"I had this self-limiting belief and had no idea that that belief had no basis in reality."
Jason Goldsmith
May 2, 2022
EFR 597: The 5 Steps You Need to Take to Transform Your Life Through Self-Coaching with Jason Goldsmith
EFR 597: The 5 Steps You Need to Take to Transform Your Life Through Self-Coaching with Jason Goldsmith
Did you know that it’s perfectly acceptable and possible to be your own life coach? In fact, self-coaching can change the trajectory of your career, your relationships, and your entire life.
That’s a lofty statement, yes, but it’s true and there’s a framework for how to do it.
Meet Jason Goldsmith, a globally recognized sports performance coach and co-author of Take Charge of You (with David Novak). Jason changed the trajectory of his life when he started shifting his mindset around his dyslexia diagnosis. Since then, he’s discovered the power of self-coaching and now helps others become the best versions of themselves.
In this discussion, Jason and Chase talk about personal leadership, how to be your own coach in five steps, and how self-coaching can transform your life and career. He also shares his personal experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia and how that inspired him to start a performance coaching business.
Follow Jason Goldsmith @CoachJasonGold
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
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Key Highlights
Jason’s dyslexia diagnosis not only gave him clarity on how his brain worked differently, but it made him very curious about how people learn. This provoked his purposeful journey to helping people become the best versions of themselves.
Jason details his first experiences with shifting his mindset and perception of himself, especially relating to his dyslexia. He speaks on how he shifted his mindset around dyslexia from “it’s a disability” to “it’s my superpower”.
If you’re struggling with self-limiting beliefs, performance coaching can help you shift your mindset. In fact, you can be your own performance coach! The first step to self-coaching is getting to know yourself and figuring out the things that drive you. That’s what allows you to identify what brings you joy and what takes your joy away.
The next step to self-coaching is getting yourself in a solution-based coaching mindset. Like Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Then, uncover the transformational insights, reframe failures, identify your next steps toward success, and take insightful action. The last step is showing up consistently every day. If you take these steps to coach yourself, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your life and career.
Jason emphasizes the importance of taking care of yourself, as it’s often overlooked in our society. Developing rituals and habits to improve your body will also improve your mind (and vice versa), making it easier to take charge of your life.
Lastly, Jason sheds light on the ways he’s currently coaching himself through life.
Powerful Quotes by Jason Goldsmith
I had this self-limiting belief and had no idea that that belief had no basis in reality.
If you know what the things are that bring you joy, then why aren’t you doing more of those things? If you can’t define exactly what your purpose is, over time, as long as you’re doing those things, your purpose will start to unveil itself to you. But you have to cultivate a growth mindset around it. You have to be able to be present so that when your purpose does reveal itself… you’re in a mindset that you see it.
After you’ve gone down this path and you’ve figured out what your single biggest thing is and you’re pursuing this with the intensity of the passion and motivation that comes along with it, you need to share it with others.
Recommended Resources:
Visit his website
Buy his book, Take Charge of You
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Speaker 1:The following is an operation podcast production.
Speaker 2:Hi, I'm Jason Goldsmith, a high performance coach. And on today's episode of ever forward, we're gonna talk about how coaching yourself can transform your life and career.
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Speaker 1:That doing self-coaching personal leadership and the five steps that you need to take to transform your life. If today, with Jason Goldsmith. Welcome to the show, everybody. Thank you so much for being [00:02:30] here as always. I got a quick ask of you. If you have not yet subscribed on your podcast platform of choice, please pause right now. Take literally the three seconds. Go to the podcast app. Tap that button, apple cast, Google podcast, Spotify overcast cast box. Hell. Even if you're on YouTube, that one little click does so much for us over here at ever Ford radio would mean the world. And plus it just makes sure that you never miss another episode. So [00:03:00] it's like a help me help you situation. Thank you so much for doing so, all right. Now, what have we got in store for the show today? Well, let me tell you, Jason and I are gonna be talking about personal leadership, a very, very favorite concept of mine here on the show and in my life, we're gonna be talking about how to be your own coach in five steps.
