"The actual scientific opinion of men changing... can be directly related to and tied to hormonal decline."

Dustin Baker

Aging might seem like a series of relentless paper cuts, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode you'll discover actionable strategies to combat the silent epidemic of declining male hormones and reclaim your vitality. Joined by special guest, Dustin Baker, president of BioPro Plus, we explore the unspoken challenges men face after their 30s, from fading motivation and strength to the intricate nuances of body composition changes.

We take a deep dive into the natural hormonal shifts that hit hard by age 40 and how high-stress jobs can accelerate this decline. Dustin shares compelling insights on the importance of "microdosing adversity" and harnessing resilience. We also tackle the critical role of sleep in optimizing performance and well-being, questioning whether intense programs marketed by "masculinity gurus" truly offer lasting benefits. This episode is packed with real-life stories and expert advice designed to equip you with knowledge and practical tools.

Moreover, we address the evolving landscape of masculinity and the urgent need for positive male role models. By drawing on scientific evidence and personal experiences, we show how today's men can blend the best traits of past and present generations to find balance and clarity. From the impacts of synthetic treatments like TRT on fertility to the benefits of natural alternatives, this episode is a roadmap for modern men striving to live a purposeful, "ever forward" life. Don't miss out on this essential conversation that promises to redefine your approach to health and wellness.

Follow Dustin and BioPro @bioproteintech

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


In this episode we discuss...

(04:24) Navigating Male Health and Fitness

(09:24) Aging and Hormonal Decline

(12:15) Factors Affecting Aging Process

(21:59) Why Quality Sleep is Crucial For Men

(31:02) Men's Work Ethic Across Generations

(41:48) Exploring Masculinity and Emotional Expression

(51:25) Personal Growth and Motivation

(01:00:03) Increasing Libido and Virility


Episode resources:

FR 810: Navigating Age-Related Male Hormonal Decline, Common Modern Male Challenges (and Solutions) and How Guys Can Get Their Edge Back with Dustin Baker

Aging might seem like a series of relentless paper cuts, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode you'll discover actionable strategies to combat the silent epidemic of declining male hormones and reclaim your vitality. Joined by special guest, Dustin Baker, president of BioPro Plus, we explore the unspoken challenges men face after their 30s, from fading motivation and strength to the intricate nuances of body composition changes.

We take a deep dive into the natural hormonal shifts that hit hard by age 40 and how high-stress jobs can accelerate this decline. Dustin shares compelling insights on the importance of "microdosing adversity" and harnessing resilience. We also tackle the critical role of sleep in optimizing performance and well-being, questioning whether intense programs marketed by "masculinity gurus" truly offer lasting benefits. This episode is packed with real-life stories and expert advice designed to equip you with knowledge and practical tools.

Moreover, we address the evolving landscape of masculinity and the urgent need for positive male role models. By drawing on scientific evidence and personal experiences, we show how today's men can blend the best traits of past and present generations to find balance and clarity. From the impacts of synthetic treatments like TRT on fertility to the benefits of natural alternatives, this episode is a roadmap for modern men striving to live a purposeful, "ever forward" life. Don't miss out on this essential conversation that promises to redefine your approach to health and wellness.

Follow Dustin and BioPro @bioproteintech

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


In this episode we discuss...

(04:24) Navigating Male Health and Fitness

(09:24) Aging and Hormonal Decline

(12:15) Factors Affecting Aging Process

(21:59) Why Quality Sleep is Crucial For Men

(31:02) Men's Work Ethic Across Generations

(41:48) Exploring Masculinity and Emotional Expression

(51:25) Personal Growth and Motivation

(01:00:03) Increasing Libido and Virility


Episode resources:


00:00 - Chase (Host) The following is an Operation Podcast production.

00:04 - Dustin (Guest) If they want to. All of a sudden, tomorrow, let's say, be an entrepreneur, instead of talking about it and posting on social media about it, there are 3% of the individuals will go pick up a book, go do some research on what book to read and will actually go read about it, take notes, figure it out and then start a process. 97% of the population will buy the book and never open it. They'll read it or never execute one of the steps without being told to do so. There's a larger underlying problem here that this is kind of exposing, which is the lack of mentorship and the lack of positive male role models that exist in our normal day in and day out life as we grew up, and that, I believe, is very clear. There's tons of data to support that. It goes back to the early 60s. Hey guys, this is Dustin Baker, I am president of BioPro Plus, and if you're ready for a good hour of everything, dude and man that I completely didn't expect to talk about, you're in for a real treat. So welcome to Ever Forward Radio.

01:03 - Chase (Host) My goal with today's episode, and truly every episode on Ever Forward Radio, is to help you elevate the quality of your life. I want you to reach your highest physical and cognitive potential. With the help of Cool Sleep and the ChiliPad Doc Pro bed cooling system, you're going to be able to regulate your bed's temperature from 55 degrees all the way up to 115 degrees, designed to give your body the ideal conditions to wake up rejuvenated and energized. What is it? Well, it's this incredible technology that works with any current mattress. It's a mattress topper designed to fit any type of bed, including adjustable and split beds. This device is so simple to set up I literally did it in about 10 minutes easy to clean and maintain, whisper quiet and helps me further prioritize my sleep. The most important thing in my personal wellness hierarchy for me is my sleep. I wake up feeling even more rejuvenated. I'm even waking up a little bit sooner, so I'm getting more time back in my day, and by integrating with wearables such as my Apple Watch and my Whoop activity tracker, I'm actually seeing quantifiable better sleep. We got a great hookup for you here today. Everford radio listeners can save up to $315. All you need to do is check the link today in the show notes under episode resources or head to sleepme slash everforward. Coupon code everforward will automatically apply your savings at checkout. You can save, like I said, up to $315 depending on the device that you select. Again, that's S-L-E-E-PM-E slash EverForward to get the best night's sleep of your life, tonight and every night.

02:41 What's up, friends? Welcome back to Everford Radio. We are jumping right into the first episode highlighting National Men's Health Awareness Month. Welcome to June 2024. And today I'm welcomed and today I'm joined by Dustin Baker. He is the president of BioPro Plus, a company you all have heard me talk about and use and love and promote for the last almost six months now. And this is not a sponsored BioPro episode, but we do still have a great offer for you guys. I would love you to check out BioPro and their daily supplementation to help with vitality, libido, muscle mass body composition so many amazing benefits that I personally have found by supplementing daily with BioPro. I got a link for you down in the show notes. You can save some dollar dollar bills by simply using code ever forward. But what we're going to be talking about here today is really highlighting kind of this silent epidemic of men's health and especially the declining male hormone situation, especially after we crossed that 30th birthday. Dustin and I are going to be talking about how maintaining motivation, strength and body composition become increasingly difficult due to this inevitable hormonal decline. Dustin and I today are going to be sharing personal experiences as well as professional insights that shed light on these universal guy issues, at least we think.

03:56 Thank you so much for tuning in. If you haven't done so, it would mean the world to me if you would follow the show on your podcast platform of choice Apple, spotify, whatever or if you're tuning in and watching over on YouTube. Hey, what's going on? Thank you so much for helping us grow that channel more and more and more the last few months. Just hitting subscribe, liking the video, really does a lot to support the growth of the show. So for that I say thank you and please join me in welcoming Dustin Baker. And please join me in welcoming Dustin Baker.

04:24 I want to start this episode by just really kind of partly getting inside my head and my story, because I feel like I'm not alone and I feel like there are a lot of other guys and I think, specifically this episode we're going to be addressing a lot of the guys out there. But you know I certainly think a lot of the slippery slopes of motivation and results and training and sleep and body composition definitely carries over into you, know, anybody and everybody. But I'll just speak to my story as a guy that's been training, living an active lifestyle damn near his entire life and I'm 38 years old I'm going to be 39 this year Playing sports in high school, active duty army for six years, studying exercise science in college, working in the health and fitness industry for years. Everford Radio, at its core, is a health, fitness, wellness show, and so taking care of your body through nutrition, training, sleep all of these things are incredibly important to me and incredibly important to my audience.

