"What we know about habits, what we know about dopamine hits, why we do things... and use that to level up not just on a screen and get a shallow victory or like you're playing a game and get gold coins but to level up in REAL LIFE!"

William Moore

Apr 1, 2021

EFR 457: Gamify Your Life Through The Five Core Success Habits with William Moore

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William is the founder of Moore Momentum. His story of success started in 2007 during the real estate market crash. He created a company called Doorstep Delivery- a restaurant delivery service and became the largest food delivery service in the southeast and had 19 branches. A year and a half later, Doorstep Delivery was bought for its recognizable success.

From his experience, William decided to share his knowledge of success in unity and growth and built a new company called Moore Momentum, a professional training and coaching service to help you become the best version of yourself. 

Moore Momentum's mission is to "create a movement of change that shifts the mindset of the world toward unity and growth."

In this episode, William shares five core areas of life if done properly will completely level-up your success, increase productivity, regulate the flow of energy by combining the latest in science and technology, and universal principles to gamify your life!


Follow William @5corelife

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Why are the 5 cores important?

  • Why is connecting to your why more effective than for?

  • Keep understanding, keep reading, and keep studying.

  • The role of mindset, goal setting, and accountability.

  • Why your morning routine matters.


Episode resources:

Interview transcript

Chase [06:24]

All right, lights, camera, action there we go. Will Moore welcome to Ever Forward Radio man coming from one of my favorite places in the US, Chicago and we're having a very similar weather day so while we're in good company man. Welcome.

Will [06:35]

Thank you, great to be here.

Chase [06:37]

What’s is going on the most in your world? Maybe go back just two years to like this big transition you've had in your life. What were you doing? How did you find yourself up here? What are you doing today?

Will [07:01]

I spent the last 10 years or so building a business. My story of success started in 2007 during the real estate market crash. I saw the need of food delivery service since it the market was not saturated and many people needed it. I created a company called Doorstep Delivery- a restaurant delivery service and became the largest food delivery service in the southeast and had 19 branches. A year and a half later, Doorstep Delivery was bought for its recognizable success.

Chase [10:01]

So, what's it like standing at the bottom of this tower and staring at something that doesn't exist yet, but it's clear as day in your mind? 

Will [10:21]

If you can kind of step back and sort of say, okay, what does the world need, right? People always have ideas. It’s only a matter if they make their ideas come to life or give out excuses. Your success depends if you actually do it or doubt yourself

Chase [11:05]

Not an ounce of doubt. Absolutely.

Will: [11:08]

You'll never succeed because there's so many bitch slaps. People can try to steal your business too. In the first couple of years, we weren’t very profitable. I think it’s pretty typical for new businesses. Some businesses die but fortunately, we got some momentum.

We started partnering with some bigger restaurants, like, Chili’s. Initially, we were the one’s going to restaurants asking if they want to partner with us. They would always decline or if they do accept, it took a lot of convincing. But by the end, it was kind of neat they were all kind of begging us to be partnered with them, because they saw it as profit. They were making money.

And I was like, shit, I've been working on this thing for 25 years or so this this kind of book, this personal journey of all the things that I've learned along the way.

I was suicidal when I was in college. I had a bit of a religion. I straight up was your typical fixed victim and I serendipitously was introduced to this book by a professor who I really admired at the time and he just kind of casually mentioned it in one of his lectures, and I like wrote it down and went right to the library after and luckily, they had it had they not had it, I wonder how my life would have turned out.

Chase [13:14] 

What was the book?

Will [13:15]

Butterfly Effect, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book made me realize that there's a different way to look at the universe to look at the world. There's these universal principles that I have not been taking advantage of. I am going to figure out all of them and I made it my life's mission to basically reinvent myself and figure out what it means to be happy. There is no short-cut elixir too.

Chase [13:48]

Three easy installments for sure. 

Will [13:49]

Right? It doesn't, it doesn't work that way. I started figuring things out over time using myself as a human science experiment- what worked, what didn't, what laws of the universe? 

I honed in on these main areas of life and these key principles. Develop habits to make me happy and get to where I wanted to be. And so, 25 years later, I did that with my career, my finances, I ended up dividing these into five different cores. That didn't come until way later I just knew like, my physical health is important. My relationships are important, my mind sets important, my emotional health is important. My career and finances are important.

And these are the five cores then I was kind of working on all of them. I got rid of my failure habits and replaced them with success habits; and so, I can keep building momentum to combine them all to form my overall happiness. 

Chase: [15:25]

Life is multifaceted. Our goals are multifaceted. Yes, when we focus on one thing, we can perform well, and we can get better at it, we can excel at it, but it is leaving a lot of other areas neglected, or it is leaving a lot of other room, leaving a lot on the table, basically a lot of room for improvement, all these other things when we become out of whack.