Speaker 1:Jason has done this for countless other individuals, entrepreneurs, high performers, be willing to bet. You probably recognize a few of them. He's gonna coach you in these five steps [00:03:30] and how self-coaching can actually transform your life and your career. He also is gonna share his personal experience of being diagnosed dyslexia and how that inspired him to start a performance coaching business. You hear that someone told him that he was not good at something or flat out couldn't do something. He said, no, no, not today. I'm gonna take it. I'm gonna make this my superpower and run with it. I wonder if you can relate to that today. Jason Goldsmith is a globally [00:04:00] re a sports performance coach and co-author of take charge of you. I'm gonna have that linked for you down in the show notes as always anything you hear me or my guests talk about, we're gonna have it linked for you under episode resources.
Speaker 1:All you gotta do. Scroll down to the show notes. Jason changed the trajectory of his life when he started shifting his mindset around his Alexia diagnosis. And since then he has discovered the power of self-coaching and now helps others become the best versions of themselves. Or [00:04:30] as we say over here on the podcast to live a life ever forward. So I truly hope that today's message helps you understand the concept and helps you apply off coaching and help you realize that you right here right now today can take charge of your life, take charge of your career and transform it and put yourself on the path towards the direction of the life of the profession, of the career, of all the things that you want and that you deserve. [00:05:00] Today's guest is in fact in a author. And you know what? I love speaking to authors because I love reading.
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Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I, I think it was [00:06:30] my first experience in, in reframing a situation that, you know, for most of my life, you know, so, so I'm in my thirties when I come to this realization that, that my dyslexia might be my superpower rather than this thing that I've been trying
Speaker 1:To hide to people
Speaker 2:My whole life. So, um, you know, it's just, I'm, I'm at a golf event, you know, a played a lot of golf at that at that point in time [00:07:00] in my life. And I'm, and, uh, and, and I'm, I'm in this, forSo with this guy that happens to be a sheriff and, and we just get on this conversation and he says, oh, my daughter's dyslexic. And we just found out that it's not necessarily this, this curse. It's, you know, it's this way that her brain works differently, but because of it, you know, she's able to, to see things and do things and think about things in a different way. And it's like in that instant, this burden had been [00:07:30] lifted that I've been carrying around my whole life, that, that maybe this idea of this self image that I had about myself literally really changed as soon as those words rolled out of his, you know, off his tongue. And so that, you know, that to me was, was, was how this whole journey began.
Speaker 1:What I'm hearing there is that you, you heard somebody else kind of going through a similar struggle as you. And was that what it took was, was it that I needed to [00:08:00] hear somebody else not only is going through this, but there's kind of a silver lining. There's hope on the other side of this, I'm not going through this alone. And yes, in fact, this can be used to my benefit.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, I, I, I don't think it was quite that way. I think what it was was I had this belief system wrapped up since being a, you know, growing up in, in an education system that really had me, um, undiagnosed in, you know, until [00:08:30] I was in, in, you know, high school and then not really having a solution. So it was, you know, my self image or how I saw myself. Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:But
Speaker 2:This person that wasn't like everybody else that had this disability, that wasn't gonna, you know, that was always gonna struggle with education. Um, so, so it wasn't necessarily relating to somebody else's struggle as much as it was looking at my own belief system. And then for the first time [00:09:00] really questioning what was real, cuz I had this reality built around how I saw myself. And then in that moment, well maybe that reality isn't true. You know? And so that's really the first time I started to question, you know, we, we all have thoughts and we all, you know, have this constant stream of thinking, but just because you have a thought, doesn't make it real. And, and that's when I started to understand that I've been seeing myself in [00:09:30] a way, you know, that was depreciating who I was and just flipping that thought on its head and, and looking at it from the opposite perspective. Like what we would say is a solution mindset. I saw it as a superpower where until that point I had seen it as, you know, a disability.
