"If you think you hit your breakthrough, if you’ve been like, “Okay... I woke up and I was so excited about this… but then it got taken away from me,” well maybe those skills that you’ve developed in that is actually leading you to something else."

David Nurse

Mar 21, 2022

EFR 585: The Four Step Formula for Massive Breakthroughs with David Nurse

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80% of people tie their biggest set back to their biggest breakthrough or success.

Think back to the last time you had a breakthrough, big or small. How did it make you feel? What happened after you had that breakthrough? Did you feel confident and full of purpose, ready to take on whatever comes your way? Let’s explore the concept of breakthroughs even deeper…

David Nurse is an author, speaker, and NBA Life Optimization Coach. For most of his career, David has been transforming the way hundreds of NBA stars play on the court by teaching them how to tap into different mindsets and become unstoppable.

In this discussion, David and Chase talk about how to create your own breakthrough. David shares his unique formula for breakthroughs, breaking down each of the four steps to creating your own life-changing breakthrough. He also speaks on how to give to others without keeping score, how to know when to give up and pivot to your next opportunity, and the breakthrough he got from writing his new book, Breakthrough.

Follow David @davidnursenba

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • David’s formula for creating your own breakthrough: Confidence + Cooperation + Service + Purpose

  • True confidence is about knowing who you are at your core if everything else is stripped away and being able to share who you are without putting up a front.

  • Once you know yourself, you have to figure out where you’re going to get cooperation and support from. Team up and surround yourself with people who are different than you.

  • Service addresses what you’re doing. Genuine service is about giving your time and energy when it’s not convenient for you. If you’re only doing what you’re doing for yourself, you’ll be miserable.

  • Purpose is about who you’re in service to and why. Purpose at its essence is using the gift(s) we’ve been given. It can be the quirkiest passion, but it still gives you a powerful purpose and mission. Early in the morning, what excites you? That’s probably what you should be pursuing.

  • David believes that the #1 skill that you can have in life is not giving up.

Powerful Quotes by David Nurse

The best leaders, the best people you could be around, are people that will support you – yes, everybody talks about their support group – but also challenge you.

If you think you hit your breakthrough, if you’ve been like, “Okay, every day, David, I woke up and I was so excited about this… but then it got taken away from me,” well maybe those skills that you’ve developed in that is actually leading you to something else.

You might be planting seeds for five years, but those seeds WILL sprout. 

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Blokes

After using Blokes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for just 3-4 weeks I noticed significant improvements in my muscle mass preservation, muscle building, overall body composition, and energy.

Testosterone is what makes a man a man. It’s what builds muscle, puts hair on his body, and is the primary driver behind his sex drive.

After about age 30, men will see a natural decline in testosterone levels due to aging. However, you can’t write off these symptoms as “aging” or just getting old. Many times, when younger men experience hypogonadism, there are other things at play that can be causing testosterone levels to decline, including both physical and environmental causes. Injury, obesity, stress, illness, and disease can all contribute to lower testosterone in men.

CLICK HERE to get started with Blokes TRT at home today!

EFR 585: The Four Step Formula for Massive Breakthroughs with David Nurse

80% of people tie their biggest set back to their biggest breakthrough or success.

Think back to the last time you had a breakthrough, big or small. How did it make you feel? What happened after you had that breakthrough? Did you feel confident and full of purpose, ready to take on whatever comes your way? Let’s explore the concept of breakthroughs even deeper…

David Nurse is an author, speaker, and NBA Life Optimization Coach. For most of his career, David has been transforming the way hundreds of NBA stars play on the court by teaching them how to tap into different mindsets and become unstoppable.

In this discussion, David and Chase talk about how to create your own breakthrough. David shares his unique formula for breakthroughs, breaking down each of the four steps to creating your own life-changing breakthrough. He also speaks on how to give to others without keeping score, how to know when to give up and pivot to your next opportunity, and the breakthrough he got from writing his new book, Breakthrough.

Follow David @davidnursenba

Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning

Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning

Key Highlights

  • David’s formula for creating your own breakthrough: Confidence + Cooperation + Service + Purpose

  • True confidence is about knowing who you are at your core if everything else is stripped away and being able to share who you are without putting up a front.

  • Once you know yourself, you have to figure out where you’re going to get cooperation and support from. Team up and surround yourself with people who are different than you.

  • Service addresses what you’re doing. Genuine service is about giving your time and energy when it’s not convenient for you. If you’re only doing what you’re doing for yourself, you’ll be miserable.

  • Purpose is about who you’re in service to and why. Purpose at its essence is using the gift(s) we’ve been given. It can be the quirkiest passion, but it still gives you a powerful purpose and mission. Early in the morning, what excites you? That’s probably what you should be pursuing.

  • David believes that the #1 skill that you can have in life is not giving up.

Powerful Quotes by David Nurse

The best leaders, the best people you could be around, are people that will support you – yes, everybody talks about their support group – but also challenge you.

If you think you hit your breakthrough, if you’ve been like, “Okay, every day, David, I woke up and I was so excited about this… but then it got taken away from me,” well maybe those skills that you’ve developed in that is actually leading you to something else.

You might be planting seeds for five years, but those seeds WILL sprout. 

Episode resources:

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Blokes

After using Blokes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for just 3-4 weeks I noticed significant improvements in my muscle mass preservation, muscle building, overall body composition, and energy.

Testosterone is what makes a man a man. It’s what builds muscle, puts hair on his body, and is the primary driver behind his sex drive.

After about age 30, men will see a natural decline in testosterone levels due to aging. However, you can’t write off these symptoms as “aging” or just getting old. Many times, when younger men experience hypogonadism, there are other things at play that can be causing testosterone levels to decline, including both physical and environmental causes. Injury, obesity, stress, illness, and disease can all contribute to lower testosterone in men.

CLICK HERE to get started with Blokes TRT at home today!