Coach. Podcaster. COACHCASTER.
Health coach turned podcaster, Chase interviews industry leaders in fitness nutrition and mindset. Messages to help you live a life EVER FORWARD.
Chase Chewning, MS, ACE CHC
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Previous Episodes
May 18, 2020
EFR 321: How to Increase Your Impact and Income No Matter Your Following Size with Ellen Yin
Ellen Yin has helped countless other brands and entrepreneurs significantly level up their online presence, some starting with tens of thousands of followers and others she helped build from the ground up. See, it is all about intention and strategy when it comes to leveraging platforms such as social media and podcasting to speak directly to your ideal client. In this episode, Ellen walks us through how to level up your following and your business no matter your starting point.
Connect with Ellen @missellenyin
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Episode resources:
Launch, grow, & monetize your podcast with Operation Podcast's "Level 201" course, now 60% off! Use checkout code EVERFORWARD60 at
Learn more about Ellen's services at
Listen to Ellen's podcast Cubicle to CEO
May 14, 2020
EFR 320: Endurance and Scaling as a Health and Fitness Professional with Amber Brueseke
As a trainer and coach, whether in person or online, we all go through different seasons in our business and economic statuses. Is it possible to create a thriving business in this industry while not losing your personal life? How and when should we consider scaling? Amber Brueseke quickly realized that her hours were not matching her income or even impact potential. She explains her journey from full time nursing to fitness and nutrition coach, in person and online, and everything in between that helped her scale and thrive.
Amber is a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and Registered Nurses, but first and foremost she is a mom of four. She is a goal-setting girl boss who can't imagine a world without chocolate and peanut butter (combined, preferably).
Connect with Amber @biceps.after.babies
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!
Save 10% on BPN Supplements with code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$ on the FAT LOSS stack and all of your performance and recovery needs.
Episode resources:
Listen to Amber's show "Biceps After Babies Radio"
May 13, 2020
EFR 319: Balancing Hormones and Conquering Stress With Superfoods and Adaptogens with Lacey Dunn
There has perhaps never been a more stressful time on Earth that mankind has experienced together than this COVID-19 global pandemic. Stress plays a vital role in our day-to-day survival and when the perceived threat of our health is of immediate concern, well... we all are feeling probably a bit more uncertain! Lacey Dunn explains what is happening internally with our hormones and immune system plus multiple ways to improve them through the power of proper nutrition and utilizing key superfoods, supplements, and adaptogens.
Lacey is a Registered Dietitian, crazy cat lady, and NASM certified personal trainer. She obtained her MS in Nutrition for and is currently a Functional Medicine Nutrition Specialist (FMNS) in training. Her goals as a coach are to help her clients take their health back into their own hands, reach their fitness & body composition goals, improve their relationship with food (and themselves!), and help them develop a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
Connect with Lacey @faithandfit
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU!
Save 15% on FOUR SIGMATIC adaptogen and superfood products at or use code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout
Episode resources:
Listen to Lacey's podcast "UpliftFit Nutrition"
Get your FREE Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting at
How many times have you gotten that gut feeling to do or not do something, but you ignore it? When facing uncertainty, do you look up the sky and wonder how you will ever get through it? Laura Powers, celebrity psychic and medium, talks about how to get better at paying attention to our intuition, the angelic, and even spiritual realm to get us through difficult times.
Laura Powers is also a writer, actress, model, producer, writer, singer and speaker who helps other receive guidance and communicate with loved ones. Ever since she was a child, Laura has seen and sensed ghosts and spirits and she has learned how to manage those experiences, using this ability to connect with the angelic and other realms. She now uses her experience communicating with angels, spirits, and other energy beings to help her clients better understand and change their lives.
Connect with Laura @laurapowers44
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Episode resources:
Listen to Laura's podcast Healing Powers
Get your FREE Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting at
To claim your Apple Podcasts 5-star rating and review winnings email me directly at
Join Mike Millner and I as we talk about Neurotype Training and how our personalities can affect our health and well-being. He explains the science behind what people are feeling during quarantine and its relation to exercise, diet, and regular activities. Mike explains the link between peoples’ different psychological traits and the way they deal with chronic stress. Stay tuned to the show to see how you can plan your day, even if you’re someone that has struggles with anxiety.
Connect with Mike @coach_mike_millner
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU!
Save 25-40% off and get FREE shipping during the Cured Nutrition semi-annual site-wide sale May 4-8 with code "EVERFORWARD" on nootropics like RISE, calming adaptogens like ZEN, full spectrum hemp oil, or any other CBD wellness product at
Episode resources:
Listen to Mike's first interview in episode 135
Get Mike's new book "The Personality Diet"
Watch full-length interviews at
Get the free "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at
Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners, expand upon this episode and more at
May 6, 2020
EFR 316: How to Become More Resilient and Successful by Delaying Gratification with Dr. Saman Bakhtiar
Look up the word 'resilient' and you will find a picture of Dr. Saman Bakhtiar, DC. After fleeing war-torn Iran in the 1980's as a small child with his mother he was thrown into the school of hard knocks. Once he flipped the switch and decided he was in charge of his future and not his circumstances he built an empire. Then lost it. Then built it again, and he has not stopped succeeding, giving, and leading now even during a global pandemic and his national franchise of gyms are shut down.
We discuss how he used resiliency, purpose, and the ‘time vs money’ dilemma to build then rebuild his business from scratch. In addition, he conveys the vital role mindfulness played in achieving his successes.
Sam Bakhtiar is a doctor of chiropractic, CEO of The Camp fitness centers, author, world-class bodybuilder, and multi-millionaire entrepreneur.
