"Collagen is not the silver bullet. It is part of the pie of health. It is one of the eight pieces of health. As a company, we want to talk to you about the other seven pieces."

Charlie Bailes of CB Supplements

Aug 5, 2021

EFR 509: Why Everyone Can Benefit From Taking Collagen with Charlie Bailes

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What makes collagen such a unique protein and why should you care?

For starters, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, making up about a third of your body’s protein composition.

It’s known as the “glue” that holds everything together, and once you hit 25, your body’s ability to create collagen begins to weaken; hence the “aches and pains” of old age. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Today’s guest, Charlie Bailes, says that he is in better shape at 34 than he was at 24, mainly thanks to incorporating more collagen into his diet.

But what really opened his eyes to the power of collagen was its healing effect on his daughter Vivian, who at 1-and-a-half years old, routinely became sick. After introducing collagen into her diet (alongside other healthy lifestyle choices such as cutting out gluten, vegetable oils, and sugar), Vivian, who was told by multiple pulmonologists that she would be on an inhaler for the rest of her life, now only uses her inhaler about two times a year.

Collagen had changed the lives of Charlie and his family, and he wanted to pay it forward. In 2018, Charlie started CB Supplements, founded on the three pillars of premium producteducation, and customer appreciation.


Follow Charlie @cebailes and @cbsupplements

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • In what ways has collagen helped Charlie feel and perform better at 34 years old compared to 24?

  • What makes collagen unique when it comes to our gut health?

  • Charlie explains what to look for in a great collagen supplement.

  • What is the difference between topical and ingested collagen products and why is the latter more effective for your long-term health?

  • Collagen is not the silver bullet. Charlie shares some of the other factors to consider for maximum health and wellness.

Powerful Quotes by Charlie Bailes

Our bodies are really good at creating collagen until we get to about 25 or 30 years old and then we call that “aging”. We just decrease by 1% every year. But it doesn’t really have to be that way. If you make collagen a part of your diet and a part of your daily life, you can thrive well into what we now call “old age”.

I’d rather you go buy better food and invest in bone broth and buy certain organ meats before you go buy a supplement, because a supplement is just that: it’s supposed to supplement your diet. But you can get everything you need from food.

My message to every entrepreneur out there is: If you have an idea, it’s going to die with you unless you do something about it.

I’m the guy who created CB Supplements, and I will tell you: Collagen is not the silver bullet. It is part of the pie of health. It is one of the eight pieces of health. As a company, we want to talk to you about the other seven pieces.


Episode resources:

EFR 509: Why Everyone Can Benefit From Taking Collagen with Charlie Bailes

What makes collagen such a unique protein and why should you care?

For starters, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, making up about a third of your body’s protein composition.

It’s known as the “glue” that holds everything together, and once you hit 25, your body’s ability to create collagen begins to weaken; hence the “aches and pains” of old age. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Today’s guest, Charlie Bailes, says that he is in better shape at 34 than he was at 24, mainly thanks to incorporating more collagen into his diet.

But what really opened his eyes to the power of collagen was its healing effect on his daughter Vivian, who at 1-and-a-half years old, routinely became sick. After introducing collagen into her diet (alongside other healthy lifestyle choices such as cutting out gluten, vegetable oils, and sugar), Vivian, who was told by multiple pulmonologists that she would be on an inhaler for the rest of her life, now only uses her inhaler about two times a year.

Collagen had changed the lives of Charlie and his family, and he wanted to pay it forward. In 2018, Charlie started CB Supplements, founded on the three pillars of premium producteducation, and customer appreciation.


Follow Charlie @cebailes and @cbsupplements

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • In what ways has collagen helped Charlie feel and perform better at 34 years old compared to 24?

  • What makes collagen unique when it comes to our gut health?

  • Charlie explains what to look for in a great collagen supplement.

  • What is the difference between topical and ingested collagen products and why is the latter more effective for your long-term health?

  • Collagen is not the silver bullet. Charlie shares some of the other factors to consider for maximum health and wellness.

Powerful Quotes by Charlie Bailes

Our bodies are really good at creating collagen until we get to about 25 or 30 years old and then we call that “aging”. We just decrease by 1% every year. But it doesn’t really have to be that way. If you make collagen a part of your diet and a part of your daily life, you can thrive well into what we now call “old age”.

I’d rather you go buy better food and invest in bone broth and buy certain organ meats before you go buy a supplement, because a supplement is just that: it’s supposed to supplement your diet. But you can get everything you need from food.

My message to every entrepreneur out there is: If you have an idea, it’s going to die with you unless you do something about it.

I’m the guy who created CB Supplements, and I will tell you: Collagen is not the silver bullet. It is part of the pie of health. It is one of the eight pieces of health. As a company, we want to talk to you about the other seven pieces.


