What makes a good coach?

How do you know how to pick the right one? What if you view success differently when it comes to your personal health and fitness? Coaches Alyssa and Christy are both very good at what they do and how they help their clients reach their goals but how they go about doing so is drastically different. Does that make one right and one wrong?

In this episode, Chase mediates between the two online coaches using input from real, live human beings that are interested in coaching (some for a repeat experience) but have reservations about what will be expected of them, what the work will look like, and what goals are realistic based on their individual needs and unique backgrounds and lifestyles. 

If you have ever wondered how to go about picking the right coach for your wellness goals then tune in and take notes!


Follow Alyssa @lysababe1

Follow Christy @christymaecampbell

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


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EFR 479: How to Pick the Right Coach for Your Unique Health and Fitness Goals with Alyssa Vance and Christy Campbell

What makes a good coach?

How do you know how to pick the right one? What if you view success differently when it comes to your personal health and fitness? Coaches Alyssa and Christy are both very good at what they do and how they help their clients reach their goals but how they go about doing so is drastically different. Does that make one right and one wrong?

In this episode, Chase mediates between the two online coaches using input from real, live human beings that are interested in coaching (some for a repeat experience) but have reservations about what will be expected of them, what the work will look like, and what goals are realistic based on their individual needs and unique backgrounds and lifestyles. 

If you have ever wondered how to go about picking the right coach for your wellness goals then tune in and take notes!


Follow Alyssa @lysababe1

Follow Christy @christymaecampbell

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by LMNT

LMNT Recharge is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks.

Proper hydration is critical for optimizing mental and physical performance.

Hydration is not just about drinking enough water - to stay properly hydrated you need to consume adequate electrolytes. They help your nerve impulses fire, regulate fluid balance, help produce energy, and support strong bones.

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Client case studies


Please describe your current weight loss, body or lifestyle goals. Be as specific as possible.

My current weight loss goals would be theoretically down to 165-168lbs. I've currently lost over 100lbs from my highest weight after my gastric sleeve surgery in 2012. I'd previously reached my goal in 2014 but had a major life changing event being diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). I was hospitalized and lost approximately 20lbs of which I believe most was muscle mass. I had to learn how to walk and feed myself again after that. I don't believe I ever gained back the muscle mass I previously had. Since 2014 I've been blessed with having 2 adorable babes and have gained back some weight to put me at 215lbs. My husband has been actively involved in crossfit for about 3 years and has been doing the keto diet periodically. I've tried eating the way he does mostly and have been able to get down to hover between 197-204lbs. I'm stuck! I'm sick of restricting my diet... I'd like to be able to feel comfortable in my own momma skin! Even after losing still over 100lbs I have excess skin, the mom pouch and not as much muscle as I once had. I'd love to keep up with my family riding mountain bikes and not have a sore back from wearing my 1 year old for a few hours either! I feel like I have no time for myself and making sure that I'm staying healthy, mentally, physically and emotionally! My focus has always been on making sure the house runs smoothly, the kids (11, 4 & 1) are all ok too! I'd love to learn how to be able to incorporate healthy meals and snacks (since I need to be eating less more frequently) into my family's daily routine and not feel stuck... 

Diet History:

I yo-yo dieted with Jenny craig and went to the gym for multiple years. In 2012 I had the lap sleeve procedure. My highest weight was 303lbs and I originally got down to 168lbs fairly quickly. During the next couple years I ended up having my gallbladder removed (because of rapid weight loss, 90lbs 90 days type of loss). I also was diagnosed with GBS in early 2014. This is an autoimmune disorder that attacks your peripheral nervous system. I was hospitalized for a week, ended up losing 20lbs in 7 days. Severe muscle loss. I had to learn to walk with a walker and eventually a cane. Fast forward 2 years I was blessed with being in remission. I have had 2 more children since my diagnosis and ended up gaining weight back but still 100lbs down from before I had the surgery. Now - 9 years out from weight loss surgery and 7 from GBS diagnosis. My husband has been doing crossfit for 2 years and has been doing keto on and off for the past 9 months (he's had great success with both) so I've been trying to do the keto diet lately but I end up hitting a brick wall... Because my body needs more? Because I'm an emotional eater? Because I'm a boredom eater? Because I'm not seeing the results like him? (I lost 10lbs) Those questions I've been trying to answer…

Have you had success with any coaching or nutrition program in the past? *

I have always felt like "I don't have any me time" to be able to follow through with anything. When I get the kids to bed, I want to go-to bed. When the baby (1) is napping I want to literally sit in silence staring off in space to have that small amount of time before my other kids (4 and 11) need me...