It all comes down to habits. Either we push ourselves closer towards the goal, or decide what is the goal that we want.  Sometimes, just to build positive momentum and figure things out along the way. 

So, when reading this book and applying some of these things, I'm curious, was it as straightforward for you as just instilling new habits? Were you realizing a lot of the habits that you had needed to go? Was it subtraction or addition? Or a little bit of the combination of both? 

Will [16:40]

It's a great question. Now, I like helping people shine a big spotlight on their lives. It wasn't until I read Atomic Habits, by James Clear that it really hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm like, wow, what I'm doing is the natural extension. 

Chase [17:24]

That one is great, I got about three copies up over here. Anytime anybody rolls through the office, they haven't read it, I give them one. It's amazing.

Will [17:30]

I mean, right? He talks about whether you're using this physical, relationships, emotional parts- how they work, connecting to your whys and why it’s important as human beings to understand that because it’s got to be a deep thing that syncs way all up in there in your body and your soul that goes.

Chase [18:29]

I always go back to the movie Inception; if anything is to stick and to be inherent to be worthwhile it has to be from our own design. 

Will [18:40]

That’s exactly right. Versus willpower, which is complete BS and doesn't work where you go- a superficial level. You haven't connected, like you said on that Inception level.

These different areas, these five cores, they cover everything. This is what life is about: these five cores, all combined to form your overall momentum, happiness, growing, and stopping your failure habits and replacing them with success habits to make sure you're becoming bigger, better, faster, stronger along the way.

It’s been a 25-year journey to figure it all out but, what I have realized is that it's these habits, but they've got to be based on these principles.

I've read 1000s of self-help books, been to seminars you name it, they all kind of have the same things in different ways and like I said, it's been my goal to use these principles. 

Will [20:52]

It fits perfectly. I need to use that same science and technology, what we know about habits, what we know about dopamine hits, why we do things, and use that to level up not just on a screen and get a shallow victory of a like or a, you know, you're playing a game and you get you know, gold coins but to level up in real life. That's what I've dedicated my life to.

Chase AD [21:18]

Hey, what's going on my friend, I want to take a quick second and pause from this interview with William Moore. First of all, just take a pause and just let it all sink in everything that Will has been talking about up to this point, just let it sink in for a second. I don't want this to be just another podcast that you listen to and have just running in the background and maybe you pick up a few things here and there but just really take a pause right now and reflect back on what you've heard so far, let it sink in.

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Alright, let's go and jump back into today's conversation with William Moore.

Chase [26:30]

I want to dive into these five core principles and there's one in particular, I want to kick off with relationships. I really think that is the most profound one. I think they're all important, right? All these other areas in our life are important, but relationships are instrumental. 

You had this kind of epiphany, right? This realization that your life needed to change. You said that you wanted to change. How did you know the next steps to take? Because that can be that can be crippling. 

Will [27:32]

I didn’t is the answer. But I made it my mission to use myself as a human science experiment and to test start testing all these things. All I knew is I needed to keep reading and I needed to keep studying, keep understanding, keep learning.

Chase [28:50]

Yeah, right. Absolutely. Man, I love your response to that well said for sure. So then let's dive into these five core areas and we've got mindset, career and finances, relationships. 

I would love to start off with first physical health and emotional health and giving back so please indulge me. Why did relationships make your top five and what do you mean by that? Why is it such a core area?

Will [29:14]

Before we get into relationships, I have to bring up mindset because mindset is the surface. Your mindset is the glue that holds the rest of the course together and getting your mind working for instead of against you, and it makes all the other cores incrementally easier to build momentum.

Chase [29:37]

So, you kind of have a hierarchy for these a little bit?

Will [29:40]

They're all equal but mindset is the one that you need to make sure. I've got strengths just like everybody else, I've got weaknesses. I'm going to figure out how to outsource and work around those weaknesses, I'm going to focus on my strengths, I'm gonna learn what I'm passionate about, I'm going to set goals and when I fail, I'm going to fail forward.

I'm going to figure out what it was that didn't work and how to pivot so that every step of the way, I'm becoming bigger, better, faster, stronger, and that ends up applying to all your areas, including relationships, because, if you can look start looking at life that way, and that doesn't happen overnight and there's techniques.

One of the habits is negative self-talk, as long as you do that continually, that's the main thing that you're filling your brain with, you're never gonna be able to get to what I just said.

And so, with relationships, it's the same thing in terms if you want to build momentum and create these relationships. It's in our nature to have these human connections and interactions and if you're not doing that, you're going to be F’d. 

In the relationship core, I actually break it into four different areas, I have your colleagues and acquaintances, people you may be just met, family, colleges and friends, and your significant other. Are you married or single? 