Speaker 1:It sounds like the moment you were, uh, unplugged from the major <laugh>. Yeah, no, that's good. I know, I [00:10:00] know how that feels. I know how that goes. Been there many a time and I'm looking forward to still kind of having that sensation because that's the unique thing about belief systems I believe is that it's, it's like a, a new baseline. Every time we kind of have this very in depth sense of awareness, us of, oh wow. What I've been thinking has been translating into what I'm feeling and what I'm feeling is turning into how I'm acting. And then that has this entire ripple effect of, I have created a life. I have [00:10:30] built a, a business I've built a relationships I've built my way of living. If I reverse engineer it all the way around to this, this thing that you said so eloquently that I've been viewing myself in a way that I'm not appreciating myself to my full potential, I'm depreciating myself. And it's totally within our control, right. To kind of go back to that source code, if you will, and rewrite it. And it's not like a one and done thing, right. It's we have that realization and then we create a, a better life for ourselves and then something else comes [00:11:00] down the path later on. And that gets rewritten in a way. Would you agree or is it kind of just this one big grand opening, this big opportunity we get?
Speaker 2:No, I think you have different chapters of your life. You know, I think, you know, the reason why David Nova and I wrote this book is, is just that right. Trying to help people figure out what is the thing that brings them joy. How do they develop this purpose in them, in their life? And I think that you can have [00:11:30] multiple chapters in that. So, you know, you know, what, what might be your purpose for the next, you know, five or 10 years may evolve in into something else. So I, I never thought I'd be sitting here, you know, on, you know, this podcast with you and talking to your, your listeners about performance or performance coaching, like, like that, that wasn't even an idea in my head. It just continued to evolve after that conversation, you know, because [00:12:00] that, that's what set me on my journey. But then as it progressed, I realized, you know, this is why I'm here. Like every day I wake up, nobody could stop me from helping other people, uh,
Speaker 1:Except you <laugh> except
Speaker 2:Yourself. Right. Right. Well, well, right. No, you said it, you said it perfect. Right. I had this self libbing belief and had no idea that that belief had [00:12:30] no basis in reality. And, and when, you know, you look at that and you say, okay, how many are people out there in this world are, have a belief system or, you know, have, have put this governor on themselves. And, and really their potential is limitless. You know, how, how do we unpack that for each individual? How do we help each individual reframe or, or question Hmm. That, that depreciating thought, whatever it is, and [00:13:00] figure out how to turn, you know, turn its on its head and, and, and unleash their, their, you know, ultimate dream of what their life could be
Speaker 1:Pure, raw potential. That's what it feels like for me. Uh, it it's, it's a knowing, but then also like I've been building up, like you said, everything up to this point is for what I'm about to do next. So it's a very, very strong sense of knowing, but also almost the same level of uncertainty [00:13:30] because you know, you're here where you're supposed to be right now and everything is brought you to this point. But then you kind of just, and you look at the next step, the rest of your life, and it's a big white canvas. And for a lot of us that gets kind of scary and overwhelming. It's this weird dichotomy of knowing and knowing the past and unknowing the future. And if I'm understanding correctly, I think this is really where your expertise steps in to kind of help us begin to realize this and then coach ourselves through performance coaching. So [00:14:00] this person right now listening is at that point where you were, where, where I have been. And in some ways, and again right now, where do we go next? What is the inner monologue? What are the steps? How do we kind of take on this performance coaching for ourselves?
Speaker 2:Well, so, you know, what you wanna do is you really need to get to know the person you're coaching, right? And so, you know, if, if, if this was a, a coaching session, you know, I I'd spend probably the entire first session getting to know, [00:14:30] you know, the person I'm coaching, that that person happens to be yourself, right. So you have to first step is, is getting to know you and figuring out, you know, what are the things that, that drive you and, and, and that's what allows you to figure out, okay, you know, what are the things that, you know, that bring me this immense joy in life and how do I, you know, limit the things [00:15:00] that, that take me away from that joy that, you know, that block, that joy, um, you know, so, so to me, you know, everybody starts in the, in the same place, which is, is, you know, figuring out, you know, what, what is, what is the thing that, that is gonna allow them to wake up every morning and have this motivation to, you know, to take on, you know, to have to have this, this purpose,
Speaker 1:Your why is that what you're kind of describing [00:15:30] the why, why we do anything that, um, yeah, I agree, but I wanna play devil's advocate here a little bit, if we could please. Sure. I think that honestly is what a lot of us struggled the most with is because everything else after that, it kind of makes sense. I feel like it, it just kind of comes naturally once we know why we're doing something, the, how, the, what, the, where the, when tend to kind of unfold a little bit easier, I'll say, so how can we actually with certainty, know that we are [00:16:00] at our Y or at least on the path to it?
