"You have to put yourself first and prioritize your health and your wellbeing, because if you don't have your health you have absolutely nothing."
Noel Arevalo
EFR 760: How to Build a Banging Body, Biggest Confidence Killers, and Why Being Vulnerable on Social Media Can Actually Help Boost Your Self-Esteem with Noel Arevalo
Ever feel like you're running on empty, worn out by the expectations of the world? Together, let's pause, take a deep breath, and unwind as we dive into a conversation about confidence, fitness, and the power of self-care. Transformational fitness and nutrition coach Noel Arevalo joins us to reveal the secret of how discipline and consistency in workouts can transform not just our bodies, but our mental and emotional well-being as well. She also shares personal anecdotes of how fitness and a healthy relationship with food can fill emotional voids and pave the path to a healthier lifestyle.
Follow Noel @noelarevalo_
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
In this episode, you will learn...
Confidence is closely linked to fitness and can be built through discipline and consistency.
Addressing unhealthy food habits can significantly impact emotional well-being and overall health.
Recognizing obstacles in fitness journeys and setting structures can help in achieving goals.
Proper protein intake is essential for both regular exercisers and non-exercisers.
Social media can be a powerful tool for personal growth when used mindfully.
Vulnerability on social media can have profound impacts on audiences and the content creator.
Embracing change and pursuing passions can lead to personal growth and evolution.
Overcoming a toxic childhood environment requires healing and self-awareness.
Keeping promises to oneself contributes significantly to maintaining confidence.
Sharing struggles and insecurities on social media can foster connection and mutual growth.
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0:00:00 - Noel what a lot of people I feel don't realize and this is something that I've actually learned over the past couple of years is that confidence is something that is worked at every single day. Once you stop going to the gym and you stop committing to those promises to yourself that really add to your quality of life, like mentally and physically your self-esteem starts dropping, your confidence starts dropping.
0:00:24 - Chase And it's not something that people are really mindful or aware of People are looking to transform their lives, right, but then when you tell them, oh no, no, no, we need to have you time, they're expecting no, no, no. What's the secret workout? What's the nutrition plan?
0:00:38 - Noel I never realized that food is such a vice and it's dangerous because it's not like alcohol or it's not like some other kind of drug to where you know. Food is just, it's a necessity and it's so accessible.
0:00:53 - Chase Right to call out a friend like hey, you maybe don't have that other shot, maybe you don't have that other drink, but why aren't we saying the same thing to hey, maybe don't have another cupcake?
0:01:02 - Noel The biggest thing getting in anyone's way of starting a fitness journey is ["The Last?
0:01:14 - Chase Song of the Year"]. First of all, it's so good to see you.
0:01:20 - Noel I know it's been a minute. It's been so long. I need to come out to LA more.
0:01:24 - Chase You are one of my I still kind of say old school fitness friends when I kind of traced back our history of you know, fitness business coaching and online social media fitness content.
I mean, it's still a big part of your world. But it's just. You know, she's my fitness friend. And now here we are, in real life and you still do a lot of this. You work one-on-one, you work in a lot of different capacities, helping primarily other women in their health and fitness journey. Right, yes, that's what I do and I love how, out of the gate, when anyone looks at your, especially social media, you really drive home a couple of key factors on confidence and body composition and you lead with confidence. First, yeah.
You help women build confidence and shred fat. Why in that order? Why do you put confidence, why do you work predominantly in confidence?
0:02:14 - Noel first, how do I long story short? That question so.
0:02:19 - Chase It's a podcast that we can do long format. That's true. That's true. You can do a medium story. I do come to podcasts for long duration content.
0:02:28 - Noel Because when I mean even personally for me, thinking back, starting my fitness journey like 13 years ago, what I feel most people women, men don't really realize before they actually get into starting their fitness journey is that it's so much more than just physical. I always say that the benefit is building a banging body but, like, where the real transformation comes is your mindset and how it transforms you like inside out and builds on your confidence not just in your body and feeling more comfortable in your skin, but also in your abilities. And so I've learned over the years through my own experience of not just my own fitness journey but working with women, that it works that way. And most people don't realize that at first, before they get into it, like they don't really know what problems they're actually really trying to solve, they just think about the outer appearance.
0:03:24 - Chase They think they're diving into fitness. I want to change my body, but actually there are a lot of other cascading benefits.
0:03:30 - Noel Oh my gosh. Yes, absolutely. That's why fitness, as much as I am constantly changing, just like within myself and my career, it will always be a part of me because I know how much it's transformed my confidence and it's really a big foundation of like why I'm at where I'm at now in life and why I am at where I am and why I am who I am.
0:03:59 - Chase When someone is lacking confidence, is it really just a matter of bringing up fitness to also bring up confidence, or do they necessarily always go hand in hand? How would you kind of address one to serve the other?
0:04:16 - Noel I would say that they go hand in hand. But what a lot of people I feel don't realize and this is something that I've actually learned over the past couple of years is that confidence is something that is worked at every single day. So once you stop, like say you start, stop getting in the gym and you're not in that environment consistently, you're not working on squats or deadlifts, whatever it may be, you don't realize it, but it slowly starts dwindling that area of confidence in your life. Right, and so being in the gym consistently it really builds I guess this is kind of a way that I can answer it it really builds your confidence in those small little disciplines that you commit to yourself. So what people don't realize?
0:05:08 - Chase is.
0:05:08 - Noel it's like exactly, exactly, and this is something that I learn within my day-to-day life, within my journey, and then it's what I see with the women that I work with too.
I'm like, oh my gosh, because we're all so much alike, without really realizing it. We all want success in some kind of way. That looks different for everybody. We all want to have purpose, we all wanna feel love, we want happiness, stuff like that. So we're all the same in that sense, and that's where I feel that it really does build that confidence and it's something that and then you can apply this to any area of your life it has to be something that's worked out every single day, because once you stop going to the gym and you stop committing to those promises to yourself that really add to your quality of life, like mentally and physically, you your self-esteem starts dropping, your confidence starts dropping and it's not something that people are really mindful or aware of, because that's something that I learned myself, who was like kind of like a light bulb moment where I'm like oh my God, wow, like if I'm not even consistently doing this for myself, my confidence starts dwindling, my self-esteem starts dwindling.
0:06:18 - Chase Even you, the teacher, the instructor here, the sensei, if you will, for fitness. It's kind of a unique thing. I haven't really heard a lot of people talk about how they need to work regularly on confidence. I feel like a lot of people might think you're confident or you're not, or you work to build confidence and then, once you have it, oh yeah, okay, I know I got this kind of thing. Can you maybe walk us through? How would someone know that they are not regularly working towards staying confident? Where might be some areas in their day-to-day life where they're letting their confidence work slip and they're gonna have to kind of really jump back on the horse to catch back up, so to speak.
0:07:02 - Noel Honestly, the one thing that really resonates with me that I think of is the gym it is, even though fitness it's a part of me. It'll always be a part of who I am and my brand, but I'm starting to pivot into other things of what we were kind of talking about. But in the gym even for me, like when I or actually this is a good one. Okay, scratch that so routine.
0:07:30 - Chase Ooh, yes, yes, Irroutine routine.
0:07:35 - Noel So I just really realized this the past two years of how much my routine builds my confidence and it makes me so happy.
0:07:44 - Chase How so.
0:07:46 - Noel Ah, where do I start? So meaning it's like it really is exactly what we were talking about prior to, where keeping little promises to yourself. You don't really realize that when you don't keep little promises to yourself daily, how that will dwindle your confidence, just in general. So I wake up, I get up early, I have my me time, whatever that looks like, whether it's journaling, reading, reading my Bible, going to the gym and then just having that structured routine to where I'm knocking out tasks that are. I really put a lot of value in my work and it's something that I have to be. It's a thin line, but just having my routine in that sense of committing to those things like my morning time, my gym time, prioritizing good sleep.