How would you describe your relationship with food and your body? *

Food is comfort. Mentally I feel it helps me cope with any obstacles.

How would you describe what your current exercise or movement routine looks like? 

Sporadic... But I will go walk, or I've been mountain biking with my husband and kids...which kills my body!

What would achieving your goal mean to you? How would success impact your life? 

Honestly, I don't know? Would I be able to feel comfortable in my own body if I got to my goals? Gosh, I hope so. Ideally I'd see improvements with energy and mood. Which would allow me to be a better role model for my children.


Describe your goals:

For me, weight loss is more about losing body fat percentage. Of course we all have that number in our head we’d like to see, but really at this point I want to get my body fat percentage down while maintaining my muscle gains that I’ve worked so hard for in the past three years! I want to see how I feel. I’m strong as hell, take perverse pride in it, and don’t want to lose that. The other big (well huge) factor in my health is my eosinophilic asthma. Basically my airways are really inflamed most of the time making it hard to breath. By eating better, I’d like to reduce inflammation, which would also help ease joint pain (heyyy 40...I see you coming) and my breathing. Better breathing means hitting more fitness goals I have for myself and less inhaled steroids taken on the daily. Ultimately I want to be a better example for my kids. I have five sets of eyes on me and I don’t just want to preach to them, I want to show them that at any time, you can change your ways and improve yourself.

Describe your diet history. *

I have gained and lost the same 20 lbs more times than I can count the past 5 years. After 8 pregnancies, where I easily lost weight nursing post pregnancy on what I called my poptart diet (as I could literally eat anything and still lose) my 9th did me in. It was also when my asthma issues started. I joined CrossFit about three years ago thinking I could outwork my diet (surprise! Not the case). My lung capacity has improved, I am still extremely active and even compete in some ruck races, but being a single mom of 5, my habits need help, my consistency isn’t there. I should mention that I also used to be a serious binge eater (diagnosed) and while it is extremely rare that it happens, it does on occasion still happen but I am much more cognizant of my triggers now. The guilt when it does happen however is strong!

Have you had success with any coaching or nutrition program in the past? *

The most success I’ve had was using the RP diet app, but when my carbs were cut to 5 carbs per meal, I lacked energy and focus, though the weight was coming off amazingly, I just couldn’t keep it up.

How would you describe your current life stressors or challenges that impact you working towards your goal? *

I would say time management is a struggle for me; I work full time, single parent all the time (my ex isn’t involved at all) to 5 kids. I think my issues seem to come when I’m tired, and want stuff with minimal effort to feed everyone without having to make different meals for my kids and me. I eat my lunch in the car between jobs, so meal prep is huge for me, and when it doesn’t get done...drive thrus happen.

How would you describe your relationship with food and your body? *

It’s a love hate relationship. I often feel frustrated when I am eating “right” and don’t see results. It feels like what’s the point? Ultimately I know my health depends on it, and that’s my motivator, in the moment it can be hard. I used to feel a lot of guilt when I ate wrong, I’m happy to say while I’m not completely cured of that I have a lot more grace with myself these days. With my body...I have dysmorphia from what I’ve been told. I would truly love to see myself the way others see me. I’m not there yet. I am however thrilled with the things my body can now do that even two years ago I never would have believed. I’ve now ran in ultras, lifted more weight than I ever thought possible, take perverse pleasure in setting PRs and “out lifting” a lot of the guys at the gym. Given the numerous health issues I’ve had, I’d say what my body can do is pretty amazing. I just wish I could feel it when I look in the mirror.

How would you describe what your current exercise or movement routine looks like? *

I CrossFit 4-5 days a week, I try to snowshoe or hike one day a week and in April am starting jiu jitsu/striking class again one day per week. I have VERY active days (I clean for a living and am moving constantly, on my feet more often than not.).

What would achieving your goal mean to you? How would success impact your life? *

It used to be a number on a scale meant I would be happy, now I’m looking at all my looming health issues hanging over me if I don’t make changes and am wanting to really fight for my life at this point (this sounds dramatic I know, but it’s how I’m feeling). With the lungs of a 70yr old, in a 38 year old body, coming from a family of morbidly obese members where diabetes is rampant, I need to get this under control for my quality of life. I want to be the example my kids can follow. For me, that would be amazing. I want to be in a body where my weight doesn’t hold back my success in the gym or out of it. That would be the ultimate success.