Speaker 2:Well, you know, to me, what you have to do is, is you have to figure out, you know, who, who you are. You know, I was fortunate enough earlier on to spend a lot of time with Deepak Chopra and, you
Speaker 1:Know, okay. All right. Not too bad.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And so, you know, what we used to spend a lot of time on is this meditation that, that he would have you do where you would, you [00:16:30] would just ask the question, who am I, you know, what do I want and what do I give? And, you know, in that meditation over time, you know, the answer changes, but you, you start to figure out the reason, you know, for being here, uh, you know, in, in our book, what we, we, we describe is, you know, what are the things in your life that bring you joy? You know? [00:17:00] And, and if, and if you know, what the things are that bring you joy, then, then why aren't you doing more of those things? You know? And, and, and if you can't define exactly what your purpose is, you know, over time, as long as you're doing those things, your purpose will start to unveil itself to you.
Speaker 2:But, but you have to cultivate, you know, a, a growth mindset around it. You, you have to be able to, [00:17:30] to be present so that when your purpose does reveal itself, that you're in a mindset that you see it. And I think that that's the piece that most people miss, right, is, is that they're, they're so stuck in this, this problem solution mindset where all their mind does is create more problems for the mind to solve those problems, that they never get [00:18:00] to, you know, a solution based mindset where they start to see opportunity and, you know, and that comes for, from, you know, understanding who you are, and then also being in a neutral mindset so that you can see the opportunities when they present themselves.
Speaker 1:But Jason, what if, what if I'm struggling with joy right now? What if one of two things are happening? What if I am just really struggling on things that [00:18:30] give me joy, that, that light up my life that are just things that I love to do, places I love to go. People. I love to be around tasks. I love to accomplish versus maybe the other track. And I'm curious if you, if, if you would approach either one of the, if you would approach them differently, what if the things that used to bring me joy no longer do <affirmative>
Speaker 2:Okay. So, so then you could approach it from the opposite way. Right? So what are the things that are taking you away from your joy?
Speaker 1:Aha. Okay.
Speaker 2:[00:19:00] Right. Okay. So, so you would, you would make a list of the things that are, you know, blocking your joy and then start eliminating those things and see if that helps you get to a place where now you can start to have more joy in your life. So, you know, working with athletes, you know, a lot of times outcome is, you know, such a factor in their success, right. Because it's
Speaker 1:Probably the factor. [00:19:30] Yeah.
Speaker 2:Right. Because that's, that's what they're measured. Right. You're only as you're only as good as your last game. Right. And, and, and if you get caught up in that, it's really easy for an athlete to lose their joy in playing the sport that they love. Right. And so, you know, if, if you spend your whole life devoted to the love of a game that brings you such immense joy and contentment in your life, and then the next thing, you know, [00:20:00] you're at a point in your career where you're consumed by outcome, you can see how you could start to lose the joy of the game. So, you know, coaching yourself through that, you would say, okay, wait, hold on a second. I still love this game of soccer. It's the outcome part of soccer that's causing all the anxiety, you know, that's, that's, you know, making me, you know, think [00:20:30] about how to play when I never thought about playing, you know, all those things, all the doubt, you know, will I be able to play next year? Like all of those things, you know, those are joy blockers. So, so how do we eliminate those things? And then how do we, once those things start to be eliminated, then how do we get back to I play this game because I love it. I play this game because it brings me this immense joy and then know that when you get to that place, [00:21:00] that the outcome's gonna take care of itself. So Deepak has this, this incredible quote, which is, um, let me think of it. <laugh> it
Speaker 1:Is, uh, he's got quite a few that's, that's what
Speaker 2:She, he does. He does. He said, oh, the outcome takes care of itself when you enjoy the process with abandonment. And it really is like, I mean, I, I use it all the time because I, you know, E [00:21:30] it shows you so much about sports, right? If, if you have a process and, you know, the process works, you know, you know, the roadmap or the blueprint, you know, like what we've done in this book is, is hopefully set up this blueprint for somebody to follow. If, you know, the process has worked for, you know, thousand of athletes and CEOs and, and you follow that process and you enjoy that process, the outcomes [00:22:00] take care of themselves. Right. But you have to have that, that knowing, like you said, in the beginning, that, that, that the outcomes outta your control. Right. So, so why not let go of it and not make it be the thing that creates so much doubt and anxiety that that's the thing that keeps you from achieving your goal.