Chase [33:16]

I'm married. Yeah, we've been together almost eight years. 

Will [34:10]

For instance, my wife and I have these agreements, right? We come we're two different people, just like every couple is we come from different backgrounds. We're not the same. I am a man. She's a woman, we, you know, they're our brains do not work exactly the same. And we, we forget that sometimes. And we get frustrated with the other person and we make assumptions, like, why are they doing this? Why are they doing that? And that just starts to chip away at the fabric.

Whereas it's like, okay, look, here's where you're coming from. Let's make it clear. Here's where we tend to have issues, right? 

Raising our kids, we do have some disagreements but we compromise even though we don't see it exactly the same how do we meet in the middle and what's best for our sons? And that's how we're going to do it.

Chase [35:13]

Present this unified front for sure. So, mindset first, that's definitely the lens we want to look through when we're starting all of these core values, core beliefs, these pillars, if you will, for the work that you talk about.

And then kind of you started talking about the relationship aspect, whether it's a significant other family member, I would even say that, what about the one with ourselves? How do you go about working on the relationship with yourself? Because I think that's probably the most important one that takes the most amount of work. 

Will [36:02]

So that and that's that that's your mindset. I mean, it is the most important and that's why I have people start with your mindset. Your mindset is your relationship with yourself. It's how you view the world. It's your confidence, it's your attitude. It's your perspective, literally on how the world is, is those a world suck, and it's out to get you are you a fixed victim, or a growth owner?

And if you have a bad relationship with yourself, you're going to potentially build that negative momentum hurting yourself. Like you'll get overwhelmed like this is too hard, you got to do it very slowly and surely, which is what I help with.

Chase [37:11]

It is possible to become overwhelmed and even more stressed out. Our personal development, self-help and growth, as we open our minds up to the possibility of what we want and we realize that all of this is possible just takes incremental work and consistent work.

Will: [38:54]

When you start to get your mind working for you, instead of against you it reduces the friction. Maybe before you didn't have the confidence, you didn't have the foresight - but then once you start to improve your mindset it's like just like same with physical health and same with your emotional health like it's like all of a sudden, you will say: I can do that!

Here’s my goal. This is what I want to do. This is my purpose.

You can get your brains working for you, and create ways that you never saw before and how to get there right at the end. You got to set goals. I'm a huge, huge, huge goal guy.

In fact, that they don't teach that mainstream in schools is shame on you. I'm trying to I'm trying to fix the broken system and the education.

Will [40:43]

We’ve got to start teaching things like goals and emotional health and how to get along with others, and how to balance your checkbook in school.

These five core areas, these habits, so by the time you get to young adulthood, you're not suicidal.

Believe it or not, even with all this tech, and everything that's happened, we're becoming less happy as a society. The world of happiness has been on a downward trajectory. 

For many years, teen suicide, especially for girls is at an all-time high and it's gone up every single year. Social media comparing themselves so it's like, we got to use this stuff responsibly. And so that's my whole mission. That's my whole goal in life that keeps me going every single day, just like with doorstep delivery, where I said, I know this is it. This is this is this is where the world is heading. 

How do I use the same science and technology to get people addicted to leveling up? Not just on screen, but in real life.

Chase [41:49]

That’s such a great idea, man. How do we get how do we introduce that kind of gamification concept that we've seen work time and time again, for things like video games, cell phone games, social media platforms?

How do we kind of get people conditioned to want to show up and stay present the same way they do for these other things, but in a way that is going to be a positive feedback loop?

Something that is going to get them addicted to themselves really in a non-egotistical way?

Will [42:20] 

Gamifying it up. My app is going to be the first product and you're a rocket ship. And you've got these five core areas of your life are the thrusters of your engine, and to not fly off course and end up where you don't want or to crash land. You got to make sure that you're balancing these cores, you're continually building momentum in each to get off the ground, then to get to the moon then to the first planet and the next galaxy than the next solar system along the way. You're meeting aliens. You are navigating through asteroid field.

Chase [43:39]

Is this co developed with Neil deGrasse Tyson by chance?

Will [43:47]

The whole point is it's I've been working on this for the last three years this app.

I had this idea it started with I literally back when I was telling you in college when I was suicidal, one of the first books I read, talked about Benjamin Franklin's 13 virtues. 

I'm calling them habits, the things that you want to change in your life. I would write a list and forced myself writing it every day. What did I do today? Did I do this, this thing that I know that is good for me this habit that I'm working on? Or did I not? And I would put either a checkmark or an x.

Slowly but surely, that started shining this big spotlight and making me aware of the things that were really hurting me causing that negative momentum so to speak. I started becoming aware.