Episode resources:


Chase: Charlie Bailes on Ever Forward Radio and we are diving into well, I'll let you tell us what we're going to dive into. But I'm really excited because this concept is one that is very important. And that's the general concept that people are talking more about things that can improve their life, people are beginning to have more conversations, we're seeing more content, about things that we know add immense value to our daily wellness, how we feel how we recover, and you kind of got the insider scoop on one of these key areas, man, so please introduce yourself and what are you most excited about that people are talking about now finally?

Charlie: Yeah, absolutely, man. First off, Chase, thanks for having me on your show. It's an honor, I look forward to, hopefully giving something to the audience that they can add to their daily routine, which is this hot subject of collagen protein? And like, what is it? And how does it help? And why? Why is it becoming so hot? I mean, that's, that's what I'm, I'm passionate about. I love it. I just any, any way that that we can help people understand, you know, this kind of confusing topic of collagen protein and why it's different than every other protein out there. Hopefully we can, we can answer a lot of those questions during this show.

Chase: Well, I think what you just said there at the end is probably where a lot of people go to. And that's why it's collagen different. What is so different about collagen protein versus the protein in my food? Or maybe I'm taking whey or plant protein? What is so unique about collagen?

Charlie: Yeah, so before I answer that, I'll explain what collagen is. How about.

Chase: Let's define our terms here, of course.

Charlie: Yeah, and it's a simple answer; collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. You know, as we're looking at each other through this lovely zoom call, we're looking at water, gas, and collagen, essentially, you know, when you distill it down to just the basics of what we are as humans. So collagen can be found all over, you know, a bunch of organs, skin being the most dominant biggest organ in our body, hair, skin, nails, the whites of our eyeballs, all of our joint materials. So tendons, ligaments, cartilage, connective tissue. Oh, yeah. And the bones that hold everything together. All that stuff's made of collagen. And it was why is that important? Well, I think that's a rhetorical question, because we're just we are made of collagen. And, you know, to now touch on what's the difference between collagen protein and whey protein, or casein or just normal muscle meat from, you know, chicken breast or, or ribeye steak. So it's, it can get pretty complex, I'll do my best to just give like the highlights of like, Alright, what is the difference, but really, the difference is, what the what the protein is made of. So I'm sure your listeners know that when we consume protein, your body breaks that down into amino acids. And then the amino acids will go do their thing in our bodies. So the amino acid profile, and specifically the peptide chains that are found in collagen protein, which peptide again, it's just a couple of amino acids linked together that cannot be found anywhere in nature, outside of college and protein. So what are some of those amino acids glycine, proline, and then the hydroxylated amino acid so hydroxyl proline, hydroxyl lysine, that that the combination of those amino acids formed together and a peptide chain is what makes college butyl or collagen beautiful. It's not found in in any other type of protein whey case in muscle meat. So why is that important? Well, because that specific peptide chain tells the body to go do a very important thing when it sees it. It says go fix and repair connective tissue. And now we've already talked about what is connective tissue, what's your skin, it's the lining of your digestive system in your small intestine. You know, it's your veins, it's your arteries, it's tendons, ligaments, all that stuff is made of connective tissue, which is college. So it's this beautiful thing where when you eat other forms of protein, your body starts a different process of fixing and repairing muscle tissue or muscle fibers or some other things of that nature. And our bodies are really good at creating collagen until we get to be about 25 or 30 years old, and then we call that aging. And now it's like oh, we just kind of decrease 1% every year. But it doesn't really have to be that way. If you if you make collagen a part of your diet and a part of your daily lives, you can thrive well into you know what, what we call now as old age, you know, like I'm, I'm 34 and I think I'm in better shape and I'm more vibrant than I was when I was 24 Which again, people are like, Oh, no, that's not how it works? Well, yeah, it is when you take care of yourself and you supplement properly, and you have a really strong diet that's filled with collagen.

Chase: I cannot agree more and in so many ways, you know, as a guy now in his mid 30s, as well, 35 there are so many things that I'm doing and trying and testing and then ultimately feeling that below 25 year old Chase out of the water, can you give us a little let's get real, you know, guy to guy human to human can? Can you share some just personal experiences of as a 34 year old now, who has more, I'll say maybe more attention and awareness to your nutrition and your training, you know, specifically when it comes to collagen versus 24 year old self? What are you doing specifically? You know, how do you know this is really working for you? What does it feel like as a 34 year old guy compared to 24?

Charlie: Yeah, well, 24 year old Charlie didn't have any kids and just did traditional, you know, weightlifting, bench, squat, military press, that whatever. And I'm not knocking that at all. Listen, I'd rather people train and not train. Also, I'd rather people take collagen than not. That's why like, I'm, we're the company that will recommend other companies, because we just want to make people healthier. But anyway, to get to your question. You know, at 34, I've got three kids, they're eight, six, and two. I do CrossFit six days a week. And so those two activities, why I bring up my kids, is kids are fantastic. They're a blessing, I love them to death, they are exhausting and they completely screw up your sleep schedule, you get sick more often because they're sick. You know? So just life gets more complicated. And how in the world can I be in better physical shape, when I'm getting less sleep, I'm more mentally drained every day from my job and my kids because also as a 24 year old, I wasn't an executive and I didn't own a company. I have both of those two things now. So it's just everything is, is better. And that's not how it's supposed to be as we're taught. But you know, I'm just I'm in better shape. I don't miss workouts. I don't get hurt. I'm I sleep fantastic at night, where that stuff didn't happen. I was 24. And I didn't really watch what I was eating. And you know, it's like, okay, whatever, I'm just gonna eat this or workout this way. Like,

Chase: we got away with so much more in our 20s that's for damn sure.