Speaker 1:Something, something just came to mind that, uh, I haven't really thought about, [00:22:30] but I would love to get your input on I I'm all for, and every listener here ever Ford radio, um, would agree with me that so much of what I talk about and the guests that we have on are in agreement with what you just said, it it's process over the prize, it's commitment and joy along the way. And then the path kind of unfolds itself. Right. But what happens have you experienced the yourself, or with, you know, your clients over the years, what happens when that's there? The joy, the [00:23:00] why, the passion, the waking up every day and just loving life and loving what you're doing, what happens when that's there, but then failure comes from that. What happens when the passion and commitment and the why is very, very, very clear and very consistent. And no one is shaking you of that faith, but for whatever reason, the prize just doesn't seem to kind of happen.
Speaker 2:Well, I, I mean, two things there. I mean, I think, you know, you have to identify what the prize is, [00:23:30] right? So, you know, define the prize, but, you know, failure, doesn't this, you know, so I, I say it all the time to athletes I work with, there's only one time in your career. Well, failure, you know, is a possibility and that's the last time, you know, you lace up the cleats, right? So, you know, on, on the, on the final day of your final game, you know, there's an opportunity for, [00:24:00] for failure because you're never gonna lace the cleats up again, until that point, failure is just your best teacher, because failure is showing what you need to work on. You know? So in my mind, there, there is no failure if, if you are so into your process and you are, you know, eliminating the, you know, the idea that, that, you know, like today is the day. And if, and if this, you know, I go, I go [00:24:30] out and I play golf today and I don't shoot the score I want. And I look at that as a failure rather than look at, okay, what are the things I could have done to get better then? You know, that's part of, of, you know, being able to coach yourself realize that it's, it's just an opportunity that, that the word failure is just used way too much, especially in, in athletics.
Speaker 1:How, how then can we take, um, more consistent, actionable [00:25:00] steps to literally coach ourselves? We've talked a lot thus far of kind of just the, that change in your perspective of what, what has happened so that you can develop that? Why so that you can keep showing up, showing up is half the battle, right? I mean, you know, in the military, what do they say? If you can be at the right place at the right time, in the right uniform, you know, you're already winning. That's more than halfway there, but, um, how can we actually really coach ourselves, do we need to it get in front of a mirror? Do we need to write things down? Do we [00:25:30] need to have just this, this frequent and consistent inner monologue? Do we have check-ins with ourself? Like, what is the actual process and art, even of coaching ourselves look like, how would you guide someone through that?
Speaker 2:Right. So, I mean, to me, that's what we, you know, we've written a book for, you know, is, is we want people to understand that we've gone through this five step process and, you know, David has lived it, you know, I've lived it, we've, we've both coached it. You know, for several years, David's been, you know, one of [00:26:00] the top CEOs and the champion of leadership now, you know, for 30 plus years, you know, I've been doing elite level performance coaching for the last 12 years. And, you know, and so it starts with, like I said, the, the very first step is knowing who you're coaching. And in this case, it's coaching yourself. The, the second step would be opening yourself up to the coaching mindset. Right. Which is, you know, what we talked about a little bit earlier is, you know, going from the, you know, what's the [00:26:30] famous Henry Ford quote, if you think you can, or you think you can't you're right.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you know, so, so getting yourself in a solution based mindset, then you've gotta uncover the transform, you know, transformational insights, you know, what are the things we just talked about? Failure, like, you know, reframing failure, you know, identifying the things that you need to do so that you can start to see success, um, you know, developing your process, and then you gotta take action, right? You gotta take insightful action, [00:27:00] you know, set yourself on your core. And, and, and when you're doing that, then it's about what you just said, which is the fist step, which is, you know, showing up every single day and being consistent, um, with your effort and, you know, and, and, and developing a discipline around that. And we all know that if you follow those five steps, you know, then you're well on your path to, you know, being able to transform your life [00:27:30] and career, which is, you know, what this is all about is, you know, we want people to understand, you know, what an amazing time this is, uh, you know, in our world, you know, to be able to, to take some time, to figure out, you know, what is the thing that, that, that every single morning I would just can't wait to get up and do you know, I'm, I'm lucky I work with this coach Tom house.
