Feb 26, 2018
EFR 058: Turn Your Word Upside Down with LJ "The Inversion Addict" Loach
EFR 058: Turn Your Word Upside Down with LJ "The Inversion Addict" Loach
Today's interview turns our world upside down - literally. LJ Loach is a "self-taught hand balancer by day" that has found her true calling one hand stand, one inverted act at a time. You can connect with LJ the most on her incredible and beautiful Instagram page @theinversionaddict.
Ever Forward Radio is powered by the incredible lineup of Four Sigmatic products, particularly the reishi mushroom elixir as highlighted in this episode. For 15% off every purchase remember to use code "EVERFORWARD" at checkout or visit www.FourSigmatic.com/EverForward
EFR 024 with Dr. Michael Brues, "The Power of When" book reference from this episode's iTunes review.