Charlie: Absolutely. But even at in the 30s. Like, I don't really get sore with these insane workouts. And listen, I'm not Rich Froning I'm not Matt Frazier, I'm not, I'm not the pro crossfitter. But like, I sincerely enjoy it. And I like pushing myself to those limits, and I do not get sore. It's made me get sore a couple of times a year now because I just, I have the right diet. I supplement with collagen properly. I recover at night with sleep, I know how to do certain things. And we I get to teach this stuff to my kids too, which makes it even more fun. And, you know, that's that that's the main difference is just paying attention to those details and really doing them where at 24. You just you think you're invincible, but and maybe you are to a certain extent. But, man, if you just got that stuff turned around at that age, and then by the time you're at 34, you're gonna be a lot better place.

Chase: Well said well said absolutely. Man. I'm curious. What was your kind of first experience with collagen? When did you come across this product? When did you know that this was something that you needed and wanted in your daily regime?

Charlie: It's a really good question. And I'll try to I'll try to keep it to a short answer which you clearly see I'm really good at.

Chase: We can go down storybook lane. That's for sure. Man. No worries.

Charlie: So I actually I was diagnosed lactose intolerant when I was 10. And outside or instead of just, you know, questioning like, Hmm, what is lactose intolerance? Why am I doing this? So I just accepted it. I think my parents said to me, we were just kind of we grew up in the culture, and we still are in today's world. Whatever the doctor tells you, you are, which is funny, a doctor diagnosed me lactose intolerant, not a nutritionist, but I guess that was 1997. So times have changed significantly. But so I lived my whole life until I was about 26 as a lactose intolerant individual, which is really difficult. And, you know, I would still cheat every now and then. But the first time that I really started taking health seriously, was when Leanne and I had Vivian, my first child, who's eight years old now and what do you know, I'm 34. So right when I was 26, like life just changed. And once you have a child and you're looking after their health, your perspective on everything is just completely different. So I just I switched from accepting the answers to questioning everything. Because the second that Vivian got sick for the first time or, or something happened that's like, whoa, whoa, I don't want this to ever happen again. So I'm going to find the answer in this. And this will never happen again. So that that ignited inside of me the first couple of times that she got sick, which then led to a discovery of this holistic world of nutrition and health and food is medicine that I had no clue. And then I read Dr. Josh Axe, his book, eat dirt, where he talks about a bone broth cleanse. What the heck is bone broth, but I read it and I'm like, Huh, I wonder if I'm not lactose intolerant. I just have this thing called a leaky gut. And, you know, bone broth cleanse three days later, I'm slamming cheese and milk. And I'm not lactose intolerant anymore. 

Chase: Making up for lost time with all that milk I bet. 

Charlie: Yeah, I lost what is that 16 years of my life where I couldn't use milk or cheese, because I just had a really bad intestine, you know, and digestive health that I just didn't really even ever question. So me that that Vivian was a catalyst, she was the catalyst of starting the business, she was the catalyst of me taking my health more seriously. So I mean, I can't really imagine where I would be if I didn't start having kids.

Chase: That's interesting. I don't have kids yet. But I do have a lot of friends that do. And that seems to be a very common denominator. Not to say that my friends who have kids didn't care about their health before, but just when you are fully responsible for another life or other lives, and especially you want the best for them, they are your children, it does something as I'm hearing it does something in terms of wanting the best for them, but also wanting even more for in from yourself, because you have to be around now you want to be around as long as possible. So it's wild, how sometimes external circumstances, external things, or people are the things that we need to happen to finally kind of, you know, snap out of it, and to take care of ourselves, maybe for the first time, but also to take better care of ourselves. Would you agree?

Charlie: Absolutely. And, you know, it doesn't have to be a kid to be that catalyst, I got a lot of friends who don't have kids that their, their pet was a catalyst, or, or their parents were a catalyst or a sibling, or they just had an experience that, you know, had a massive impact on them. So they make a change. So mean, and any, anything is possible. I think, when you search, you know, to the depths of what we truly want. We just want to be happy and healthy. And we want to we want our parents and our kids and our pets and everything to be happy and healthy. And that's where everything started. That's where everything started with me is that all my wife to be happy, healthy, I want my kids to be happy and healthy. So I'm going to do everything it takes to achieve that in the process. I'm going to get all those things too. So I'm going to be around longer and I'm going to help them and I'm going to be a role model you know that that was most certainly the driver of all of this and still lives I mean, that's my why that's why I was still pushed forward every day with this business because let me tell you starting a business as I'm sure you know, starting a podcast, it's tough. Yeah, businesses whose business is brutal. Then we have to have Yeah, you have to have a really strong why so I mean, my why I just want to make the world a healthier place. I want to make my kids and my wife proud. And I'm sure you're why you know you want to make the world a better place you want to spread education. You want to tell people from the mountaintops don't accept the status quo you can change it and here's a vehicle to do it.