0:08:46 - Chase Would you say, is it more so for you the individual tasks within the you time or just the fact that you consistently keep you time, Because I'm sure within that you have some fluctuation right.
0:09:00 - Noel Oh yeah.
0:09:01 - Chase Maybe depending on the habit or the day or mood or energy or sleep or whatever, but the thing is that I'm hearing is that you keep that time and then probably feel it accordingly, or do you think that you, no matter what, have gotta do this thing, gotta do this thing in order to maintain that confidence level?
0:09:19 - Noel More so like that, like have need to do this, need to do this need to do that.
0:09:24 - Chase You've got little like non-negotiables, maybe yeah.
0:09:26 - Noel I guess you could say that, yeah, like the routine, the whole routine being really the foundational things that add to the quality of life that people really should prioritize and create the time for is good sleep, fueling my body with good food, sticking to my morning, me time, going to the gym, and it's not always gonna be 80, 20. It's gonna be 50, 50 sometimes.
But when you notice that when you stick to a routine like that, it just projects everything forward in your life, like it I don't know, it's something that it's like all those little things are stuff that enhance my life and so when I stay on routine and commit to those daily, you don't, it's not something where you're like, oh did my confidence just went up on the scale.
0:10:18 - Chase It's like you Second cup of coffee, confidence check, there we go. Felt that one.
0:10:22 - Noel It's through the roof, no, but it's more like it's compounding right. So your routine, when you're sticking to it, it compounds over an entire year. Like this is also something that I say to the women that I work with Like it really matters what you do in an entire year.
All those little small choices compound and they add up and that's gonna be how you feel about yourself. That's gonna be where your confidence level is at, and it's not always gonna be perfect, but I notice how much happier of a person that I am, and just my energy is like so much better when I stick to a routine, because those are small little commitments to yourself within a day, even if it's like you're mentally checking it off.
Obviously good sleep, eating healthy, going to the gym those things literally enhance your life in general. But when it's like for me, it's the mental part of really sticking to it, of those little promises to myself, that I'm just a way more happy, confident person.
0:11:26 - Chase So my routine, when you start working with someone new or even just maybe interacting with people in general, when you share this approach to habit stacking, to confidence building, to building a banging body, like you said in that year, are these the areas that people are most surprised about?
Because I think, when I go back to my old coaching days, and people are looking to transform their lives, right, but then when you tell them, oh, no, no, no, we need to have you time, they're expecting. No, no, no. What's like the secret workout? What's the nutrition plan? What are all these things that have their time in place, but especially for longevity and adherence, I'm with you. Do you find that this is really more of a surprise for people as to what actually builds confidence and builds the body of their dreams? Or they're aware of it and they're just they downplay it. Maybe they don't think it's really that important.
0:12:19 - Noel That's actually a really good question. I would say 98, maybe a little more of people. 98% of people don't realize that part of how the. Thing is adds to your life, and that's why the content that I've currently been making I really try to shine light on that it's so much more than just what people probably think.
Movement and building a nice body and building confidence in your body. It transforms your entire life. When you put yourself first in that sense, and prioritize your health and your wellbeing because if you don't have health, you have absolutely nothing but then the other things that you were just talking about then they're like wow, oh my God, I'm feeling more confident in the gym and this and that and all the things that where it's like, yes, if you look in the mirror and you're very unhappy with what you look like in that current state, you're gonna be fixated on that. But what I feel a lot of people and this is interesting that we're having this conversation, because this is just kind of coming to mind for me but a lot of people don't realize is that they're actually chasing other things than that physical desire to be in better shape, if that makes sense.
There's something like a lot more deeper and then it slowly starts unfolding when they get deeper into their fitness journey.
0:13:47 - Chase Because that's happened for me. What do you think that is for a lot of people? Is it like a not to be to that horse and no disrespect here but like an underlying trauma or an insecurity? Maybe? I think a lot of people that's the driving force and they don't wanna say it out loud or they don't realize how much of their insecurities are driving their aspirations for building a better body and building confidence, which, hey, whatever gets you there doing the thing. Sure, but you still gotta work on that root cause, right.
0:14:16 - Noel Yeah, as, being in the fitness industry, we know all the trauma. No, I'm just kidding, but you know.
0:14:23 - Chase A little bit, a little bit, a little bit, just a little.
0:14:26 - Noel Once you're in the industry, it's like it's very small.
0:14:29 - Chase It's too much. It's too much yeah.
0:14:30 - Noel A lot of people from my. Everyone has their testimonies of why they get into fitness. I have my testimony of why I got into fitness and a lot of the times it usually it usually tends to be out of insecurity. Mine wasn't, but that is a big, that's a big part of you know a lot of very successful, you know, fitness type influencers, entrepreneurs that you see Like it's it drove from insecurity and I mean you obviously working on your outer appearance, it's it enhances your confidence and stuff like that. But other things that if you're trying to find fulfillment or fill that hole of whatever it is that you don't know, that's necessarily you're needing.
You're wanting to find something to fill it with that can only go so far with your fitness journey. It's not gonna there's, and everyone has their trauma. Everybody has their childhood trauma, their childhood trauma, and we all have our stuff to work through. We all have the stuff that surfaces when you get older and you're like what, what, what, Like you know.
0:15:42 - Chase so I was just, you know, trying to hit a PR on the gym. Why are all these childhood memories coming flooding back up? Exactly, I meant that too. Like oh, this is why I'm trying to be strong. Like, oh, damn, okay, all right, thanks, dad. Yeah, it's funny. You know, in our journeys of finding fitness, I think we discovered that what we thought was a fitness-size-hole actually, you know, we didn't know that was there like on top of this other trauma-size-hole, this other insecurity-size-hole, this other comparison syndrome hole. But we use that as kind of this more socially acceptable route to take better care of ourselves.
But, then, in pursuit of that, it's like that other options, like right there too. You know, we can't deny it. The subconscious self won't let that go and suppress for so long.
0:16:34 - Noel Yeah.
0:16:35 - Chase Have you found that women in general have a more negative relationship to food than men and, if so, why?
0:16:41 - Noel Oh, that's a good question. I don't know if my answer to that would be kind of biased, because I dipped my feet in working with men and then I had a bad creep experience.
0:16:52 - Chase I was like well, you know, it only takes one of us to ruin it for everybody.
0:16:55 - Noel Yeah. So I'm just like okay, women, I'm a woman like, I know how to navigate that field.
0:17:01 - Chase I'm just gonna stay there hey, women can be creepy too.
0:17:03 - Noel That is true. Women can be creepy too. That is very true.
0:17:05 - Chase Way less often than dudes. I'm not trying to say You're not wrong there, you're not wrong there.
0:17:12 - Noel You know what I mean, thinking about the people that I know in the fitness industry. You know Olympians that are on stage. A lot of people admire men. Thinking of men like that because I've never really had much experience with working with men, but obviously I've had a lot of years of working with women. Getting into fitness was very different. So when I started coaching women I was like, wow, I never. It was like a eye-opener for me. I was like I never realized that food is such a vice and it's dangerous, because it's not like alcohol or it's not like some other kind of drug to where. You know, food is just, it's a necessity and it's so accessible so it's. You know, if someone's just shoving their face with food, it's not necessarily depending on the setting. It's not like someone's gonna be like oh my God, like you should stop eating that much, you know, as opposed to like if you see someone about to black out and they're taking like more shots, you're gonna be like you know like that's more socially acceptable to kind of call them out.
0:18:23 - Chase It's like hey, yeah, why that's such a great point? Isn't, that isn't that we're so, most of us. I think we're easier to call out a friend like hey, maybe don't have that other shot, maybe don't have that other drink, but why aren't we saying the same thing to hey, maybe don't have another cupcake, hey, maybe, you know, don't have this or that, instead of this kind of thing?
0:18:44 - Noel Isn't that interesting. That's such a very sensitive thing. It's a really big. It's like it's a big thing, and I feel and have compassion for people in general that deal with eating disorders, like especially, you know, using food as comfort, because it's just that's really hard, because you have to really have discipline around it, because it's something that we need every day and I'm sure a lot of people use food.
