"It was the pain that got me started. When you’re on the right journey, eventually, you find yourself being pulled."
Alex Banayan
EFR 591: The Third Door - How to Overcome Crippling Fear and Rejection So You Can Pursue a New Life With Enthusiasm with Alex Banayan
What am I doing with my life?! How do all these successful people do it? Those are two questions most of us have asked ourselves at some point in our life, right? Maybe you’re even asking yourself that right now…
So, how do we move forward from that stagnancy? What do you do when your current life is actually sucking the life out of you? Perhaps, today’s guest can give you a new perspective.
Alex Banayan is an international best-selling author of The Third Door and the youngest best-selling business author in America. At 18, he decided to write the book he dreamed of reading… except he didn’t have the money to fund it. As a struggling college student with loads of debt, he quickly found himself hacking The Price is Right, winning a sailboat, selling it, and using the money to fund his quest to learn from the world's most successful people.
In this rich discussion, Alex and Chase talk about the two reasons why a rejection is crippling you, the mindset shift needed to persevere through rejection and fear of failure, and what it truly means to be yourself. Alex shares his candid thoughts on why you need to follow your enthusiasm, his 3-step framework for overcoming rejection, and the biggest realization he’s had after studying the mindset of success for 10 years.
Follow Alex Banayan @alexbanayan
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
Key Highlights
The question “What if…?” is a seed for change. If you’re wondering what you’re doing with your life, like most of us have, you might feel your gut wrenching or a tension that’s very uncomfortable. Those moments of tension are actually very healthy and helpful because they are the start of a brand new journey. Asking yourself “What if…?” can be a pivotal part of changing your life.
When you find yourself procrastinating and doing something else, that something else might actually be your passion and your purpose. So, what fills you with enthusiasm? Alex believes that when you follow your enthusiasm, things begin to open up for you.
“Bite off more than you can chew, then chew later.” Alex shares his interpretation of the quote and how he acted on it.
It’s so easy to assume that the top executives, actors, athletes, or entrepreneurs were just born that way, but that’s not the truth. We all start out having no experience and idea what we’re doing, even Bill Gates.
If people you love are questioning your decisions or trying to stop you from pursuing something, do it anyway. Don’t let fear or ego keep its grip on you. Choose love because love liberates.
After studying the mindset of success for 10 years, one of the biggest realizations Alex has had is that rejection is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey. When starting something new, embrace the rejection! Alex divulges the 3-step framework he uses, called Rejection Inspection, to overcome rejection in life.
When you pay attention to the gifts that others already receive from you, the work gets easier.
Powerful Quotes by Alex Banayan
It’s almost as if somebody tied a rope around my gut and was slowly pulling it in a direction.
It wasn’t that I was lying on my dorm room bed feeling pulled to write a book. No, I was on the dorm room bed confused and in pain and it was actually the pain that got me to the library and it was the pain that got me reading all these books. It was the pain that got me started… When you’re on the right journey, eventually, you find yourself being pulled.
The people we look up to are still human beings that struggle with their fears, their own insecurities, their own feelings of not being enough.
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