Chase: We do not accept the status quo. Not anymore. that's for damn sure. And that is absolutely a driving force behind everything that I do for my life and the show so you get it man, you get it for damn sure, Charlie, we're talking about in your experience of being diagnosed lactose intolerant and going through your bone broth, which is collagen, kind of your collagen, enlightenment there. It seemed to do a lot for your gut health. And I know when it comes to collagen, a lot of people think first it's hair, Skin and nails it's exterior stuff and that does absolutely happen for a lot of people. But what is so unique about collagen when it comes to our digestive health that you can maybe shine a light on it seems like it did wonders for you but besides just contributing to you know like connective tissue and increasing and strengthening the lining in our stomach like it does with all of our skin you know what maybe can you talk to us about when it comes to collagen and gut health that people might not be aware of?

Charlie: Yeah, it's really as simple as what you just said which is which is fantastic because it makes my job answering your question. You know, our small intestine, it's got these little things that will let me back up you know, if you're picturing a coral reef, and like one of those coral reefs where it kind of sways with the water, like the little fingers coming off of it, but there's like 1000s of them. That's kind of what the inside of your intestines look like, we've got these little things called villus or villi that are those like little fingers that are coming off your stomach lining. And guess what those things are made of?

Chase: I'm going to guess collagen. Yeah, there we go.

Charlie: Exactly. So you know, it really is as simple as, as we age and our collagen manufacturing systems inside our bodies just deteriorate. And there's a lot of lifestyle contributors to that. So our standard American diets are filled with inflammatory process horrible foods that speed up this aging process that I'm talking about. So our body just becomes less and less efficient at producing collagen that can replace the cells in our body, especially the ones that are on your inside of your digestive system. So when you supplement with collagen, or rather, because again, we're the collagen company, I'm going to tell you don't buy our products, I'd rather you go buy better food, and invest in bone broth, and buy certain organ meats before you go buy a supplement. Because a supplement is just that it's supposed to supplement your diet, but you can get everything you want from food. It's just it's a lot more difficult in today's world, because we're the Oreos and ice cream and popcorn society. So it's just more difficult. But there's the tangent on that, I'll come back to your question. How what collagen does is it helps it tells your body go fix and repair connective tissue. So go fix and repair the villi that, you know make up your small intestine. And as that happens over time, same thing with doing curls, you do curls, your biceps are gonna get bigger and stronger, and you can lift more, well, if you have more collagen in your diet, your digestive system is going to get stronger and stronger and stronger. And now all of a sudden, everything works and your body can digest food properly. And oh, guess what lives in your small intestine? Most of the bacteria that make up your immune system live there. So the stronger that the fort is that those bacteria live in that fort being your small intestine, the better everybody can do their job. You know, you reach this beautiful place of like homeostasis that your body goes, Oh, food, let's digest it properly. Let's get everything we want out of it. And then let's get rid of it where most people don't do that. Because their digestive systems are so jacked up me being one of them for 34 half of my life. And it's amazing just how quickly the body can respond to the proper medicine, aka food and get right back on track. It truly is our bodies are just unbelievable.

Chase: Really. They are it's funny, you kind of wrap up that point with that right before our interview, I had another one. And we really talked about with Dr. Mindy Pelz. And we're talking about just the body's profound and astounding way, innate way to heal. And when we contribute to a healthy environment, both internally and externally. It's amazing what it can do what it can overcome. And sometimes we just need to get out of its own damn way. You know, we actually in that episode, we talked about, you know, fasting and how when we fast for short and long periods of time, what it does for the body and what it does on a cellular level, to get back to homeostasis to get back to healing. And whether it's through fasting or increasing quality of your whole food nutrition or key supplementation, like we're talking about with collagen, that's really what we should be focusing on. Would you agree? It's just what am I doing? What am I not doing that can get my body to function and perform at a level that it wants to? And maybe I'm the limiting factor, you know,

Charlie: 100%, you know, and just to touch on that subject of fasting, and you know, where we are on that. When somebody asked, hey, can I have collagen on my fast? Our answer is, What's your goal? Like what are you trying to get to like, are you trying to get to that beautiful 24 hour phase where HGH goes nuts and your body starts cleaning out and cell autophagy is happening, then no, you don't want to take our product during that you will if that's your goal, but if your goal is to skip a meal and lose weight, then sure we can help you do that. So you know, it's to your point of just getting out of the way and letting the body do its thing. You know, instead of saying, Oh, I'm going to do intermittent fasting just because it's hot, and I want to do it. Well, what's your goal? And how can we help you get there that's kind of our philosophy towards our business, that we're trying to meet the customer where they are, which is why we've got a 3000 word article on our website that deals with the idea of collagen breaking a fast or not. Because again, our goal is to help people improve their health and meet them where we can. And you know, the underlying goal inside of that is just to get people to recognize that their bodies are an incredible temple that are really smart, you know, profoundly smart, a lot smarter than we are and if we just get out of the damn way and give it what it needs, you know, give the body what it needs. It is going to do amazing things.