I've got my five cores, and within each core, I've got the habits that I'm working on and improve each day on them. 

Chase [46:14]

How much weight do you put on accountability for the ability for change to happen when it comes to our habits? 

Will [46:23]

Huge. To me, it's all about systems in life systems, systems. Like you read every success book I've ever read every successful person and I use success in quotes. By the way, because most people think success is just money and finances, power and fame; but to me, it's living a true success is live in the five-core systems of life.

These people, they've developed a system that works for them and I wanted to figure out was, how can I make kind of a universal system that works for anybody? 

Chase [48:07]

I want to dive into a couple of the key concepts you talked about here and that's emotional health and giving back. Why did you put those two together? And do you think they are kind of dependent on each other in order for us to have that that level completed here in these core values? 

Will [48:23]

The honest answer is I put those two together, they do tie together but it was more I wanted to have five cores instead of six. That is actually to be to be brutally honest five cores- to me it's simpler.

Emotional health is when you are you aware of the things that are hurting your mind every day in terms of like stress? Are you aware of the things that bring true joy and happiness to your life? Like what are your passions?

Being aware of these things and making sure that you're proactively incorporating them every single day into your life so that you're reducing the stress.

Chase [50:58]

What is maybe one habit you're working on right now that you're like, I'm making it better or maintaining it like what is one key habit you have in your level of awareness right now that is, like the one you're working on the most?

Will [51:13]

This is part of my morning routine, which by the way, morning routines are huge terms of like staying on track, things that are actually going to help burst you into the day and have you going in with a smile and that energy versus another day.

One example just of that, like I used to read the news, and I start getting sucked into politics. And I would literally I would soon as I would wake up, I would open it up. And I would be in a bad mood within two minutes. 

Chase [51:34]

You're bombarded with everybody else's stressors and worries. Might be some good news in there to but it's a wave of noise that, like you need to go into intentionally I believe, right? 

Will [51:57]

That’s exactly right. And so, I caught that. With all this awareness and holding myself accountable, I realize this news doesn't fit in with my happiness. And so, I replaced it with good, and positive news.

I have this app called Flipboard, you can even do it on your Apple news feed as well- I can select the types of articles and things that I want to see. So, wellness, personal development, video games, entertainment, like whatever you're interested in that is happy and uplifting, that's all I'll see, right?

I got 10 habits that I'm currently working on posture, one of them but the top one is shorten, simplify and make things more succinct. 

Chase [53:26]

Got to get that hook, right. Is that with a new book? Is it hooked? I forgot the guy's name. 

Will [53:30]

Hooked by Nir Eyal, great book. 

Chase [53:40]

Yeah, exactly.

Well, William, it's been great having you on the show here. I can't wait for my audience to continue to dive into what you're doing over there. The Moore Momentum, everything you're doing and the change in the impact and connecting the dots for other people so that they can find other ways other walks of life, to learn from to pull from and to instill these habits and create their own system for success.

Will [54:00]

Right on brother! I really appreciate you having me on. Thanks for letting me ramble. 

Chase [54:04] 

No worries, you're in good company. Podcasts are great for that, it’s a long format content for a reason. But I do you have one final question. I'm curious, what does that mean to you, William? How would you say you live a life ever forward? 

Will [54:04]

Well, I think our messages couldn't align better. I mean Moore Momentum. M-O-O-R-E is my last name, Momentum. That's my website. That's my brand. That’s everything I'm doing.

It's about building momentum. Every single day, like we talked earlier and your podcast about not getting complacent, not resting on your laurels, but instead saying this is where I want to be in each of my areas, taking little incremental steps every single day using what I call the equation of life, which is your belief system.

So as long as you start to change, my belief system ties to your mindset as you start to change that. And then you start to take different actions than you used to those actions, then aren't going to happen right away, but the time will do its thing. That's who you're going to become. And so, it's building a little bit of momentum every single day moving forward, as you would say, every single day. 

Chase [55:29]

I love it, man, there's never a right or wrong answer. There's just your answer. I appreciate your insight on that. 

Will [55:35]

Right on.

Chase [55:36]

If you could send somebody listening, watching right now, somewhere, where are they going? Where can they connect with you online? What's going on? 

Will [55:48]

So, mooremomentum.com. I have a life evaluator quiz where you can actually see where you stand in each of these five core areas of your life.

It's like you're saying being aware of figuring it out is the first step- the quiz will help you get there.

Then on our Instagram page @5corelife. We have all sorts of fun viral videos, positive news, fun stuff where humans are doing good things exemplifying the five-core life.

I also have my own podcast and I do little interviews and there's little snippets of that.

Chase [56:55]

Amazing man, it definitely great place to get lost scrolling for a little bit for sure.