0:19:18 - Chase You know, they think it's a better vice than like oh, I'm not going out getting blackout or I'm not drinking too much alcohol or insert any other kind of negative health habit. Here it's like, oh, I'm just relying on food to get me through this Exactly. Maybe can we make that a thing.
0:19:33 - Noel How would we Girl put the cupcake down?
0:19:36 - Chase Yeah, bro, put the beer down. Yeah, how do we make that a thing? How do we, you know, insert socially acceptable let's, you know, call out our friends politely on? You know, I would love to not have my friends turn into diabetics. I would love to help them reduce all-cause mortality. Oh, my goodness, you know, I think, even if fitness and an active lifestyle isn't as much of their lifestyle or part of their priorities as it is maybe for us, we can still kind of be shepherds, if you will.
0:20:07 - Noel Yeah, absolutely For better health right.
0:20:09 - Chase Mm-hmm. I found that kind of, in order to do that, I just have to do me and hopefully the people around me that I would like to influence kind of just pick up on it and then you know, come closer and ask me questions and hopefully then they kind of begin their own journey, because otherwise it's just who wants to do what people are yelling at you to do. Right, we usually human nature. We're just gonna run into the opposite. How do you navigate that when maybe you're working with a woman and you kind of realize, wow, actually we have a lot of relationship with food work to do here. Let's maybe okay, what you're doing in the gym is great, your physical activity is great, but hey, there's actually something more that we need to work on, we need to talk about. How do you kind of help them realize that they even have a relationship to food? I think that concept for people is, for some people might be new.
0:21:00 - Noel With most women that I work with or have worked with. They're usually mindful that they have an issue with food and they'll be very vulnerable with me about that, which I appreciate, because that's hard to be open about.
0:21:15 - Chase That's maybe the reason they come to you first, or that's one of the biggest things they wanna work out.
0:21:20 - Noel I would say maybe a quarter to half of the women that I work with don't really have the best relationship with food, but what I try to do with them is I try my best to shift their mindset around it, and I don't like to give it power. What I would all say is this is something that's become an enabled habit and it just needs to be broken, so don't give it any more power than it actually has over you Because it is true, really Our demons quote unquote because we all have them, like we're all human.
No one's perfect. Don't give it more power than it already has had in your life. So it's just really working diligently towards removing things out of your environment, removing yourself out of certain environments that trigger those things for you, until you start working up that like compounding that confidence in yourself to be able to be disciplined enough to say no, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna. If it's something food related, I'm not gonna eat the whole plate of this or I'm whatever it is for you. Whatever your vice is, it's don't give it more power than it should. It's just a habit that needs to be broken, because a lot of the times I feel the things that we face that are strongholds. I guess you could say we give them more power than we should. You know so.
0:22:53 - Chase Well said. Yeah, I think that probably happens a lot without us realizing it.
0:23:00 - Noel Yes.
0:23:01 - Chase And once we kind of point out the elephant in the room, what probably happens next? We think I'm so powerless against it.
0:23:10 - Noel Yeah, so then we just, we don't even realize it, but you're just, you're like you're defeating yourself before you even started or give yourself a chance.
0:23:21 - Chase Not anymore, Not anymore, that's for damn sure. To kind of wrap up this little, you know, fitness section here because, you're doing so many other amazing things in the world. What do you think is the biggest obstacle facing most women right now when it comes to having the body of their dreams? That maybe we haven't already covered? I think confidence is huge. Yes, Relationship with food is huge. What else Is there another common denominator that you see, or maybe something you kind of hypothesize?
0:23:52 - Noel So the biggest thing getting in anyone's way of starting their fitness journey is themselves. Literally, I've had many conversations with my clients past, current and every time they're. I'm always so proud of people because I feel like I love telling people. I'm proud of them because I feel like we don't hear that enough.
0:24:15 - Chase Good on you. I'm sure a lot of people don't get that.
0:24:18 - Noel No, I mean somebody tell me right now.
0:24:20 - Chase I'm proud of you.
0:24:21 - Noel I know, you are.
0:24:23 - Chase She's fishing.
0:24:24 - Noel Maybe, but is ourselves and the women that I work with, and I've worked with. They always are. I'm like, you know. I asked them that I'm like. So what do you feel is your biggest struggle? What's hindering you from accomplishing that yourself?
0:24:38 - Chase No, well, one second pause right there, we lost the screensaver. I mean, everybody does hate LA, that's not wrong.
0:24:46 - Noel You know I don't resonate with that anymore.
0:24:50 - Chase I, I just Do you look here.
0:24:52 - Noel I do, you do.
0:24:53 - Chase Yeah, it's a love-hate relationship it is a love-hate relationship.
0:24:56 - Noel It depends on where you live. In LA, I feel like too.
0:25:00 - Chase I had this guy like years ago when we first kind of moved here, yell out like literally in the middle of the street one time he's like just staring at the city and he goes God, la, you fucking suck, I love you, yeah, literally, and I was like that's the best way I've ever heard to describe LA. It's like this toxic X that you just can't I know.
0:25:20 - Noel I can't get enough of you, but I hate you, but you keep coming back.
It's like I was saying earlier that a lot of the times we defeat ourselves before we even try. And yeah, you know the women that I work with and have worked with they. I'll ask them, you know, what do you feel is really holding you back? What are you? What's hindering you? What are you struggling with? And a lot of the times they're very self-aware and mindful to call themselves out and I'm like, wow, I'm really proud of you, for saying that because you're exactly right, you are the one getting in your own way, you know.
So it's really just, you just have to get out of your own way. That's what I had to do. It took me two and a half years until I really decided to take my fitness journey seriously and I invested in a coach because I wouldn't have gotten anywhere if I didn't and it. But it took me two and a half years to realize that I was just like, what am I doing? Like I'm just, I'm coming to the gym, I'm half-assing my nutrition.
0:26:18 - Chase So you're like start, stop, start, stop, yeah. And then I was like I was fully committing.
0:26:21 - Noel No, and I was like partying on the weekends and then I wasn't making any progress. And then I was like I wasn't sitting there wondering why. Because I knew exactly what I was doing. I was shooting myself in the foot. And so I was like you know what? I have potential in this. I need to pursue it and it's a healthy outlet for me and I know that I'll excel and go far if I actually really commit to it. And so I got a coach and then that was that was me getting out of my own way, was investing in a mentor to help me, and then struggled, struggled, struggled for two and a half years and then, four weeks in, I saw the most progression that I'd ever seen.
0:26:55 - Chase In four weeks. In four weeks, wow, everything. What was so different?
0:27:00 - Noel about those four weeks. I mean having structure, having routine from it and also, but the main things, were my nutrition and it was really my nutrition, my nutrition, and then having a plan with strategy to focus on progressing within each week and I just my strength like shot through the roof and I was like, wow, like this is how far I could have come if I just didn't sit around giddling my thumbs for two and a half years.
0:27:29 - Chase So now, when you say nutrition, I think there can be a lot of different things there. Are we under consuming calories? Are we over consuming calories? Are we hitting all the numbers on certain days but then going buck wild on others? Was it a lack of protein? Was it finding really the best dietary approach for you and your current training protocol Cause someone listening right now when they hear my nutrition was off once. I got that dialed in. Well, that could be a lot of different things. What was it for you? And then, maybe, what do you think through the lens of nutrition is the biggest limiting factor for most people, most women out there.
0:28:05 - Noel Nutrition. Well, I I. This is when flexible dieting was becoming a thing.
0:28:12 - Chase I F? Y M baby Back in the day.
0:28:14 - Noel Man, I know, and everyone was like there's no way that's real and I'm like so you can't get shredded off.
0:28:19 - Chase Pop tarts bro. Oh my God, you fit your macros why?
