Feb 19, 2017

EFR 005: Ignite Your Fire with Amanda Bucci

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Amanda shares with us how sometimes the best laid plans do not wind up being the end result. I spent the majority of the day with her training at Venice Beach Gold's Gym, grabbing some lunch and a beer and of course she took me to her favorite local donut shop.

I have had the pleasure of training and hanging out with Ms. Bucci several times since this interview and am proud to call her a friend. She is taking the world on with a tour de force! Be sure to follow her on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram and don't miss HER interview of ME on her podcast, Bucci Radio.

EFR 005: Ignite Your Fire with Amanda Bucci

Amanda shares with us how sometimes the best laid plans do not wind up being the end result. I spent the majority of the day with her training at Venice Beach Gold's Gym, grabbing some lunch and a beer and of course she took me to her favorite local donut shop.

I have had the pleasure of training and hanging out with Ms. Bucci several times since this interview and am proud to call her a friend. She is taking the world on with a tour de force! Be sure to follow her on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram and don't miss HER interview of ME on her podcast, Bucci Radio.