05:22 And a couple of years ago, right around 36, I began to notice that the same output or, excuse me, the same things weren't giving me the same results. What I was doing wasn't yielding me the strength that I had come to know and love. The body composition was just staying harder to maintain in terms of muscle mass to fat and, more specifically, motivation. I was having to really talk myself up more to go work out, to go train, to take a walk even and this has been a part of my life for many, many, many years and I know that I'm not alone and I've tried a lot of things. I've tried to dig deep and research other ways to motivate myself.

06:02 My audience knows my testosterone replacement therapy journey. I did about 15 months late 2022 through most of 2023. And I've been off TRT and Clomid and anything and everything entirely for over a year now exactly, and so when I found other things that were promising similar results, of course I was skeptical, and what I want to get into later on in the conversation with what you all do over at BioPro is just that you know, should we choose to kind of go the supplement route. But please, I guess, first and foremost, remind me that I'm not alone and the guy listening is not alone, that the struggle is real. Maybe it's after that 30 year old benchmark, or after an injury, or after kids, or after just your career takes over the same things that you know to come and love to do about your body. Just don't really give you the same results and you get a little detached. Tell me I'm not alone, man, and walk us through maybe other guys stories like that.

07:02 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, well, you know you're not. I'm 38 as well. I'll be. Clearly I'll be 39 at some point this year. I don't know when you're turning 39.

07:10 - Chase (Host) October, October.

07:11 - Dustin (Guest) Oh, dude, at least it's before me. I'm November, so it's you'll be there before I will. But you're not alone. And I would say, you know, I didn't actually know that about your service, your prior service, and I will say that we do a lot of work with guys that are veterans and ex-military or still in service, and it seems to happen a little bit to them earlier and there's some reasons and some personal opinions, medically backed, of why I think that is, and I think a lot of people would agree with me.

07:42 But this is a normal part of life, which is you're just describing a hormonal decline. It's, it's. No one can escape it. It happens to everybody. It doesn't matter how hard you train or how much you know how well you eat or you know how much you sleep. Those things all can contribute to maybe delaying the onset of what is you're describing, which is hormonal decline, but it's going to happen to everybody. So you're not alone. I'm no different, You're no different. Whatever guys listen on the radio is no different. So take that for what it's worth.

08:14 - Chase (Host) All right, all right, good. I felt like I kind of had cheated my 30s a little bit, living an active lifestyle, taking care of my body, sleep. I kind of abide by that 80-20 rule and I think a lot of my audience does as well. I felt like once I hit 36, my 30s finally caught up with me. Everyone told me that once you hit 30, it's like, oh man, good luck getting the same results, good luck keeping strength, you know, good luck getting to the gym the same amount of times that you used to.

08:40 And I always kind of took it a little bit of as a badge of honor that 30 came and I was fine 31, 32, 33, and I think there is a lot of promise to be had for anyone really that is going to stay committed and just goes to show you how rewarding foundational principles and habits can be, because those are really they're not as easy, let goable of Now someone in your 30s trying to create all these new habits. Of course you're going to have a little bit of that startup trouble and adherence maybe, but I really felt like I cheated my 30s and I didn't feel like I was 30 or I didn't struggle with any of these typical male hormonal response motivation, training issues until I was 36. And so that's good to hear that I'm not alone, first and foremost. But why do you think that it is? Why do you think that, guys, once we cross that 30-year-old age, that things just stop working as well as they used to? Or are we just bombarded with this propaganda or just common knowledge that, hey, yeah, good luck after 30?

09:49 - Dustin (Guest) So I think there's two different answers to that question. One is a personal opinion and that is based around lifestyle factors that add to everything you just spoke about everything you just spoke about and the second would be, um, a scientific opinion, because they both coincide with each other, but one is based upon, like I just said, one-on-one, based upon outside lifestyle factors and where you're at in your thirties and different things that are impacting your life, whether that's family, children, career, et cetera, because people do things at different times which add to uh to your body's natural processes, right? So if you start having kids I don't know if you have any children, but the second you start having kids, your sleep will magically go down and your sleep will change because you have an infant and you're up in the middle of the night, depending upon what your childcare situation is, which is going to directly impact how your body secretes its natural hormones. So that is an outside lifestyle factor. But when it comes to the science, the rate at which hormones decrease is about 1% to 2%.

10:56 We focus in what we do for a living on growth hormone, but whether it's testosterone or growth hormone, I mean, the decline is about 1% to 2% per year or undergrowth hormone. I mean the decline is about 1% to 2% per year. Sometimes, in extreme cases, you're looking at a 50% decline by the age of 35, which is typically why you see a 35 to. Realistically, when we talk avatars of who we deal with and who we talk to and what our physicians, the age ranges of their patients are, 44 seems to be like the real, the number where, like everything clicks and you wake up 40 or 44 years old. You look in the mirror, you don't look like you used to, you don't feel like you used to you. You know you don't have.

11:30 - Chase (Host) Everything clicks in a bad way. Everything clicks in a bad way. Yeah, okay, maybe literal clicking.

11:37 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, well, yeah, actually, yeah. So the there's a physician here in town that we work with that has a really great analogy and that is hormonal decline is like a paper cut every day, every hour, whatever, after you finish puberty, and so you might not notice it a whole lot going through your late 20s or even into your early 30s. But by the time you get to your late 30s, early 40s, sometimes if you're lucky, maybe mid forties or later you're covered in paper cuts and you're at massive you know blood loss. So you start to feel it a whole lot more because then it starts to snowball and compound. Um, so that's typically what people are feeling.

12:15 So, to answer your question, you have lifestyle factors that could speed up this process, especially if you're in uh, when we deal with active duty or military veterans that have been living a life for years of extreme, elevated stress levels or cortisol levels, which is another hormone that impacts how your body secretes other hormones like testosterone or growth hormone, that's going to kind of speed up that process. If you have children quite young and you're stretched to your limits and you have again a higher stress level over longer periods of time, that's going to accelerate that process as well. So if you don't have those things, you could potentially potentially everybody's physiology is different, but you could potentially maybe last a little bit longer until you start really feeling and seeing those declines.

13:01 - Chase (Host) I feel like kind of picking up on your mention again of you know how y'all work with active duty and veterans. That is a big part of my story and a lot of my audience, you know, are military veterans as well and I feel like, especially anyone that goes in at a fairly young age, like I did, I enlisted technically I was 17. And I was active duty 17 to 24. And I think there's something to be said that you don't realize during that period is that the level of stress physical, mental, emotional that you are choosing to go into for years on end in many cases is kind of like a blessing in disguise, I think, because I'll say this once I got out, the level of perception I had to everyday quote stressors was significantly less than a lot of my peers to the left and right of me, and what I mean by that is I would not get stressed out unless shit literally hit the fan.

14:02 Little things here and there in daily life and in school and relationships and family matters. It took a lot more for me to really kind of feel that stress. Now I wonder if there's a way for other people to kind of, you know, shout out Greg Anderson, a mutual friend of ours to really microdose adversity, to really microdose these stressors so that maybe it's not this snowball effect that just hits the shit out of you later on and really you take a toll on your 30s. What would you maybe recommend to the guys in their early 20s, mid-20s? To choose to kind of face these small stressors more and more, so hopefully you're kind of doing your future hormone self a favor, aside of maybe joining the police department or first responder or military or something like that.

14:52 - Dustin (Guest) That is a question I've never been asked before.

14:54 - Chase (Host) That's what I like to hear on Everford radio man. That's what I like to hear.

14:57 - Dustin (Guest) That is a question I've never I've been asked before. Um, I've never thought about, like I know the, the, I know Greg saying very well of microdose, uh uh, adversity and and. I don't disagree with it. I, if somebody has very little experience with um adversity number one, I would say you're a very lucky individual because um a lot of people pray for that because they've had, you know, very tough lives, or they're constantly Sorry to cut you off, they're constantly.

