe to Marie's brand new show, "Grind and Be Grateful" wherever you enjoy listening to your favorite podcasts! It can be found on iTunes here: 

*My mental health interview I mentioned on Joe Carabase's "Fat M.E.L.T.I.N.G Radio" podcast can be found here:

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at

Jun 4, 2018

EFR 081: Essential Fats and Supplements for Improving Brain Health with Evan DeMarco

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Make sure to grab your "OMAX 3" through this exclusive offer on EF Radio! Simply go to to get your two month supply for the price of one!

Time to get fat - the right way! Evan DeMarco was a competitive athlete and nutritional entrepreneur who turned his energy, experience, and training to the formulation of pre-natal vitamins during his wife's 2012 pregnancy which led to an acute interest in the area of infant brain development.

Working with a group of doctors and research scientists, he developed a major breakthrough formulation using choline, an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in brain development, cell signaling, nerve impulse transmission, and lipid transport and metabolism, that resulted in a sea-change for prenatal vitamin manufacturers around the world.

Omega-3 fats, like those found in products from OMAX Health, have been shown to boost heart health, reduce risk of coronary heart disease, and can help our bodies maintain normal blood triglyceride levels. They also have been clinically proven to boost neurotransmitter activity, while supporting memory, focus, concentration, and energy. The extent of these essential fats are proving to be even more powerful with every new trial and use by everyday people like you and me!

Episode 067 with Max Lugavere can be found here -

You can get Max's "Genius Foods" here - or get your free 30-day audio book trial from Audible here - or simply text "EVERFORWARD" to 500500.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

May 31, 2018

EFR 080: The Family Business - Behind the Brand with Chase and Maxx Chewning

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*GIVEAWAY EPISODE!!!* A very special thank you to our loyal listeners and supporters of all things Ever Forward. Simply leave a 5-star rating & review (MUST BE BOTH) on your iOS "Podcast" app or iTunes and we will be picking three lucky winners to receive some EF and sponsor prize packages.

Welcome to the Brothers Chewning! Maxx (on Instagram @maxxchewning) and I sat down for a little bro time and answered some questions about growing up in the family coffeehouse business, childhood sports, and how we are both working together and harder than ever to grow the new family biz.

Watch the video interview on YouTube by clicking here or visit

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at

What happens when we spend so much of our time, energy, and resources pursuing our biggest goals and something throws us off course? We have the rug pulled out from underneath us and are left to put together the pieces of our dreams? The easy way out is to give up, but that's not what living a life ever forward is all about - we are stronger than that! Tony Jeffries, 2008 Olympic bronze medalist and co-owner of the popular Box N Burn gym and training methodology in Southern California, share with us how he fought for and built his life with his own two hands.

Tony has competed at the highest possible level as a boxer, winning 7 British titles, several multi-international titles – including a European gold medal, and a total of 106 career fights. He has trained nearly every single day since he was ten, competing competitively for a total of 17 years. In 2012, Tony was forced to retire from his professional boxing career due to hand injuries. However, Tony remains active in the fitness industry, traveling the world as an international presenter and trainer, honing the skills of professional athletes, including UFC fighters, and sculpting the bodies of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

Tony is sharing a very generous offer to EF Radio listeners! Save $75 off his amazing boxing education program, Box N Burn Academy, with code "EVERFORWARD". Click the previous link or go to 

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

May 24, 2018

EFR 078: LIVE Coaching - Entrepreneur vs. Wantrepreneur with Jason Phillips

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This episode is a special broadcast of our Ever Forward Coach mentorship program. This offering takes aspiring health and fitness professionals through an entire year of coaching to help solidify, curate, and take action on their biggest priorities and goals. Each month we host a guest lecture by someone exhibiting the key principles of the EF philosophy and putting purpose to their passion - today this is with iN3 Nutrition founder and head coach Jason Phillips.

If you feel like this form of accountability, professional insight, and coaching experience would bring value to your life and help propel your goals we encourage you to share them with us! Please email us at to learn more about the EF Coach offerings and how we could possibly help your passions manifest into your life's purpose. 

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at

Fasting - is this truly something worth our time and attention or is just the next "cool thing" in the health and fitness industry? Sal Di Stefano (on Instagram @mindpumpsal), one of the hosts of the incredible Mind Pump podcast, has decades of experience he is bringing to the table in this interview all about the many benefits and dangers to properly conducting a fast. Also, we dive into many other half truths, whole lies, and other misbeliefs that people should be paying attention to when it comes to maximizing their workouts, diets, and overall mindset towards improving their lives.

More about today's expert guestl... Sal was 14 years old when he touched his first weight and from that moment he was hooked. Growing up asthmatic, frequently sick and painfully skinny, Sal saw weightlifting as a way to change his body and his self-image. In the beginning, Sal’s body responded quickly to his training but then his gains slowed and then stopped altogether. Not one to give up easily, he began reading every muscle building publication he could get his hands on to find ways to bust through his plateau. He read Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Mentzer’s Heavy Duty, Kubrick’s Dinosaur Training, and every muscle magazine he could find; Weider’s Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Iron Man and even Muscle Media 2000. Each time he read about a new technique or methodology he would test it out in the gym. At age 18 his passion for the art and science of resistance training was so consuming that he decided to make it his profession and become a personal trainer. By 19 he was managing health clubs and by 22 he owned his own gym. After 17 years as a personal trainer he has dedicated himself to bringing science and TRUTH to the fitness industry.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

May 17, 2018

EFR 076: Total Human Optimization with Onnit's Kyle Kingsbury

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Total. Human. Optimization. The team at Onnit provides one of the most unique and wholistic approaches to the supplementation, fitness, and personal development fields. Their host of the Onnit Podcast, Director of Operations (a.k.a. Human Optimization), and all around office bad-ass is none other than former UFC fighter Kyle Kingsbury (@kingsbu).

