Aug 5, 2020

EFR 364: How I Have Found Strength in Life and in Business

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Strong at the broken places, this is how I would describe my life's journey of personal development and growing as a human being. Through many trials, severe physical physical and emotional traumas I have been challenged in ways I never planned for... but that's it, right? We never ask for these challenges, we never know these tests are coming. Looking for the gift inside of every obstacle is not easy work but it is the most necessary work.


Follow Adam @vonrothfelder

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 15% on Strong Coffee try their amazing new instant espresso Midnight Oil packed with MCTs, L-theanine, and all-natural CBD for a sustained energy release with no crash or jitters! Code "CHASE" for 15% off!

EFR 364: How I Have Found Strength in Life and in Business

Strong at the broken places, this is how I would describe my life's journey of personal development and growing as a human being. Through many trials, severe physical physical and emotional traumas I have been challenged in ways I never planned for... but that's it, right? We never ask for these challenges, we never know these tests are coming. Looking for the gift inside of every obstacle is not easy work but it is the most necessary work.


Follow Adam @vonrothfelder

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 15% on Strong Coffee try their amazing new instant espresso Midnight Oil packed with MCTs, L-theanine, and all-natural CBD for a sustained energy release with no crash or jitters! Code "CHASE" for 15% off!