15:26 - Chase (Host) That could be subjective, you know, like you know, do you really want to go through life and not have these adversities and not be challenged and not be poked and prodded to see what you're capable of or learn from these lessons you know, or do you want to? Do you want to be able to figure shit out more on the go? I mean, I don't know. There's no disagreement here, it's just kind of no. I I hear you.

15:45 - Dustin (Guest) I hear you, I I had a um. I I say that because and I don't just kind of jump out the gate with these types of stories my life was a little, was very interesting, from a young age where, you know, we had, you know, not exactly the most positive things, uh, growing up and having. So, when I think about it, I wouldn't want someone to have to go through a lot of the things that I went through as a, as a child, even through my, you know, early twenties that were pretty not cool. I will say that I wouldn't change anything just because, to your point exactly, if I changed anything or got to go back and not experience type of stuff, could I be where I'm at right now? And the answer would be who knows? The answer is probably no, and I wouldn't want that. I really enjoy who like my life and what we're doing and and all the things that I've been very grateful and fortunate to have. When we're talking about individuals and putting themselves into those positions, I think if you don't have anything, I um and you're looking for that, I think it could be a very positive experience. I I would say, first and foremost, very positive experience. I I would say, first and foremost, the anytime you're going to to experience something that's going to put your body in a in a higher stress zone, I think you have to be very um specific about what the goal of of doing that to yourself is going to be right.

16:57 Going into some of these things without a purpose and a goal isn't exactly the most constructive, and the reason why I say that is because, um, for a very long time, other than the adversity that was, um, not by choice in my life, um, when I chose to do certain things, whether that was to be uh or to start on a, let's just say, a fitness journey, right, like I had never worked out pretty much a day in my life until I was probably like 24, pretty much a day in my life until I was probably like 24, 25 years old, right, but then it very quickly became almost the basis of my entire life and started an entire career that led me all over the place and got to do really cool stuff and go to different places very quickly.

17:36 So what I was getting at is there has to be a purpose and a goal of what you're trying to achieve, especially if you're going to be forcing yourself to do those things. If it's just, um, to experience pain and and and some level of psychological or physical suffering, I would say the goal would have to match what you're trying to do with that Um. But but if you have nothing that's pushing you, um, I would identify what the what the purpose is and what the goal you're trying to achieve is, and then then select what type of mental and physical suffering you're willing to or wanting to put yourself through to achieve that. I think some of the programs that are coming out these days are a little over the top and I and I I think that they're not as constructive as some people might think that they are.

18:25 - Chase (Host) What do you mean exactly? What are you referring to there?

18:29 - Dustin (Guest) There are. I mean I have. I'm not as big of a social media guy as I once was, but there's a lot of men's programs out there that.

18:40 - Chase (Host) I had a feeling you were going to bring this up, yeah.

18:42 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, there's a lot of men's, men's programs out there that are, that are starting to show up. That, I think, are, I think similar goals could be achieved in a less, in more of a constructive way that could lead to long-term success of what that individual is signing up for. And I know I'm being I'm not trying to be too cryptic but I'm also not trying to, you know, get any weird emails later. But um, there just are, there are men's programs that that and I know you know exactly what I taught. What I'm talking about I think now is that that um, replicate and or simulate some sort of military style training that berate human beings as a, as a, as a way to like, I guess, harden them and toughen them.

19:27 And I don't think that that is going to harden and toughen anybody because it's not, it's not attacking and it's not identifying why that individual feels like they need that in the first place. You're just screaming in somebody's face and dragging them through mud, but why does the individual need to go through that or pay for? What do they feel the need is to pay for something like that and it's not inexpensive. I mean, I think they start at like eight grand and they go up to 30. So I think there's some that some that go closer, way higher than that. So what is the? What is the intent and the purpose that the individual paying for this is trying to achieve, which is what I'm getting at, which is the purpose and the goal, because putting yourself through through some random stranger you met on the internet to yell and scream in your face and drag you through the mud is probably actually not the best way to achieve that.

20:10 - Chase (Host) Hey guys, quick break from my conversation with Dustin because I want to bring your attention back to ChiliPad by SleepMe. What if I told you you can not only get the best night's sleep of your life tonight and every night, but save hundreds of dollars doing so and in fact, using the same system? I have the ChiliPad Dock Pro Me from my side of the bed for less than $3, after the deal we have for you today, less than $3 a day. You could get the most precious deep, restorative sleep of your life, and every day for the rest of the year. This system is so easy to install. I literally did it in a matter of minutes. It works with any mattress, even if it's a raised bed or split level. They got you covered. Just pick the right device based on the mattress type and size that you have.

20:57 And what really? What we're talking about here is its ability to help your body regulate your body temperature, to bring you down, to keep you cool, because having a cooler temperature is a crucial component to getting asleep, staying asleep and letting your body go through the proper sleep cycles. In fact, it can get you down to as low as 55 degrees. It can even adjust your temperature automatically with sleep schedules. Through their app, the chilled water circulates all night long even adjust your temperature automatically with sleep schedules through their app. The chilled water circulates all night long. I love how they then even allow me to increase the temperature a little bit during the 15, 20 minute window when I want to wake up. Naturally, I don't even use an alarm clock anymore and I owe a lot of that to ChiliPad, so you can check out the ChiliPad Cube or the Pro, no matter what your budget or application, they got something for you. So if you're ready to take your sleep to the next level and invest in really improving the entire quality of your life because if we're not getting good sleep consistently, then what we do during the day, we're not maximizing the benefits, we're losing potential recovery, we're losing potential hormonal balance, we're losing just potential in every way in our life.

21:59 I believe I'm so proud to be partnering with him again. I want you to check it out and I really would love for you to explore the opportunity to invest in your best night's sleep to save hundreds of dollars, in fact, up to $315. You can go to sleep. Dot me slash ever forward to learn more. Coupon code ever forward will automatically apply your savings at checkout. Again, this is linked for you, as always, in the show notes under episode resources. But that's S L E E P dot M E slash ever forward.

22:28 I'm really glad you brought this up because, um, this is something that I've I've seen, in my opinion, run rampant on social media and in a lot, of, a lot of, even circles and circles of circles that I find myself in here in the podcast space and the health and fitness, wellness, personal development space, and now, look, I'm not. I agree, I'm not here to knock. Anybody might here to hopefully get a bunch of angry emails later on, but I do have to scratch my head and kind of go hold up. Hmm, when I see a lot of these and it's kind of this model of and none in particular really, but just this model of hey, I'm a man and I've achieved some level of success, a higher level of success, typically financially and running my own business or even working in corporate America, and so, therefore, I think other men really look to my level of success and want to emulate it, and they want to maybe be me or be a form of me, and so what I'm going to do is. I'm going to make them feel challenged. I'm going to really make them really want to walk away feeling like more of a man and I'm going to integrate and use my money and successes to hire military members or to hire these rough and tough guys and to bring in maybe, maybe, their actual friends. But I feel like it is really just this true kind of pay to play thing to make a lot of guys question what kind of man am I? And feel like participating in something like that is automatically, over a weekend, going to turn me into a man and give me all the adversity that I need to rise to the top and to have this level of success, or even just at its most fundamental core.

24:14 I think what most guys are looking for in that situation is camaraderie, is is brotherhood, is this sense of feeling that we were questioning something. It might literally be kind of other end of the spectrum here your self-worth, your value. It might be what am I capable of physically, mentally? It might be just a personal test, but at the end of it, yeah, for the guys that finish, you get that sense of pride. There's no knocking that.

24:38 Maybe you also make some great new friends. You get that camaraderie, but why? There's no knocking that? Maybe you also make some great new friends. You get that camaraderie, but but but why? If you're just spending money to just just to go through that to your point, without that specific intention and reason going in, what really is your outcome? And I unfortunately see a lot of guys go through programs like this and I look at them a month later, six months later, a year down the road and personally I don't feel like there is long term adherence or long term value or long term implications for what they hoped to have gotten out of that week long or even just a week long weekend long experience. And I've even I've turned down quite a few ones that have approached me about joining and it always works well for me because I just tell them no, I did that for real, like yeah, I did it for real, sorry, I did that for real, yeah.

