"We’re in a public health crisis when it comes to ageism."
Dr. Becca Levy
EFR 592: How to Age Resiliently and Reverse the Negative Impacts of Ageism on Health and Longevity with Dr. Becca Levy
In our culture, aging is a fear of many. We’re so avoidant of the inevitable, but if we actually embrace the inevitable aging process, we might actually age more resiliently. Research shows that ageism and negative beliefs about age can have a real impact on our health and longevity. This begs the question… Can shifting our beliefs around aging improve our health and increase our lifespan?
Here to answer that question is Dr. Becca Levy, PhD a researcher and faculty member at Yale School of Public Health and the author of Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long and Well You Live.
In this discussion, Becca and Chase break down the psychology around aging, the harmful effects ageism has on our society, and practical ways you can begin to fully accept your age and the aging process. You’ll learn how to reduce ageism and age resiliently by reversing the negative beliefs and messages about age you encounter in your everyday life.
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Key Highlights
Today, 68% of people experience ageism and according to Becca’s research, the age beliefs that exist in our culture can have a real impact on our health and longevity. She also found that we can shift age beliefs and gain control of them to bring about improvements in our health and wellness.
Ageism is discrimination against people solely based on their age. The WHO recently stated that ageism is perhaps one of the most widespread and socially accepted forms of discrimination that exists today.
Many health problems formally considered to be entirely due to the aging process, like memory loss, hearing decline, and cardiovascular events, are instead influenced by the negative age beliefs we have around the aging process. Listen in to hear Becca dive deeper into this concept, highlighting her research findings on Japanese culture and the relationship between cultural beliefs and health.
To reduce ageism and reverse your negative age beliefs, Becca says increasing your awareness is the best place to start. In her book, she presents 15 evidence-based tools to reduce negative age beliefs and in this episode, she shares a few of them, including an age belief journaling practice.
Understanding the science behind aging and looking up to older role models and their strengths are powerful ways to be more accepting of your age. It may be helpful to also come up with a positive idea or image of your older self so you can look up to them as well.
Is there an influence of ageism in how our country is run? Becca has spoken about the impacts of ageism to the Supreme Court and details her thoughts on the importance of bringing age discrimination to the forefront of policymakers and Supreme Court decision makers.
Can the damage of negative age beliefs and subconscious ageism be reversed? Tune in to find out!
Powerful Quotes by Dr. Becca Levy
We’re in a public health crisis when it comes to ageism.
We are somewhat products of our cultures and the messages, but I think a big part of what I’ve found is that what’s really important is how we take in those messages, how we evaluate them, how much we allow them to become part of how we think of ourselves.
There is ageism that operates at a government level… and even though we do have laws against age discrimination, unfortunately they are not put into place in many ways or a lot of ageism operates without our awareness… It would be great if it became a topic that was at the forefront of policymakers and Supreme Court decision makers.
Recommended Resources:
Buy Dr. Becca Levy’s book, Breaking the Age Code
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