Happy Valentine's Day! Today, Chase and his wife May share some surprising scientific information about what love does to us physiologically beyond just the warm fuzzy feelings we get. Love is linked to increased life-span, decreased chronic illness and disease, lower stress, improved quality of life and so much more. But... that does not only mean when we are in love with someone else. Self-love is just as important!

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources:

EFR 575: How Love Promotes Health and How to Get Better at Giving and Receiving Love with May Yazdi Chewning

Happy Valentine's Day! Today, Chase and his wife May share some surprising scientific information about what love does to us physiologically beyond just the warm fuzzy feelings we get. Love is linked to increased life-span, decreased chronic illness and disease, lower stress, improved quality of life and so much more. But... that does not only mean when we are in love with someone else. Self-love is just as important!

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Episode resources: