"For me, [fitness] is a form of worship because of how terrible my relationship with my body was when I was overweight. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become. I get to feel sexy, feel beautiful, & creatively express myself? THANK GOD!"

Phoebe Davis

May 6, 2021

EFR 472: Repairing Food Relationships and Eating Disorder Recovery with Phoebe Davis

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Like most former overweight kids, Phoebe Davis was initially motivated to lose weight for the sake of looking better; but along the way in her fitness journey, Phoebe discovered her calling to combine her passion for health and wellness with her growing career as a social media marketer.

Her journey didn’t end after she successfully lost all that excess weight. Phoebe remembers how she became terrified of gaining back the fat that she had worked so hard to burn off. For some time, she suffered through self-imposed extreme diet restrictions that inevitably led to binging episodes.

She explains how she was able to change her unhealthy relationship with food, to stop obsessing over macros, and to embrace moderation and a lifestyle where she could allow herself to indulge in her favorite foods while maintaining her health and fitness.

Phoebe is a fitness influencer, the CMO at Ideal Physiques LLC, and the owner of Flexing Phoebs Marketing LLC.

Follow Phoebe @flexingphoebs

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Phoebe explains how she was able to change her unhealthy relationship with food after becoming terrified of regaining all the weight she had worked so hard to burn off.

  • How can you stay healthy and maintain your fitness while “enjoying life” with friends and family?

  • Phoebe shares how she learned to be more resilient as a model.

  • Phoebe talks about her role models and how she has applied their example to her own life.

Powerful Quotes by Phoebe Davis

The best part about this season of life is that it’s just a season. It’s not forever. I’m choosing to put myself through this because I have long-term goals. Remember your why. Stay close to that, and you’ll never have that scarcity mindset of, “I’ll never get to drink again. I’ll never get to have fun.”

For me, [fitness] is a form of worship because of how terrible my relationship with my body was when I was overweight. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become. I wouldn’t be here without having God as my rock. I get to feel sexy and feel beautiful and work with other people in this industry and get to creatively express myself—and I get to use my body for that? Thank you, God. That’s amazing!

I feel like I’ve always had a calling to serve other people, and the best way I know how is through storytelling.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics is the #1 brand of all-natural sports supplements in the world. They sell supplements based on sound science that are 100% transparent, 100% naturally sweetened and flavored, and contain no artificial food dyes or other unwanted chemicals.

Scientifically-Backed Doses and Ingredients

  • Every ingredient in our supplements is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

  • That means the ingredients and doses in our supplements are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

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  • All our supplements are 100% transparent, meaning you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

  • We disclose the exact amount and form of each ingredient in all our supplements and never use proprietary blends.

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Click here to save 20% off your first purchase with code EVERFORWARD!

EFR 472: Repairing Food Relationships and Eating Disorder Recovery with Phoebe Davis

Like most former overweight kids, Phoebe Davis was initially motivated to lose weight for the sake of looking better; but along the way in her fitness journey, Phoebe discovered her calling to combine her passion for health and wellness with her growing career as a social media marketer.

Her journey didn’t end after she successfully lost all that excess weight. Phoebe remembers how she became terrified of gaining back the fat that she had worked so hard to burn off. For some time, she suffered through self-imposed extreme diet restrictions that inevitably led to binging episodes.

She explains how she was able to change her unhealthy relationship with food, to stop obsessing over macros, and to embrace moderation and a lifestyle where she could allow herself to indulge in her favorite foods while maintaining her health and fitness.

Phoebe is a fitness influencer, the CMO at Ideal Physiques LLC, and the owner of Flexing Phoebs Marketing LLC.

Follow Phoebe @flexingphoebs

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • Phoebe explains how she was able to change her unhealthy relationship with food after becoming terrified of regaining all the weight she had worked so hard to burn off.

  • How can you stay healthy and maintain your fitness while “enjoying life” with friends and family?

  • Phoebe shares how she learned to be more resilient as a model.

  • Phoebe talks about her role models and how she has applied their example to her own life.

Powerful Quotes by Phoebe Davis

The best part about this season of life is that it’s just a season. It’s not forever. I’m choosing to put myself through this because I have long-term goals. Remember your why. Stay close to that, and you’ll never have that scarcity mindset of, “I’ll never get to drink again. I’ll never get to have fun.”

For me, [fitness] is a form of worship because of how terrible my relationship with my body was when I was overweight. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become. I wouldn’t be here without having God as my rock. I get to feel sexy and feel beautiful and work with other people in this industry and get to creatively express myself—and I get to use my body for that? Thank you, God. That’s amazing!

I feel like I’ve always had a calling to serve other people, and the best way I know how is through storytelling.

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics is the #1 brand of all-natural sports supplements in the world. They sell supplements based on sound science that are 100% transparent, 100% naturally sweetened and flavored, and contain no artificial food dyes or other unwanted chemicals.

Scientifically-Backed Doses and Ingredients

  • Every ingredient in our supplements is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research and is included at clinically effective levels.

  • That means the ingredients and doses in our supplements are based on published scientific research demonstrating real benefits, not the restrictions of razor-thin production budgets or gluttonous profit margins.

100% Formula Transparency

  • All our supplements are 100% transparent, meaning you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

  • We disclose the exact amount and form of each ingredient in all our supplements and never use proprietary blends.

100% Money-Back Guarantee and Free Shipping

  • Customers either love our stuff or they get their money back. Period. No forms to fill out or hoops to jump through. That’s just how confident we are in our products.

  • Free shipping within the USA and free shipping internationally on orders over $99

Click here to save 20% off your first purchase with code EVERFORWARD!