25:31 You know I was after active duty six years. You know I'm good, I'm fine, and that there's really no coming back from that. But I will say that unfortunately, I think a lot of guys are looking for that. And so, dustin, you know, I want to ask you, since you have kind of a different opinion, a different opinion than maybe a lot of these other programs, not me why, as men, do you think, by us volunteering with a bunch of other guys to go through physical, mental, emotional pain and torture, do we think that is going to going to change our life? Why is that going to give us this edge or help us get the secret in business?

26:15 - Dustin (Guest) Cause you don't know any better. So, and as you were speaking, I was was thinking of, like, what gets us into this position, just as a we'll just say, men in general, and I, I believe, the reason why people are willing to go and do these things and why these things are even, and I don't know level of success, I don't know any, I don't know the numbers that they do, I don't know how successful that they are. You can just you know, social media is what it is. It's, it's, it's a highlight reel, it's just top level stuff. Nobody really knows what's going on, but the let's just say that there's a. You know there's more of them growing.

26:49 So somebody's you know some of their, they are, they are multiplying. So something's happening there and I think it's. I believe I don't say I don't think. I believe that there's a larger underlying problem here that this is kind of exposing, which is the lack of mentorship and the lack of positive male role models that exists just in and I'm speaking for the United States, I can't speak for overseas, I didn't grow up overseas, I grew up in the United States, so, and things are different culturally, but we lack a by and large and I'm not saying everybody, this is a generalization but we lack positive male role models in the, in our normal day day, day in and day out life as we grew up.

27:34 And that, um, I believe is very clear. There's tons of data to support that. It goes back to the early 60s, especially 1962. You can start seeing the degradation of the family unit and along with that you see lower SAT scores, you see lower testing scores, you see higher high school dropout rates, you see higher. It all can be tracked back to 1962. You can see it Higher crime is violent crime like rape, and literal, violent physical crime.

28:08 A lot of those things can all be traced back to that and it coincides perfectly with the degradation of the family unit here in the United States and with with that, you have less positive male role models, like father figures, et cetera, less positive male role models like father figures, et cetera. And so you have a generation of men that have grown up without those things, that are missing key parts of their psyche that maybe we would have gotten generations ago. And they're reaching out and they're grabbing for some level of purpose outside of clocking in and clocking out for whoever their employer might be, of purpose outside of clocking in and clocking out for whoever their employer might be, and that leads them to look to external sources that are providing those what might feel like something to fill that gap. Because we spend all of our days on our phones and on computer screens. I'm doing it right now. Talking to you are, you know, being forced to be in person and physical experiences and participating in different things. Um, those are going away more and more every day and we all, the only interaction we have, is for people on the internet. So those are the people that are the voices, are the loudest.

29:15 So you have groups like this that are able to be successful because you know, as bad as it sounds, a guy might've had his father around and he's looking for someone to give him purpose, that mentorship is like a non-existent thing. I wouldn't say non-existent, but it's. If you can find a really good mentor, um, I was very. I mean, I was I now that I'm actually saying this, I can't. I'm like one of the luckiest guys I can think of because I had, um, I didn't have a bunch of male role models when I was growing up at least not positive ones and but I had a lot of really good business mentors and mentors in that respect, um, when I started my career or a little bit into that, which I've been very lucky and I can only really, if you want to call whatever I have success, I can really tie it all back to having really good mentorship.

30:02 But and I'll continue and then I'll shut up but I think the differences of what I did that was very different as opposed to going on the Internet and seeking for these things is I would go on physical, as a physical human being. My mom just taught me very different If you want something, just show up until they give it to you. And so I physically would show up to places and give it to when I give it to you. So my entire career started that way too. I couldn't afford a gym membership, and I went to the owner, who had never spoken to hardly maybe twice, and said hey, I can't pay you. I I'll take out your garbage and I'll clean your barbells and clean your toilets, but I just don't you know don't is just my kind of portion of the world that I see in real life and online.

30:49 - Chase (Host) But I feel like that level of commitment of just showing up and doing the undesirable work, of doing the unsexy work so that, in hopes of you do get what you want.

31:02 You know this, this willingness to, to give sweat equity to things, in the presence, especially, of other positive role models and we'll just keep the theme of of men, of male role models going here for other males, um, I see that kind of not as robust, as I can't believe I'm going to say this as it was back in my day.

31:27 You know, we're the same age man and I feel like, yeah, at 38, I can't believe that I'm already saying man, the kids these days, they, they just don't want it as bad, or maybe they do want it as bad, but they're not willing to give as much work as maybe we were. And so it kind of poses this age old question of is that just the way that it is every generation? You know, we only see the change, we only see what's not present in the new generation compared to ours. But I do have to say I think, collectively, men these days, whether that's by nature or nurture, are not committing as much to the work as they might be committing to this end result that they want. Why do you think that is, and how can we, if at all, influence that?

32:19 - Dustin (Guest) So I've had that discussion before with individuals regarding is it different for each generation? I think that the data is clear it's about 3% of the population that is able to work autonomously, meaning, um, they have, 3% of the population is capable of being, basically I want to say this the right way but, um, self-starting go-getters, if you will. That is just. That is a psychological and I can't quote the study specifically, but I've read that repeatedly, but anyway, Driven by more intrinsic motivation.

32:53 Yeah, so they're able to they're able to correct and they're able to do things autonomously, so they don't necessarily have to be told to do something. They, you know if they want to go autonomously. So they don't necessarily have to be told to do something. They, you know if they want to go, if they want to, if they want to. All of a sudden, tomorrow, let's say, be an entrepreneur instead of, you know, talking about it and posting on social media about it.

33:11 There are 3% of the individuals will go pick up a book, go do some research on what book to read, and we'll actually go read about it, take notes, figure it out and then start a process. 97, 7% of the population will buy the book and never open it, and then they'll read it or never execute one of the steps without being told to do so. That's just a psychological fact. So I can't assume that it would be the same or, excuse me, different from our generation to not. Now. Those numbers can change. I've never read anything different. I think that in the past, people were just physically forced to have to do certain things because there was no other way to provide for your family or eat.

33:53 - Chase (Host) So the survival is one hell of a motivator. That's ridiculous.

33:56 - Dustin (Guest) And we have. We have, you know, not even a fraction of what is forced past generations to survive than we have today. It's today is the easiest time in life to ever. You know, you just got to wake up and you know, a lot of people don't even and this isn't a bad thing, necessarily because I'm doing, I'm doing this as we speak right now. Right, you were like, hey, when you come out to LA next, I'm like I'm not, so we're able to connect this way. So I'm not saying that this is bad, but a lot of people don't even have to drive to the office anymore, for better or for worse, whatever that is. So things are, things move a lot faster, they're a lot easier, which, um, why? You know? I think, um, the start of the conversation was why do you think that is with generations or what you know? It's a lack of the and this is something I was taught, I had to unlearn the opposite of this, which is we lack the art of delayed gratification. Um, so, yes.

34:54 Yeah, so I didn't know that. I mean I thought I had. I had a mom that when I was man I was probably, when I played baseball, five years old, you know she would. We were not a family of wealthy means. We, I was raised by, you know, my mom basically took on the male role and worked all day and my grandmother raised us. Okay, and when I was very young, so anyway, I had used baseball cleats and that's not fun, like you want new baseball cleats. But my mother would tell me and I remember that I can still see them today in my head they are Navy blue. They had like the leather fringe over the top of the laces. Anyway, she told me they are magic cleats and that I could run faster than the other kids with new cleats. And I believed her.

35:38 And why I tell that story is because I think I think back to that moment and I think I've taken that exact same mental approach in almost everything that I've done. And what I call that is is willfully dumb and numb, meaning I'm dumb. I'm dumb enough to think I can't fail, even though I do all the time. I can tell you about multiple different business ventures that I failed at. You know spectacularly, but I don't ever think about them. I just think that they were like these little stepping stones of oh, that happened for this reason and I learned how to do this now, and now it's you know, it's done X, y and Z for me.