0:28:23 - Noel was it always sitting around pop tarts Like, or donuts, but I, yeah, I started counting macros because I got taught that for my coach, and that's when Macros, by the way, for everybody, if you don't know.
0:28:38 - Chase Yes, Macronutrients, fat, protein carbs, Technically, sugars and alcohols as well. But you know really, instead of looking at the total calories you're eating for the day, you're hitting specific numbers and grams, usually for fat protein carb. Yes, yeah, and, and I just renewed my health coaching certification, so all this.
0:28:58 - Noel Oh did you.
0:28:59 - Chase Yeah, not to hijack my own show, but yeah, I do this every two years. Maybe it's like a little bit.
0:29:06 - Noel Do you feel like you learn more? Are they like updating the? So I mean.
0:29:11 - Chase I go through ACE, american Council on Exercise yeah and I, since 2015. And what I like about it to your point really of kind of talking about working with the coaches it's an accountability component.
0:29:22 - Noel So I know that's the most powerful thing. Look, I'm a curious person anyway.
0:29:25 - Chase A lot of the people I talk to on the show here, you know are experts in fitness nutrition and you know even some people that I see at some of the seminars that I go to that are accredited for my certification.
So I'm like, look, I'm learning anyway, but I like renewing every two years because it adds a level of accountability that I have to for sure go to accredited things. I have to for sure go to a webinar, a seminar, an expo that has been curated by this governing body. That is like, yes, these are the advancements in health, fitness, behavior change that you know we approve of, and we kind of see trends and we see the science on top of maybe whatever I'm curious about, because you could be curious about something and pursue it all day long, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's in alignment with kind of like a gold standard, if that makes sense. So also, maybe it's a little bit of like you know, fear of if you know I have to go back to a job or coaching or if, like the air court here, real world, I have to go back to the real professional world.
0:30:27 - Noel I'm still up to date you know, yeah, we should never have to, because you are who you are. I still like to renew, I don't know, apparently it's nice because we just we like progression and growth and we're literally made to do that evolve and change. And I don't think that that ever ends. I don't think it should, because whenever I feel stagnant or unhappy or lacking confidence, it's because I'm not growing in either my life or an area of my life.
0:30:59 - Chase I'm like why am I?
0:31:01 - Noel Why do I feel this way? Why am I so?
0:31:03 - Chase you know, and you're not continuously learning, maybe in the way that you think that you are important, yeah that's.
0:31:08 - Noel It's so and it's. Sometimes you got to go, you got to hit a low and then be like, why am I like this? And then realize those things. Because it's so easy to become complacent and you have to be really careful with that. Like if things are going well in your business or you're you're doing really good in your corporate job or whatever it is, don't ride that like complacency Because it's going to hit a wall and then you're going to fill a type of way about your confidence, about everything and, at least for me, and being a coach or just like you know working with people in general.
Like you notice it, like when you're talking to other people, about you know giving them a pep talk and making sure that you're supporting them. In that way, you're almost talking to yourself too, and sometimes I'm like dang, like.
0:31:55 - Chase I need to take my own advice. Yeah, you know so. All right, so well said, Great point. But let's go back to you know, kind of bringing awareness to the macro nutrients and your calories and the nutrition. What was it for you that kind of locked in that that evolution? And then what do you think in general in nutrition right now is a big limiting factor for most women.
0:32:14 - Noel Oh, goodness, okay, so, um, so, yeah. So it was a, it was a like a circle of things. So I understood macros, but I was abusing the idea of it. So, in the sense of, you can eat whatever you want, but really your nutrition should be like, you know, 80, 20, 70, 30, meaning 80 to 70% of the time you're really fueling your food, you're feeling you're really fueling your body with nutrient dense food, because what you eat is really how you're going to fill Not just all pop tarts, right, not just all pop tarts.
So I guess, um, but so, having the balance in that way, cause I, I was, I, naturally and it's funny cause I am fitness coach, right Part of me and I naturally don't care for vegetables much, I mean I've been on a salad kick recently, um, but I, I don't like, I'm not like, oh, I want to meal prep and eat broccoli and blah, blah, blah, blah. This stuff. I've always like, really loved pizza and I love cheeseburgers and I love.
0:33:20 - Chase I think that's why we're friends, cause anytime we go bond over, you know, every time like I remember going to, like you know you know fitness events with you, and just afterwards everyone's going to like either brought their own food or something, and I'm like no, we're going to the bar. Yeah, literally One of the cheeseburgers, but exactly.
0:33:39 - Noel Um, but yeah, fueling your body in that way, and and then also the big thing that really made a huge difference in the four weeks of when I have first started with a coach was my protein intake.
0:33:54 - Chase Sleeper, so many people, myself included. I have to come back to my protein intake like crazy.
0:33:59 - Noel It's so important.
0:34:01 - Chase Yeah, why is it so important?
0:34:02 - Noel Oh, it's the building blocks for everything, not just if you're someone who's in the gym consistently break breaking down muscle. That needs to. You know recovery and rebuilding and stuff like that and building it's. It's. It's just so crucial for longevity of life and everything Like it's. It replenishes our hair, skin or nails. Like and I was I I realized when I started actually tracking how much protein I was eating, I was eating maybe like 50 grams a day.
0:34:30 - Chase So okay. So then I'm like that's nothing. Nothing for even just someone who's not regularly strength training or exercising. That's why I'd be willing to bet in four weeks, if anybody, if they're doing their thing and they're half-assing things. If you go four weeks consistently hitting the right amount of protein for your activity level, you feel it and see the difference. Yeah, you feel it and you'll see it Like it's, it's.
0:34:52 - Noel I mean. All macronutrients are important. They all work together to help our bodies function correctly and as they should, but protein is proteins like, vital for anyone. Like, just like you're saying, even if you aren't in the gym, which everybody should be, but even if you aren't, it's it's so foundational for health.
0:35:11 - Chase Do you think that's also a big overlooked factor for most women when they're looking at nutrition? Something that maybe they're missing the mark on is hey, actually go back and look at your protein.
0:35:20 - Noel Yes, and what's and this was me at the beginning of my fitness journey too is protein, is one of the macros out of the three that you have to go out of your way to get in.
0:35:32 - Chase It's, it's everyone to hit those numbers.
0:35:34 - Noel Yeah, with meeting your protein intake because you like anything. You eat ton of fat, ton of carbs, majority of stuff. You have to go out of your way to get in protein.
0:35:44 - Chase It's not convenient. Protein is not convenient. No, it's not.
0:35:48 - Noel I used to be eating like tuna out of bags, like I was doing anything to just get in my I remember those days, the three protein days.
0:35:58 - Chase I would like the lemon and herb, or even just regular, like add some mustard. Yeah, and I don't like to associate with that person.
He's not you know it's funny. I'm laughing in my mind too, because, like, at the end of the day, I always ask May, I'm like what did you eat? Tell me about your protein. My brother the same way. We have sidebar conversations but, like our, our girls are going to wither away and die because they're not eating protein. He's like chase. The biggest arguments we get in are all about she doesn't eat protein. It's what we have to like. Hey, here's a protein shake. Hey, here's an extra serving of this. So I think it's it's a lot of women.
I think, new thing is that because most women aren't interested in protein, they don't know how to source the right amount of protein, or it's just not knowing enough really about their physical output and their nutrient input needs.
0:36:51 - Noel Um, I would say just lacking knowledge of um, thinking that they don't, like not not knowing how. The big, one of the biggest things is not knowing where to source it from, and sometimes sourcing your protein, or maybe more than half the time it's not pretty, like it's not going to be. You know what I'm saying? Like how we were saying we would eat like, like it's not, and I tried to explain that.
like getting in your protein intake is it could be challenging and it's not going to be pretty, you know, cause I think. I think people think it's supposed to be like oh, like this, you know beautiful dish and it's so aesthetically, whatever, pleasing, and but it's like no, like you're eating tuna out of a can.