Chase: It does, it can, it will just really honestly, a matter of time, you'll be amazed at what you can do to improve your quality of life, improve your health and your wellness, by doing very little, if not, you know, in the case of a true fast, literally doing nothing at all. So just, you know, carve out some time and you know, pay attention to your body for that experience for sure. Charlie I want to ask you a question. You took it a step further, you had a great experience with collagen, you had this kind of big experience in improving the quality of your life, getting your life back a little bit, or getting cheese and lactose back at least. And you took it a step further, and you created a product, you created a business. Why did you feel it was necessary? Why did you feel so passionate about not only just adding collagen into your life, but making sure you could help as many other people as possible get it into theirs?

Charlie: Yeah, it's, uh, it goes back to that whole kids thing. And specifically, Vivian. So I mean, her the short version of her story and how I started looking at health totally different. It was there was a reason. And the reason was that Vivian kept getting sick. You know, she wasn't this, you know, pediatric cancer kid or anything like that. But when you've got your two year old, who's been sick 20 times since they've been born and been on multiple antibiotics, and nobody can really tell us why, oh, she has a respiratory illness, we think she has asthma. So we're gonna take this steroid and this and that, and it's just like, I'm so done with this, that that's when we really started going down this, this road towards naturopathic healing and nutrition and all the things of this fun world that we live in. And after we, I mean, I probably read 40 books, maybe even 50, I could just start naming them, but it's all the Mark Sisson, Dave Asprey, and all of that, that groups books, in case Shanahan's, in particular, Deep Nutrition, opened our eyes to really cleaning things up, you know, getting vegetable oils out of our diet, you know, decreasing the amount of sugar, increasing the amount of protein, specifically meat on the bone. And really prioritizing everything. And it was after about a year of cleaning things up, is when I started questioning like, why is bone broth so good. And let's get to this collagen stuff. And Dr. Greger starts talking about it. And just listening to all these podcasts. That's when I started taking it. Big time, I already had bone broth. And I already kind of fixed my lactose intolerance and couldn't really explain why I just like, oh, I did a bone broth cleanse, and now it works. And I just kind of accepted it and moved on. But once I started supplementing with collagen myself, I played football in college, and I tore my body in half. So a lot of those injuries that still riddled me into my 20s, they started melting away when I started supplementing with collagen, my digestive got even better, my sleep recovery got better. And I'm like, huh, this starts this all starting to make sense because of everything that I'm reading and all these books and what they're talking about. So I started giving it to Vivian, as she was already progressing into her health, the right direction, because we'd cut out seed oils and decreased sugar and put more emphasis on sleep and all the right things. And it was it was almost an immediate transformation with her like, like we were down the right path. And it was like, Oh, we just hit the gas and boom, now we're, you know, instead of being at a level five or level eight, overnight, she just started getting stronger, everything started clicking, and I'm like, hmm, you know, this is all making sense. And I'm buying Dr. Axe’s product at the time, which is great. I love him. I love his company. I don't even look at him as a competition, which will I'm sure we'll talk about later. But that I was getting my MBA, I'm a business minded guy. And I'm like, I'm really passionate about this. I want to create a company and I want to sell this product, and I want to sell it to the professional athlete. That's why we got our product NSF certified for sport, because no supplement company wants to touch NSF because it's so hard to get inexpensive. And they don't want to go to the pro athlete because there's no money there. Or at least they think so they just want to sell on the shelves of Walmart, which is fine. We're trying to do that too. But we specifically want to target the pro athlete. Because I I've been an athlete my whole life I still consider myself one. And if I would have known about collagen in my 20s I probably would have been hurt less and my career might have ended differently. So you know, we just we want to help that pro athlete and then the Trojan horse of all of that is that if the kid who looks up to the athlete isn't God sees that they're taking multi collagen protein powder, and then they tell their mom go buy this for me. We have just entered the household and that kid might have been another Vivian that is saved now and is going to get better health and more involved in everything. And that's our goal. You know, why did I start a company? Because what company has that goal? What company can I go work for that that's going to do that? There is none. So I'm going to start my own, and we're going to do it ourselves. And now we've got a really amazing team. I'm fortunate to have such a good team working with us every day. And like, it's fun, man, this is what we do. We talk to people about investing in their health, who doesn't want to talk about that, especially when it gets into kids. So I mean, that's, it's a really powerful, why, and we're enjoying it while we're doing it.