Speaker 2:I don't know if you've, you've heard of Tom, but he's, [00:28:00] you know, one of the most famous coaches in the world and, and Tom always says, you know, I, I could get anybody, you know, stop a car or a truck anywhere and, and get the guy out of the car and say, Hey, do you wanna play in the national baseball league? Or you wanna play in the NFL? And of course, they're gonna say, yeah, he said, but, but how many people need it? You know, and to me, that's the difference, right? So, so if I was to, to say to you, chase, you know, there are all these wants that you have, but of all those wants that you [00:28:30] have, what is the thing that you need to do with your life? What is the thing that nobody in this, you know, world could stop you from doing it, you know, once you identify that thing, you know, then, you know, like I said, there, the, the, the energy just, you know, goes through the roof and you, you, you know, basically it's just a matter of time.
Speaker 1:So true. So true. And I, I picked up something in what you were describing there that I, I love to kind of go deeper on. And that's the actual literal taking care of [00:29:00] yourself. I, you were talking about, you know, getting up in the morning and I think you said, take care of yourself. And it just reminded me that I, I think that's a, a part of the mindset, a part of the personal development, a part of the growth in life that we overlook and, or put on the back burner. And I'm, I'm literally talking about taking care of ourselves, our bodies, and in the morning, I think that is the best time to do so to develop your morning routine, develop these little rituals, a ritual, [00:29:30] uh, something you can do to literally improve your body, your physiology, your biochemistry, your physical fitness, your nutrition. Um, can you, can you shine a light there? What is the value of taking care of your body so that you can take care of your mind later? Because I'd be willing to bet if a lot of people are struggling to find their, why it might be because they're not taking proper care of their bodies first.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I mean, AB absolutely. And, and, and we all [00:30:00] know the benefit, it of exercise on the mind, you know, so, you know, for me, it's meditation every morning, um, you know, before my day starts, you know, making sure that, you know, I exercise every day and then making sure that I nourish my body correctly, you know, you know, really P about the water and the foods that I eat, the supplements that I take, uh, David is, uh, a guy who gets up in the morning [00:30:30] and journals every single day. You know, he's never missed a single day of journaling, you know, journal journals about gratitude. And, and again, he's in the gym every single morning at 6:00 AM. Um, and, and has a very disciplined life. You know, I think, you know, you and I both share being in the military. And, you know, I think that that's one of those things that you learn very early in the military is you have to be disciplined. And, and when you're, [00:31:00] and when you're disciplined and you, and you still art to develop these routines and, and make these, um, these very, very important decisions to have these, um, you know, modalities of, of care for yourself, then it allows you to optimize everything else that you're doing.
Speaker 1:So these are things we can do to take care of ourselves, to put [00:31:30] ourselves on the path towards success and coaching ourselves and developing our why. Um, what about influencing those around us? Because I can do a lot of things to take care of my body and my mind, but if I am in an environment, I am surrounded by people, friends, family, coworkers, um, or even just literally my environment that is not supportive of my goals that is not conducive towards bettering my mind and my body. You're kind of fighting an uphill battle. And that [00:32:00] is just part of the game of life, for sure. I don't think that's ever really gonna go away, but how would you help us navigate through our communities, our environments, to be more conducive towards the work we're doing for ourselves?