You're eating, you know my new, my nutrition uh quality has gone up from that. But just meeting and that's, I think, definitely knowing how to source it. You know cause, even for myself, sometimes I'm like, how am I going to even me still like 12 years later of starting my fitness journey? Some I struggle with my protein intake on a daily basis unless I'm meal prepping, and you know, and even that sometimes it's not, it's not pretty how you get in your protein, but it's essential.
0:38:06 - Chase It's got to get it done. Get it done, fam. Well, I'd like to shift gears a little bit outside of the the health and fitness world. Yes, um, you're someone who I would say content creator. You do a lot of different platforms, a lot of different things and you really put yourself out there. You know you share a lot. In my opinion, that works well for a coach, someone like yourself. You work predominantly with women, helping them transform their confidence and their bodies, and you share examples of where you're succeeding, but also where you're struggling in confidence and struggling with your workouts in your life. How did this come about? You know being vulnerable online and kind of sharing more than the highlight reel. It's either really well done, which yours is, or I think a lot of people smell bullshit and it seems forced and cringe and not authentic. But how do you know what to share in your personal life online that is authentic, that is genuine, that you feel is going to help somebody out there?
0:39:11 - Noel Hmm, where do I start with that? So being vulnerable in general, even if it's not with a big audience, is is is challenging for most, even myself, sometimes, you know. And but the things that and I'm not saying you know everybody go out there and put your vulnerabilities out on the line, because that's just not for some people. But the stuff that you're struggling with and you're not sharing, especially if you have an audience, it's almost, in a way, a disservice to other people, because the stuff that you struggle with we're all very the same, right, different, but very the same. We're all human and we all have the same desires and stuff and wants and needs. And so when you, the things that you're the most afraid of to share, I feel like are the things to share because you don't know, but you're gonna be helping somebody. And so I started learning that with everything my anxiety, my childhood, my past, stuff with my skin that I've dealt with. And it resonates a lot with people because everyone has their battles, everybody has their there's no way you're alone.
0:40:39 - Chase No, there's no way you're alone.
0:40:40 - Noel No, and so, even though it is challenging to share those things it's like when you feel scared to do something or share something is when you should, because it's gonna resonate, it's gonna help people. Even just by sharing, it helps people. In a way. I feel that, even though sometimes it's still hard for me to be as vulnerable and there are still things that I keep for myself because not everything needs, to be shared.
But it makes me human to people because we tend to even myself put people with platforms on pedestals but we're just as human. We deal, we have our stuff that we face and our demons and our battles and stuff, and so when you share those things it makes you less intimidating to others and it really hits home with certain things that you share of your insecurities or being vulnerable, and people feel like they connect with you and so it almost gives them this trust factor sort of I feel. But I do like to share those things because insecurities and things like that for me that I've shared my fitness journey really shifted those things for me too, so I like sharing that.
0:42:09 - Chase By sharing things you're saying. It shifted your personal fitness journey.
0:42:13 - Noel No, like sharing my insecurities of anxiety or lacking confidence. Yeah, my fitness journey definitely builds a lot on those or anxiety, meaning it helped me, it helped build confidence in areas that I think, maybe have anxiety towards. But yeah, when you share your vulnerabilities and insecurities, it makes you relatable and there's gonna be a lot of people that resonate and you're helping people by doing that.
0:42:44 - Chase I think social media, using social media like the way you're talking about is a fantastic approach, and I'm sure you can relate. I feel like not only by being more vulnerable and sharing things that we're struggling with. Like you, me, the poster, the content creator, the random person online you're gonna help another person, whether you realize it or not, but how often do we help ourselves in the process? It's like this unique mirror saying things out loud, making it public, putting it online. That just adds a whole another level of accountability of like wow, I didn't know, I didn't know, I cared so much about this thing to make a post about it. But yeah, here I am talking about it and hopefully it's gonna help somebody else, but ultimately it should be helping us, right? Yeah, Speaking of social media, what do you think right now is the biggest advantage with social media for someone looking to transform their life, to build more confidence, to change their body? How can they go about really using social media in the right way? Cause there's a lot of information but a lot of misinformation.
0:43:50 - Noel So social media is? It's a double-edged sword and it's amazing because we have so many things on our fingertips to teach ourselves, to become knowledgeable about, to enhance our lives, to enhance our health. But I feel like a lot of people don't utilize it for that and they just sit there and they scroll and then it ends up doing the opposite effect of Depleting dopamine and feeding our insecurities and comparison.
Yeah, and comparison and all that stuff. So it does like the opposite factor. But I mean, gosh, social media has transformed my life, Like it's brought in friendships, amazing friendships. I've met amazing people, it's given me amazing opportunities and my life is the way that it is now because of social media and the opportunities that it's given me. But it's double-edged sword and people can really take social media and if you really put your mind to something and you want to pursue something or start a business or whatever, it's made that so easy. I won't say that lightly.
It's a lot of work that goes into the back end of it, but if you can really create opportunities for yourself on it and it will change your life. But it can also do the opposite effect if you don't have discipline around it and respect it as a tool.
0:45:23 - Chase Like to your point at the very beginning if you let it have power over you instead of establishing power over it, yeah, yes. Besides social media, what does it? Maybe other hacks? You have habits or even resources you go to for your continuous fitness journey to become a better person, to become in contributing to the Noel evolution and growth. Aside from social media, where do you go? What do you use? It can't all be from the Graham right.
0:45:55 - Noel No podcasts actually.
0:46:00 - Chase Jesus, like Like ever for Gabriel. Tell your friends subscribe.
0:46:05 - Noel Podcasts. Really, I went on this spree of self development, self development.
0:46:13 - Chase So I think this was like right around the time that, like we, knew each other and just so I sometimes it's.
0:46:20 - Noel Sometimes it's like I would literally be having podcasts throughout my entire day, just multitasking and doing other things.
Podcast became your new personality trait, pretty much sure, like I couldn't hear my own thoughts because I was just thinking and listening to all these different podcasts, but I got kind of burnt down on them for a while so I stopped listening to them for actually a couple of years and then I started listening to. I started listening to like Ed my Lutz podcast and then I started listening to like Dr Huberman and stuff like that. So that's kind of where I actually source. Everything of new stuff that I'm learning is podcasts. Yeah, actually.
0:47:04 - Chase All right, well, I'll stop the interview there. It's a most important we've covered the most important topic is just podcasts. Everybody needs that, that's so true. It's so funny. Actually I don't even want to open the can of worms, never mind.
0:47:19 - Noel No, I'm like that could be a whole podcast in itself.
0:47:23 - Chase We were catching up the other day in kind of preparation for this interview and you're sharing with me some things on the horizon for you. You know, I think you're growing, you're evolving as a woman, as an entrepreneur, as a coach, as a content creator, and I've been there and in some ways, I'm there now as well. When we reach these pivot moments, they can be equally terrifying and exciting all the same time. I don't know about you, but a lot of me feels like I've got to abandon this old identity. I built this audience based on this. People know me as this, but right now I'm really interested in that and I feel like it's pulling me in that direction. How do you navigate those pivots, being someone that has created platforms kind of off of one thing when maybe considering going a different route?
0:48:17 - Noel I honestly am still navigating that right now. Being completely transparent, it's fitness. It was a big part of my life at one point. It'll always be a part of me and my brand.
0:48:33 - Chase You said was.
0:48:35 - Noel Wait, I said, was you said was no, well meaning. At one point it literally was my life Right.
0:48:40 - Chase No, and I think to your point like you're in a transition. Yes, it was such a big part and probably was the biggest part.
0:48:48 - Noel It was like my life like everything like my content, what I talked about. You know the brands that I was working with. You know fitness apparel lines, supplement companies, like it was. It was my whole life at one point, but and it it served a big purpose and I needed that at that time in my life and it was my entire identity. And so I've reached a point where I'm somebody who I've always been multi-passionate, I've always wanted to do everything. You know I'm honing it in and slowly kind of taking the steps of focusing on a few things and then getting to those other things. But it when I noticed that I was pivoting out of just being Noelle Revello fitness, you, you start internally filling it because, just like you were saying, you're like I feel pulled in that direction. Um, you start internally filling it because I was noticing that I was running into a lot of burnout and it was requiring more energy to do fitness things, as opposed to giving me energy when I was doing them.
