Nov 27, 2017

EFR 044: Find Your Fearless with Christie Bailey

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Christie Bailey is a one part entrepreneur, one part fitness cover model, and one part self-help junkie turned online business strategist. As the 2017 spokesmodel winner and IFBB pro competition, Christie knows a thing or two about the physical, nutritional and mental discipline it takes to dramatically change one's physique. But that wasn't what it was all cracked up to be, at least not for Christie.

In this interview, you will hear her journey about how she dove 100% in to this profession, how she quit her corporate job to pursue her true calling and how and why that dream shifted for her. Christie is now helping other fitness entrepreneurs apply purpose to passion and, as her mantra says, help them find their fearless!

The Audible book referenced in this podcast is Tim Ferriss' "The Four-Hour Workweek" and can be listed to FOR FREE simply by heading to - your free 30-day trial is waiting!

Organifi has been in my personal daily supplement rotation for years now and, as of late, has been a proud sponsor of the Ever Forward Radio podcast and mission. Please head over to and try any of their amazing products (we are partial to the new Red Juice) and enter "everforward" at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order.

EFR 044: Find Your Fearless with Christie Bailey

Christie Bailey is a one part entrepreneur, one part fitness cover model, and one part self-help junkie turned online business strategist. As the 2017 spokesmodel winner and IFBB pro competition, Christie knows a thing or two about the physical, nutritional and mental discipline it takes to dramatically change one's physique. But that wasn't what it was all cracked up to be, at least not for Christie.

In this interview, you will hear her journey about how she dove 100% in to this profession, how she quit her corporate job to pursue her true calling and how and why that dream shifted for her. Christie is now helping other fitness entrepreneurs apply purpose to passion and, as her mantra says, help them find their fearless!

The Audible book referenced in this podcast is Tim Ferriss' "The Four-Hour Workweek" and can be listed to FOR FREE simply by heading to - your free 30-day trial is waiting!

Organifi has been in my personal daily supplement rotation for years now and, as of late, has been a proud sponsor of the Ever Forward Radio podcast and mission. Please head over to and try any of their amazing products (we are partial to the new Red Juice) and enter "everforward" at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order.