Chase: It's so apparent and so clear, thank you so much for sharing that personal story. I can't imagine. I mean, again, I don't have kids yet. But I cannot imagine seeing a child in pain and suffering your child. And just, I'm sure you and your wife probably felt helpless at some times, but then to find hope to find something that works for her for you. And for so many other families and individuals around the world. That's just got to be not only a breath of fresh air, but just like thank God, almost, you know.

Charlie: Yeah, and you know, if we can, if I can be that, that person of inspiration to someone else that really Lan and I mean, Lan’s the hero and all of this, she's my wife, that just supported everything and was on board. I mean, you got to have that you can't do things alone when you're in a marriage. I mean, even when you're by yourself, you need a support system, you need a support group. But everybody has the ability to just say, enough, like, we're not doing this, we're gonna invest in a different direction. Ask the question, why? And you know, just start. That's if there is a message to an entrepreneur or somebody out there, it's like, if you have an idea, it's gonna die with you unless you do something about it. That's why CB supplements is here, because every time I looked at my kids, I'm like, we need to do something about this, like I have. Leanne and I have like, almost successfully fixed Vivian's health issues. She's a vibrant, healthy eight year old now who's strong as a bull. And now she's got two little brothers, who are in better health. Because Leanne and I were able to do the right things earlier in their lives and or even before they were born to invest in our own health. So really, I'm hoping that one day, Banks and Fin will tell Vivian, hey, thanks, you know, because we're healthier because of you.

Chase: Baby bros, watch out little sisters now only got a few years on them. But some stronger bones thanks to collagen, watch out. I want to kind of bring the attention to the person and maybe who's now their ears are perked up, they're ready to try out some collagen. And especially when it comes to any supplement. I always preface it by saying do your due diligence. Really what are you looking for? Why maybe in particular, you need to consult your health coach or nutritionist, maybe even your doctor or your provider, just to get clarity on what you need, what you want and why. But then when it comes to supplements, not all are created equal. So when someone is looking to supplement with collagen, just in general. I mean, you use it, you have used it for a long time. And now you've got a thriving business with it. What are some things that the consumer should be looking for? To say, yes, this is something that I want to vote with my dollars with and look and look safe and is safe versus no, actually these things are huge red flags.

Charlie: Yeah, go to the company's website for one. And like, seriously, look at it. Are there people behind the business go to our about us section on our web page? We're real people. You know, we're extremely transparent. We're are we're not trying to hide anything. I think that most people can go to a company's website. And if you can't find a person on that website, you can't find how to get in touch with this business. Or why are they trying to sell me this? That's red flag number one. I mean, of course, I'm going to say if a supplement is third party verified, like NSF, for example, that that is the gold standard. But it takes forever and it's very expensive. So we're gonna have our flavors right now are not NSF certified. Our chocolate or vanilla will be in the next month. And when that happens, we'll carry both product lines will have NSF certified and non NSF but we'll still have that non NSF certified product. Third Party verified probably by biosynthesis labs, to purity tested and to do all the right things. And that's just quicker and easier than NSF is a huge investment. But if something's NSF certified, especially for sport like ours, you feel safe taking it. It's a really good product. It's the cleanest out there so and like we I give the product to my kids to my two year old, I take the product myself our whole team does. We've built a team that takes the product like we're not just sales people that are up this is what we're selling is what pays our mortgage techs, half of us when we get paid. I know so it's we're a real team that's actually putting our money where our mouth is. And if you look at our website, you can tell we're investing a ton of time into, into education. We've got multiple, 2-3000 word articles, addressing hot topics in the world of collagen. And they're, like I said, we're all over the site, we are real people. You know, and so look for that, look for product certifications, look where the product is sourced, you know, look what the ingredients are, look on the back of the label. You know, we don't, our flavors, we use stevia because we don't want to use anything fake, you know, and we're certainly not going to dump sugar into our products, we use natural flavors, we're not using artificial, something's artificial problem, you know, it's probably not something we should be eating. So you know, all those things, I'm sure half of the things that I mentioned, your listeners already knew of. But the other half like you can learn a lot by looking at a company's website.

Chase: And actually, speaking of I was glancing down because I had, excuse me another tab open from your website. And I'll say, yo, what you're saying is spot on, I was really impressed by the amount of education that you all have on your site. And I found this one little mini article, a little blurb, about something that I have seen a lot in the collagen industry. And that's are we taking it internally or are we applying it topically. And I think it's something that the consumer, the listener here should really be mindful of. And while certain supplements certain health foods, certain things can be hot, one day cold another, just because it's hot and just because you see it in one application doesn't always mean that it works. And another specifically, I'm talking about collagen, topical products versus like collagen powder, bone broth, things like that, that we take and ingest and digest. What is so unique about collagen and topical applications, that doesn't quite work the same way. Because this was very curious for me because I'm really thinking collagen, okay, it helps hair, skin, nails, help skin, you know, the largest organ on your body is your skin, it absorbs everything. So what is what's going on here? Why is collagen applied topically not the same as maybe you know, what's in collagen powder?