36:15 So, um, but the the delayed gratification of putting in understanding that the work must be put in and you have to actually build something before it functions, instead of just getting a functioning something that already something that people completely miss out on and lack. And if they would just subscribe to it for even a short amount of time, you'd be surprised how fast things work when you just kind of put your nose down. But my point of the story was to say that, you know, I didn't have delayed gratification, I wanted things now, et cetera, and I always was dumb enough to think that, no matter what happened, I could achieve whatever I was trying to do. And when I had a great mentor who's now a business partner of mine in one of our ventures, but he's who taught me that, and I believe that's why one of the main core reasons of why this business has been so wildly successful as compared to some of the prior ones that I've been involved in that have been less than successful.

37:28 - Chase (Host) You know I want to, I want to say something before I ask you a question around failure. Actually, I kind of got this idea of I personally think where we are right now in the sense and in the world of masculinity is should we choose to look at it this way, we're kind of in the Goldilocks era of masculinity, and here's why I think that way. Our grandparents' generation I don't know about you, my grandfather, he was a World War II veteran and so I mean, dare I even say maybe even into World War I, you know, quote the greatest generation. You know these generations that were forged quite literally by global catastrophe and damn near every guy you knew was going off to war serving to a higher purpose, higher calling, than anybody had ever seen before. And so I think that World War I, world War II generation kind of rose to the top in terms of physicality and endurance and mental resilience. Physical resilience because they had to, and because of that I think arguably a lot of our grandparents, or even great grandparents, were not as emotionally open or as emotionally available, or even just in tune to their own emotions, as maybe the next generation was our fathers.

38:56 I feel like our fathers kind of got to see this rough and tough example of their dad and and coming home from war and Vietnam and all these things. But then there was, like you know, like to reference the sixties, you know, and there was as much wars was going on, there was a lot of peace and protest or striving for peace, and so it was kind of, I think, this dynamic shift that, whether or not they chose to latch on to one or the other, they were given options. There was war and there was peace. There were, just there was the ability to choose. That I don't think a lot of generations before them had really seen. And so in my experience, you know, my father also served in the army and so he brought that home, but then he had his own spin on it and so then I got to witness his go-getter-ness and I got to see my dad was definitely in that 3%, you know, needed nothing or no one to get a start going to provide to be physically and mentally resilient. And so now us, this generation, I feel like, whether you want to look at it through the lens of epigenetics you know we know for sure scientifically that that does go back about two generations. You know we know for sure scientifically that that does go back about two generations. What they endured, both in feast or famine, is literally being encoded down into our DNA, and then we get to witness it quite literally with our fathers and grandfathers.

40:12 So now I think we've been presented with these incredible options and models, role models, mentors, again, should we choose to look at them that way of? I am in the best possible spot. I could be for a man, because I have examples of what to look at for choosing and chose to maybe learn how to not be as physical and be okay with opening up and listening to their heart and connecting them the head and the heart. And I think now a lot of guys, more so, are struggling because that might be confusing and I think, for lack of a better term, a lot of guys are. There's a lot of softness in the masculine world right now and, to no discredit of their own, I think it's just because there's. It's almost like there are too many options and there aren't enough mentors, aren't enough role models showing them the application. Hey, we have both of these worlds. We, as men, need to choose, we need to get clarity as to when to apply which one, and so I feel like guys, if you're paying enough attention and you have enough self awareness, you can really make that choice, because we have the environment, we have the community, we have the culture that is allowing for both.

41:37 We see to bring it full circle. We see these groups that are going hardcore and running everybody through the sand on the weekend for ten thousand dollars and we have the other side that's like no, no, no, no. We're going to sit in a circle and meditate and, you know, talk about our feelings and you know that's totally fine. I'm saying both are totally fine because I've done it. I've been six years in LA. Trust me, I've sat in enough rooms and talk about my feelings. I I've sat in enough rooms and talked about my feelings. I'm going to therapy, but also I kick my ass in the gym and I've done my physical stuff. What's your take on that man? That was kind of my long-winded way of just this observation of I choose to believe that masculinity is truly in a great Goldilocks time period right now, but it's almost as if guys don't know how to really choose which one, because I think we don't have the proper role models implementing them for us to kind of bounce this off of. Do you agree, or what's your take on that?

42:28 - Dustin (Guest) Uh, I don't agree. I don't agree entirely. Um, one of the things that I thought about while you were speaking, cause you were talking about previous generations, especially, um, our world war generations, whether it be one or two is and I'll I'll have, I'll take a scientific approach based opinion and then I'll have my personal opinion. But the, the actual scientific opinion of men changing and and whether it's their emotions or some of these things, or whatever can it can be directly related to and tied to hormonal decline. And why I say that again is because, if you look at the rate at which we'll use testosterone cause that's what the studies are for the rate at which testosterone declines in men, the numbers are I think the word astounding is nice to use, because there was a study that I believe came out in 2021 and it basically it paralleled uh, a man, a man's average hormone level a 20 something in the year 2020 was equivalent to a 67 year old males from the year 2000. Okay, so you have a 20 year gap where you have someone who's at a 40 year gap, hormonal 47 years. Then, if you follow the math and you go back to 1944 so peak of world war ii you're looking at a completely different human being physically. And so there are um, there are quite, there are quite a few different approaches of continuing with that math into the future. And the physique of the male, by and large, changes dramatically from size, stature, weight, even the size of their genitals, everything, even the size of their genitals, everything. Then you have studies that come out of the UK which came out, I believe, at the end of 2023, that mathematically show the rate of hormonal decline, specifically in fertility, that will have 100% of men incapable of procreating without medical intervention by the year of 2043. So that's 20 years away, less than 20 years away, so two decades. It was a United Kingdom study. It was their men. So you have multiple studies coming from different parts of the world that are focusing on the same issues, whether it be fertility or actual testosterone levels, that are all leading in the same direction. So if you want to follow the science, it's going to tell you that men are physiologically different.

45:01 That also coincides with how the, specifically here in the United States, how they measure hormonal levels in men, where there's a numerical scale. I know you're familiar with it, you clearly have. You know, you mentioned earlier, you did TRT. So there's there's only one. There's a very basic way to do this.

45:16 If you're, if you're unfamiliar, when you go see your physician and you have blood panels taken, different hormones all hormones actually, and whatever they're testing have a numerical value that have their place on a certain scale of your age range that says are you average, are you high, are you low, et cetera. And those numbers not only do they change depending upon what state you're in or different parts of the world, but they also continue to go down, to go down. So meaning what is considered average now is a sliding scale every single year, sometimes every couple years, where the average number decreases because they're taking uh, the data set is for men, every, you know the men everywhere. So if male hormone levels are decreasing everywhere, then the average along with it, the average and the median goes down with it, so that then the average amount of whatever hormone you're testing median goes down with it, so that then the average amount of whatever hormone you're testing for goes down. So physiologically we are changing it's, it's scientifically proven.

46:10 - Chase (Host) If anybody wants to dive deeper into the science, here I'll share a quick reference. Are you familiar with Dr Shauna Shauna Swan? Um and uh, her book countdown.

46:18 - Dustin (Guest) No, not really.

46:20 - Chase (Host) This is hitting home on exactly what you're talking about. I'll link it down to the show notes for everybody. This book will blow your mind. When we're looking at fertility, it's astounding, but it's a whole book around exactly what you're talking about.

46:33 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, so, and I kind of black out when I start talking about this stuff. So now I got to pull this back into my personal opinion and my personal opinion about men and having this choice between emotional or, you know, more of a physical or suppression. I don't. I think you're using the term goalie locks, which would mean like, basically, the right time or the you know this right environment, the best time, and I wouldn't disagree with that because I believe when things are on a decline and I don't want to say at their worst, because I just told you 2043 is going to be way worse and when they're at their worst, that gives, that creates a, a great environment for those, for certain individuals, to rise up and and to do things for good. And if, if everybody's great and grand, you know, achievements are harder. You know notable achievements are harder to come by. Um, but when things are tougher, notable achievements are easier to be seen.