Kyle and I sat down in their HQ in Austin, TX for a one-on-one interview to discuss what Onnit brings to the table, how the ketogenic diet has brought him insane performance improvements, and what it truly means to pursue "total human optimization."

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

  • Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to help you relax, live well, and support productivity

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts

Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at

*GIVEAWAY!!!* To win your very own copy of Lori Harder's new book A Tribe Called Bliss, make sure to share out this episode of your Instagram story and tag us @everforwardradio! The winner will be announced on IG on Wednesday, May 16 2018. 

The benefits of a having a tribe are undeniable. Those of us with strong social circles are living longer, happier, and healthier lives compared to those who lack connections. Today, we live in an über-connected era, in which anyone is able to make thousands of friends with the swipe of a finger—yet the way we are connecting leaves us feeling mistrustful, jealous, disempowered, fearful, misunderstood, and ultimately defeated. We are often left believing that success is a solo, isolating endeavor or, worse, that it is reserved only for the ruthless, physically blessed, or self-absorbed.

Inspired by Lori’s own journey through loss, loneliness, and disconnection and her fears of remaining an outsider and of never reaching her dreams, A Tribe Called Bliss details how Lori shed unfulfilling, surface-level friendships and discovered her untapped potential. Step by step, she lights the way to show you how you can achieve deep, meaningful relationships that accelerate and support your highest potential, while providing the tools to ensure unshakable faith in yourself and your journey.

A Tribe Called Bliss is the way to lock in lasting, positive change and connect you to your soul’s calling once and for all. This practical, timely book is for those of us seeking to discover our authentic calling, release our fears, and reach that next level. Lori provides the tools and contextual self-work exercises to develop the self-awareness and mindfulness that is the key to a lifetime of blissful happiness.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

  • Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to help you relax, live well, and support productivity

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts

May 10, 2018

EFR 074: Building Your Ideal Profession and Body with Kelly Rennie

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Busy professionals, dads, moms, excuse me... MUMS, rejoice! Today's guest Kelly Rennie is here to help you decide on your life's calling so you can finally take action on the service you want to provide to the world and create time to get back into the best shape of your life. She is an international fitness model & athlete, Optimum Nutrition athlete, author and so much more. Kelly's Busy Mum Fitness is the ideal program for busy parents - yes, dads too! - who want to take back control of their day, their health, and still provide immense value to their family and create change in the world.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at

May 7, 2018

EFR 073: Weaponizing the Fear Mindset with Tony Blauer

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Fear. We all have felt it on some level. Rational or not, fear is one of our most primal sensations. Today's special guest Tony Blauer is here to teach us how to use fear to our advantage, to truly understand what it does to us but, more importantly, what it can do for us. His organization, Blauer Tactical Systems, has trained thousands of everyday individuals like us, actors prepping for demanding roles, celebrities, and even our nation's police forces and military special operations groups.

Tony has been in the martial art, self-defense, defensive tactics and combatives industry for almost four decades and is one of the only combatives experts who has successfully affected training across all the combat related communities: self-defense, combat sports and the military & law enforcement sector. His research on physiology and mindset as it relates to confrontation management has influenced over three decades of reality-based martial artists.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

May 3, 2018

EFR 072: Cali'flour - Treating Autoimmune Disorders Through Pizza with Amy Lacey

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Amy Lacey is the founder/owner of the amazing Cali'flour Foods, a unique cauliflower food company specializing in pizza crusts. Cali’flour knows the way people eat is evolving. We want fewer, fresher ingredients and clean, nutritional content. We deserve quality food options and want to know from where our food comes. Every Cali'flour product is made with the highest of standards and they never use any fillers, additives, gluten, GMOs, or added sugars. Their award-winning, healthy products are raising the bar for the next generation of food!

Follow Cali'flour on Instagram @califlourfoods. And make sure to share this episode (or any of your favorites) on IG to someone that you feel would find value in this message - tag us @everforwardradio or @chase_chewning so we can connect.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

  • Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to help you relax, live well, and support productivity.

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts.

Apr 30, 2018

EFR 071: GOING ALL IN - The Billion Person Vision with Jason Phillips

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Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

  • Save 15% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to help you relax, live well, and support productivity.

  • Save 10% on Bare Performance Nutrition health and performance supplements to help you before, during, and after your best workouts. 

We are more than excited to share with you this very special conversation with our good friend Jason Phillips. Jason is a neighbor to us here in the DC/Northern Virginia area and welcomed Ever Forward Radio into his home for this very candid interview. We learn about his "Thanksgiving miracle" where he went from being overdrawn in his account to how he is now a multiple seven-figure business owner, his battle with anorexia and how transformed his body and mind to become a professional athlete and sought after source on all things nutrition and fitness.

Jason Phillips has been everywhere and done everything. From cover model to professional athlete, to founder of iN³ Nutrition. Jason has written for several publications including Men’s Fitness and his own book, Macros Explained. Jason has completely revolutionized nutrition coaching. His approach is rooted in the foundation that a proper prescription is based on each unique individual, not a template of information based on physical statistics. he has created an unprecedented level of access within the nutrition coaching relationship, whether your goal is performance based, improving aesthetics, or simply a healthier lifestyle.