Charlie: Yeah, it's a great question. And it's a pretty simple answer. It's just, you know, marketing and profit. So college is too big of a protein to pass through the skin and be absorbed. So anytime you're rubbing collagen on your skin, it'll have immediate effect, like it'll fill in the layers or the wrinkles, and it'll make you look younger, make your skin look vibrant. The second you take a shower, it's all gone. So I mean, there's still value in like rubbing it on your face, if you're going out to a event or you're gonna have your picture taken or things like that, I get it. But if you're doing it for a long term health benefit, it's not doing anything, just go buy a moisturizing cream, and you're fine. You don't need to pay for the extra collagen. We've got a buddy of ours who's on our advisory board. He's a dermatologist with many local practices here in Orlando, he calls collagen in in face products, snake oil, just because it doesn't work. You have to take collagen, internally, you know, and by the mouth for it to be absorbed by the body. It's that simple. 

Chase: well hey you know if you're going for aesthetics, again, to your point earlier, what is your goal? Why are you taking? Why are you doing anything? If your goal is for, I want this quick fill in, I'm looking for, you know, some aesthetic goals today. And I know that when I take the shower tonight or tomorrow morning, it's gonna be gone. And I have to quite literally wash, rinse, repeat. Maybe that works for you. But I think this is such a great point that you all are doing for the consumer here is, is really educating them to help them perhaps get clarity on their goal. And this is something that I think happens all the time in the wellness industry is the consumer, the person they're trying, they're really trying, they're latching on to something that they think and they believe and they hope and they want to benefit their life. But because of clever marketing, or even perhaps because of insufficient homework on their end. They're missing the mark. And that is I think, where a lot of people not only sometimes waste their money, potentially even do more harm long term because you don't know what's going on in these products. But also where there's a lot of discouragement that sets in and discouragement in the health behavior change model really is the driving force the wedge when it comes to adherence because I'm doing this I'm taking that and it's just not working. I see it working for other people will again you don't know other people you don't know what they're doing what they're taking. And that is really honestly where I go back to my coaching days and that just kind of like hurts, it hurts because, like the will is there the drive is there, the intention is there. But if you're just not being smart about what you're ingesting or applying, or even just looking and finding honest companies like this, then, you know, a month a year 10 years down the road. You may be jumping, jumping ship and that's the last thing we want in terms of longevity for health.

Charlie: Yeah. And that's, that's, that's another differentiator between us and a lot of the other companies out there is, of course, we're a for profit company, like we need to make money to stay in business. But that doesn't drive us all. What we're trying to do is improve health for people. And we're going to be transparent about what works and what doesn't. And we're gonna help however we can. I mean, you can see that on our website, we're just a radically transparent company that's trying to do the right thing. And, you know, I just I have this inherent belief that when you are a radically transparent company, who's trying to make the world a better place, money is going to come. So why are you thinking about it?

Chase: Amen. Absolutely.

Charlie: So we just, we just don't, and if we had more companies that that talked to this this way and actually walked it, it'd be much easier for people to believe in themselves and to believe the marketing messages because that's half the problem with disappointment that people believe the marketing message or being told, hey, I'm the guy who created CB supplements. And I will tell you, collagen is not silver bullet. It is part of the pie of health. It's one of the eight pieces of health, and we're the company I want to talk to you about the other seven pieces, you know, we're just one of them. And, and if you want to talk with us, we're here, that that's what we're gonna do. We're not the company that's saying, take our product, you can drink Coke, you can eat McDonald's, you can do everything. But if you take CB supplements, multi collagen protein powder, you're going to live forever, we will never say that we're going to and really with my daughter story of health, we cut out vegetable oils, we decrease sugar, we got rid of processed food, we put sleep as a priority. We supplement with black elderberry. You know, during the winter time, we get a lot of sun, we eat a high fat diet, we use butter, oh, and we supplement with collagen. It's not that collagen, save the world. It's when we were doing all those other things that then we entered we put collagen in at the right time, her health exploded. And we've heard that over and over again from people. And we're the company that's going to say that we're not just trying to make a quick buck and a sale. So man, I know, I just went on this tangent with your comment on what, what? what's the, what's the diff or what? Why are people being so disappointed? It's because there's not enough companies out there that are just telling the truth.

Chase: Well, thank you guys so much for telling the truth. And thank you for that tangent. I mean, passion for me is always a good indicator for truth. And not the only indicator, of course, but in when someone can speak passionately and personally to what they do and why and not just regurgitate you know an answer, or what is the industry standard at the time, perhaps? That's, that's a good sign for me. So thank you for that.

Charlie: Absolutely. My pleasure, man.