47:39 And I think that that for the individuals who are seeking that purpose and seeking that acceptance maybe that they don't have because we're really, you know, we're really hitting this, this, you know, masculinity type thing that the environment for those individuals to rise up do great things to hold back a lot of the parts of the culture that I think we're missing out on and lacking these days. They can pull those things back in and the environment in our culture, I believe, is ripe and ready to accept those individuals who are trying to pick up the baton and achieve that task. We know we share a lot of the same individuals. We know a lot of the same individuals who are attempting to do very that. They've made an entire career out of it in a good way that you know that are doing great things.

48:28 So anytime stuff gets real tough and you mentioned specifically you mentioned eras where the world was in complete disarray, where poverty was run rampant, where you didn't know where you were getting your next meal, from, where you got, you know you barely got to bathe. You're talking about, you know, world War I, generation's turn of the century. You're talking about epidemics and disease and you know all kinds of cultural environments that. What did they do? They bred great human beings to carry the torch and to be great role models that you just spoke about now. So you know, I think now's the time. I just disagree with some of the ways that individuals are trying to achieve that.

49:10 - Chase (Host) Well, I think we both would agree that one of the best ways, arguably, to really see what you can do, to really see, if I put my mind to this thing, where can, where can it take me and where can I take my body, and once we kind of get that momentum, we get that traction to then give us momentum, I feel like the best gateway for this is the physical work. And if you're a guy listening, watching and you work out great, if you go on walks amazing. If you do yoga like, if you do CrossFit, like whatever it is, I think again, especially speaking just to the males here seeing what we physically are capable of doing and I don't mean trying to move mountains every day or build a railroad, but just moving some weight around. That could be your body, that could be a barbell, that could be just whatever. But that, I think, is arguably the best, most consistent way for us to at least hold the line in terms of our potential. And it's damn sure another great way to lean into community and to find role models and mentors and to be role models and mentors for other guys is just to continuously see what the body can do. And seeing what the body can do is probably like what I need to put on my gravestone when I when I pass, because man, I, like I said, I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Virginia, just running through the mountains.

50:41 I played baseball my entire life, active duty army for six years, suffered career ending injuries my audience has heard this story a million times and I learned how to walk again twice. And so then, even at that point, I was like no, this can't be it. I've got to. I've got to see what else I can physically be capable of doing. And I did have to pick things up on my own. I did have to run out, I did have to find a new community to lean on, because I no longer had my brothers in arms. I, you know, was medically discharged, and so there was this big identity separation for me, stepping away from my mentors and stepping away from that, that, that, um, resilient community, and needing to make one for myself, because I had to, and seeing what the human body is capable of doing. I wouldn't be here talking to you, dustin, if this wasn't the mindset that was imprinted on me by my father, by the men and women that I served with, but also myself. There's a time and a place that you've got to be your own mentor, you've got to be your own role model because you might not have it around. And so I think if we can stick true to that, that is going to be the greatest gateway drug to anything else that we ever could hope for in our life, in our relationships and business. But with that, to kind of bring a full circle the same, the same. We want to keep doing some same things. Right, because it's what we know, it's what we're comfortable with. But sometimes that doesn't equal the same results. And again, for me personally speaking, when that happens you kind of you can lose motivation, you can get in your own head, it can turn into negative self talk, it can maybe even distance you away from that community that you've been working so hard to build, because you feel like I can't keep up, I don't look the same, I can't move the same numbers, yada, yada, yada. And so we look for other ways to help facilitate that and shout out again mutual homie.

52:31 Greg Anderson, I, you know he's been a friend for a few years and I really look. You know he's several years older than me, which I think is a great place to start for any guy looking for mentor, whether they're in real life or online. It's just who is, you know, just a couple steps ahead of me in terms of life, you know, and he's married with children. He's a few years older, he also is former military, and so I have a lot of commonalities and, you know, I look to him for what he was doing and how he can maintain this sense of physical self and strength so that he can best show up for everything else in his life. And so I give a lot of credit to him for, you know, discovering you and what you guys are doing now shifting into bio pro, and you know, I'm no stranger to supplementation, I'm no stranger to trying different things, and this is what I do and share a lot with my audience.

53:14 And so when he was kind of sharing with me, hey, there are other ways to go about holding the line.

53:20 You know, especially once we age and especially once we get our labs drawn and we see that, oh yeah, the age isn't just how we feel is actually an internal marker here as well, and needing to move the needle internally as much as I wanted to move it externally, like looking into these things called growth factors and kind of taking my labs and taking my personal feelings, my both quantitative and qualitative set of data, and going what else can I do here?

53:45 Because I want to keep up. I want to keep up with these guys in my life. I want to also maybe be an example for other guys in my life, but I also, more importantly, want to be an example to myself, and I know that I can keep doing this. I might just need to change things up a little bit or get a little help, and so growth factors for me, using BioPro for the last four months now, has just been incredible. So why would a guy want to maybe consider supplementing with something like this? And how could something like this help kind of hold the line, so to speak?

54:17 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah. So what BioPro is? It's a non-synthetic alternative and we focus on growth hormone, but it's a non-synthetic alternative to human growth hormone, which is exactly what you talked about growth factors. I think it's important for people to understand what growth factors really are and they're. They're simply the end result of human growth hormone. Human growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. Then, before the body ever uses it, it has to get sent to the liver to be converted into growth factors.

54:44 Growth factors are just cell signals. They get sent into the blood to trigger cells to do stuff. If you're trying to grow muscle mass, you have to have more muscle cells to do that. It's a growth factor that triggers the multiplication and differentiation of those cells. As we said earlier, growth hormone decreases every single year after you finish puberty, and so the subsequent growth factors, your cell signals after that are going to decrease along with it.

55:08 So if you're a guy and you're waking up and you're not feeling like you used to, looking like you used to, you know which is, I mean, realistically, it's all of us dude, it's, it's just part of life and you know. It is what it is. But you can, you can add these things back in, right you can. You can fill up the gas tank right, instead of feeling like you're running on empty all the time. You can fill in that gas tank and and what we do and what we believe in is is I'm not against synthetic treatments, I'm not against them when they're medically necessary.

55:35 I'm not against um. You know, I'm not some big, you know anti guy like that. I. I just think that there should be different um, different options for different people, and and not everybody is a you know ready to hop on the needle just yet. We talked about fertility. For like what? 35, 40 minutes, and you can. Your fertility can be directly impacted negatively when you start talking about, you know, synthetic injections. That is something that a lot of people are concerned about. Some people are not. They've already had their kids Awesome, cool, um.

56:05 - Chase (Host) But that's why I stopped. I had this personal wellness shift. This personal paradigm shift of TRT worked well for me for the things that I wanted it to do for about 15 months, and then my wife and I really wanted to shift focus into fertility and I realized that you know what staying on TRT is not supporting that, so getting off was was great for that goal.

56:27 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, so you know, biopro isn't for everybody, but it is an alternative to individuals who maybe they're in their late 20s and they're starting to feel some of this stuff. Maybe they're, they're like, they're looking around and they're like man I, you know, I don't feel like I should feel it, cause it's dude we get, especially overseas. It happens a lot faster in certain parts of the world, like the middle East and India, et cetera, but these types of things happen a lot earlier. Again, it's there's a lot of different, um, environmental factors and different things with food, all kinds of stuff. So that's another discussion.

56:59 But a lot of individuals who are in their late twenties are like, hey, these things are erectile dysfunction. People don't think about it, but one out of three guys is affected with it and it's happening younger and younger. And one out of three, one out of three men are impacted by some sort of sexual dysfunction. Wow, so if you're listening to this and you're driving your car and you're at a red light, look to your left and look to your right, if there's three dudes in line, one of you is having an issue now. Um, and that could be man it's. It's really crazy, because a lot of times, erectile dysfunction can even be tight. It's something you definitely want to check into because it's actually directly related to. I think 33% of of diabetes cases can be directly linked to erectile dysfunction and anyway. So there there, there it's kind of a um. I don't want to get completely sidetracked, but it's it's almost like a red flag for other types of physiological issues.

