Jul 16, 2018

EFR 094: The Easy Wins in Life with Mitch Harb

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Easy wins! Such a simple concept, right? Then why do so many of us make this life more difficult and complicated then it needs to be? Today's guest, Mitch Harb, has made helping us learn the "easy wins" in life when it comes to our fitness, nutrition, and mindset. 

Mitch has a super fun and informative Instagram, @easywinsmitch, and helps his audience see the little ways every day we can improve our health and wellness. He also hosts the "Easy Wins Healthy Lifestyle" podcast (I was actually a guest on episode 60!) as well as work one-on-one with clients helping them achieve their number one goals in their health and fitness.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you! 

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio - https://www.everforwardradio.com

EFR 094: The Easy Wins in Life with Mitch Harb

Easy wins! Such a simple concept, right? Then why do so many of us make this life more difficult and complicated then it needs to be? Today's guest, Mitch Harb, has made helping us learn the "easy wins" in life when it comes to our fitness, nutrition, and mindset. 

Mitch has a super fun and informative Instagram, @easywinsmitch, and helps his audience see the little ways every day we can improve our health and wellness. He also hosts the "Easy Wins Healthy Lifestyle" podcast (I was actually a guest on episode 60!) as well as work one-on-one with clients helping them achieve their number one goals in their health and fitness.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you! 

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio - https://www.everforwardradio.com