Sep 24, 2018

EFR 110: Overtraining vs Undertraining with Jenn Zerling and George Veater

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Let's take a look at life through the eyes of fit people so that you may live a fit life yourself with Jenn Zerling, Fitness and Age Management Expert and International Health Advocate, and George Veater, entrepreneur and 6-Time Rodeo Champion. We discuss two of the most important (and commonly overlooked) training principles; overtraining versus undertraining.

Jennifer “JZ” Zerling (on Instagram @jzfitnessnutrition) loves fitness and lives by her personal mission statement, Maximize Your Potential by Optimizing Your Health! She’s earned a master’s degree in Kinesiology, maintains multiple certifications (personal training, biomechanics, spin, nutrition, yoga), and has helped develop several fitness-related businesses.

George Veater is a 51-year-old entrepreneur, business owner, cattle rancher, and professional Saddle Bronc Rider who resides in Coarsegold, CA. He is the proud father of four fantastic children and four, even more amazing, grandchildren.

Connect with them both on their incredible podcast "Fit Because" or on Instagram @fitbecauseshow today!

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with these amazing sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

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Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at

EFR 110: Overtraining vs Undertraining with Jenn Zerling and George Veater

Let's take a look at life through the eyes of fit people so that you may live a fit life yourself with Jenn Zerling, Fitness and Age Management Expert and International Health Advocate, and George Veater, entrepreneur and 6-Time Rodeo Champion. We discuss two of the most important (and commonly overlooked) training principles; overtraining versus undertraining.

Jennifer “JZ” Zerling (on Instagram @jzfitnessnutrition) loves fitness and lives by her personal mission statement, Maximize Your Potential by Optimizing Your Health! She’s earned a master’s degree in Kinesiology, maintains multiple certifications (personal training, biomechanics, spin, nutrition, yoga), and has helped develop several fitness-related businesses.

George Veater is a 51-year-old entrepreneur, business owner, cattle rancher, and professional Saddle Bronc Rider who resides in Coarsegold, CA. He is the proud father of four fantastic children and four, even more amazing, grandchildren.

Connect with them both on their incredible podcast "Fit Because" or on Instagram @fitbecauseshow today!

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with these amazing sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.comEF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.comEF Radio -

Veterans and families of veterans… if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply having trouble transitioning back to civilian life, you are not alone. Contact the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic nearest to you.

Cohen Clinics provide counseling for post-9/11 veterans and their families, regardless of discharge status, at no to low cost. Many of the staff are veterans themselves.

Learn more about how Cohen Veterans Network can help you make it back to better at