57:49 Anyway, um, bio pro is great for guys who are like, hey, I don't want to subscribe to the needle just yet, let me try something else first. And so that's really where we come in. We also, you know, testosterone. It doesn't matter whether it's natural or synthetic. In order for your body to absorb it optimally, you have to have adequate growth factors, specifically IGF-1. So if you're able to add back those growth factors that you might be lacking, you have the ability potentially to increase total testosterone and free testosterone without subscribing to the needle just yet.

58:20 Or if you, even if you're on a treatment already and maybe not seeing the results or feeling the results, that does happen. People do take prescription TRT and it doesn't yield the results that they thought it was. You know, that's no different than any other type of pharmaceutical application or natural product. It's not for everybody. You can potentially and this is what our physicians have seen, by and large is, you can actually increase the the efficacy of a synthetic treatment as well. So that's really where BioProPlus comes in. We're not we're not doing anything crazy. We didn't, you know, reinvent the wheel here. We're just giving your body back what it's supposed to have naturally and to improve its optimal function. It's really all that it is.

59:01 - Chase (Host) What I love most about it was how noticeable it was when I went on and then when I went off, and kind of my personal litmus test. For I mean if I change anything in my diet, if I change a workout routine, but especially when looking when I choose a supplement, I try things and try to not change any other variable. I live a pretty regimented life so that's pretty easy for me. So I try it and if I feel something, I'll do the cycle, I'll do the dose, I'll do the whatever that. That is, you know, a week, a month, whatever the item requires, and then I'll go off. And as much as I felt it when I went on, it was about day 10, definitely like week two, and then I went off of it for a month entirely.

59:45 It's one of those things you're like oh yeah, this thing is no longer in my life and I can feel the difference. And it wasn't like I feel like crap. But it's when you go up to the top of the mountain and you kind of just stay there and you realize, oh, wait a minute, I climbed up quite a bit. I and you kind of just stay there and you realize, oh, wait, a minute, like I climbed up quite a bit. I would like to kind of keep climbing. It was very noticeable for me, and the word virility comes to mind when I think about the best way to describe my experience with BioPro. I never really used that word in life, but it was just.

01:00:12 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, I haven't heard it in a long time.

01:00:14 - Chase (Host) Virility. You know, it's just, you know, and I do liken the sensation very much so to my experience when I began to really get that saturation point, probably month two, with testosterone, you know, having heightened testosterone levels, and it was just I mean I think any guy will agree, like you know, when you just feel on, you know, like I, I felt like a, I felt like a man, I felt strong, I felt capable, I felt like the blood was pumping. Um, I've never really had an issue with libido before, but I can definitely tell you there was a noticeable difference and increase in libido and virility overall with bio pro Um and specifically for me, it really, really helped. And this is, I think, where a lot of guys, it's a small little hole in the boat that, if we let it go unchecked, just begins to flood when you get off your routine, when you travel, when you know maybe you need to focus more on your relationship, you need to focus more on family, you need to focus more on business. You know it's kind of this ebb and flow with all these areas of our well being right. With all these areas of our well-being right. Sometimes that give to these other areas is longer than you anticipated or hoped for, and that was absolutely the case for me.

01:01:26 When I went on for the first time for the first month, I was traveling like crazy through the holidays and New Year. I wasn't getting the same frequency, damn sure wasn't getting the same intensity workouts. My sleep was kind of off because of all the travel and all the other things. I mean, I was in every different time zone in the US, you could imagine, for about four or five, six weeks actually, and I again, I'm very regimented, despite being traveling, with my nutrition and sleep as much as possible, and I do feel like the only way I was able to really maintain that level, that sense of virility and body composition for damn sure I credit a lot to BioPro.

01:02:05 And so then after my travels, I come back, I get off of it, I do my thing and I felt like, oh, I'm back to my baseline and my baseline isn't bad, I feel good, I can train. Okay, motivation is there. But I was like, all right, I'm do a full month off, I'm going to go back on. And now here I am, going into about week 10. And body composition, strength, motivation, sleep, libido, virility, all these things is very noticeable difference and I do know that there are a lot of things that, in order for me to feel and look a certain way, require my effort. Nothing is going to do the work for me, nothing is going to give me the transformation for me. I have to put in the work. But again, as a 38 year old guy, I'm like all right, I'm finding some holes and I think this stuff is plugging it.

01:02:48 - Dustin (Guest) Wait till you have kids. Oh man, it is. It's a whole nother um, it's a whole nother variable. And I hate saying I. I hate and love saying it because I, I, you know, I'm not, I'm a new, newer father. But it does add a lot of different variables.

01:03:04 - Chase (Host) No doubt, no doubt man.

01:03:05 - Dustin (Guest) It'll definitely test your ability to stay on track, that's for sure. Um, but yeah, I mean what you're. What you're, what you're describing is is not, um, is not uncommon. Uh, the the 10 to 14 day mark is, without a doubt, anecdotally, where people say, hey, this is exactly when I felt the light switch come on, whether that was sexual function or whether it was energy. But also to what you mentioned, which you didn't tell me before, but about kind of coming off and feeling kind of like you fell back to baseline. That's very typical as well.

01:03:38 I think people they don't understand or don't realize sometimes, when, even when you start synthetic treatments, that it does take time. There's, there's nothing you're going to just take, that's going to. You know, in 72 hours you're going to go from Bruce Banner to the Hulk or, you know, blow through brick walls like the Kool-Aid guy. But it does take time and a lot of our patients or customers if you want to call them that you know, do it for a month and they're like, oh okay, I feel all right, and then they come off and then two weeks later they're right back on and they're lifers because they didn't realize how well it was working for them. And then that two weeks they kind of start to slowly go back into how they felt before. Specifically, it's, oh, it's a lot about. Oh man, I forgot I didn't feel that pain in my shoulder that I used to have from some old injury that exactly football with or or?

01:04:27 um man, I didn't realize how sore I was after workouts. And now I'm back to. You know, they'll hit a heavy leg day or something like that, and they're like, oh, I, I feel that again because that's really what happened with me.

01:04:38 I was lucky enough to. I actually purchased this company in 2018. I purchased a whole bunch of formulas basically from an existing company that you know. That's a whole nother podcast, but and BioPro is just the latest evolution in that. But why I say that is because I was just a user like everybody else.

01:04:57 So in 2014, I was just a guy who was in my late 20s trying to remain competitive quote, unquote competitive athlete though I was not one, but, you know, remain competitive athlete. I worked in professional sports for a little bit in the sports world trying to. I was lucky enough to work out several times a week consistently with professional football players just trying to, you know, thinking I'm as cool as they are. I am not. And the product really worked for me then and that was like a huge moment for me because, being a user then, I really believed in it so much that I would implement it into different business ventures that I was in, whether it was in the professional sports world or whether it was in physical gyms that I owned and watching it work.

01:05:42 And this is formulas like we've been. We've made the formula. I mean I can, I personally say probably 10 times better and actually way more efficacious and usable. But I just saw even the those, those prior formulas that were the basis of what we do now work so well, from guys that were I mean, frankly it was, it was older athletes trying to maintain and hang on to their career in their late 20s, early 30s, through, uh, one of the gyms that I owned was was primarily, uh, I would say more towards the middle age, that 40 to 45 year old avatar, you will, and it worked so well for these different populations that I had to have it and that's that's. You know, I was a just a normal dude like everybody else and that's why I believe in it so much and that's why we do what we do. And you know it's been a wild ride thus far, just trying to help get this to as many people as we can.

01:06:36 - Chase (Host) I want to share another quick kind of personal experience with another product you guys have and that's the sleep product. I'm having a brain cramp right now. The name remind me.

01:06:44 - Dustin (Guest) It's called the Court of Sleep, but it's.

01:06:47 - Chase (Host) I'll give you a little thing, but it's.

01:06:48 - Dustin (Guest) it's soon to be rebranded, but don't tell anybody, chase.

01:06:52 - Chase (Host) Well, everyone knows now when this is coming out. But well, if not, let me know. We will have to cut it.