0:50:05 - Chase Like, this is supposed to be easy, this is supposed to be what I love, this is supposed to be what everybody knows me for, so it should just be kind of second nature, right. But I'm hearing maybe you know kind of maybe showing up or wagingly, or maybe not feeling the same level of motivation, inspiration or even fulfillment and joy out of it.
0:50:22 - Noel Yeah, I was. It was I was starting to like resent it, and it was every time I was creating some kind of content for it. Here's my workout. Here's my night. Oh my God.
0:50:35 - Chase If I had to tell somebody about one more macro, I swear but. I was just like.
0:50:41 - Noel I was feeling friction and I'm like, and I was just, you know, I just I and and. But it was like this is what I built my whole platform on and this is my identity and my identity to them. So how do you, how do you shift out of that? And then, as soon as you start introducing different things to this audience that came to you fully for that one thing that you did, you slowly start seeing the numbers dwindle the engagement, the following, and you can't comment that you don't like anymore, you know and you can't help but correlate your worth to that.
So then it's like so then it almost kind of tries to like this natural thing that's transitioning in your life. You're, you almost are like, well wait because, you, you know, we that instant gratification of the likes, the engagement, the, the, the fall, the following, increasing and stuff and it's like a toxic relationship.
0:51:40 - Chase Right, where are you going? You'd be nowhere without me. I made you. You know, no one's going to love you like I love you. Get back in here.
0:51:48 - Noel Exactly. It's hard, you know, and so, um, I really had to take a step back and get back to the, the my knowing of treating social media professionally, Um, and then really doing some reflection for myself, of being like I am feeling drained, I'm feeling burnt out, I'm feeling friction. Every time this, I'm trying to box myself into this one thing, when I know that there's I know that there's so much things that I want to do, and even though you know, we get in our heads sometimes, I know how, um, I know when I'm capable of and I don't want to just box and trust me, you guys, I don't feel that way all the time, but like I, when I am, when I do feel that way, I'm like, wow, my potential is limitless, like I go back to what we were talking about in the very beginning.
0:52:45 - Chase It's because you continuously work on building your confidence, yeah, and I'm sure the more that you have worked on keeping that work and those habits in that time and everything to support growing confidence, you're going to come confident in other areas maybe that you weren't before, yeah. So it makes total sense that where confidence goes, you know progression goes. Where confidence goes, your personal evolution goes, yeah. I don't know if I've told you this, but the lat when we were in Scottsdale years ago okay, we did go to that thing together.
Yeah, yeah, that's what I thought, because we've done a like a couple of a few of like the fitness event things, yeah, yeah, fitness things in a past life, yeah, and that event, very on par with what we're talking about now, is when I hired Jason.
0:53:33 - Noel Yeah.
0:53:34 - Chase And I hired him to grow my fitness coaching business my health coaching business because, like you just said, it was my identity. I had everything locked into. It is what my audience knew me for and I should you not? The first 10 minutes of the first official phone call, he basically talked me out of working with me on the thing that I hired him to do.
0:53:57 - Noel Wow, so I chase.
0:53:59 - Chase You don't want to do this. Like all all the things you've been talking about where you want to go, like your ideal life, like all these things, how you want to live your day it's around this podcasting. Yeah, so I hired him to grow my coaching business. I completely shut down my coaching business and just pivoted to podcast chase.
0:54:17 - Noel Isn't that awesome. Oh my God, that was the best thing.
0:54:19 - Chase Yeah, there's nothing like paying somebody thousands of dollars to not do what you hired them for.
0:54:24 - Noel Hopefully he gave you your money back.
0:54:26 - Chase No, I could not he, it wasn't for him in that conversation.
0:54:31 - Noel Yeah.
0:54:31 - Chase I don't know if I would be here, or maybe it would have been a lot. I would have dragged out that coaching business a lot longer than it should have been alive. I was showing up the same way I was. Like my God, if I have to, I love these people, but like I have to have one more check-in or one more.
0:54:45 - Noel This one was that you get in your head to your like.
0:54:46 - Chase Oh, I should be grateful and I should have gratitude because I'm then it's like it's like this loophole, Like and I was there, but you know, thanks to saying it out loud, finally, and saying it to somebody that could respectfully mirror it back, he called me out and he's like, chase, we're not doing that. He's like, no, we're going to do this. So, yeah, jason, keep my money, because you put me on my path where I am now.
0:55:08 - Noel Yeah.
0:55:09 - Chase So how are you navigating this, this transition? Are you currently and you don't have to say what? But if you are going through a transition right now, you feel like a poll to something else. What are you actively doing to what's the best way to say this? What are you actively doing to step into that and explore it fully, to see where and how you want to navigate?
0:55:33 - Noel How do I answer that question? So, as I was saying earlier, I am a multi-passionate person and that could also be a double-edged sword Cause you're like I want to do everything, I love everything.
0:55:44 - Chase I don't want to do it all.
0:55:47 - Noel That's not the most optimal way to do things, I mean for me. I'm still navigating it. By the way, a lot of the times, people that you follow or people that you put on pedestals, a lot of the times, they're figuring it out as they go Right. So I'm just like this is my first podcast. I don't even know what I'm doing right now, but I'm so. I'm just like rebranding in general. I still fitness will always be a part of me and I want to optimize it because I know what it's done for my life and I know it actually genuinely helps people. But I do want to eventually shift out of that in the full way that I'm doing it now and I'm changing my branding of my Instagram, of how I do my content, like I want my content to be super quality and I want it to which I've already shifted starting a new camera, like doing all the things.
0:56:50 - Chase By the way, great camera I look at your wheels.
0:56:52 - Noel Like the quality like the depth. I'm going to nerd out on all the tech.
0:56:57 - Chase Let me get that model after.
0:57:01 - Noel But I want my content to like. The first little step is I wanted to say fitness without saying fitness. You know, like my workouts, my blah, blah, blah, Like I, I want to show that being everything. Yes, I want to show it in a way to where it's like it's saying fitness, it's saying lifestyle, you know things like that. I want to start sharing a lot more of my hobbies as well, because, by the way, hobbies are so important to have. I didn't have them for a while because fitness was what.
I did, and someone asked me that one time and I'm like, oh my God, I don't know. And then I just never called him.
0:57:36 - Chase What do you mean? What else do I do besides working out? What do you mean? What else did?
0:57:39 - Noel exactly so. And then I've always honestly felt a very strong calling, like way before I started my fitness training, my fitness journey, way before I started my Instagram or YouTube. I was at a really big calling and I just felt this like heaviness on my heart to help people that struggle with like mental health, and I'm like now that I'm pivoting.
I'm like, now that I'm pivoting, this is like the best time to do it, because everything's at, unfortunately, in all high, like depression, anxiety, all that stuff and mental health is becoming. People are becoming more aware of how big of an issue it is.
0:58:21 - Chase And it's totally fine to talk about it on a regular basis now.
0:58:25 - Noel I believe it is Absolutely especially for men too, because now it's like you know, we've kind of gotten out of that generation of like masculine. You can't talk about your feelings like guys are, just like women. We might be more vocal and emotional, but I mean they feel the same things and you have to talk about those things. But I just a bunch of things. I'm currently working on my real estate license right now. Your real estate is always going to be demand. It's always been. I feel like it's uncapped of the things that you could do with it and allows like progression and growth with, and it's just been something that's always intrigued me. And but getting back to like what I was initially saying, I know that all the things that I'm doing will lead me in the direction to do it on a on a grander scale, but I would love to really do something with people to help in that way. I don't know if it's speaking- you know, I spoke one time before.
