"We get to see the light at the end of the tunnel and see how awesome life can really be if we choose to really educate ourselves and become aware of our mental health."
Whitney Eckis
EFR 606: Mindset Shifts to Beat Burnout, Living With Anxiety and Depression, and Tools to Improve Your Mental Health with Whitney Eckis
If you struggle finding the motivation to get up in the morning, you’re not doing your best at work, or you battle with an inner monologue that’s telling you what you need to do, but you just CAN’T get yourself together to execute and be productive…
You might be experiencing burnout.
Whitney Eckis is a serial entrepreneur and marketing guru whose mission is to inspire and empower entrepreneurship, influence, and empowering women in the business industry. Whitney believes that whether or not you’re taking a break, starting something new, or advancing in your career, you are continuing to move forward and evolve.
In this discussion, Whitney and Chase talk about all things BURNOUT. She sheds light on what it was like to be diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder and depression, the tools and practices she uses to improve and maintain her mental health, and why she’s grateful for experiencing burnout. Plus, she talks about how she’s using radical transparency to prevent burnout and build trust within her company’s team.
Follow Whitney Eckis @whitneyeckis
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
Our intense desire to be productive is often driven by a fear of failure or not being good enough. Sitting with yourself and realizing the voice inside your head is protecting you, while also acknowledging when you need a break, is very impactful.
To avoid burnout as an entrepreneur, Whitney looks at the flow of her work ethic and where she wants to be. If she’s not able to rest and pause, the quality of her work and leadership will be compromised. So, she makes sure to balance her time, integrate rest into her life, and get honest about when she needs a break.
It’s important to have people to hold space for you and hold you accountable, especially as an entrepreneur. Therapy and a business coach are two key tools Whitney uses to shift her mindset, boost internal confidence, and understand herself better so she can do business better.
Whitney uses radical transparency and honesty to build trust amongst her company’s team, ensure her work is the highest quality possible, prevent burnout, and empower her team to take care of themselves. If she needs to cancel a meeting because she needs a mental health day, she’s honest and transparent about it.
Feelings of doubt, fear, and scarcity are likely to come up throughout your life, but recognizing and becoming aware of them gives you the power to shift your mindset and create a new perspective moving forward.
Powerful Quotes by Whitney Eckis
What you’re doing and how you’re serving your consumer or how you’re serving your team… is going to show up energetically in your work.
We get to see the light at the end of the tunnel and see how awesome life can really be if we choose to really educate ourselves and become aware of our mental health.
It really showed me how much I was walking through business in fear and walking through a scarcity mindset.
Ultimately, if we’re feeling like “I’m a fraud, I don’t have enough experience, XYZ…” it’s either A) I’m feeling challenged and I’m scared of this challenge or B) It’s not aligned and it’s not really going to serve me.
Recommended Resources:
Follow Eckis Marketing @eckismarketing
Visit her website
Listen to Under the Influence Podcast