"If you can find something that the world needs and that energizes you, then you’re, in a sense, set for life."
Robert Overweg
Apr 27, 2022
EFR 596: The Key to Expanding Your Creativity and Developing an Adaptable Mindset with Robert Overweg
EFR 596: The Key to Expanding Your Creativity and Developing an Adaptable Mindset with Robert Overweg
Are we living in an age where weapons of mass distraction are ruling the world?
The internet and all the apps on our devices are constantly fighting for our attention. Although our phones, tablets, and computers are some of the most powerful tools we have as humans, they’re also the most damaging. How can we appropriately navigate technology and actually expand our mind through these devices? Can we truly be creative with these weapons of mass distraction?
This week, we welcome Robert Overweg, an artist, innovation catalyst, and creator of The Adaptable Mindset Method which empowers people to develop an Adaptable Mindset. The goal of his work is to develop people who are free to create and free to change.
In this discussion, Robert and Chase talk about how to develop an adaptable mindset, find a fresh perspective, and create the mental space necessary to live a more exciting, meaningful life. He offers simple tips for getting into the flow state, reclaiming your power from your devices, and boosting your innate creativity. He shares his expertise on how to curate a creative environment, incorporate play into your daily life, and look at success and failure through the lens of creativity.
Follow Robert @RobertOverweg
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
We need fresh perspectives to reframe our failures and solve the issues we’re facing in the world. The adaptable mindset creates a cognitive reset, creating mental space to carve your own path in life and live with more meaning.
You can find beauty online, but in reality, that only happens during a small percentage of your time spent online. This makes it a challenge to create your own mental space for relaxation and creating new ideas and solutions.
In a playful way, we need to expose ourselves, our souls, and our emotions to ambiguity and uncertainty because that’s where creativity comes from.
Creative downtime and play yields change and mindset shifts. Getting creative requires being inspired, getting connected with things that resonate with you, and intentionally making space in your brain for awareness.
If you go within, you know what gives you energy and what fosters your creativity.
Have awareness of the things you want to be different, give yourself permission and the grace to act upon them, create the environment you want and need to explore them, and then stay consistent with your exploration and reflection.
Powerful Quotes by Robert Overweg
The adaptable mindset program is a program that creates a cognitive reset.
Everything can give you creativity if you just have that perspective.
If you are directly focused on a goal, you use a different part of the brain. You use a more limited part of the brain. If you are just experimenting, just flowing, just even walking… [you] let your subconscious process it… You need to be able to have mental space, maybe even boredom.
It’s really important to build your own formula for success, your own structure that supports you.
If you can find something that the world needs and that energizes you, then you’re, in a sense, set for life.
Episode resources:
Save on the Adaptable Mindset Method online program with code EVER-FORWARD, good for 20% off on the personal journey and on the organizational program
Get your free Rise nootropic and Zen sleep aid sample packs from www.CuredNutrition.com using this exclusive link