0:59:19 - Chase Yeah, we shared a stage years ago.
0:59:20 - Noel Yeah, and I was like maybe I don't, maybe this is not what I want to do, because I thought that I wanted to speak. I thought that I want to, you know, and I do have a very powerful story, and I feel that the reason why I have this, this background and this story, and the reason why I have a platform I don't think it's coincidence, I think that God orchestrated it at all, because it's something that needs to be shared more and like it can only be you.
Yes and it's so. I don't know I'm so, I'm so navigating it. I'm just rebranding in general on my Instagram, work at my real estate license but also seeing, you know, like being on podcasts and stuff like that is never something that I really like kind of dipped my toes in and I'm like why am I not doing these things? Because this is going to help lead and align me to Absolutely.
And I'm just wanting to do and being able to. I'm like, maybe this is how I'm going to be able to start sharing. Maybe speaking isn't what I want to do. I'm just starting a podcast or being on podcasts and sharing like stuff that will help people, and starting in, you know, taking baby steps in that sense, to see if that's what's gonna lead me in that direction, because things will come up for me to where I'm like okay, this is not what I thought that I wanted to do, but this, maybe this could be it, you know, so helping people on that way, on like a way grander scale, because I feel like my story is meant for that. I feel like my life was curated and sculpted and worked out exactly how it was, and all the things that I face, they all make sense now, because I'm like maybe I need to be sharing this. Maybe that's why. So I don't know if that necessarily answered that question. See, I told you I'm still navigating.
1:01:12 - Chase No, it doesn't what I'm hearing out of your story there, and what you're exploring and I think it's so important for the listener is you are allowing exploration to happen.
1:01:23 - Noel Yes.
1:01:24 - Chase I think for many of us whether it's, you know, getting in or getting out of a relationship, staying in or changing jobs or exploring a side hustle we have a lot of this curiosity, we have a lot of this wonderment about what could be and not in just like a grass is always greener approach. It's really, I feel, pulled. I feel there's some part of this world that is calling me. There's some part of that world that is calling me. It might not be that might not be where I need to go and stay, but there's a part of that world that I need to go explore with myself because I need to figure that out and take it with me to the next world. I need to figure this out, take it to the next job, take it to the next relationship, take it to my next pivot in social media. I think most of us are not allowing that play, that exploration, time and space, but also remembering, like you said, this might not be the thing, but I do know that there's a component of it that is calling me.
1:02:20 - Noel Yes, that was a perfect way of putting it. Yeah, and I feel that we don't do that enough. Allow ourselves to explore, because we're so wrapped up in these identities and that's really where someone just continues to exist and they're not actually living.
1:02:40 - Chase So true, so true.
1:02:41 - Noel When you're allowing yourself to stay in that box, when you're allowing yourself to not break out and explore other things. It's a disservice to your life because you feel it within, like, just like you were saying, you feel pulled to it.
1:03:00 - Chase I'm like, oh yeah.
1:03:02 - Noel You know so.
1:03:03 - Chase Well, you kind of hinted at it and I do know your story, yeah, and it's a very worthwhile one to hear again myself and for the first time, for my audience. So take us back to Noel Origins.
1:03:18 - Noel You've talked about a lot of things, it's been a long time since I've shared this story, so this is why we're here.
1:03:22 - Chase Welcome to Long Format Content.
1:03:24 - Noel I'm on Story Short. I don't know how.
1:03:26 - Chase You hinted at some things. You know things that you feel that you're called to do now, and only because of parts of your story, you know it's kind of feeding into your aspirations now and how fitness, how you found fitness to kind of like guide you through that time as well. Where did all this come from?
1:03:44 - Noel Okay, so once upon a time no, I'm just kidding. So I grew up in a very toxic household and I didn't realize all this until way later, when I had to unlearn a lot of things and I had to do a lot of healing. And I'm still on that healing journey and I feel like healing is also another thing that I don't think it ever really stops.
1:04:10 - Chase I don't think so either.
1:04:11 - Noel It doesn't. I don't think it does, and it's kind of like freeing, no, like embracing that because it's so true. You know so, but I grew up in a very toxic home and I what do you mean by that? My parents had blessed their souls. They're both alive and healthy and I have relationships with both of them now, but they had a very abusive relationship mostly verbally Between the two of them.
Yeah, mostly verbally and sometimes here and there like physical. And I was one of four, so we were a big family, I was the baby, and so there was constant, just chaos going on in my house and that was normal to me. I thought that was normal, you know.
1:05:00 - Chase Well, all of us growing up, whatever's happening, good, bad, neutral, that is our norm.
1:05:04 - Noel That is, we don't know any other reality, no, yeah, or to compare it to. So it's like, oh, that's just normal you know oh yeah, mom and dad. Just you know, having a bra, that's normal. See you guys, you could heal from it. Don't interrupt them.
1:05:17 - Chase They love each other, I think.
1:05:20 - Noel Now I can laugh about it, no but. And so there was a lot of that going on. And now that I think back on it too, like I experienced a lot of verbal abuse and that was normal, right. So stuff that definitely impacted my worth and my confidence never physical, but just I mean sometimes verbal I've realized can be way more detrimental than physical. Like, yeah, you get slapped, maybe you'll get a bruise, but stuff that you hear it gets really ingrained in your head and you have to unlearn things and you have to work at that diligently or else it will surface in your life and show up in patterns and it did. And so, and my mom, you know she struggled with a drug addiction and so that was something that was always present in my life.
1:06:14 - Chase My dad just Like you, remember this.
1:06:17 - Noel Yeah, and my dad was the breadwinner.
It was like more of that like kind of coming out of that part of like whatever like my dad was.
You know, that was his thing, and so he just wasn't really present, and definitely not emotionally present. And so by the time I was 13, I just was kind of going back and forth, because they were always like legally separated at a certain point and then they I would go back and forth and live with them and then they finally divorced. And so then I just went and I like lived with one of my girlfriends, because we were always constantly changing schools because of the back and forthness, and so it was just, it was a lot. And I remember that I was going to high school and I'm like I'm not gonna move, I'm gonna stay here at this high school and I'm going to stay here all four years and I'm gonna have a group of friends and I'm not gonna be the new kid anymore and I'm gonna graduate from here. And so I made that decision for myself and I did, and I ended up living with one of my girlfriends all through high school and I just wasn't really talking to my mom, my dad.
1:07:30 - Chase So at this point you were more or less separated from your family.
1:07:33 - Noel Oh, completely yeah, this was probably when I was yeah, like 13, 14. Wow, Wow.
1:07:39 - Chase Sounds like the first promise you ever made to yourself.
1:07:41 - Noel Yeah, yeah, I know, when I said that too, I was like dang, that's when I like, that's a big decision that probably really shifted the trajectory of my life.
1:07:50 - Chase Has to be.
1:07:51 - Noel Yeah.
1:07:53 - Chase So you were just on your own. You made this promise to yourself to separate yourself from this environment that you recognized. I can't be a part of this.
1:08:01 - Noel Yeah, you know what's and I thank God for it is. I've always had that. I don't know what exactly it is Like. I've always had self-awareness to know that I shouldn't be in these environments. I don't like how they make me feel, cause sometimes people, especially when you're young and you don't really have much mindfulness or self-awareness you'll just stay in bigger and that's whatever. It's normal.
But I always had this feeling of I don't want to feel this way, I shouldn't. This is not right, this isn't. I need to remove myself from this because this isn't healthy. So yeah. So then I was out on my own by 14 and then I developed like a really bad relationship with alcohol and I didn't realize that it was because I was suppressing everything, my abandonment issues, the environment that I was raised in and I you know it's just blacking out every weekend thinking that was normal and I just, I just always felt very heavy-hearted, I was miserable. Honestly, I was so unhappy and these are heavy ways to feel in high school Now that I'm thinking back at that age. I was so young.
1:09:21 - Chase Being a teenager is hard enough. On top of all this like holy hell.