William, thank you so much. Appreciate you. 

Will [57:03]

Appreciate it, brother. Thank you so much.

EFR 457: Gamify Your Life Through The Five Core Success Habits with William Moore

William is the founder of Moore Momentum. His story of success started in 2007 during the real estate market crash. He created a company called Doorstep Delivery- a restaurant delivery service and became the largest food delivery service in the southeast and had 19 branches. A year and a half later, Doorstep Delivery was bought for its recognizable success.

From his experience, William decided to share his knowledge of success in unity and growth and built a new company called Moore Momentum, a professional training and coaching service to help you become the best version of yourself. 

Moore Momentum's mission is to "create a movement of change that shifts the mindset of the world toward unity and growth."

In this episode, William shares five core areas of life if done properly will completely level-up your success, increase productivity, regulate the flow of energy by combining the latest in science and technology, and universal principles to gamify your life!


Follow William @5corelife

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Key Highlights

  • Why are the 5 cores important?

  • Why is connecting to your why more effective than for?

  • Keep understanding, keep reading, and keep studying.

  • The role of mindset, goal setting, and accountability.

  • Why your morning routine matters.


Episode resources:

Interview transcript

Chase [06:24]

All right, lights, camera, action there we go. Will Moore welcome to Ever Forward Radio man coming from one of my favorite places in the US, Chicago and we're having a very similar weather day so while we're in good company man. Welcome.

Will [06:35]

Thank you, great to be here.

Chase [06:37]

What’s is going on the most in your world? Maybe go back just two years to like this big transition you've had in your life. What were you doing? How did you find yourself up here? What are you doing today?

Will [07:01]

I spent the last 10 years or so building a business. My story of success started in 2007 during the real estate market crash. I saw the need of food delivery service since it the market was not saturated and many people needed it. I created a company called Doorstep Delivery- a restaurant delivery service and became the largest food delivery service in the southeast and had 19 branches. A year and a half later, Doorstep Delivery was bought for its recognizable success.

Chase [10:01]

So, what's it like standing at the bottom of this tower and staring at something that doesn't exist yet, but it's clear as day in your mind? 

Will [10:21]

If you can kind of step back and sort of say, okay, what does the world need, right? People always have ideas. It’s only a matter if they make their ideas come to life or give out excuses. Your success depends if you actually do it or doubt yourself

Chase [11:05]

Not an ounce of doubt. Absolutely.

Will: [11:08]

You'll never succeed because there's so many bitch slaps. People can try to steal your business too. In the first couple of years, we weren’t very profitable. I think it’s pretty typical for new businesses. Some businesses die but fortunately, we got some momentum.

We started partnering with some bigger restaurants, like, Chili’s. Initially, we were the one’s going to restaurants asking if they want to partner with us. They would always decline or if they do accept, it took a lot of convincing. But by the end, it was kind of neat they were all kind of begging us to be partnered with them, because they saw it as profit. They were making money.

And I was like, shit, I've been working on this thing for 25 years or so this this kind of book, this personal journey of all the things that I've learned along the way.

I was suicidal when I was in college. I had a bit of a religion. I straight up was your typical fixed victim and I serendipitously was introduced to this book by a professor who I really admired at the time and he just kind of casually mentioned it in one of his lectures, and I like wrote it down and went right to the library after and luckily, they had it had they not had it, I wonder how my life would have turned out.

Chase [13:14] 

What was the book?

Will [13:15]

Butterfly Effect, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book made me realize that there's a different way to look at the universe to look at the world. There's these universal principles that I have not been taking advantage of. I am going to figure out all of them and I made it my life's mission to basically reinvent myself and figure out what it means to be happy. There is no short-cut elixir too.

Chase [13:48]

Three easy installments for sure. 

Will [13:49]

Right? It doesn't, it doesn't work that way. I started figuring things out over time using myself as a human science experiment- what worked, what didn't, what laws of the universe? 

I honed in on these main areas of life and these key principles. Develop habits to make me happy and get to where I wanted to be. And so, 25 years later, I did that with my career, my finances, I ended up dividing these into five different cores. That didn't come until way later I just knew like, my physical health is important. My relationships are important, my mind sets important, my emotional health is important. My career and finances are important.

And these are the five cores then I was kind of working on all of them. I got rid of my failure habits and replaced them with success habits; and so, I can keep building momentum to combine them all to form my overall happiness. 

Chase: [15:25]

Life is multifaceted. Our goals are multifaceted. Yes, when we focus on one thing, we can perform well, and we can get better at it, we can excel at it, but it is leaving a lot of other areas neglected, or it is leaving a lot of other room, leaving a lot on the table, basically a lot of room for improvement, all these other things when we become out of whack.

