"You have to know your darkness in order to know your light. They’re actually one in the same and your strength comes from your darkness."
Megan and Nicole Michelena
EFR 698: Facing Your Darkness to Find Your Light, Doing Soul Work & the Mental Health Revolution Needed in America Now with Megan Michelena and Nicole Michelena of Zenchronicity
Meet the Zenchronicity Sisters, Nicole and Megan, as they shine light on the power of psychedelic medicine, soul work, and the dire need for a mental health revolution in America. Together, they break down the benefits of using psychedelics and how you can achieve the same mental health benefits without them.
Change is inevitable when we choose to work on ourselves. Whether it’s through mind work, body work, emotional work, or soul work, you’re never going to be the same person you went in as. Isn’t that such a freeing concept? If we dive into the soul and embrace the change that comes with it, we can go to places we’ve never even imagined.
Megan Michelena and Nicole Michelena, aka the Zenchronicity Sisters, are plant medicine practitioners and Certified Mental Health Experts specializing in psychedelic medicine. They also co-host The Zenchronicity Podcast and offer 1:1 and group coaching to people who want to maximize their personal and professional potential (with or without psychedelics).
Follow Zenchronicity Sisters @zenchronicity_sisters
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Key Highlights
Megan and Nicole share their perspectives on the current state of mental health in America. What are we doing well and what do we need to do differently?
They describe how psychedelics have changed their lives and improved their mental health as well as why they think the future is androgynous.
We focus so much on mental work and physical work that we often forget soul work. Listen in to learn how psychedelics can be used to do soul work.
Intention and integration are the keys to receiving and retaining the benefits of psychedelic experiences.
Should everybody do psychedelics? Who shouldn’t take psychedelics?
If you don’t immediately find meaning in your psychedelic experience, don’t try to force meaning. It may come to you days, weeks, or even months later.
“When you just surrender and let go, 99% of life shows up for you, and that’s integration.” Why is it so hard for us to surrender and let go? The answer lies in our divine masculine and feminine. Tune in to learn more!
Powerful Quotes by Zenchronicity Sisters
I was looking for a power greater than myself and I couldn’t find it and I was searching everywhere else than inside of me. In therapists’ offices, in boyfriends… what psychedelics have given me is that understanding of just how profound we all are and that we all have purpose and that we’re all here for a reason.
You’re accountable for everything in your life, starting with your thoughts.
The subconscious is like the heartbeat of the soul. That is where you get into the meaty part of learning who you are and you go a little bit deeper each time.
That’s what’s so powerful to us about integration is realizing that your thoughts and your feelings and your actions and the results of those actions all are the intention you have behind anything, whether it’s conscious or not conscious.
You have to know your darkness in order to know your light. They’re actually one in the same and your strength comes from your darkness.
Recommended Resources:
Listen to the Zenchronicity Podcast
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