Jul 12, 2018

EFR 093: Choosing a Career Path in the Health and Wellness Industry with Justin Bryant, DC

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The good doctor returns! Dr. Justin Bryant, DC is back all the way from episode ten and here to share more about what he does as an AIRROSTI provider. But, more importantly, he and I dive into:

  • Why he chose a BS in Exercise Science 

  • The practicality of being a physical rehabilitation provider 

  • The initial career path he wanted to purse versus the one he wound up on

  • What are the options available to someone pursuing an education in health, fitness, and wellness?

  • The ways to pivot in a saturated market and carve out your niche 

  • And more!

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

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EFR 093: Choosing a Career Path in the Health and Wellness Industry with Justin Bryant, DC

The good doctor returns! Dr. Justin Bryant, DC is back all the way from episode ten and here to share more about what he does as an AIRROSTI provider. But, more importantly, he and I dive into:

  • Why he chose a BS in Exercise Science 

  • The practicality of being a physical rehabilitation provider 

  • The initial career path he wanted to purse versus the one he wound up on

  • What are the options available to someone pursuing an education in health, fitness, and wellness?

  • The ways to pivot in a saturated market and carve out your niche 

  • And more!

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with both sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, we thank you!

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio - https://www.everforwardradio.com