It all comes down to habits. Either we push ourselves closer towards the goal, or decide what is the goal that we want.  Sometimes, just to build positive momentum and figure things out along the way. 

So, when reading this book and applying some of these things, I'm curious, was it as straightforward for you as just instilling new habits? Were you realizing a lot of the habits that you had needed to go? Was it subtraction or addition? Or a little bit of the combination of both? 

Will [16:40]

It's a great question. Now, I like helping people shine a big spotlight on their lives. It wasn't until I read Atomic Habits, by James Clear that it really hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm like, wow, what I'm doing is the natural extension. 

Chase [17:24]

That one is great, I got about three copies up over here. Anytime anybody rolls through the office, they haven't read it, I give them one. It's amazing.

Will [17:30]

I mean, right? He talks about whether you're using this physical, relationships, emotional parts- how they work, connecting to your whys and why it’s important as human beings to understand that because it’s got to be a deep thing that syncs way all up in there in your body and your soul that goes.

Chase [18:29]

I always go back to the movie Inception; if anything is to stick and to be inherent to be worthwhile it has to be from our own design. 

Will [18:40]

That’s exactly right. Versus willpower, which is complete BS and doesn't work where you go- a superficial level. You haven't connected, like you said on that Inception level.

These different areas, these five cores, they cover everything. This is what life is about: these five cores, all combined to form your overall momentum, happiness, growing, and stopping your failure habits and replacing them with success habits to make sure you're becoming bigger, better, faster, stronger along the way.

It’s been a 25-year journey to figure it all out but, what I have realized is that it's these habits, but they've got to be based on these principles.

I've read 1000s of self-help books, been to seminars you name it, they all kind of have the same things in different ways and like I said, it's been my goal to use these principles. 

Will [20:52]

It fits perfectly. I need to use that same science and technology, what we know about habits, what we know about dopamine hits, why we do things, and use that to level up not just on a screen and get a shallow victory of a like or a, you know, you're playing a game and you get you know, gold coins but to level up in real life. That's what I've dedicated my life to.

Chase AD [21:18]

Hey, what's going on my friend, I want to take a quick second and pause from this interview with William Moore. First of all, just take a pause and just let it all sink in everything that Will has been talking about up to this point, just let it sink in for a second. I don't want this to be just another podcast that you listen to and have just running in the background and maybe you pick up a few things here and there but just really take a pause right now and reflect back on what you've heard so far, let it sink in.

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Alright, let's go and jump back into today's conversation with William Moore.

Chase [26:30]

I want to dive into these five core principles and there's one in particular, I want to kick off with relationships. I really think that is the most profound one. I think they're all important, right? All these other areas in our life are important, but relationships are instrumental. 

You had this kind of epiphany, right? This realization that your life needed to change. You said that you wanted to change. How did you know the next steps to take? Because that can be that can be crippling. 

Will [27:32]

I didn’t is the answer. But I made it my mission to use myself as a human science experiment and to test start testing all these things. All I knew is I needed to keep reading and I needed to keep studying, keep understanding, keep learning.

Chase [28:50]

Yeah, right. Absolutely. Man, I love your response to that well said for sure. So then let's dive into these five core areas and we've got mindset, career and finances, relationships. 

I would love to start off with first physical health and emotional health and giving back so please indulge me. Why did relationships make your top five and what do you mean by that? Why is it such a core area?

Will [29:14]

Before we get into relationships, I have to bring up mindset because mindset is the surface. Your mindset is the glue that holds the rest of the course together and getting your mind working for instead of against you, and it makes all the other cores incrementally easier to build momentum.

Chase [29:37]

So, you kind of have a hierarchy for these a little bit?

Will [29:40]

They're all equal but mindset is the one that you need to make sure. I've got strengths just like everybody else, I've got weaknesses. I'm going to figure out how to outsource and work around those weaknesses, I'm going to focus on my strengths, I'm gonna learn what I'm passionate about, I'm going to set goals and when I fail, I'm going to fail forward.

I'm going to figure out what it was that didn't work and how to pivot so that every step of the way, I'm becoming bigger, better, faster, stronger, and that ends up applying to all your areas, including relationships, because, if you can look start looking at life that way, and that doesn't happen overnight and there's techniques.

One of the habits is negative self-talk, as long as you do that continually, that's the main thing that you're filling your brain with, you're never gonna be able to get to what I just said.

And so, with relationships, it's the same thing in terms if you want to build momentum and create these relationships. It's in our nature to have these human connections and interactions and if you're not doing that, you're going to be F’d. 

In the relationship core, I actually break it into four different areas, I have your colleagues and acquaintances, people you may be just met, family, colleges and friends, and your significant other. Are you married or single? 