'When the going is good, it won't always be good, and when things are bad they won't always be bad. When you're up prepare to go down and when you're down have faith that you will go up.' - Dr. Saman Bakhtiar
Connect with Sam @samanbakhtiar
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!
Save 15% on Strong Coffee <-- try their amazing coffee or match for a strong body and strong mind! 15g collagen, 5g MCTs and sustained release caffeine for a pick me up without the crash or jitters! Code "CHASE" for 15% off!
Podcast resources:
Get James Clear's Atomic Habits book or the audiobook for free at
Learn more about starting your own podcast in the free "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at
Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners, expand upon this episode and more at
For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at
May 4, 2020
EFR 315: Creating Massive Impact by Understanding and Sharing Your Life's Story with Rachel O'Rourke
There is an art and a science to effective storytelling, but fundamentally it exists simply when we open our mouths and our hearts and connect with another human being. Rachel O'Rourke, founder and CEO of SPARK Personal Growth Experiences, shares with us not only why tapping into our stories is so transformational for own lives but can also be the most impactful thing we do for the greater good of others.
Best known for the SPARK Portland Summit, this PNW Conference draws in hundreds of women each year and has birthed experiences such as SPARK Masterminds, Retreats, Workshops, and the new SPARK Online Personal Growth School.
Connect with Rachel @rachelorourke
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU!
Save 25-40% off and get FREE shipping during the Cured Nutrition semi-annual site-wide sale May 4-8 with code "EVERFORWARD" on nootropics like RISE, calming adaptogens like ZEN, full spectrum hemp oil, or any other CBD wellness product at
Episode resources:
Listen to Rachel's podcast Flawed Females
Learn more about SPARK Experiences and even save $50 on any level SPARK Portland ticket with code EVER at
Watch full-length interviews at
Get the free "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at
Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners, expand upon this episode and more at
Apr 30, 2020
EFR 314: Overcoming Addiction Through Fitness & Removing Toxic Relationships with Doug Bopst
Doug Bopst is an award-winning personal trainer, author, speaker and business owner. Those credentials and accolades are a result of his own transformation. He is a former felon and drug addict, sentenced to years in jail due to his poor decisions. He chose to use that time locked in a small cell to beat his demons and reinvent himself thanks to a combination of faith, family and fitness.
Connect w/ Doug @dougbopst
Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!
Save 10% on BPN Supplements with code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$ on the FAT LOSS stack and all of your performance and recovery needs.
Watch full-length interviews at
Get the free "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at
Join the EF Nation private Facebook group! Connect and engage with other listeners, expand upon this episode and more at
For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at
Surviving social distancing alone can be trying enough, but how are the couples out there doing?! My wife May and I sit down and have a candid conversation of how we are working around each other's schedule as a married couple on quarantine together. Also, how we are handling emotions of regret and finding ways to best serve our communities and ourselves at the same time.
Connect with May @mayyazdi
Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning
Listen to May's Anatomy for the latest in COVID-19 updates from May, RN BSN and FNP student
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU!
Save 15% on Cured Nutrition w/ code "EVERFORWARD" on nootropics like RISE, calming adaptogens like ZEN, full spectrum hemp oil, or any other CBD wellness product at
Apr 27, 2020
EFR 312: The Entrepreneur's Relationship Survival Guide with Kerry and Adam Anderson
Couples edition on the podcast today with Kerry and Adam Anderson! Kerry Anderson is Chief Family Officer at Whole Life Entrepreneurship. Kerry left her career as a pediatric nurse to be a stay-at-home mom when her husband Adam (a serial entrepreneur) began spending more time traveling for work.
This lifestyle quickly took its toll on their relationship. Under the stress of their crumbling marriage, Kerry and Adam sought counseling, meanwhile developing their own business-based methods for rebuilding their relationship. Today they’re on a mission to share what they’ve learned, supporting other entrepreneurial couples as they navigate the chaotic world of marriage and entrepreneurship.
Connect with Kerry and Adam @wlemission
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Episode resources:
Save 60% of the Operation Podcast 201 course with code EVERFORWARD60
Connect with Kerry and Adam more at Whole Life Entrepreneurship
For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at
Apr 23, 2020
EFR 311: Mindset Breakthroughs for Your Body and Business with Russ Yeager
Mindset, mindset, MINDSET! Coach Russ Yeager has spent decades improving his fitness and dialing in his nutrition, but his greatest accomplishments came when he devoted adequate time to developing his mindset as well. Russ is known as a physique transformation expert, and is currently one of the top fitness coaches in the greater Atlanta, GA area. After winning an international physique transformation contest himself, Russ was inspired to leave his career as a CPA, and dedicate his life to helping others look and feel amazing, reach goals they never thought possible, and 'Exercise Their Right To Be Awesome.'
Connect w/ Russ @russ_yeager
Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU!
Save 15% on FOUR SIGMATIC adaptogen and superfood products at or use code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout
Apr 22, 2020
EFR 310: What a Pandemic Can Do For Your Fitness, Nutrition, and Business with Laurie Christine King
Despite having our in-person interview (and no doubt killer workout) cancelled due to being quarantined by COVID-19, Laurie Christine King and I still had a great time discussing current events. More specifically, how she as a business owner is adjusting during these uncertain times to keep her own physical and mental health strong but also how she is being a leader for her community.
Laurie is a nutrition coach, educational blogger, vlogger, and self-proclaimed total badass. She runs a world-famous blog, has been on numerous big-name podcasts, and proud cofounder of Paragon Training Methods. She also recently started a Youtube channel, and is an avid fan of being outside, being active, traveling, board sports, and spending time in the gym.
Connect with Laurie @lauriechristineking
Connect with Chase @chase_chewning
Episode resources:
Save 60% of the Operation Podcast 201 course with code EVERFORWARD60
Learn more about Laurie's Paragon Training
For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at