Speaker 2:Well, I think, you know, when people are successful themselves, you know, it's, it's like leading by example. And, and I guarantee you that, you know, that is, there's gonna be a struggle around this. When you, you start to [00:32:30] change yourself and you, and you become a person that has a purpose and you start to, you know, show other people that drive you have, and, and you believe that you're, you know, you're gonna achieve this goal. If you, you know, implement, you know, your, your blueprint and you, and you, you know, start to go down this path 100%, there's gonna be friction. But, you know, if you're really clear about your virtues and values, and [00:33:00] you're making your decisions based on that, you know, it's gonna limit your personal suffering. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, there might be other people around you that no longer are in line with what your goals and your virtues and values are. And, and that I guarantee you is gonna happen. Right. You're, you're, you're just gonna have people that, for whatever reason,
Speaker 1:It's, when not, if <laugh> right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, right. Are gonna suck are gonna try to suck the energy out [00:33:30] of you. And, and you're just gonna have to realize that you, you know, you have people that are gonna bring you joy and are gonna you, and you're gonna have people that diminish your joy and don't support you. And, and, you know, everybody's gonna go through this and, and you're gonna realize, wow, there are certain relationships that don't work for me anymore.
Speaker 1:They no longer serve me. Um, right. And also on the other side of that coin [00:34:00] is I no longer serve them. And that's a very, very harsh reality when it comes to living our best life. But also if we're doing that, we also, I believe we want the best for everybody else around us or else, why are we keeping them around us? Right. And I've, I've had that realization a few times that, um, you know what, it's not, you it's me, <laugh>, you know, kind of thing. Yeah. And, uh, it's a very unique position to be in, but a very honorable one, if we can have that, a level sense, that level [00:34:30] of awareness and B actually effectively communicate that to the other person so that we are no longer being blockades to either one of our growth.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I mean, we wanna be supportive. I mean, part the, you know, the final chapter in our book is about, you know, after you've gone down this path and you've, you know, figured out what your single biggest thing is, and, and you're, you know, pursuing this with the intensity of, you know, the, the [00:35:00] passion and motivation that comes along with it, it, you need to share it with others.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Right. Yeah. And so once, once you learn how to self-coach yourself, then you know, then you're gonna come across other people they're gonna gonna need self-coaching. And then, you know, how do you instill, you know, in, in them these tools that are gonna allow them to be the best versions of them. So, and, you know, and to me, you know, it's so fulfilling as a coach [00:35:30] to see that light bulb go on, you know, in a young athlete's mind or, or even a veteran athlete that maybe thought their career was over and, you know, or, or maybe they're transitioning from one career to another, um, you know, that is, you know, such a powerful motivator that it's, it's, you know, you know, for a coach, it's, it's what, it's what you want other people to be able to coach people so
Speaker 1:That they can feel [00:36:00] that same
Speaker 2:Rush that I get every, you know, and it's, it's so addicting.
Speaker 1:What are you currently working on most with yourself right now? Um, are you in a maintenance phase? Um, where, and how are you coaching yourself right now?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so, you know, for me, it's, it's always, how do I figure out how to be a little bit better? Uh, I travel so much and, um, you know, like giving your awareness away to other people [00:36:30] for a living means that it's really easy for you to deplete your batteries completely. So, you know, normally, you know, I've just been on the road for three and a half weeks, you know, so, so being more efficient at how do I take care of myself and really shining a light, like you said earlier on my own personal self care for me is the thing that allows me to be able to go back out and give another a hundred percent of else. Um, you know, [00:37:00] and so it's, it's just being aware that that's a critical part of how this, you know, can, is, is able to sustain itself and continue. So I'm always reading, I'm always, you know, listening the podcast, trying to figure out, you know, are there little things that, and do that will help me, um, you know, be a little bit better version of myself so that when I, when I do go back out and I am working with other people [00:37:30] that I'm able to be, you know, the best version I can be.