Chase [33:16]

I'm married. Yeah, we've been together almost eight years. 

Will [34:10]

For instance, my wife and I have these agreements, right? We come we're two different people, just like every couple is we come from different backgrounds. We're not the same. I am a man. She's a woman, we, you know, they're our brains do not work exactly the same. And we, we forget that sometimes. And we get frustrated with the other person and we make assumptions, like, why are they doing this? Why are they doing that? And that just starts to chip away at the fabric.

Whereas it's like, okay, look, here's where you're coming from. Let's make it clear. Here's where we tend to have issues, right? 

Raising our kids, we do have some disagreements but we compromise even though we don't see it exactly the same how do we meet in the middle and what's best for our sons? And that's how we're going to do it.

Chase [35:13]

Present this unified front for sure. So, mindset first, that's definitely the lens we want to look through when we're starting all of these core values, core beliefs, these pillars, if you will, for the work that you talk about.

And then kind of you started talking about the relationship aspect, whether it's a significant other family member, I would even say that, what about the one with ourselves? How do you go about working on the relationship with yourself? Because I think that's probably the most important one that takes the most amount of work. 

Will [36:02]

So that and that's that that's your mindset. I mean, it is the most important and that's why I have people start with your mindset. Your mindset is your relationship with yourself. It's how you view the world. It's your confidence, it's your attitude. It's your perspective, literally on how the world is, is those a world suck, and it's out to get you are you a fixed victim, or a growth owner?

And if you have a bad relationship with yourself, you're going to potentially build that negative momentum hurting yourself. Like you'll get overwhelmed like this is too hard, you got to do it very slowly and surely, which is what I help with.

Chase [37:11]

It is possible to become overwhelmed and even more stressed out. Our personal development, self-help and growth, as we open our minds up to the possibility of what we want and we realize that all of this is possible just takes incremental work and consistent work.

Will: [38:54]

When you start to get your mind working for you, instead of against you it reduces the friction. Maybe before you didn't have the confidence, you didn't have the foresight - but then once you start to improve your mindset it's like just like same with physical health and same with your emotional health like it's like all of a sudden, you will say: I can do that!

Here’s my goal. This is what I want to do. This is my purpose.

You can get your brains working for you, and create ways that you never saw before and how to get there right at the end. You got to set goals. I'm a huge, huge, huge goal guy.

In fact, that they don't teach that mainstream in schools is shame on you. I'm trying to I'm trying to fix the broken system and the education.

Will [40:43]

We’ve got to start teaching things like goals and emotional health and how to get along with others, and how to balance your checkbook in school.

These five core areas, these habits, so by the time you get to young adulthood, you're not suicidal.

Believe it or not, even with all this tech, and everything that's happened, we're becoming less happy as a society. The world of happiness has been on a downward trajectory. 

For many years, teen suicide, especially for girls is at an all-time high and it's gone up every single year. Social media comparing themselves so it's like, we got to use this stuff responsibly. And so that's my whole mission. That's my whole goal in life that keeps me going every single day, just like with doorstep delivery, where I said, I know this is it. This is this is this is where the world is heading. 

How do I use the same science and technology to get people addicted to leveling up? Not just on screen, but in real life.

Chase [41:49]

That’s such a great idea, man. How do we get how do we introduce that kind of gamification concept that we've seen work time and time again, for things like video games, cell phone games, social media platforms?

How do we kind of get people conditioned to want to show up and stay present the same way they do for these other things, but in a way that is going to be a positive feedback loop?

Something that is going to get them addicted to themselves really in a non-egotistical way?

Will [42:20] 

Gamifying it up. My app is going to be the first product and you're a rocket ship. And you've got these five core areas of your life are the thrusters of your engine, and to not fly off course and end up where you don't want or to crash land. You got to make sure that you're balancing these cores, you're continually building momentum in each to get off the ground, then to get to the moon then to the first planet and the next galaxy than the next solar system along the way. You're meeting aliens. You are navigating through asteroid field.

Chase [43:39]

Is this co developed with Neil deGrasse Tyson by chance?

Will [43:47]

The whole point is it's I've been working on this for the last three years this app.

I had this idea it started with I literally back when I was telling you in college when I was suicidal, one of the first books I read, talked about Benjamin Franklin's 13 virtues. 

I'm calling them habits, the things that you want to change in your life. I would write a list and forced myself writing it every day. What did I do today? Did I do this, this thing that I know that is good for me this habit that I'm working on? Or did I not? And I would put either a checkmark or an x.

Slowly but surely, that started shining this big spotlight and making me aware of the things that were really hurting me causing that negative momentum so to speak. I started becoming aware.

I've got my five cores, and within each core, I've got the habits that I'm working on and improve each day on them. 