Chase: Well, Charlie this has been an incredible conversation and a great kind of reminder for me about the power and the benefits of having intention. And being curious and doing the due diligence it takes for our lives for any new change we want to make in our day to day behaviors, our nutrition, our physical activity, especially our supplementation. And also good reminder of, you know, kind of the science and the reasoning behind why collagen is so damn amazing thing I was telling you before we officially hit record, I began supplementing with collagen about two years ago. And it actually it was great timing because I just started a new workout program with a local trainer. And on quite a few days of the week, it ended with about 10 to 20 minutes of walking lunges. And when I tell you I was dying at the end is an understatement. But when I began it was right around the same time I began to supplement with collagen. I at the end of that like 15-20 minutes, I was like alright cool, let's go again. You know, the recovery, the downtime, recovery improved, downtime decreased. And I just honestly, I've never looked back since it's been great.

Charlie: wild, isn't it? I mean, you kind of you kind of want to scream it from the mountaintops and everybody's talking about they're so sore, and they don't have the motivation to work out. Supplement with collagen and watch what happens. It's amazing. Some of the stories that we've heard from our customers like they're gonna have knee replacement surgery now they're not because they're walking every day. I mean, heck, I can even tell another long story. Tell us about my dad's back. And how well they open it up. It's like oh, it's healed itself. We don't need to do anything here. Huh? How about that? What do you been doing? Drinking bone broth and supplementing with collagen. It's like they're the amount of success stories that I can talk about. would probably bore everybody and guy we get it will go by. But it's so powerful. I mean, it helps. It's just it's hard to sell actually, because it does so much. What do you say? It'll help your hair grow. It'll help your skin. It'll help your knees. It'll help your gut. It'll help you see better, like

Chase: But yeah, head to toe for damn sure, man. Well, I just want to say thank you again so much for your time, thank you for sharing your personal experiences and, and shining a light on something that that adds immense value to you and your family's life. And something that that I love as well. And no doubt the person listening is going to enjoy moving forward, at least they have a new, trusted resource to check out into to further educate themselves on. But moving forward man living a life ever forward that's what we're all about here. And it's just having conversations like this so that the person listening can begin to think differently, or be reminded about something that they want to go check out for themselves to move forward in one area all areas of their life to live a life ever forward; What does that mean to you, Charlie? How would you kind of define that right now? 

Charlie: I, when I think of the term ever forward, I'm thinking about playing what Simon Sinek calls the infinite game, that we're always looking to improve. We're always looking to be better tomorrow. And we're not doing it. You know, for a short term game, we're doing it for this game that we're playing that has no end. And what he calls the infinite game. So you know, when I think of the ever forward life, that's what I'm thinking of that I'm investing into myself, for the future. I'm investing into my health for my kids. I'm investing in. And in this way of thinking, because I'm playing the infinite game, and I'm looking to not win, I'm looking to just always be there and be in the best shape. I can be in both men, mentally, physically, spiritually, all the things. And I mean, that's how we operate our business. That's why I don't look at Dr. Josh Axe’s company or Dave Asprey who I am actually close with bulletproof collagen, I don't look at them as competitors. Because really, we're playing the infinite game against ourselves, we are in competition with ourselves, that is a mind ever forward, you know, to me that we're not getting trapped by the short term, you know, small thinking, we're trying to make a difference in the long term, we're going to be patient in that process.

Chase: Infinite game, I'm actually it's right at an arm's reach is right next to me on my bookshelf out of frame, but such a great reference, man. So I appreciate your response. Thank you so much for your time, and all the work that you guys are doing over at CB supplements. And I appreciate you really I'm glad you found something that works well for you, and so many other people. And I'm excited to see where somebody listening is going to take this message and apply it for their life today.

Charlie: Yeah, thank you so much for having me Chase. And, you know, if anybody if I didn't answer anything, if we didn't touch on something, we're pretty easy to find. Just go on our website, you're gonna see our support email address right there in front of you. And guess who answers most of those emails? Me. I mean, I've got it I've got an awesome team Sabrina, Brandy, Eric, we've got a great a great group that that might answer it. But, you know, we're available, we're here, we did create a discount code for your listeners, if anybody wants to try the product amazing. Just the name of the show ever forward, type that in it's all one word, they'll give you five bucks off, you'll get a nice handwritten note from either myself or Brandy because that's what we do. We were we're not really in the business, you know, to make a crap ton of money. You know, we're in business to make the world a better place. That's why we write handwritten notes with every purchase, because that I can tell you what's not profitable writing handwritten notes. So you know, we'd say customer service very seriously, we're here as a support. And I'm just grateful to you chase for having me on your show giving me this platform. And I mean, kudos to you for having such a great show with the goal of just improving health for all those that are listening.

Chase: I appreciate that I received that and right back at you my man so if anybody wants to take Charlie up on this offer, I would encourage you to it's CBsupplements.com check out code everforward. I'll make sure to have that down in the show notes for everybody to check out later. So we appreciate that. Thank you.