Speaker 1:Amen brother. Amen. And, um, I'm right there with you in those practices. It's, it's always, you know, maintenance is never even really maintenance. It's, you know, we, we, we get better in so many different ways, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and that never stops, but we do, you know, get kind of new level, new level, new level. And, um, you never know what, where, or when, or how you're gonna hear something that is gonna be like, wow, I never thought about it [00:38:00] like the at, or it's gonna challenge you. You're gonna have this kind of new inner monologue we were talking about at the beginning of the conversation, but also for me, and I'm wondering if you're the same, we hear something that reminds us of the most fundamental thing that started us, maybe even on our journey, this, this phrase, this practice, this habit, this sign fun fact that just kind of solidifies for us. Oh yeah, I am on the right path because I'm remembering this thing that is true. Or maybe it's a, a, [00:38:30] a necessary reintroduction, like, wow, I've actually gotten so far on my path of looking for more needing, more wanting more, you know, in a good way. I maybe have kind of forgotten my basic so to speak.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I mean, I, I, I agree. There's, you know, it's like we have these core principles talk about, you know, values and virtues and, you know, to be an avid learner is something my learn from David. And, you know, I think every day, you [00:39:00] know, I try to set aside at least a an hour, even when I'm on the road in coaching, you know, to either listen to an audio book or listen to a podcast or just, you know, talk to other coaches, you know, because you know, my life to changed significantly that day on the golf course, you know, how, how many other chances to hear things like that that are gonna open up, you know, other ways of, of thinking that I, I haven't even [00:39:30] considered yet because, you know, you only know what you know, right. You don't, you don't know what you don't. So I think just, you know, being open to that and, and not, you know, not getting in this, this, this old golf coach I had named Tim T used to say, you're either green or growing or ripe and rotten
Speaker 1:<laugh>,
Speaker 2:You know, so you don't wanna get complacent in that, in that idea that, you know, everything, right. I, I know that I'm not even scratching the surface, but if you [00:40:00] know, every day I'm, I'm trying to learn and I'm, I'm getting a little better and I'm taking care of myself, then hopefully I'm setting a good example for those people that are around me.
Speaker 1:Uh, so well said, and that actually kind of brings me to my final question, Jason, what you just said, really wrapped up the whole philosophy and belief system here at ever Ford radio and what ever Ford stands for. And it's this mantra that my late father left behind for me and my family of quite literally everything you just said, you know, we can get better [00:40:30] every day. There's never such a thing as a failure. If we choose to look at it as a learning opportunity. And more importantly, just to know that each and day, no matter where we are in our path to, to wellness, to physical fitness, to success, to relationship, to all these things that it means to be a human being. If we can look at ourselves in the mirror and just know that we are showing up and we are committing to the process and we are giving it our all, then that's all we can ever do for us. That's the only, I think the ultimate measure of are we just [00:41:00] keeping, showing up. So I always ask my guess, what does that mean to you when you hear those two words ever forward, how do they fall on you here today? What does it mean to you to live a life ever forward?
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, I think it's just, you know, continuing to learn and grow, right. I mean, to me ever forward, you know, it's, it's like green and growing, right? It's it, it seems like a it's it's synonymous with that. Um, yeah. I, I think, you know, realizing that the only thing we have that we [00:41:30] are 100% in control of is our attitude that we bring to any given environment. You know? So if we have this ever forward attitude, you can't help but succeed. <laugh> right, because it's, it's a mindset, it's a attitude that you bringing to life. And, and, and I know it's scientific. I went to this MIT Sloan sports analytic clinic years ago. And, and the most important thing [00:42:00] I think I've ever learned is attitude makes up of, makes up for 25% of performance. You know? So if you have this ever forward attitude, then you're 25% more like to be moving forward every single day. And if you, you think about compound interest, I mean, who in the world wouldn't want to have 25%
Speaker 1:Sounds good to me
Speaker 2:Compound, right? I mean, it's a recipe for success. So, you know, I, that's what it means to me.
Speaker 1:[00:42:30] Well, a beautiful interpretation. I always say there's never a right or a wrong answer. Just like there's never any failure, right. Everything is just, uh, a learning opportunity or take the success. And, uh, that was definitely, uh, a beautiful interpretation to thank you. Um, absolutely. Well, Jason, we're gonna have all of your, your work and your new book down and the show notes for everybody to check out. Thank you again so much for making time for us here today on ever Ford radio. Uh, it was my pleasure. Thank you, sir.
Speaker 2:Yeah, chase. I really appreciate it. It was a great interview. Thank you
Speaker 3:For more [00:43:00] information on everything you just heard. Make sure to check this episode, show notes or head to everforwardRadio.com.