"Live to see another day. Live to go back and try again... How do I plant my flag and go 'This is the level I got to, and now I'm going to go do something else'?"
Brad Borkan
Aug 3, 2020
EFR 363: When Your Life Depends On It - Relentlessly Pushing Past Limitations with Brad Borkan
EFR 363: When Your Life Depends On It - Relentlessly Pushing Past Limitations with Brad Borkan
Brad Borkan is co-author of When Your Life Depends on It: Extreme Decision Making Lessons from the Antarctic. The book focuses on the real life-and-death decisions made by early Antarctic explorers like Shackleton, Scott, Amundsen and Mawson. When Your Life Depends on It reveals amazing lessons in leadership, team work, and sheer grit and determination that can help all of us make better decisions in our lives today. This can be especially useful when confronting adversity, building effective teams, and trying to succeed against the odds -- all important skills in today's world. He has presented at Antarctic conferences in Norway, Ireland and the UK and appeared on cable TV in the US, and on internet radio talk programs. He also has given keynote presentations at business conferences and recently conducted a webinar to 500 top employees of a Fortune 100 company using the ideas in the book. His talks focus on leadership, teamwork, resilience, and improving one's personal and business decision making, all set in the exciting context of Polar exploration.
Follow Brad @extremedecisions
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
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Episode resources:
Get David's book on Amazon here https://amzn.to/2PkkN1w
Watch full-length interviews at www.youtube.com/chasechewning
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