01:06:57 - Dustin (Guest) But no, if not let me know, we will have to cut it. But no, no, it was a little joke, you know.

01:07:00 - Chase (Host) OK, all right, Just I never know, I never know, I hear you.

01:07:03 I get it. I get it Because we're in the future right, we're talking now, but this is going to come out later, kind of thing. The sleep product I tried as well, and that I mean I I know what good feels like and there's unreal value to know that. So I'm first and foremost guys anybody. Learn how to pay attention to your body and learn how to know what good feels like. And then, on top of that, you know I track my sleep using a whoop right here activity tracker. I've been using it. I've got almost five years of data and HRV is something that I'm regularly chasing.

01:07:39 I'm doing a lot of things to maintain HRV, increase HRV, heart rate variability it is, hands down, the number one indicator of our body's physiological capability to shift from parasympathetic to sympathetic, fight or flight, to rest and digest. So how good are we at being able to adapt to stress? We're also seeing a lot of, really I think the Harvard study now the longest human longitudinal study now like 80 to 85 years look at these indicators of longevity, chronic illness, disease, this one specifically, the Harvard study. They really merit a lot to quality of relationships, which of course, is there. But that study and others are really looking at HRV now, because we have a lot of data and studies, long longitudinal studies, looking at HRV. There's a strong correlation at this point still, but a lot, a lot there that people that are living longer and higher quality of life also have higher HRVs, and so the more that we can maintain that, the better, and all the other things that I do to contribute to that consistent sleep, hydration, working out, recovery.

01:08:47 When I took the quarter sleep excuse me, I took quarter sleep I sent you a screenshot of this. I shit you guys. Not the first night, I jumped, I think, like 10 or 12 points and over the next couple nights, I think, I total increased up to like 2025 points in my HRV. And again, a lot of my life is regimented. I introduce few new variables without tracking them to see what's going to move the needle or not, and that really blew my mind and that I think, if nothing else, focusing on something or any practices that can enhance our sleep so that we can recover, so that we can get back at it, so that we can be or find the role models, all the things we've been talking about and, hey, boosting our HRV at the same time not a bad thing.

01:09:30 - Dustin (Guest) Yeah, I was a big. You mentioned whoop. I did whoop for one full year and I am bringing that up because earlier we talked about things you can do to to kind of get on get things moving if you will. And and what whoop does is it gives you the ability to track and and I'm happy to hear that you're a quantifiable guy you like specific metrics that you can measure to make sure that things are working. Whoops great for that.

01:09:53 If you haven't measured your sleep, please go do so. I don't wear it anymore, I did it for a for a year, but I got that exact same data and I think that's very important because, with quarter sleep, what we're trying to do is, I mean, we're trying to help people optimize their hormones, and 70 to 90 percent of all of your hormone function, especially men, is secreted during sleep. Specifically, two different sleep cycles slow-wave sleep, rem sleep, both of which your whoop man. I wish I, I wish I made money off of whoop Cause I mentioned them so many times. It's just like somebody pay me, but anyway, um, it's a great device but it helps you measure those two specific sleep cycles very accurately and very quickly. So with that product we we've just been able to really hit that so hard Uh, and I know you're mentoring HRV, which is another thing, that is, that is recorded with that device but we're able to impact those numbers so fast and so hard that we're able to help you to increase your natural hormone secretion.

01:10:46 So, before you even ever take BioPro, if you're just having sleep issues, maybe you should just start there, because if you fix your sleep, I mean that's the closest thing to taking a performance-enhancing drug you could possibly do. Sleep is the easiest, fastest, cheapest thing to fix and it's a I mean it is, it is we use in some marketing material and stuff like that. I think there was studies we quote where 68% of Americans are chronically sleep deprived. They don't even realize it. And here's another thing even a lesser known fact is, as you age every decade, the amount of time your body naturally stays asleep and spends in those sleep cycles decreases along with it. So if you pair that with all these other type of lifestyle factors that we've talked about, specifically children and all of these different things, it just continues to go down. So it coincides directly to, I mean, the same thing we've been talking about for an hour hormonal decline. And that's, you know, a huge part and parcel of why you feel like crap.

01:11:40 - Chase (Host) Yeah, I mean, I mentioned it a bunch on the show and on social media, but I'll say it again here about five years ago now, almost five years ago, I made the shift to prioritize my personal number one thing in my wellness hierarchy was sleep and ever since I did that, every other area of my life has gotten better and I, I, I probably could even go back and look at my labs there.

01:12:01 I even, you know, say that, but I mean to your point, absolutely. There are a lot of different things we can do in terms of increasing physicality, frequency, intensity, time type, you know, supplements until the cows come home, to try to boost hormone health, maintain hormone health. But, man, you hit the nail on the head. Start first with sleep. If you can, consistently, it's free, exactly. Yeah, consistently go to bed at the same time, consistently wake up at the same time, just start there. I mean, for me, some non-negotiables with sleep are also eye mask, blackout, eye mask game changer also, for, like the last almost a year now, I've been mouth taping at night, so I'll mouth tape, blackout eye mask, terrifying to me, oh so no, like literally the next day, one of the most noticeable differences in sleep.

01:12:46 - Dustin (Guest) I shouldn't not, yeah, Shout out. That's a, you know, and I'm into like we test all kinds of crazy stuff, Like I mean I'm, I'm this, figure out what's next and do all these things.

01:12:56 - Chase (Host) And the sleep tape thing is, um, that's a tough pill for me to swallow because I'll link you up with the brand I love and use called elevate, elevate breath, and they're incredible. They've, um, I'll hook you guys up to great product and also lately, uh, back in rotation. I used to have one a couple of years ago but it broke. Now I'm back on with, uh, the chili pad, or now it's called sleep me the uler. It's like this mattress topper thing that you can control your temperature it. I like it super cold, my wife likes a little bit warmer. Um, so I'm team sleep all the way. So that, plus core to sleep, I mean literally, literally the next day quantifiable, noticeable difference in my whoop by seeing the hrv increase.

01:13:32 Yeah, excellent. Well, dustin man, um, it's been great talking with you. I think we both pleasantly surprised the direction of this conversation.

01:13:42 - Dustin (Guest) A million percent.

01:13:43 - Chase (Host) I love your openness and willingness to kind of just shed light on what works for you, what doesn't, and kind of your take on modern masculinity right now and what we can do to grab hold of that, to be our own mentors and to create more mentors in the world for other guys. I think that's so necessary right now.

01:13:57 - Dustin (Guest) So thank you, man in the world for other guys. I think that's so necessary right now. So, thank you, man. I appreciate the opportunity. It's, um, you know I get to do all kinds of interviews and shows, talking about, you know, business and random stuff like that. But to be honest with you, chase, that the topic that we discussed is actually I was completely unprepared for it, but it's very important, and I think what I said at the end I'd like to drive home to anybody listening that is like, hey, I got something out of this show. But, um, you know, I think that the time is is right for great individuals to, you know, have their shining moments, whether that's within their own household or, you know, on some show, or doing something great with work or business or charity or anything like that. I think the world is is asking for you now more than ever and, um, instead of waiting for somebody else to do it for you, uh, you know, sometimes all you gotta do is just get started and you'd be surprised where the world will take you.

01:14:45 - Chase (Host) Just show up, seriously, just show up, yeah, um. So, dustin, my last question, speaking of showing up, that's a whole point of ever forward radio, so that the listener can take, take something from a conversation, um and apply it to their life in a very meaningful tactical way to help them move forward in life, to keep living a life ever forward. I say those two words, man. What does it mean to you to live a life ever forward?

01:15:11 - Dustin (Guest) Ever forward. I think to show up first and foremost for those that depend on you and care for you is, I believe, the man's purpose in this world is for others, not himself. And if you would like to live ever forward and have a purposeful, fulfilling life is to show up for those that love you and care about you and depend on you first and foremost.

01:15:36 - Chase (Host) Never a right or wrong answer, man. I just appreciate everybody's interpretation, so thank you. Thank you For more information on everything you just heard. Make sure to check this episode show notes or head to everforwardradio.com