"Every relationship serves a different purpose, and you cannot have such high standards for one, two, or three people. That’s the point of a support system - everyone fulfills a different need."

May and Chase Chewning

Dec 23, 2020

EFR 419: Community, Relationships, and Pivots: A Year in Review with May Yazdi Chewning

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2020 year-in-review... relationship style! My wife and I look back at lessons learned over the past twelve months. See, for us, 2020 began as a year with a ton of potential, until about mid-February when practically the whole world came to a grinding halt. Career-wise, we continued to work towards a ton of growth, especially May who finally graduated this year to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. What was highlighted for us above all, though, is how our relationship was tempered by the challenges and uncertainties and came out stronger than ever in spite of it all. Join us as we do a deep dive into the life-changing benefits of what a great support system feels like and why you need to nurture yours today.

Listen in as we share how optimism and a willingness to pivot helped us thrive the past year, the power of having a tight network of family and peers to guide us through tough times, and our plea for others to engage with their community more going into 2021.

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • The reality of stress and how to navigate obstacles

  • Forging a reliable support system

  • Why nurturing more relationships now pays off in the long run

Powerful Quotes

  • Almost everything we set up to happen this year actually still happened; but it all came with a major, major mindset shift. ~May

  • If your relationship has survived 2020, good for you—you’re going to make it. ~Chase

  • Interrupt your initial reaction with just a few seconds of time to give the possibility of creating something else. Everything is possible, but the only way to get to those possibilities is to be able to circumnavigate, to completely go through those obstacles.~Chase

  • Obstacles aren’t barriers to your goals. You are the barrier to your goals. ~Chase

  • We humans are built for community and connectedness. We are not built for isolation. There’s a reason people in solitary confinement go crazy. ~May

  • You never know what someone’s going through; so you making one nice comment could totally change the trajectory of where their life was going to go. ~May

  • If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that anything is possible. ~Chase

  • If you’re not coming out of this year with some sort of game plan for change for the betterment of yourself and humanity, you’re doing something wrong. ~May

  • You have to earn your relationships. You have to show up for yourself and the community around you. You have to keep reaching out and giving out, so that you can one day receive. ~Chase

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Paleovalley and their 100% grass-fed beef sticks!

100% Grass Fed Beef: Our 100% grass fed and finished beef is raised in the U.S.A. by family farmers focused on using rotational grazing practices and creating lush, green pastures free of chemicals and pesticides. They are never fed grains or given antibiotics! 2.

Organic Spices: We use organic spices to give our beef sticks a delicious, savory flavor. Most other products use conventional spices that have likely been sprayed with herbicides and/or pesticides.

Naturally Occurring Probiotics: This is what truly sets our beef sticks apart. We use old world methods of fermenting our sticks so they are shelf stable without the use of chemicals or questionable ingredients. Virtually all other similar snack stick products use GMO corn-based citric acid encapsulated in hydrogenated oils to process their products. Thanks to this fermentation process, each stick contains gut-friendly probiotics!4.

Delicious Flavor: We love making healthy products... but even more we love making healthy products that taste delicious. Our beef sticks are so delicious we actually guarantee that you'll love them... seriously!

Save 15% when you vist www.Paeleovalley.com/everforward

EFR 419: Community, Relationships, and Pivots: A Year in Review with May Yazdi Chewning

2020 year-in-review... relationship style! My wife and I look back at lessons learned over the past twelve months. See, for us, 2020 began as a year with a ton of potential, until about mid-February when practically the whole world came to a grinding halt. Career-wise, we continued to work towards a ton of growth, especially May who finally graduated this year to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. What was highlighted for us above all, though, is how our relationship was tempered by the challenges and uncertainties and came out stronger than ever in spite of it all. Join us as we do a deep dive into the life-changing benefits of what a great support system feels like and why you need to nurture yours today.

Listen in as we share how optimism and a willingness to pivot helped us thrive the past year, the power of having a tight network of family and peers to guide us through tough times, and our plea for others to engage with their community more going into 2021.

Follow May @mayyazdi

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Key Highlights

  • The reality of stress and how to navigate obstacles

  • Forging a reliable support system

  • Why nurturing more relationships now pays off in the long run

Powerful Quotes

  • Almost everything we set up to happen this year actually still happened; but it all came with a major, major mindset shift. ~May

  • If your relationship has survived 2020, good for you—you’re going to make it. ~Chase

  • Interrupt your initial reaction with just a few seconds of time to give the possibility of creating something else. Everything is possible, but the only way to get to those possibilities is to be able to circumnavigate, to completely go through those obstacles.~Chase

  • Obstacles aren’t barriers to your goals. You are the barrier to your goals. ~Chase

  • We humans are built for community and connectedness. We are not built for isolation. There’s a reason people in solitary confinement go crazy. ~May

  • You never know what someone’s going through; so you making one nice comment could totally change the trajectory of where their life was going to go. ~May

  • If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that anything is possible. ~Chase

  • If you’re not coming out of this year with some sort of game plan for change for the betterment of yourself and humanity, you’re doing something wrong. ~May

  • You have to earn your relationships. You have to show up for yourself and the community around you. You have to keep reaching out and giving out, so that you can one day receive. ~Chase

Ever Forward Radio is brought to you by Paleovalley and their 100% grass-fed beef sticks!

100% Grass Fed Beef: Our 100% grass fed and finished beef is raised in the U.S.A. by family farmers focused on using rotational grazing practices and creating lush, green pastures free of chemicals and pesticides. They are never fed grains or given antibiotics! 2.

Organic Spices: We use organic spices to give our beef sticks a delicious, savory flavor. Most other products use conventional spices that have likely been sprayed with herbicides and/or pesticides.

Naturally Occurring Probiotics: This is what truly sets our beef sticks apart. We use old world methods of fermenting our sticks so they are shelf stable without the use of chemicals or questionable ingredients. Virtually all other similar snack stick products use GMO corn-based citric acid encapsulated in hydrogenated oils to process their products. Thanks to this fermentation process, each stick contains gut-friendly probiotics!4.

Delicious Flavor: We love making healthy products... but even more we love making healthy products that taste delicious. Our beef sticks are so delicious we actually guarantee that you'll love them... seriously!

Save 15% when you vist www.Paeleovalley.com/everforward