1:09:24 - Noel And then not having like that support system from a family or my parents that really help you navigate those times when you're having challenging times.
It was like I was raising myself and yeah, so it was, and then it just kind of it continued, you know, and I was just, and then I don't remember the time when I well, actually honestly, what really saved me from all of that was my faith, my faith, and then eventually, down the road, it was really wanting to not feel the way that I felt Like I felt just like I would say like I was like a very miserable person. I was a super insecure person. I was just angry. I was so angry.
1:10:12 - Chase Rightfully so.
1:10:13 - Noel I mean shit, I was ready to fight you know, but I was so angry and it was just to really harbor all those feelings is just so. It just sucks the life out of you, and that's how I felt. And then, you know, the self-aware kicked in again and I was like I don't want to feel this way.
1:10:32 - Chase So then I realized you don't deserve to feel that way.
1:10:33 - Noel No, like it's not. And when you harbor and I was harboring a lot of resentment towards my dad and my mom, and what you don't realize is that and suppressing it with alcohol, partying, all that stuff, and what you don't realize is that really it really is, for a long time people be like, oh, forgive, forgive, it's like okay, well, you don't know what I've been through, you don't know. You know, and even if I forgive, that person's not even sorry, so that makes you even more mad.
1:11:04 - Chase Yeah, yeah, but that's a tough one.
1:11:08 - Noel Then I reached a point to where I was like you know what, like I like forgiving really is for myself and I want to be free of how I feel. And so then I started diving deep into, you know, my faith and stuff like that, and that really helped. That really helped navigate me in a time where I didn't have anyone to navigate me, in a time where I was like I was so lost. Well, I was so lost and it's so nice and so freeing to talk about this and have no- it's a safe space.
Yeah, and also have no like just to give, like other people, hope with that because everyone deals with it. I have no like emotion towards it anymore, Like I really am free from it and I'm not. It's made me who I am and I'm genuinely grateful for that, because if I didn't go through those things in life and have to overcome them, then I would not be who I am and I have gotten to a point where I really I love who I am.
1:12:15 - Chase Hell yeah, I love to hear that. I'm happy for you. That's amazing.
1:12:18 - Noel I have my moments, but I love who.
1:12:20 - Chase I am.
1:12:20 - Noel And it's because of the stuff that I've been through, you know, like everything that you're going through, all the dark times and all the challenging things, they all come full circle and they're there for a reason. So I've really shifted my mindset just recently. I've always been aware of this, and you too, because we both love self development, of that to really look at my challenges as opportunities because they're gonna grow. You and that was my whole childhood and just to kind of like sum up the whole life story and why I'm at where I'm at. And so my faith really carried me through the healing. And then I started diving into self development things. You know, the first person who I, you know, was like in love with I was like Tony Robbins, he's everything. And then I started doing other things. I'm like wow, like, and I started breaking free from feeling the way that I felt and I was building on my confidence when I found the gym and all that stuff.
1:13:17 - Chase Then I trickled into the gym and then the rest is history, right, but they can just go back and listen to podcasts in reverse order and figure it all out.
1:13:24 - Noel Yeah, but yeah, I mean it was. But going through those times was horrible. It was just like why? Why am I going through this? Why me, you know like? And I just got sick and tired of feeling that way and putting myself in like a victim mentality and I'm like if there's gonna be any change, it has to come from me, if I don't wanna feel this way anymore.
1:13:52 - Chase That's powerful. I don't wanna feel this way anymore.
1:13:54 - Noel I don't wanna be miserable, I don't wanna be angry, I don't wanna be resentful, I don't wanna carry this around because it's not a way to live. It's not a way to live and the only way that was gonna change was if I dug deep and found things to support, guide me in healing and changing. And I'm still doing a lot of healing even from that. Like this past year I've done.
1:14:22 - Chase It's not a wanna done thing, no, it's the newest realization of the work 100%.
1:14:27 - Noel And then you know it would surface in areas of my life even still and a big one was in relationships in general with you know romantic partner friendships, you know your family. It surfaces and you're like why am I reacting this way? Why am I? You know why? I don't wanna act that way, I don't wanna resort to that. When something like that surfaces and then you're like dang, I gotta go back to the drawing board and figure out why and then work from there. And it's something that you have to just like confidence. It's something you have to work out every single day and be mindful of, and you have to do the work. You can't just be like okay, I had a therapy session, I'm healed, like no you have to Listen to a podcast.
1:15:12 - Chase God, God, listen to a podcast, I'm all good.
1:15:14 - Noel You have to go out there and you have to do the work every single day.
1:15:18 - Chase And that is exactly what we do here on EverFord radio. And to kind of wrap all that up in a bow, I wanna ask you directly how do you move forward? How do you move EverFord? What are those words mean to you?
1:15:31 - Noel I thought about this question and I was like the thing that res. I love that question because it's a great question, it's a very moving like. It makes you think like how, like, what does that mean for me? And everyone's just gonna be different and I'm like, I'm like how can I answer that and really provide value to someone listening or make an impact, Because I know you asked that question for that?
1:15:56 - Chase I appreciate all the prep work and thought in. I'm sure the listener does too. Yeah, it's amazing. Thank you.
1:16:02 - Noel No, I was thinking about that. I'm like I wanna bring something like powerful for someone, if I were listening.
1:16:07 - Chase Well, bring it, girl yeah.
1:16:10 - Noel But for me it's that, no matter what is thrown at you in life, life is good and bad.
It could be good to us, it could be really cruel to us, but that's what makes it life, because if everything was easy then we would be bored, let's be honest.
But for me, no matter what life throws at you, to continue taking it and finding the opportunity for growth and progression in it, whatever that is, and continuing to do it, whatever that is, and continue moving forward. So, whether it's good you know kind of what I was talking about you get a job promotion, your business is booming, like don't get complacent with that and just be like oh, it's time to relax, don't get me wrong, don't bring yourself out. You should have time of rest, you should have time where you sit back and you allow yourself to reflect and relax, but to always be moving forward and growing. And then it's like in times of challenges, like really shifting your mindset around challenge and obstacles, because they are there to help you continuously move forward. They're there for a reason, right, especially with challenges, because I feel like people resonate with that more, because when those are there, you're like why? But it's because they're there to grow you and to stretch you as a person and to continue having you move ever forward. Mic drop.
1:17:40 - Chase I love it, mic drop, there's never a right or wrong answer. I say I really do appreciate that preparation and thought into that answer and that's the whole reason why we're here is because you embody it, you live it and you've got such a wild story, such a unique story that has put you on the map and brought you here. And not only that, but there's other kind of component to why I look for certain people on the show is you didn't stop there, like you kind of figured your shit out a little bit. You went through your shit, you got the gratitude, you got the confidence, you applied yourself, you evolved yourself, but you shared it with others. And I think that's the other big component to living a life ever forward is you got to figure that out on your own for yourself and for your life. But the next best part is sharing that with others, sharing your mistakes, your lessons, whether that's in your local community, online, whatever it's paying it forward so that others can move ever forward as well.
Yeah, I love that. Well, noel, I love you girl. It's good to see you I love you.
I know Gotta get you back up here in LA more often.
1:18:44 - Noel I know, I know when I'm down in OC, I gotta hit you up more too. Yes, you do please, honestly, seriously.
1:18:49 - Chase I messed up. I know it's probably like.
1:18:51 - Noel I know you guys have your, you know your time with your parents and stuff. But like it would be nice to like go and see.
1:18:56 - Chase Absolutely.
1:18:57 - Noel See your wife too.
1:18:58 - Chase Let's do the things let's do the things, but where can everybody go right now to connect with you, learn more about you? What do you got going on most in the world right now?
1:19:06 - Noel I mean, my main platform would be Instagram. It's just, you know, noel or Valo, there's underscore, there's always an underscore.
1:19:13 - Chase We'll have all the things like links for everybody. Yeah, you can tap that link in the video notes. Show notes.