Chase [46:14]

How much weight do you put on accountability for the ability for change to happen when it comes to our habits? 

Will [46:23]

Huge. To me, it's all about systems in life systems, systems. Like you read every success book I've ever read every successful person and I use success in quotes. By the way, because most people think success is just money and finances, power and fame; but to me, it's living a true success is live in the five-core systems of life.

These people, they've developed a system that works for them and I wanted to figure out was, how can I make kind of a universal system that works for anybody? 

Chase [48:07]

I want to dive into a couple of the key concepts you talked about here and that's emotional health and giving back. Why did you put those two together? And do you think they are kind of dependent on each other in order for us to have that that level completed here in these core values? 

Will [48:23]

The honest answer is I put those two together, they do tie together but it was more I wanted to have five cores instead of six. That is actually to be to be brutally honest five cores- to me it's simpler.

Emotional health is when you are you aware of the things that are hurting your mind every day in terms of like stress? Are you aware of the things that bring true joy and happiness to your life? Like what are your passions?

Being aware of these things and making sure that you're proactively incorporating them every single day into your life so that you're reducing the stress.

Chase [50:58]

What is maybe one habit you're working on right now that you're like, I'm making it better or maintaining it like what is one key habit you have in your level of awareness right now that is, like the one you're working on the most?

Will [51:13]

This is part of my morning routine, which by the way, morning routines are huge terms of like staying on track, things that are actually going to help burst you into the day and have you going in with a smile and that energy versus another day.

One example just of that, like I used to read the news, and I start getting sucked into politics. And I would literally I would soon as I would wake up, I would open it up. And I would be in a bad mood within two minutes. 

Chase [51:34]

You're bombarded with everybody else's stressors and worries. Might be some good news in there to but it's a wave of noise that, like you need to go into intentionally I believe, right? 

Will [51:57]

That’s exactly right. And so, I caught that. With all this awareness and holding myself accountable, I realize this news doesn't fit in with my happiness. And so, I replaced it with good, and positive news.

I have this app called Flipboard, you can even do it on your Apple news feed as well- I can select the types of articles and things that I want to see. So, wellness, personal development, video games, entertainment, like whatever you're interested in that is happy and uplifting, that's all I'll see, right?

I got 10 habits that I'm currently working on posture, one of them but the top one is shorten, simplify and make things more succinct. 

Chase [53:26]

Got to get that hook, right. Is that with a new book? Is it hooked? I forgot the guy's name. 

Will [53:30]

Hooked by Nir Eyal, great book. 

Chase [53:40]

Yeah, exactly.

Well, William, it's been great having you on the show here. I can't wait for my audience to continue to dive into what you're doing over there. The Moore Momentum, everything you're doing and the change in the impact and connecting the dots for other people so that they can find other ways other walks of life, to learn from to pull from and to instill these habits and create their own system for success.

Will [54:00]

Right on brother! I really appreciate you having me on. Thanks for letting me ramble. 

Chase [54:04] 

No worries, you're in good company. Podcasts are great for that, it’s a long format content for a reason. But I do you have one final question. I'm curious, what does that mean to you, William? How would you say you live a life ever forward? 

Will [54:04]

Well, I think our messages couldn't align better. I mean Moore Momentum. M-O-O-R-E is my last name, Momentum. That's my website. That's my brand. That’s everything I'm doing.

It's about building momentum. Every single day, like we talked earlier and your podcast about not getting complacent, not resting on your laurels, but instead saying this is where I want to be in each of my areas, taking little incremental steps every single day using what I call the equation of life, which is your belief system.

So as long as you start to change, my belief system ties to your mindset as you start to change that. And then you start to take different actions than you used to those actions, then aren't going to happen right away, but the time will do its thing. That's who you're going to become. And so, it's building a little bit of momentum every single day moving forward, as you would say, every single day. 

Chase [55:29]

I love it, man, there's never a right or wrong answer. There's just your answer. I appreciate your insight on that. 

Will [55:35]

Right on.

Chase [55:36]

If you could send somebody listening, watching right now, somewhere, where are they going? Where can they connect with you online? What's going on? 

Will [55:48]

So, mooremomentum.com. I have a life evaluator quiz where you can actually see where you stand in each of these five core areas of your life.

It's like you're saying being aware of figuring it out is the first step- the quiz will help you get there.

Then on our Instagram page @5corelife. We have all sorts of fun viral videos, positive news, fun stuff where humans are doing good things exemplifying the five-core life.

I also have my own podcast and I do little interviews and there's little snippets of that.

Chase [56:55]

Amazing man, it definitely great place to get lost scrolling for a little bit for sure.

William, thank you so much. Appreciate you. 

Will [57:03]

Appreciate it, brother. Thank you so much.